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Back Matter: Section 1 of
1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 4 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 561) D.
- DAcres Lorde, VVarden of VVeſt Marches of En|gland. 433.37
- Dayſie concubine to King Iames the third.
- Dalkeith Caſtell. 458.31
- Danes and Norvvegians come to aide the Scottes and Picts. 53.38
- Danes arriue in Scotland. 188.3
- Danes apparrell and vveapons. 188. 95
- Danes ioyne in battayle vvith the Scottes. 189.9
- Danes vanquished and putte to flight. 189.15
- Danes giue the onſet vppon the Scottes. 190.42
- Danes put the Scottes to flighte. 190. 51
- Danes baptiſed remayne in En|gland. 200.19
- Danes diſcomfited by the English+men. 201.35
- Danes and Scottes enter into the English confines. 201.67
- Danes putte to flighte by the En|glishmen. 203.15
- Danes paſſe ouer into Irelande. 203. 23
- Danes procure aide out of Nor|vvay againſte the Englishmen. 204. 74
- Danes vanquished and chaſed by the Englishmẽ & Scots. 204.104
- Danes vanquished and ſlayne by the Scottes. 205
- Danes arriue vvith a great armye at Brayes, or Read head in An|gus. 214.61
- Danes put to flight by the Scottes and chaſed. 216.62
- Danes conclude peace vvith the Englishmen vppon conditions. 222. 114
- Danes putte the Englishmenne to flight. 228.72
- Danes appointed to lie in euerye English housholders houſe. 229. line. 62
- Danish Lieutenãts arriue in Scot|lande vvith a nevve ſupplye of men. 230.42
- Danes ſlay the Scottishe Her|raldes. 230.73
- Danes put the Scottes to flighte. 231. 60
- Danes breake theyr promiſed faith. 232.1
- Danes ſende for their vviues and children into Denmarke, and Norvvay. 232.16
- Danes and Scottes one afraide of another. 232.30
- Danes arriue vvyth an armye at Redbrayes in Scotlande. 233.66
- Danes vvith Camus their Captain ouerthrovven and ſlaine by the Scottes. 234.79
- Danes ſlayne at Abirlemnõ. 235.8
- Danes bones yet to be ſeene. 235. 28. & .235. 71
- Danes ſlayne that came to ſacke Buchquhane. 235.67
- Danes foyled in fighte by the Scottes. 236.56
- Danes and Scottes conclude a peace. 236.67
- Danes ouerthrovv the Scottes at Culros. 242.15
- Danes ouercome vvyth drinke, fall aſleepe. 242.70
- Danes ſlayne vvithout reſiſtance. 242. 86
- Danes arriue at Kingcorne vvyth a nevv povver. 243.15
- Danes vanquished and chaſed by Makbeth and Banquho. 243. line. 22
- Danes buried at Sainte Colmes Inch. 243.29
- Danes and Scottes conclude a peace. 242.33
- Danish fleete brent. 56.29
- Danſvvinton Caſtell. 473.44
- Danishe nobilitie flee into Ber|vvike. 193.18
- Danes in Bervvike deliuered to the Scottes and ſlaine. 193.25
- Danes put to flighte and chaſed. 193. 69
- Dardan made K. of Scottes. 45.62
- Dardan falleth into all kynde of vices. 46.11
- Dardan beheaded. 46.35
- Darcy Arthure Knighte ſente to the borders. 441.82
- Dury George made Abbotte of Dunfermeling. 445.82
- Darcie Anthony a French knighte commeth into Scotland to ſeeke feares of armes. 413.89
- Dauid brother to King Alexan|der, marrieth Maude daughter to VVoldofius or VValtheof Earle of Huntington and Nor|thumberland. 262.10 [...]
- Dauid made Earle of Hunting|ton and Northumberland. 262. line. 108
- Dauid the firſte created Kyng of Scotland. 263.50
- Dauids too muche liberalitie to the Church reproued. 264.40
- Dauid a ſore 8. for the Crovvne. 264. 64
- Dauid inuadeth Northumberland vvith an army. 266.5
- Dauid falleth ſicke. 267.106
- Dauid dyeth. 268.4
- Dauids life, an example of godlye EEBO page image 562 liuing. 268.36
- Dauid Earle of Huntington ap|pointed gouernour of Scotland. 274. 66
- Dauid Earle of Huntington goeth foorthe vvith King Richard of Englãd tovvard the holy land. 278. 29
- Dauid driuen by a tempeſt to the coaſtes of Aegypt, and there ta|ken priſoner. 278.78
- Dauids daungerous aduentures in his returning home. 278.84
- Dauid buildeth a Church in honor of the virgin Mary. 278.110
- Dauid Erle of Huntington dyeth. 283. 67
- Dauid ſeconde ſonne to Alexan|der the thirde dieth. 2 [...]5.41
- Dauid the ſecond crovvned king of Scotland. 330.45
- Dauid and hys vvife flee into Fraunce. 334.73
- Dauid entreth into Englãd vvith a mightie army. 350.24
- Dauids dreame concerning Sainte Curbertslands. 350.69
- Dauid taken priſoner, and his ar|my vanquished. 351.32
- Dauid and his vvife returne into Scotland. 348.8
- Dauid inuadeth Northumberland vvith an army. 348.83
- Dauid ſundrye tymes inuadeth the frontiers of Englande. 349.7. & 24. 37
- Dauid refuſeth Englishmens large offers for peace. 349.53
- Dauid ranſomed, departeth home into Scotland. 354.48
- Dauid marrieth Margaret, daugh|ter to Sir Iohn Logy Knyghte. 355. 14
- Dauids Tovver in Edenburgh builded. 355.39
- Dauid dyeth. 355.45
- Dauid eldeſt ſonne to Robert the thirde created Duke of Roth|ſay. 366.1
- Dauid Duke of Rothſay furni|shed to death. 368.53
- Davvkith Caſtell vvonne by the Englishmen. 474.31
- Death of Roberte Corncorſe By|shoppe of Roſſe. 464.49
- Deathe of VVilliam Stevvarde Byshoppe of Aberden. 464.53
- Deathe is a due debte that muſt needes be payde. 267.2 [...]
- Death ſeene dauncing. 2 [...]7.83
- Devve vppon Iames the fourths tente of bloudy coulour. 421.28
- Deuiſe to drovvne the Caſtell of Lochleuin. 340.1
- Dearth and great death in Scot|land. 387. [...]
- Dearthe through Englande and Scotlande. 347.50
- Dearthe of corne in Scotlande. 279. 67
- Dearth in Scotlande for vvant of tillage. 314.20
- Dearth and greate death in Scot|land. 345.39
- Dearth in England and Scotland. 289. 20
- Declaration of the iuſt cauſes of the vvarre, moued by K. Hen|ry the eyght of England, againſt King Iames the fifth of Scot|land. 447.37
- Deſperate practiſe of inhabitants of the Ile to drovvne the Ro|mane shippes. 54.5
- Deglaſton in Britaine. 140.103
- Dead to bee buried according to their ſubſtance. 181.103
- Deſſe Monſieur a frẽch Captaine. 477.11. fortifieth Iedvvorth in Scotlande. 477.13. beſiegeth the Caſtell of Fernihurſt, and taketh it. 477.30. taketh the Caſtell of Cornevvall. 477.64. maketh a roade into Englande. 477.86. is forced by the Englishmenne to flee from Iedvvorth. 477.114
- Diana Goddeſſe of Huntyng. 12. 96
- Didius, looke Aulus Didius.
- Dinnune Caſtell. 463.6
- Diocletianus Emperour. 77.52
- Dionethus ſonne to Octauius, ſometime King of Britaine, fea|red. 100.53
- Dionethus ioyneth vvyth the Scottes and Pictes agaynſte the Romanes. 100.86
- Dionethus proclaymed Kyng of Britayne. 101.2
- Dionethus eſcapeth into VVales. 102. 20
- Dionethus reputed ſecond perſon of the Realme of Brytayne. 102. 76
- Dion Caſsius cited. 32.46
- Dirtin rayde, or durtie roade. 375. 80
- Diſcommodities of ciuill diſſen|tion. 222.84
- Diſagreemente among VVriters of the place vvhere S. Colme dyed. 142.1
- Diſagreemente of VVriters con|cerning the Martirs of the Ile of May. 188.39
- Diſorder of King Edvvardes ar|my agaynſte Kyng Roberte. 315. 81
- Diſorder in Scotlande during the minoritie of Iames the fifthe. 423. 73
- Diſſention betvveene the Scottes and Irishmen. 4.101
- Diſſention betvveene King Iohn of England, and the Pope. 281.32
- Diſſention betvveene King Iohn of Englãd and hys Barons. 282.3
- Diſſention betvveene King Hen|ry the third of England, and hys Nobles. 285.114
- Diſſention betvveene the Earles of Angus and Arrane. 430.13
- Diſſention betvveene the Earle of Angus, and the Lord of Fer|nihurſt. 430.65
- Diſſention and the cauſe thereof betvveene King Roberte, and George Erle of March. 366.90
- Diſſentiõ betvveene the inhabi|tãts of Angus & Mernes. 217.67
- Diſobedience in the Scottish no|bilitie punished. 304.25
- Diſcommodities vvhich inſue the Princes minoritie. 11.15
- Diuers opinions for the impriſo|ning of the Earle of Angus and the Lord Maxvvell. 460.114
- Diuers heads, diuers opiniõs. 8.57
- Diuels den, or blacke den. 1 [...]0.58
- Donalus gouernour of Brigantia conſpireth agaynſte Nothatus. 14. 32
- Donalus army put to flight tvvice in one day. 15.28
- Donalus ſlayne in fight. 15.46
- Donald dyeth. 73.29
- Donall brother to Finnanus. 25.60
- Donald made King of Scots. 71.1
- Donald conuerted to the Chriſti|an faith. 72.103
- Donald firſte cauſed gold and ſyl|uer to be coyned in Scotlande. 73. 18
- Donalde a Gentleman of the Iles rebelleth. 76.55
- Donalde of the Iles is drovvned. 76. 74
- Donalde ſonne of Donalde of the Iles rebelleth. 77.2
- Donalde offereth to yeelde hym|ſelfe vpon certayne conditions 77. 16
- Donaldes deuice to murther King Findocke. 77.24
- Donalde third ſonne to Athirco, choſen King. 77.90
- Donald of the Iles inuadeth Scot|land. 78.1
- Donalde of the Iles aſſayleth the Kings camp. 78.18
- Donalde the King and hys armye vanquished. 78.34
- Donald the Kyng dyeth. 78.39
- Donalde of the Iles taketh vppon him to be King. 78.44
- Donalde of the Iles beloued of fevve. 78.76
- Donalde of the Iles murthered. 78. 78
- Donalde of the Iles kinſfolke put to death. 79.46
- Donald gouernour of Atholl con|ſpireth to murther Conran the King. 131.53
- Donalde of the Iles maynteyneth robbers and ſpoylers. 155.57
- Donalde of the Iles and his com|places apprehended and put to death. 155.100
- Donald brother to Kenneth, cho|ſen King of Scotland. 182.55
- Donald liueth in all diſſoluteneſſe. 182. 63
- Donalde putteth Osbert Kyng of Northumberlãd and his people to flight. 183
- Donalde and his nobilitie taken. 184. 3
- Donalde and his noble men reſto|red to libertie. 185.96
- Donalde committed to priſon. 186. 58
- Donald flayeth hymſelfe. 186.60
- Donalde the firſt, created King of Scotland. 199.63
- Donalde ſendeth ayde to the En|glishmenne againſte the Danes. 200. 5
- Donald appeaſeth a commotion in Murrey lande. 200.40
- Donald dyeth. 200.52
- Donalde of the Iles diſcomfited vvith his armye by Edvvarde Bruce. 313.113
- Donalde of the Iles rebelleth a|gainſte the Gouernour of Scot|land. 373.4
- Donald of the Iles ſubdueth Ros. 373. 6
- Donald of the Iles ſubmitteth him+ſelfe. 373.53
- Donald Lord of the Iles rebelleth vvyth the Dovvglaſſes. 394.40
- Dongard created King of Scottes. 109. 99
- Dongardes diligence in peace to prouide for vvarres. 110.3
- Dongardes bounteous liberalitie tovvardes the Churchemenne. 110. 20
- Dongard flayne. 111.18
- Dongall a noble man of Gallo|vvay. 111.83
- Dongall ſonne to Dongarde pro|claymed King of Scottes. 112.21
- Dongals policie in gouerning hys Realme. 112.32
- Dongall inueſted Kyng of Scot|land. 167.91
- Dongall apprehendeth the Re|belles that vvere vp agaynſte hym, and executeth them. 168. line. 40
- Dongall cauſeth open vvarre a|gainſte the Pictes. 169.79
- Dongall drovvned in the riuer of Spey. 169.98
- Donvvald inueſted King of Scot|land. 146.33
- Donvvalde maketh meanes that Eufrede is reſtored to hys fa|thers kingdome. 146.66
- Donvvald drovvned. 147.3
- Donvvald Lieutenant of the Ca|ſtell of Fores. 207.11
- Donvvalde conceyueth vnquen|cheable hatred agaynſte Duffe. 207. 87
- Donvvaldes deepe diſsimulation cõcerning Duffes murther. 208. line. 89
- Donvvaldes giltie conſcience en|forceth hym to flee. 209.50
- Donvvald taken priſoner. 209.95
- Donvvald vvith hys confederates executed. 210
- Doruadille King of Scottes. 13.19
- Doruadille makes a league vvyth the Britaynes. 13.2 [...]
- Doruadille confirmeth the aunti|ente alliance vvyth the Pictes. 13. 26
- Doruadille ſet all his delite in hũ|ting. 13.29
- Doruadille eſtablisheth nevve lavves. 13.68
- Doruadille dyeth. 14.16
- Dovvglas Iames fleeth to kyng Robert to ayde hym. 313.16
- Dovvglaſſes vvhat cauſed them to riſe to great honor. 313.37
- Dovvglas Iames choſen to goe vvith king Roberts heart to Ie|ruſalem. 329.99
- Dovvglaſſes vvhy they beare the bloudye hearte in theyr armes. 329. 104
- Dovvglas Iames ſerueth in Ara|gon againſte the Sarazens. 330. line. 20
- Dovvglas Iames ſlaine by the Sa|razens. 330. [...]9
- Dovvglas Archembalde choſen gouernour in place of Andrevv Murray. 337.6
- Dovvglas VVilliam knight ran|ſomed out of England. 342.54
- Dovvglas VVilliam ſlayeth [...]re hundred Englishmen at Eden|burgh. 346. [...]5
- Dovvglas VVilliam created Erle Dovvglas. 350. [...]
- Dovvglas VVilliam knight flain. 352. 37
- Dovvglas Archembald taken pri|ſoner by the Englishmen eſca|peth vvyth a ſmall raunſome. 354. 7
- Dovvglaſſes hovve they come to the Earledome of Murrey. 356. line. 66
- Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas entreth Northumberlande vvith an army. 360. [...]9
- Dovvglas VVilliã marrieth Giles daughter to K. Roberte. 361.37
- Dovvglas VVilliam paſſeth ouer into Irelande vvith a povver. 361. 66
- Dovvglas VVilliam choſen Ad|mirall of a nauie to goe againſte the people in the Northeaſt partes. 365.38
- Dovvglas VVilliam ſlayne. 365. line. 5 [...]
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle Dovvglas dyeth. 367.45
- Dovvglas the grimme. 367.5 [...]
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle Dovvglas inuadeth Englande vvith an army. 369.14
- Dovvglas Archimbald taken pri|ſoner, and hys armye ſlayne at Homildon by the Englishmen. 369. 48
- Dovvglas Archimbalde aideth the Percies at Shrevvſburie fielde. 370. 11
- Dovvglas Archimbalde taken priſoner at Shrevvſburie field. 370. 29
- Dovvglas Archimbald releaſſed, returneth into Scotlande. 372. line. 97
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle Dovvglas impriſoned, and ſet at libertie. 380.3
- Dovvglas VVilliam Erle of An|gus EEBO page image 562 ouerthrovveth Henry Per|cie and his armie at Piperden. 383. 58
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Dovvglas dyeth. 386.68
- Dovvglas VVilliam yong Earle Dovvglas made Duke of Tou|raine. 386.105
- Dovvglas VVilliam, Earle of Dovvglas beheaded. 387.53
- Dovvglas Iames baron of Abir|corne dieth. 387.59
- Dovvglas Hugh Erle of Ormond general of an armie agaynſt the Englishmen. 389.64
- Dovvglas Hugh ouerthrovveth the Englishmen, and taketh ma|ny priſoners. 390.58
- Dovvglas VVilliam Earle of Dovvglas, vvith many other nobles of Scotland trauaile in|to Italy. 391.22
- Dovvglas VVilliam Earle of Dovvglas put to the Horn, and his landes ſpoyled. 391.29
- Dovvglas VVilliam Earle of Dovvglas, proclaimed the kings Lieutenant. 391.41
- Dovvglas VVil. Earle of Dovv|glas, for reuenge of priuate in|teries incurreth the kinges diſ|pleaſure. 391.64
- Dovvglas VVil. Earle of Dovv|glas ſlaine. 392.57
- Dovvglaſſes made open vvarre a|gaynſt the king. 392.61
- Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas diſobeyeth the Kings cita|tion. 393.20
- Dovvglas Iames marieth his bro|thers vviſe. 393
- Dovvglas Iames dieth. 393.52
- Dovvglaſdale giuen in ſpoyle too the kings ſouldiours. 393.83
- Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas flieth into England. 394.16
- Dovvglas Iames Earle of Dovv|glas, inuadeth Scotland vvith a povver, and is diſcomfited. 394. 26
- Dovvglas Archimbalde ſlaine. 394. 31
- Dovvglas Hugh Earle of Ormont taken priſoner. 394.32
- Dovvglas Hugh Earle of Ormont beheaded. 394.56
- Dovvglaſſes puiſſaunce in Scot|land ſuſpected. 3 [...]5.7
- Donald of the Iles reconciled too the king. 396.9
- Donald of the Iles eftſoones re|belleth. 398.46
- Donald of the Iles and his confe|derates fall frantike. 398.55
- Donald of the Iles ſlaine. 398
- Donald ſonne to the aforeſayde Lorde of the Iles, attainted by Parliament. 402.32
- Donalde Lorde of the Iles after ſubmiſsion to the King reſtored. 402. 51
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Angus maryeth Margaret Qu mother of Scotland. 424.30
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Angus taketh a Concubine in ſtead of the Queene mother his vvife. 429.56
- Dovvglas Gavvin Bishop of Dũ|kelde flieth into Englande, and there dieth. 431.30
- Dovvglas Gavvin Bishop of Dũ|keld, his learning & his vvorks. 431. 32
- Dovvglas Archimbalde Earle of Angus banished into Fraunce. 431. 44
- Dovvgl [...]ſdale. 434.20
- Dovvglas George attaynted of [...]reaſon. 440.11
- Dovvglas Margaret. 461.8
- Dovvglas George Knight, ſent home out of England into Scot+lande. 458.12
- Doctor Ireland ſent Ambaſſadour into Scotland from the French King, to cauſe the Scottes too make vvarre agaynſt England. 403. 9
- Doctour VVeſt ſent Ambaſſador into Scotland. 416.73
- Dolorous mountaine vvhy ſo cal|led. 50.50
- Dominicke firſt Authour of black friers. 285.52
- Domitian Emperour of Rome. 46. 39
- Domitian the Emperour enuieth the proſperous ſucceſſe of A|gricola in Brytaine. 56
- Dounſtafage by vvhom buylded. 24. 10
- Dounſtafage olde tyme called Berigonium. 14.16
- Dounkeld hovv in olde time cal|led. 137.40
- Doorus brother to Athirco flieth into Pictland. 74 51
- Doorus vvriteth to certaine Scot|tish Lords, to moue them to re|bellion. 75.11
- Dorſtolorgus K. of Pictes. 167.84
- Dorſtolorgus murthered. 168.47
- Dothan and Dorgall tvvinnes, ſonnes to Durſtus. 24.27
- Dothans tvvo ſonnes cruelly mur|thered. 24.100
- Doungarge, or Doungarde in Ire|lande taken. 197.26
- Doubtfull battaile betvveene the Brytaines, and Scots, & Picts. 23. 71
- Doubts that Henrie the eight king of England had concerning the conſummation of the maryage betvvixt the yong Queene of Scotlande, and prince Edvvard his ſonne. 459.67
- Drommound Iohn knight. 248.25
- Drommound Annabell, maried to king Robert the third. 248.25
- Drommonde Annabell, vvife too king Robert dyeth. 368.7
- Drommond Iohn traiterouſly ſlai|eth Patricke Graham Earle of Stratherne. 374.5
- Drommonde Iohn taken and be|headed. 747.12
- Drommond Alexander attaynted of treaſon. 440.13
- Drovvnelovv ſands. 242.115
- Druides ordeyned. 21.7
- Druides office vvhat it vvas. 21.8
- Druides hovve called in the olde Scottish tongue. 21.10
- Druides place of abode. 21.12
- Druides authoritie encreaſed. 21. 27
- Druides religion caryed ouer in|to Fraunce. 21.44
- Druides Temples and religiõ de|ſtroyed. 82.53
- Drusken choſen king of Pictes 173. 32
- Drusken and Kenneth common of peace in fight of both their armies. 175.60
- Druskin ſlaine. 176.69
- Druskins armour offred at Saint Colme. 177.5
- Drunkenneſſe punished vvyth death. 187.23
- Drumlanrig vanquished and put to flight. 472.16
- Drumlanrig taken priſoner, and eſcapeth. 467.67
- Dubline beſieged. 197.84
- Dublin ſurrendred to the Scots. 108. 35
- Dudley Andrevve, Captaine of Broughtie crag Caſtel. 472.31
- Duetie a good ghoſtly father. 148. 52
- Dutie of a prince in battel. 422.10
- Duetie a good Prince. 23 36
- Duetie of all men to defend their natiue Countrey. 432.92
- Duffe ſonne to Malcolme, crovv|ned king of Scotland. 206.22
- Duffe bevvitched. 206.72
- Duffe falleth into diſpleaſure of his Nobilitie. 206.52
- Duffe reſtored to his for her helth 207. 62
- Duffe murthered in his bed. 208.55
- Duffes maner of buryall 208.64
- Duffes bodie taken vp and hono|rably buried. 210.25
- Duffe Angus of Stratherne rebel|leth. 379.36
- Duke of Albanye choſen, and by Parliament confirmed tutor to Iames the fifth, and to the realm of Scotland. 423.114
- Duke of Albanye gouernour of Scotland cõming out of France arriueth in Scotland. 425.38
- Duke of Albanye Gouernour of Scotland departeth into France 428. 29
- Duke of Albanye Gouernour of Scotlande returneth into Scot|lande. 431.5
- Duke of Albanie inuadeth Eng|lãd vvith a mightie armie. 432.19
- Duke of Clarence ſlain in France. 374. 113
- Dukes firſt created in Scotlande. 366. 5
- Duke of Somerſet made Protec|tor to king Edvvarde the ſixth, 467.37. hee entreth Scotlande vvith an armie. 467.50
- Dauid duke of Rothſaye appre|hended and committed to pry|ſon. 368.30
- Duncane created King of Scot|lande. 239.5
- Duncanes diſpoſition ouer gentle. 239. 21
- Duncane and hys armye ouer|throvvne by the Danes. 242.15
- Duncane ſtaine by Mackbeth. 244. 56
- Duncane Malcolmes baſtarde ſon commeth into Scotlande vvyth an army to claime the crovvne. 259. 106
- Duncane crovvned king of Scot|land. 260.1
- Duncane decydeth iuſtice vvyth ſpeare and shield. 260.6
- Duncane ſlain at Menteth 260 14
- Dunfermeling Abbey ſpoyled. 439. 21
- Dunfreis. 471.1. rifled and ſpoyled by the Englishmen 473.474.1
- Dunbar vvhy ſo called. 177.115
- Dumbe perſon shall not inherite his fathers patrin [...]onie. 181.33
- Dunbar Partricke, vanquisheth a band of theeues in Mers. 253.45
- Dunbar Patricke created Erle of March. 253.54
- Dunbar George Earle of March, areſted and put in vvard. 381.67
- Dunbar George Earle of March diſinherited of all his landes & liuings. 382.4
- Dunbar George made Earle of Buchquhan. 382.14
- Dunbar Gavvin made Bishop of Abirdene. 429.45
- Dunbar Gavvin made Archebi|shop of Glaſgo, 431.10 [...]
- Dundee vvhy ſo called. 278.99
- Dundee ſpoyled and abandoned by the Englishmẽ. 476.77. for|tified by the Frenchmẽ 476.98
- Dunglas fort defaced and razed. 480. 94
- Dunbryton vvhy ſo named. 185.31
- Dunbertane Caſtell reuolted frõ the Earle of Lennox. 462 84
- Dunbritten Caſtell. 460.60
- Dunfreis battaile fought by the Englishmen agaynſte the Scottes 473. 46
- Dungar ſonne to Aydan ſlaine. 149. 90
- Dundach in Ireland. 320.82
- Dungesbie head in Cathnes, 32.24
- Duncane beſieged by the Danes, in the Caſtell of Bortha. 242.38
- Duncane king of Irelande. 198.4
- Duncane Lieutenaunt of Athole. 215. 56
- Durſtus ſlaine. 102 17
- Duns Iohn a famous learned man flourisheth. 355 72
- Durſtus ſucceedeth his father Fin|nanus in the Kingdome. 21.63
- Durſtus giuen to banquetting and drunkenneſſe. 21.72
- Durſtus forſaketh the company of his lavvfull vvife Agaſia. 21.8 [...]
- Durſtus cauſeth his vvife too bee forced by vile perſons. 21.82
- Durſtus deepe diſsimulation. 22.14
- Durſtus periurie. 22.27
- Durſtus committeth a foule mur|ther. 22.30
- Durſtus beſieged. 22.46
- Durſtus ſlaine. 22.52
- Durſtus children flee into Ireland 22. 57
- Durſtus tvvo ſonnes ſlaine. 24.39
- Dutchmen arriue in Scotlande. 44. 16
- Durſtus choſen king of the Pictes. 93. 81
- Durſtus taken and brought priſo|ner to London. 93.9 [...]
- Durſtus thirde of that name King of Pictes. 98.110
- Duſſac Mounſieur a French cap|taine. 477.49
- Duſdere tovvne b [...]rn [...]. 472.105