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1: A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where
note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not
accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
Snippet: 3 of 22 (1577, Volume 2, p. 560) C.
- CAdallanus ſent againſt Mur|ketus. 29.49
- Cadallanus proclaymed Go|uernour of the Realme. 30.41
- Cadall of Gallovvay created Go|uernour of the Realme. 25.30
- Cadall made generall of an armye into Ireland. 25
- Cadals armye moſt part drovvned by a tempeſt. 26.4
- Cadall revvarded for his faythfull ſeruice. 26.27
- Cadall deceaſſed. 26.77
- Cadals Image erected in the mar|ket place at Epiack, and hono|red vvith diuine ceremonies. 27. line. 11
- Cadhard, Thane of Meffen Ca|ſtell. 211.80
- Cadvvall King of Britaynes van|quished, and chaſed into Scot|land. 143.57
- Cadvvall goeth into Fraunce, and obteineth ayde againſt the Sax|ons. 143
- Cadvvall reſtored agayne to hys Kingdome. 143.63
- Cadvvall of Britaine, and Penda of Mertia, ioyne their povvers againſte Edvvine of Northum|berland. 146.50
- Cadore Duke of Cornevvall, fa|ther to Conſtantinus. 132.75
- Cadane K. of Denmarke, preten|deth title to the Picts lãds. 187. line. 101
- Caeſius Naſica entreth vvith an army into Gallovvay. 42.52
- Cayme, a noble man of Britayne ſlayne. 134.67
- Calfe vvith an head like a Colte. 385. 77
- Calphurnius ſent Lieutenant into Britaine. 66.93
- Calphurnius entreth into the bor|dures of the Scottes and Pictes. 66. 105
- Caldſtreame vpõ Tvveed. 434.23
- Calphurnius ſente for home to Rome. 67.33
- Caldorus Captaine of the Britishe Rebels. 67.100
- Caldorus eſcapeth. 67.108
- Calene a noble man, and hys vviſe counſell. 185.64
- Calaice beſieged by the English|men. 349.41
- Camus Captayne generall of the Danish fleete. 233.49.
- Camus ſlayn by the Scots. 234.80
- Camelõ chiefe ſeate of the Pictish Kings vvonne. 29.17
- Camelon vvonne by force. 49.59
- Camelon taken by force and ſac|ked. 102 31
- Cameſtone vvhy ſo called. 234.86
- Camelõ takẽ by the Romans. 93.91
- Candles ſeene burning vppon the toppes of hilles in the nightes. 441. 39
- Canute brother to Sueno, landeth in Buchquhane vvith an armye of Danes. 236.14
- Camelon kept by the Picts againſt the Scottes. 178.22
- Camelõ taken by the Scots. 179.10
- Camelon burnte, and raſed to the ground. 179.50
- Canute ouerthrovven by Mal|col [...]e King of Scotland. 236.52
- Canute returneth into Den. 237.13
- Canute and Edmonde Ironſide fight a Combate. 24 [...].3 [...]
- Canute receyueth Edmonde vnto halfe the Kingdome of England. 241. 41
- Canute King of Denmarke reco|uereth the kingdome of England to the Danes. 241.26
- Cãdida Caſa firſt inſtituted. 94.11 [...]
- Caraulius or Carantius brother to Findock, and priuie to his mur|thering. 77.54
- Canulph Bishop of Durhã. 261.42
- Cannogate. 264.1
- Camus landeth his armye at Red|brayes in Scotland. 233.66
- Cantyre and Kile vvaſted. 39.63
- Captaines of diſcorde apprehen|ded and executed. [...]49.76
- Captaynes prohibited to buy lãds vvher their charge lyeth. 246.54
- Captaynes prohibited to mar [...]e their children to anye vvhere their charge lyeth. 246.59
- Car Thomas a vvorthy Englishe Captayne. 477.9 [...]
- Camelon beſieged by Veſpaſian. 36. 41
- Camelon ſurrendred. 36.45
- Camelõ peopled vvith Romanes. 36. 60
- Caratake ſonne to Cadallane pro|claimed King. 31.56
- Carictonium Metropolitane of Scotland. 31.66
- Caratake borne in Carriek. 31.72
- Caratakes counſell agaynſte the Romanes. 31.95
- Caratake choſen Captayne of the Britaines againſt the Romanes. 53. 37
- Caratake promiſeth to ayde the Britaines againſt the Romanes. 33. 57
- Carell in Fife. 444.88
- Caratake returneth to Carictoni|um. 34.14
- Caratakes aunſvvere to the Ro|maine Ambaſſadoures. 34.24
- Caratake eſcapeth by flighte into his Countrey. 35.69
- Caratake aſſembleth an armye in Gallovvay. 36.71
- Caratake and his armye putte to flighte. 37.2 [...]
- Caratake refuſeth the Romaines friendship. 37.46
- Caratake aſſembleth a nevv army. 38. 8
- Caratake ſeeketh reuenge for Ki [...]e and Cantire. 39.66
- Caratake and his armye ouer|throvven by the Romaines. 40
- Caratake vvife, children, and breethren taken. 40.32
- Caratake betrayed by his ſtepmo|ther. 40.35
- Cartamandua ſtepmother to Ca|ratake. 40.34
- Caratake is ſente to Rome. 40. line. 40
- Caratake is shevved to the people in triumph. 40.4 [...]
- Caratake reſtored to libertie, and ſent home. 40.56
- Caratake dyeth. 40.66
- Carantius or Carcaſſius troubleth the ſtate of Britaine. 80. [...]3
- EEBO page image 560Carantius ſente by Dioc [...]eſian a|gainſte Rouers, taketh parte of [...] ſpoyle vvith them. 80.94
- Carantius arriueth in VVeſtmer|lande, and cauſeth the people to take his parte againſte the Ro|maynes. 80.110
- Carantius requireth aid of Crath| [...] againſte the Romaynes. 81.6
- Carantius is promiſed aide of the Picts againſt the Romaynes. 81. line. 33
- Carantius reſurpeth the kingdome of Britayne. 82.3
- Carantius deuideth parte of the land gotten, to the Scottes and Pictes. 82. [...]0
- Carantius ſlayne. 82.25
- Cardinall of Sainte Andrevves murthered. 466.2. his ritches. 465. 3
- Cardinall Gualo arriueth in En|gland vvith the Popes authori|tie. 282.54
- Cardinall vvonne by the Scottes. 282. 87
- Cardinall Gualo ſelleth ſpirituall cauſes and quietneſſe for mo|ney. 282.33
- Car Dauid, guide of a bande of Scottes. 434.26
- Carron Alexander, ſurnamed Skrimgeour. 262.54
- Carron Alexander Knighte, made Malcolmes ſtanderde bearer. 296. 50
- Carlingford in Ireland vvonne by the Scottes by aſſault. 36 [...].87
- Ca [...]timandua empriſoneth hir huſ|bande and his breethren. 42.76
- Carcalla Emperour of Rome. 70. line. 14
- Car [...]s Emperour. 77, 52
- Cartimadua buried quicke. 42.80
- Careleill fortified vvyth nevve vvalles, and ditches. 266.44
- Careleile reſtored to the Englishe men. 283.7
- Careleill and Barvvike burnt. 44. line. 16
- Carmelite Friers come into Scot|land. 288.53
- Carrike. 463.47
- Castell of Rockesbourgh beaten flatte to the grounde. 397.71
- Castell of VVarke throvvne dovvne. 397.76
- Castell of Bambourgh. 399.6
- Castell of Dunstanbourgh. 399.6
- Castell of Anvvike left voide. 399.line 25
- Castell of Hermitage. 346.63
- Castell of Edenburgh vvonne by policie. 347.74
- Castell of Rockesbourgh vvonne by th Scottes. 348.33
- Castell of Rosleyne. 394.3
- Castell of Norham besieged by the Scottes. 410.57
- Castell of Cragmiller. 415.62
- Castell of Norham deliuered to the Scottes. 420.7
- Castell of Fourd vvonne by the Scottes. 420.10
- Castel of Etel taken by the Scots. 420.10
- Castell of Harbottell. 426.11
- Castell of Hume. 428.93
- Castell of Dungard vvonne. 343.22
- Castell of Lochindoris. 343.20
- Castell of Kincleuin. 344.36
- Castell of Kilnesse. 344.74
- Castell of Lucres. 344.74
- Castell of Couper left voide. 345.line 47
- Castell of Iedvvorth. 372.90
- Castell of Fast vvonne. 373.60
- Castell of VVarke lost, and recouered. 374.34
- Castell of Temptallon. 378
- Castell of Meffen. 311.78
- Castell of Euonium by vvhome builded. 24.9
- Castell of Norham. 325.70
- Castell of Norham vvonne by the Scottes. 328.9
- Castell of Fineluin. 388.40
- Castell of Dunbar seised into the Kings hands. 381.78
- Castles of Elgin and Fores lefte voide. 232.10
- Castell of Tvvhancastre giuen to the Saxons. 115.70
- Castell of Dundonald. 364.111
- Castell of Cocklauis. 369.60
- Castell of Lochmaben rendred to the Scottes. 359.26
- Castles of Rothsay and Dunnone deliuered to the Ballioll. 339.line 71
- Castell of Lochleuen. 339.95
- Castels raised in agreemente betvveene the Kings of Englande and Scotlande. 354.60
- Castell of Alcluth. 185.29
- Castell of Marne, named aftervvarde Burg, besieged by the Danes. 230.59
- Castell of Marne rendred to the Danes vppon compolition. 231.line 74
- Castell of Dunbar in Angus, a place of great strength. 135
- Castell of Maidens in Edenburgh. 10.110
- Castle of Edenburgh restored to the Scottes. 276.90
- Castle of Ayre besieged and taken by the Norvvaygians. 289.47
- Castle of Dunfirmlane builded. 248.line 113
- Castels in Scotland vvon from the Englishmen. 303.30
- Castell of Roxburgh taken by Iames Dovvglas. 314.53
- Castell of Edenburgh vvonne by Thomas Randall. 314.59
- Castell of Dunoter vvonne by the Scottes. 303.39
- Castell of Galliard. 302.50
- Castell of Bute taken. 203.60
- Castell of Elgin. 230.55
- Castell of Stirling yeelded to the Englishmen vppon conditions. 307.88
- Castell of Vrquhard taken by force. 308.5
- Castell of Maydens forsaken by the Pictes. 179.64
- Castell of Baldegar finished. 261.line 92
- Castell begun agayne to be buylded by King Henry against Barvvike. 286.63
- Castell of Berigonium to Loughquhaber builded. 10.70
- Castell of Sainte Andrevves holden by the Cardinall. 165.92
- Castell of Sainte Andrevves besieged in vayne. 466.43
- Castell of Sainte Andrevves besieged by Frenchmen and vvonne by them by surrender. 466.97 467.10
- Castles vvonne by King Robert. 314.49
- Castell of Dovvnske besieged by Englishmen. 151.13
- Castels in Scotlande, beeing in the keeping of the Englishmen, deliuered to the Scottes. 278.9
- Castell of Anvvike vvon by the Englishmen. 258
- Castell of Fores taken, and all the inhabitants slayne. 209.67
- Castell of Fores. 207.9
- Castell of Sterling repaired. 50.line 61
- Castell of Dunbriton besieged. 51.line 25
- Castell of Calidon, called novve Dunkeld. 51.84
- Castell of Dunbar rendred to the Englishmen. 301.39
- Castell of Fethircarne sacked. 217.line 49
- Castell of Dunsinan. 218.30
- Castell of Norham besieged, but not vvonne by the Scots. 282.line 89
- Castell of Carrike vvonne by the K. Robert. 312.52
- Castell of Innernesse vvonne. 312
- Castell of Kildrummy. 313.64
- Castell of Brechin. 234.3
- Castell of Turnberie. 295.27
- Castell of VVarke. 288.78
- Castell of Forfare. 53.74
- Castell of Couper rendred to VVilliam VVallace. 303.73
- Castle of Bertha. 237.57
- Castell of Delbogin. 217.34
- Castell of Doundore. 199.21
- Cassy hilane requireth ayde of the Scottes against Iulius Cesar. 28.line 12
- Cassybilane yeeldeth to Iulius Cesar. 28.90
- Castius ordeyned Lieutenante of Britaine. 100.50
- Castius sendeth to the Scottes and Pictes to vvithdravv their povver. 100.62
- Castius ioyneth battayle vvyth the Scottes and Pictes. 100.line 96
- Castius the Lieutentant slaine. 100.line 102
- Cathedrall Churche of Murrey brent. 364.97
- Catus Procuratoure of Britayne, fleeth into Fraunce. 43.105
- Cathneste, vvhereof so named. 99.line 62
- Catus armye ouerthrovvne. 44.line 65
- Catus vvounded. 44.66
- Celurke a Citie in Angus, called novv Montros. 215.1
- Celius generall of the Romaines. 56.109
- Cenline or Coelin, K. of VVest Saxons. 140.38
- Cenline King of VVest Saxons slayne. 141.91
- Caesar, looke Iulius Caesar.
- Cerious footemen ſlayne by the Pictes. 43.99
- Certaine perſons burnte for Reli|gion at Edenburgh. 445.66
- Cecrops builder of Athens. 1.9
- Charanat King of Pictes. 44.10
- Charles Iames novve Kyng of Scotland. 248.87
- Charles Earle of Valloys eldeſt daughter married to Edvvarde Ballioll, ſonne to Kyng Iohn. 300. 44
- Charles Dolphin of Fraunce main|teyneth vvarre againſt the En|glishmen. 374. [...]5
- Chatelon in Touraine deliuered to the Scottishmen. 374.106
- Charles King of France dieth. 375. line. 68
- Cheape ſide in London opened, and many houſes vvere ſvval|lovved vp. 108.62
- Cheeſe conuerted into a bloudye cake. 152.23
- Cheldricke a chiefe Captayne of the Saxons ſlayne. 128
- Cheſtes of Aſshes founde in the ground. 38.58
- Cheſt of ſtone found vvith bones in it. 288.65
- Childe that hurteth his father anye vvayes, muſt die for it. 181.29
- Child vnthankefull to his parents, shall not inherite his fathers pa|trimonie. 181.33
- Childe of one moneth olde ſpea|keth. 186.68
- Child ſeeming vncurable, miracu|louſly cured by the K. of Scots. 280. 70
- [...]im [...]s deuotion in ſeruyng the [...]. 12.7 [...]
- Chrimes King of Picts requireth to haue the league vvith the Scots renued. 12.73
- C [...]i [...]onu VVilliam Knyghte, ſometime Lord Chancellour of Scotland proclaymed Rebell, and put to the horne. 387.91
- Chriſt [...] exceſsiue banketting and feaſting reproued. 128.6
- Chriſtmas exceſsiue, banketting and feaſting, vvhen and by vvhom firſt inſtituted. 127.11 [...]
- Chronicles and other Scottishe Bookes burnt. 308.59
- Chruchneus built a Citie vpon the Riuer Carone. [...]0. [...]7
- Church of Durha(m) plucked dovvn and builded vppe a nevve. 257.line 97
- Children and vvomen eaten. 347.line 57
- Church of Dunfermeling buylded. 257.118
- Church of Scotland exempt from the iurisdiction of Yorke. 227.line 98
- Church of Glaskevv finished. 289.line 18
- Churchmens goodes not to bee medled withal. by the Kyng. 357.77
- Cialine slayne. 141.95
- Cisentoriges taken prisoner by the Romaynes. 28.87
- Ciuil discorde amongst the Lords of the Iles. 65.61
- Cinigel King of VVest Saxons. 143.54
- Ciuil discorde betvveene Kyng Constantinus, and Malcolme prince of Cumberland. 222.68
- Ciuil dissention in Scotland. 460.line 47
- Clane Reynolde slayeth the Lord Louet. 465.24
- Clattering of armoure hearde in Camelon Church. 152.20
- Clattering of armoure hearde in the aire. 180.35
- Clavvne Christopher executed. 385.66
- Claudius Emperoure of Rome. 31.line 86
- Claudius the Emperour commeth into Britayne. 32.12
- Claudius sayleth into the Orkenies. 32.17
- Claudius taketh Ganus Kyng of Orkenies. 32.37
- Cleargie of Scotland summoned by Cardinall Gualo to assemble at Anvvike. 283
- Clide Firth. 462.83
- Clide riuer. 462.115
- Clifforde Thomas Knighte, sente Ambassador into Scotlande. 442.28
- Cleargies cõtribution to the kings raunſome. 554.97
- Cloyde riuer. 460.53
- Clovvys King of France. 147.16
- Clovve, a parte of Angus. 297. line. 68
- Chideſdale vvhy ſo called. 178.15
- Cocbourne pethes. 253.43
- Cochram Thomas, of a Maſon made Earle of Mar. 403.83
- Cochram Thomas Earle of Mar hanged. 403.103
- Cockburne Lord of Hinderlande, accuſed of thefte, and behea|ded. 440.55
- Cockburne Roberte Bishoppe of Dunkeld, ſent Ambaſſadour into England. 436.71
- Cobios a vvorthy Frenche Cap|tayne. 477.68. toketh moe. En|glishmen priſoners than he had perſons to aſſayle them vvyth 477. 75
- EEBO page image 561Cardinall Gualo condemned by the Pope in a ſumme of mo|ney. 283.57
- Cardinall Gualo accurſeth Scot|land. 282.108
- Cardinall Egidius commeth into Scotland. 283.87
- Carolus Magnus maketh a league vvith the Scottes. [...]59.76
- Carolus Magnus honorablye re|ceyueth the Scottishmen that vvere ſente into Fraunce. 263. line. 43
- Cartandis Queene of Scottes la|mentation for hir husbande. 91. 10
- Cartandis ſpoyled by a ſorte of Pictish riders. [...]1.26
- Cartandis findeth pitie in the light of Maximus the Lieutenance. 91. 66
- Coile King of the Britaynes. 9.31
- Coile deuiſeth ſubtiltie againſte the Scottes and Pictes. 9.39
- Coile entreth Scotlande vvith an army. 9.68
- Coile ſpoyleth the VVeſterne borders of Scotlande, and ta|keth priſoners. 9.69
- Coile ſlayne by the Scottes and Pictes. 9.112
- Coile buryed at Troynouahe. 9. line. 115
- Coyning of Golde and ſiluer in Scotland firſt began. 73. [...]8
- Co [...]termouth taken vppon a ſud|dayne by the Scottes. 361.4
- Colledge of the Trinitie in Eden|burgh by vvhom founded. 399. line. 33
- Colledge of Sainte Sauioure in S. Andrevves by vvhome foun|ded. 399.81
- Colledge in the old tovvne of A|berdene, by vvhome founded. 4 [...]4. 51
- Colledge Courte of Iuſtice called Seſſions, inſtituted. 441.63
- Colane Lorde of Cantir and hys men ſlayne. [...]6.60
- Colgerne ſlayne. 128.107
- Colgerne a S [...]nõ ſent for to come into Brytayne. 125.21
- Colgerne arriueth vvith an armye in Northumberland. 125.30
- Colgerne created Duke of Nor|thumberland. 126.49
- Colgerne reproueth Loth of vn| [...]ruitineſſe. 128
- Colman confeſſour to Ferqu [...]ard. 148. 45
- Colman and Finnan excommuni|cate Ferquhard. 1 [...]7. [...]4
- Colman remoued to the Byshop|ricke of Lindeferne. 14 [...].21
- Colman conuerteth the Saxons to the Chriſtian faith. 14 [...].23
- Colman fleeth out of England by|cauſe of the Peſtilence. 150.5
- Colman erecteth a Monaſterie in one of the VVeſterne Ilandes. 150. 7
- Colman gouernour of Mar, a man of great authoritie. 160.24
- Colman m [...]liketh to conclude a league vvith the Frenchmenne. 161. 49
- Commotion againſt A [...]uiragus and the Romance. 33.4
- Commotion rayſed in Mertia a|gainſt Adelſtane. 165.12
- Commotiõ of the people in Loch|quhaber. 239.47
- Cometes ſeene in the aire. 180.10
- Comete appeareth. 291.25
- Comete ſeene betvveene the Poale and Pleiades. 401.93
- Comete ſeene in the aire. 397.7
- Comete ſeene in the South shining at noone dayes. 2 [...]7.48
- Comete appeareth before Kyng Malcolmes death. 272.7
- Comete appeareth in the ayre, 385. 79
- Comfray Radulph ſente vvith an army unto Scotland. 30 [...].9 [...]
- Comfray Radulph and hys army.
- Commiſsioners ſente to conclude peace betvvixt Englande and France. 480.68
- Complainte made againſt the Cu|mines in Scotlande. 287.107
- Complayntes exhibited to Iames the firſte againſte the ſonnes of Duke Mordo. 377.72
- Commons of Britayne conſpire agaynſte theyr Nobilitie. 109. line. 53
- Compoſtella a Citie in Spayne builded. 239
- Co [...]modities of Matrimonie, and ſpecially vnto Kings declared. folio. 271
- Commendable ordinances con|cerning Orphanes and VVid|dovves. 132.15
- Comus, a graue noble man of VVales. 33.35
- Conſtantinus Emperour of Rome. 83. 24
- Conſtantius Emperour of Rome. 84. 31
- Concluſion of peace betvveene King Richard of Englande, and Iames of Scotland. 405. [...]
- Conſpiracie of the Scottish Lords againſte Iames the thirde. 40 [...]. line. 42
- Conflicte on the Sea betvvene certayne English and Scottishe Shippes. 415.1 [...]2
- Contention betvveene tvvo Pre|lates for the Archbishopricke of Saint Andrevves. 425.6
- Coniers. 474.22
- Concubina [...] to haue like punish|mente vvith their leachers. 181. line. 17
- Conditiõs of the peace betvveene Crime and Malcolme. 225.84
- Conditions of life and peace giuen to the Englishmẽ by the Danes. 220. 36
- Conditiõs of agreement betvvene Henrye the third of Englande, and Alexander of Scotlande. folio. 2 [...]3
- Controuerſie of the ſucceſſion of Scotlãd committed to Edvvard the firſte King of Englande. 298. line. 105
- Contention betvveene Crathlints iij. Nephevvs for the Crovvne. 84. 53
- Contention in Albion, for cele|brating the feaſt of Eaſter. 147. line. 39
- Contention betvveene the kinſ|folke of Alexander the thirde for the Crovvne of Scotlande. 298. 48
- Contention betvveene the Nobi|litie of Scotlande. 387.91
- Contention betvveene the Go|uernoure and Chancelloure of Scotlande, for keeping of the yong Kings perſon. 386.22. and 387. 14
- Conſpiracie againſt King Henrye of England, moued by the Per|cies and others. 370.2
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt King Robert. 322.32
- Conſpiratours againſte King Ro|berte committed to priſon. 322. line 59
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Grime. 226.77
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Thereus the King. 18.104
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Dardan the King. 46.26
- Conſpiracie againſte Conſtantius, 187. 64
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Conarus. 63.47
- Conſpiracie attempted agaynſte Mogall. 62.43
- Conſpiracie in Scotlande againſte King Edvvard. 309.45
- Conſpiracie of Thecues to haue ſlayne Alexander. 262.6
- Conſpiracie againſt Durſtus for his vvickedneſſe. 22.5
- Conſpiracie practiſed againſt Co|ran King of Scottes. 131.9
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Romacus. 85.7
- Conſpiracie of certaine Gentle|men againſt Malcolme. 253.64
- Conſpiracie againſte King Mal|colme. 268.76
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Dongall. 167.97
- Conſpiracie of the Nobles againſt Malcolme. 238.34
- Conſpiracie againſt G [...]lus. 25.15
- Conſpiracie of the Nobilitie a|gainſt Ethus. 101.83
- Conſpiracie made againſte Iames the firſt by VValter Stevvarde Earle of Athole. 384.3
- Conſtantinus Chlorus perſecuſeth the Chriſtians in Britaine. 82. line. 4.5
- Conſtantine choſen one of the Lieutenauntes of Britaine. 95. line. 71
- Conſtantine ſlayne in France by Conſtantius. 95.72
- Constantinus sonne to Androenus King of Britaine Armorike arriueth in Britaine vvith an armye. 110.56
- Constantinus proclaymed Kyng of Britaine. 110.59
- Constantinus brother to Eugenius created King of Scottes. 111.line 44
- Constantinus King of Scottes, far vnlike in noble conditions vnto Constantinus Kyng of Britaines. 111.line 49
- Constantinus King of Scottes gra(n)teth peace to the Britaines, and deliuereth dyuers Castels into their hands. 111.60
- Constantinus Kyng of Britayne slaine by treason. 111.105
- Co(n)stantinus King of Scottes slaine by one, vvhose daughter he had rauished.112.14
- Constantinus sonne to Constantinus a Monke, aduanced to the kingdome of Britayne.112.47
- Constantinus proclaymed heyre apparant, and Prince of Britain. 132.83
- Constantinus crovvned Kyng of Britaine. 135.73
- Constantinus driuen vvith his Britaines into VVales. 135.95
- Constantinus becommeth a Mo(n)ke in Ireland. 135.106
- Co(n)stantinus murthered in Scotla(n)d. 135.110
- Constantinus sonne to Kenneth, Crovvned King of Scotlande. 186.87
- Constantinus taken by the Danes and murthered. 100.55
- Constantinus King of Brytayne. 194.92
- Constantinus slayne. 194.112
- Constantinus the thirde created Kyng of Scotlande. 200.62
- Constantinus gyueth ouer the Crovvne, and becommeth a Chanon. 202.22
- Constantinus dyeth. 202.40
- Constantinus ambition to atteyne to the Crovvne of Scotlande. 221.97
- Constantinus Crovvned King of Scotland. 221.114
- Constantinus goeth foorthe vvyth an armye to meete Malcolme. 222.67
- Constantinus and Kenneth Bastard fight. 232.22
- Consta(n)tinus breaketh vp his campe for lacke of vittayles. 222.79
- Constantinus and Kenneth Bastarde, slay one the other. 223.line 33
- Conuention of the Scottish Nobilitie holden at Edenburgh. 458.line 24
- Conuentions, offices, and actes of iustice to passe in the Kyngs name. 246.10
- Continuance of the league betvveene the Scottes and Pictes. 80.49
- Coningham Andrevv slaine. 462.line 28
- Coningham. 463.47
- Congall King of Scottes. 113.105
- Congall Kyng of Scottes dyeth. 123.3
- Congall sore vvounded, and hys armye putte to flighte. 117.15
- Conkist King of Pictes. 33.72
- Conkist King of Pictes. 41.42
- Conuall elected King of Scottes. 136.28
- Conuals deuotion to the Image of the Crosse. 136.31
- Conuals affectio(n) tovvards churchmen. 136.46
- Conuall dyeth. 137.75
- Conuall created King of Scotland. 167.60
- Conuall dyeth. 167.87
- Conranus generall of the Scottes against the Saxons. 121
- Conranus admitted King of Scots. 123.16
- Conranus greate dilligence for maintenance of good orders amongst his subiects. 123.34
- Conrane by treason murthered in his bed chamber. 131.27
- Conarus made King of Scottes. folio. 6 [...]
- Conarus priuie of the conſpiracie againſt his father. 63.35
- Conarus giuen to exceſſiue glut|tonie. 63.34
- Conarus requireth a ſubſedie to maynteyne his riot. 6 [...].31
- Copland Iohn taketh Dauid King, of Scottes priſoner. 352.32
- Conarus committed to cloſe pri|ſon. 64.25
- Conarus Miniſters punished for their miſdeedes. 64.29
- Conarus dyeth in priſon. 65.33
- Conanus choſen Gouernoure of Scotland. 19.7
- Conanus diligently punisheth of|fendours. 19.21
- Conanus renoũceth the gouerne|ment. 29.24.
- Conanus Camber councelleth the Britaynes to ſeeke for peace at the Scottes hands. 105.4
- Conanus councell verye euill ta|ken. 105.22
- Conanus murthered by the Bry|taynes. 105.32
- Conanus, ſonne to Conanus Cam|ber, perſvvadeth his Coun|treyfolke to breake peace vvith the Scottes and Pictes. 108. line. 95
- Corman a Preacher, ſente to in|ſtructe the Northumberlande men in the Chriſtian faithe. 146. line. 107
- Corbreid choſen King. 41.23
- Corbreide ſtayeth a greate num|ber of the Romaynes. 44.12
- Corbreid dyeth. 45.56
- Corbreide leaueth three ſonnes vnder age. 45.80
- Corbreide Galde choſen Kyng. 46. 31
- EEBO page image 561Corbreide Galde punisheth all tranſgreſſours. 46.56
- Corbreid Gald goeth about to a|brogate vvicked lavves. 46. line. 77
- Corbreid Gald aſſembleth an ar|mye agaynſte the Romaynes. 47. 13
- Corbreid Galde made generall a|gainſt the Romaynes 52.52
- Corbreid Galde ſetteth vpon one battaile of the Romanes. 52.68
- Corbreid Gald commeth to Dun|dee to vvelcome Gildo. 53
- Corbreide Gald, Garnarde, and Gildo aſſemble a Counſel. 53.74
- Corbreide Gald maketh ſpeede to ioyne vvith Pictes, Danes, and Norvvegians againſte the Ro|maines. 54.55
- Corbreide Galde exhorteth hys people to fight manfully. 54.47
- Corbreid Gald purſueth the Ro|maines. 56.52
- Corbreid Galde ſtudyeth for the quiet of his Countrey. 59.4
- Corbreid Gald dyeth. 59.17
- Coriminum hovve novve called. 33. 20
- Corpus Chriſti feſtiuall inſtituted. 188. 50
- Coronation of Marye Queene of Scottes. 459.110
- Coranus gouernoure of Arguyle. 12. 66
- Corne appeareth bloud. 252.24
- Cornana in Scotland hovv novve called. 99.56
- Corne faileth, and Cattayle dyeth. 1 [...]1. 11
- Cornishmen rebell. 410.46
- Cornevvall Caſtell ſpoyled. 477. line. 64
- Cornecorſe Robert Byshoppe of Roſſe dyeth. 464.49
- Cornelius Tacitus cited. 21.38. and .41.98. and .43.81. and .45. 23. and .46.47. and .55. 31
- Cornelius runneth agaynſte the Scottes vvith three armies. 197. line. 39
- Cornelius vvounded in the face, forſaketh the fielde .197. 74
- Cormach Byshoppe of Dublin. 197. 109
- Cornelius and Bren heads of a fa|ction in Ireland. 196.13
- Cotton Captayne of Inskith ſlain. 478. 90
- Countreye aboute Edenburgh in olde time ful of vvodde. 263.108
- Counterfaite fooles, minſtrels, ie|ſters, and iuglars to bee puni|shed. 246.27
- Counterfeit viſions. 173.105
- Couetouſneſſe and olde age come togither. 238.11
- Counterfeite reioycing to cloake lamentation. 55.61
- Countreys lying Northe from A|drians vvall deuided amongſt the Scottes and Pictes. 104.70
- Countreys out of vvhiche menne came to ayde King Edvvarde a|gainſt the Scottes. 315.45
- Countreys recouered out of the Englishmens handes by VVil|liam Dovvglas. 352.10
- Covv bringeth foorthe a mon|ſtrous Calle. 281.49
- Covv bringeth forth a Calf vvith tvvo heads. 135.44
- Craftmen brought into Scotland to inſtruct the people. 18.36
- Crab, a Pirat taken. 336.24
- Cravvmond. 223.17
- Cravv Paule a Bohemian burnte. 381. 30
- Crathlint ſonne to Kyng Fin|dock, chiefe conſpiratoure of the death of Donald of the Iles. 78. 83
- Crathlint created King of Scottes. 79. 28
- Crathlint goeth to the Moun|taines to hunt. 79.56
- Crathlint deſtroyeth the Temples of the falſe Gods in Man. 82. line. 51
- Crathlint dyeth. 82.64
- Creichton VVilliam Knight, ſent Ambaſſadoure into Denmarke. 383. 2
- Creichton, Peter Knight. 459.41
- Creſſingham Hugh appoynted re|gent of Scotland. 302.62
- Creſſingham Hugh goeth into Scotland vvith an army. 303.52
- Creſſingham Hugh ſlayne, and hys army diſcomfited. 303.64
- Croſſes commaunded to bee ſette vppon toppes of Steeples and Tovvers. 236.40
- Croſſe of holy roode houſe taken. 351. 58
- Crovvne of Scotland entayled to King Roberte and hys heyres. 319. 109
- Crouch Roberte taken priſoner. 468. 38
- Crovves, Rauẽs, and Pyes, bring foorth yong in VVinter. 355. line. 54
- Crovvdan vvhat it ſignifieth. 237. line. 26
- Cruthlint ſonne to the Ladye Fe|nella. 217.27
- Cruthlint goeth to viſite hys Grandfather. 217.34
- Cruthlint beaten by hys Grandfa|thers ſeruants. 217.44
- Cruthneth gouernour of a part of Angus. 217.30
- Cruthneth and hys family ſlayne. 217. 60
- Cruthlint forrayeth the Countrey of Angus. 217.65
- Cruthlint and his cõpeeres execu|ted. 218.31
- Cruel conflicte. 34.4
- Cruel execution of the Earle of Athole. 385.20
- Cruel fighte betvveeene the Ro|manes and Scottes. 61.18
- Crueltie of the Britaines in mur|thering the innocent children of Mordred. 139.78
- Crueltie of Pictes tovvardes cer|taine Scottish Gentlevvomen. 91. 3
- Crueltie of the Scottes agaynſte the Pictes. 177.67
- Crueltie of Scottes and Pictes to|vvards the Britaines. 105.74
- Cruthneus Camelonus Kyng of the Pictes. 10.95
- Cullane a Tovvne in Boeme. 206 line. 10
- Culene proclaymed Prince of Cumberland. 206.28
- Culene crovvned King of Scot|land. 210.68
- Culene maketh a ſolemne vovve to reuenge the murther of King Duffe. 209.29
- Culene giuen ouer to follovv ſen|ſuall luſts. 210.78
- Culenes auntiente Counſelloures forſake the Courte. 211.15
- Culenes abhominable lecherie paſſeth the boundes of reaſon. 211. 28
- Culene falleth into a filthye diſ|eaſe. 211.66
- Culene murthered. 211.80
- Cumberland and VVeſtmerlande deliuered to the Scottes. 195.51
- Cumberland aſſigned to remayne alvvayes to the heyre apparant of Scotland. 201.61
- Cumberland and VVeſtmerlande to doe homage to the Kyng of England. 203.58
- Cumeyn Iohn Earle of Buchqu|hane ſent vvith an army againſt Gileſpy and hys confederates 284. 99
- Cumein Iohn Earle of Angus de|parteth this life. 286.22
- Culdei, vvhy ſo called in the aun|tient Scottish tong. 83.15
- Cumeyn Patricke Earle of Atholl murthered. 286.28
- Cumeyns and others putte to the horne. 287.116
- Cumem VValter Earle of Men|teth, chiefe of that family poy|ſoned. 288.33
- Cumeine Alexander ſente vvith an army into Englande to ayde King Henry againſt his Barons. 294. 43
- Cumeine Iohn Lord of Stragoby ſvvorne liege man to King Ed|vvard. 301.116
- Cumein Iohn entreth into Nor|thumberlande vvyth an armye. 302. 90
- Cumeine Iohn elected gouernour of Scotland. 306.59
- Cumeine Iohn diſcomfited by K. Robert at Enueriour. 313.102
- Cumeine ſlayne. 310.96
- Cumeine bevvrayeth the conſpi|racie to King Edvvard. 309.78
- Cumeine and Bruce conſpire a|gainſt King Edvvard. 309.45
- Cumeins letters to King Edvvard intercepted. 310.61
- Cumein Dauid left Gouernour of Scotland for the Balliol. 340.63
- Cumeine Dauid ſlaine in the field. 342. 88
- Cumein Thomas beheaded. 342. line. 93
- Cumyns and their armye vanqui|shed and ſlayne. 343.10
- Cuſtome of ſetting the ſicke and diſeaſed in the ſtreetes. 18.56
- Cuſtome of Scottes to burne dead bodyes. 38.51
- Cuſtome of Scottishe ſouldioures in prouiding themſelues of vit|tayle. 196.34
- Cutha Cenlines ſonne ſlayne. 140. line. 45