Compare 1587 edition:
1 After his deceaſſe, the
Lordes aſſembled to|gither in the Towne of Sterling, and choſe the Earle of Mar
to bee Regent,
The Earle of Mar choſen Regent. The Earle of Morton Re|gent.
A Table of the principall matters touched in the Hiſtorie of Scotland, where note that the firſt number ſignifieth the page, the ſecond the line, not accounting aboue 58. line in the firſt Colume at the moſt.
- ABbey of Saint Colmes Inche builded. 262.80
- Abbey of Dunfirmeling fini|shed. 262.93
- Abbey of Foſſe in Fraunce foun|ded. 147.36
- Abbey of Colmekill reedified. 149.90
- Abbey of Lũdoris builded. 279.7
- Abbey of Lauer coſt fackt. 350.39
- Abbey of Durham ſpoyled. 350.65
- Abbey of Balmernocht founded. 28 [...]. 60.
- Ab [...]rlemnon. 235.8
- Abbey of Colmkil appoynted for the buriall of the Scottish kings 100. 19
- Abbey of Holme ſpoiled. 323.107
- Abbey of Furneirs ſaued frõ ſpoi|ling. 323.114
- Abbeys of Melros, & Dryburgh burnt by the Engliſh mẽ. 324.38
- Abbey of Riuall. 324.61
- Abbeyes buylded by Dauid the firſt. 263.83
- Abbey of Abirbroth or Abirbro|thock buylded. 276.24
- Abbey of Couper of the Ceſte| [...] order founded. 272.2
- Abbey of Haddington buylded. 276. 34.
- Abbey of Colmekill founded. 100 17.
- Abbey of the holy Croſſe builded 288. 73.
- Abbey of Paſley by vvhom buyl|ded. 247 58
- Abbey of Charturare buylded. 381. 37.
- Abbanath Crinen, Thane of the vveſt part of Scotland. 239.11
- Abernethy Laurence knight, ta|ken priſoner. 346.69
- Abernethy Dauid beheded 722.76
- Abirden burnt by the Englishmẽ. 343. 50.
- Aberlady fortified. 479.18
- Abirdin aduaunced from a village to a Citie. 199.31
- Albions and Saxons encounter in battaile. 121.76
- Abirdin indovved vvith manye priuiledges. 285.17
- Abirden burned. 297.65
- Achaius king of Scotland, chaun|ged the forme of the Scottish crovvne. 11.102
- Achaius eſtablished a perpetuall league vvith Charles the Em|perour. 11
- Achaius created king of Scotland. 158. 101.
- Achaius ſetteth agreement be|tvvene his Nobilitie. 158.114
- Achaius doeth ayde the Pictes a|gaynſt the English men. 165.23
- Achaius dieth. 167.47
- Acho king of Norvvey arriueth vvith an armie in the vveſterne Ilandes. 289.32
- Acho tranſporteth his armie into Albion. 289.45
- Acho shevveth the cauſe vvhy he came into Scotland. 290.55
- Achos nephevv ſlaine. 292.25
- Achos fleet drovvned and brokẽ by a tempeſt. 292.54
- Acho eſcapeth & flieth into Ork|ney. 292.69
- Acho dyeth in Orkney. 292.106
- Acon, or Acres beſieged by Ri|chard the firſt. 278.33
- Acon taken by the Englishe men and Scottes. 278.66
- Acta bishop of Pictinia. 155.1
- Adelſtane purſueth the Pictes into their ovvne countrey. 165.35
- Adelſtanes cruel proclamation a|gaynſt the Pictes. 165.45
- Adelſtane ſlaine. 160.23
- Aylſtone or Adelſtanes foorde, vvherof ſo named. 166.25
- Adelſtane vvhere buried. 166.77
- Adelſtane King of vveſt Saxons inuadeth Deira. 165.6
- Adelſtane vvaſteth Deira vvith fire and ſvvorde. 265.14
- Ada daughter of Aurelius Am|broſius maried Conranus gene|rall of the Scots. 121.66
- Adam bishop of Cat [...]es, vilay|nouſly miſuſed and killed by the inhabitantes of that Countrey. 284. 110.
- Adamſon Iohn doctour of diuini|tie in Abirden. 285.63.
- Adannan bishop. 151.108
- Adhama daughter to king VVil|liam maryed to the Erle of La|on. 276.70
- Adhama ſiſter to king Malcolme, maryed to Florence Earle of Holland. 370.110
- Adders vvhich do not hurt. 279.12
- Adrian Emperour of [...]ome. [...].58.
- Adrian Emperor tranſporteth in|to Britaine. 61.72
- Adrian remoueth to Yorke. 61.81
- Adrian afflicteth the Scottes and Pictes, vvhich fled to the moun|taynes. 61.9 [...]
- Adrian maketh a vvall betvveene the Brytaines and Scots. 61.109
- Adrian returneth tovvard Rome. 62. 14.
- Adrian a bishop. 188.21
- Adrians vvall repayred. 92.74
- Aduerſarie in ſute of lavv not to be ſtroken. 181.59
- Adulterie death. 181.23
- Age of Marie Quene of Scotland vvhen shee began his raigne. 457. 28.
- Agricola Lieutenant of Britaine. 49. 39.
- Agricola goeth agaynſt the Scots. 49. 47.
- Agricola ſtudieth too bring the Scottes to ciuilitie. 50.33
- Agricola returneth into Pictland. 51. 47.
- Agricola diſcomfiteth the Scottes and Pictes. 52.93
- Agricola maketh a bridge ouer the riuer Tay, and paſſeth o|uer vvith his army. 54.19
- Agricolas name dreadfull to the Scots and Pictes. 67.23
- Agatha daughter to Henrie the Emperour. 253.108
- Agatha and Chriſtine renounce the vvorlde. 257.6
- Agaſia daughter to the King of Brytaynes. 21.50
- Agreement made betvvene Scots and Pictes. 139.60
- Ayde ſent into Scotlande to the Earle Lennox from the king of England. 461.23
- Aydan ſon to Conran returneth into Scotland. 137.73
- Aydan receyueth his inueſture in the kingdome of Scotland at the handes of ſaint Colme. 138.30
- Aydan bishop dyeth. 149.6
- Ayde ſent oute of Fraunce to the Scottes agaynſt the Englishmẽ. 464. 61
- Ayde ſent out of Englande to the gouernour of Scotlande vnder the conduction of Thomas L. VVharton, and the Lorde E|uers. 459.85
- Aydans diligence in prouiding to reſiſt his enimies. [...]41.23.
- Aydan dyeth. 142.16
- Aydan requireth certaine Scot|tish outlavves of the Pictes. 139. 10
- Alexander the firſt ſurnamed the fierce, created King of ſcot|lande. 261.54
- Alexander goeth vvith an armye gaynſte theeues and robbers in Murrey land and Ros. 261.74
- Alexanders manhoode in ſlaying the theeues that vvoulde haue ſlaine him. 262.12
- Alexander purſueth the Rebelles that conſpired vvith the theues and vanquished them. 262.42
- Alexander dieth. 263.9
- Alane Lorde of Gallovvayes ba|ſtarde ſonne rayſeth a commo|tion. 285.62
- Alane Lorde of Gallovves ba|ſtarde ſon ſlaine, and his povver diſcomfited. 285.86
- Alexander leadeth an armie into Englande to ayde the Barons agaynſt king Iohn. 282.10
- Alexander paſſeth ouer into Fraunce, to renue the league vvith the French king. 282.17
- Alexander and Levves accurſed by the Pope. 282.36
- Alexander prouoked by certaine Englishmen, harrieth the coun|treys as hee vvent home into Scotland. 282.50
- Alexander purſueth k. Henrie the third vvith an armie into Nor|thumberland. 282.72
- Alexander and his realm of Scot|land abſolued. 283.13
- Alexander of Scotlande, and Hẽ|rie the thirde of England meet at Yorke to conclude and eſta|blish peace. 283.72
- Alexander goeth into Englande to ſet agreement betvvene K. Henrie and his Nobles. 285.116
- Alexander maryeth Mary daugh|ter to Ingelram, Lorde of Cou|cie. 286.15
- Alexander ſendeth ayde to King Levves of Fraunce, tovvardes his iourney into the holy land. 286. 85.
- Alexander dyeth. 287.1
- Alexander the third, ſonne to A|lexander the ſeconde crovvned king of Scotland. 287.11
- Alexander the third marieth Mar+garet daughter to Henrie the thirde of England. 287.87
- Alexander ſonne to VVilliam prince of Scotlande borne. 279. 76.
- Alexander graunteth to paye a yearely penſion to the King of Norvvey for the vveſterne I|les. 294.20
- Alexander ſendeth money to the Pope tovvardes the ſetting forth of an armie into the holye lande. 294.102
- Alexander and his Queene come to London to the coronation of king Edvvard the firſt. 295.47
- Alexander Prince of Scotlande, maryeth the Erle of Flaunders daughter. 295.92
- Alexander prince of Scotland di|eth. 296.11
- Alexander the thirde marieth Io|lant, daughter to the Earle of Champaigne in Fraunce. 296.58
- Alexander the third dieth. 296.68
- Alexander the third taken priſo|ner, and kept by the Cumeyns. 288.4
- Alexander aſſembleth a povver a+gaynſte Acho and his Norvve|gian [...]. 200. [...]1
- Alexander prince of ſcotlande, ſonne to Alexander the thirde borne. 292.115
- Alexander the ſeconde ſonne to king VVilliam, crovvned king of Scotland 281.79
- Alexander Lorde of Arguile ba|nished by king Robert. 314.
- Alexander Lorde of the Iles mo|ueth a rebellion agaynſte K. Ia|mes the firſt. 378.74
- Alexander Lorde of the Iles ſub|mitteth himſelfe to the king and is pardoned. 378.91
- Alexander duke of Albanie taken priſoner on the ſea by the Eng|lish men. 399.45
- Alexander duke of Albanie com|mitted to priſon by the king his brother. 402.83
- Alexander duke of Albanie eſca|peth into Fraunce. 402.88
- Alexander Duke of Albany com|meth into England. 403.60
- Alexander Duke of Albanie re|ſtored. 404.7
- Alexander Duke of Albany poy|ſoned. 404.57
- Alexander Duke of Albany fly|eth into England. 404.7 [...]
- Alexander duke of Albany inua|ding Scotlande vvith an army is diſcomfited and flieth. 404.77
- Alexander duke of Albanie dy|eth. 404.91
- Alexander Archebishop of ſaine Androvves ſtudent vvith Eraſ|mus Roterodamus. 415.39
- Alexander Archebishop of ſaint Androvves returneth home frõ ſtudie into ſcotland. 415.40
- Alexander ſecond ſonne to Iames the fourth borne. 424.13
- Alexander ſecond ſonne to Iames the fourth dieth. 426.68
- Albion perſvvadeth the ſcottes to conclude a league vvith the Frenchmen. 162.38
- Ale ſolde by vveight .280.2. and 385. 83.
- Albion the ſepulture of the Danes 231. 15.
- Alane Lord of Gallovvay. 281.99
- Alaricke king of Gothes generall of the Northren conſpiratours. 94. 71.
- Alectum novv called Dundee. 278. 98.
- Alcluth. 51.29
- Alpine conſtrayned to graunt to be crovvned king of ſcotlande 167. 97.
- Alpine eſcapeth the confederates, and crmmeth to Dongal. 168.2
- Alpine makes claim to the crovvn of Pictland. 169.3
- Alpine crovvned King of ſcot|lande. 170.5
- Alpine inuadeth Pictlande vvith an army. 170.12
- Alpine refuſeth to ioyne in league vvith Brudus. 171.63
- Alpine and his armie put to flight by the Pictes. 172, 72
- Alpine taken and beheaded. 172. 80.
- Alpines head ſtolne and ſolemnly buried. 173.46
- Alured king of VVeſt ſaxont ſub|dueth the Danes in ſundrie con|flictes. 191.56
- Alured vanquisheth Gormond ar Abingdon. 200.1 [...]
- Ambaſſadors ſent vnto France to come and receyue the kingdom EEBO page image 559 of ſcotland. 145.37
- Amberkeleth created king of ſcot|land. 152.30
- Amberkeleth turneth from vertue to all licenciouſneſſe. 152.45.
- Ambirkeleth leadeth forth an ar|mie againſt the Pictes. 152.63
- Ambirkeleth ſlaine vvith an ar|rovve, no man knovving from vvhence it came. 152.94
- Ambaſadors ſent oute of Scot|lande to the king of Romaines to call in a letter of Marque. 406. 116
- Ambaſſador ſent from Henry the eight, king of Englande to the gouernour and Nobilitie of Scotland, to perſvvade aboute the mariage to be had betvvene Edvvarde ſonne to king Hen|rie the eight, and the yong Qu. of Scottes. 458.39
- Ambaſſadours ſent oute of Scot|land to ſatiſfie King Henrie the eight concerning the mariage. 458. 47
- Amphibalus, a famous Chriſtian Brytaine. 83.2
- Ambaſſadours ſent from the Ro|mains, to the Brytains. 31.8
- Ambaſſadours ſent from Aulus Planctius to Caratake. 37.41
- Aurelius Ambroſius poyſoned by a Monke 123.102
- Antenous Lieutenant of Brytain. 60. 57
- Antenous vvounded vvith an ar|rovv. 60.28
- Antenous vvriteth to Rome of the ouerthrovv of the Romains 61. 57
- Anguſianus fleeth into the VVe|ſterne Ilandes. 84.81
- Anguſianus proclaymed King of Scottes. 85.27
- Anguſianus ſore troubled of the Picts. 85.47
- Anguſianus diſcomfiteth Nacta|nus and his armie. 85.65
- Anguſianus ſueth to Nactanus for peace. 86.34
- Anguſianus ſlaine. 86.52
- Angus Thane of Gallovvay ray|ſeth a commotion againſt Mal|colme. 270.16
- Angus and his armie diſcomfited in three ſeuerall bickerings. 270. 28
- Angus fleeth to VVhitern, vvhere he is beſieged. 270.34
- Angus yeeldeth himſelfe to the king. 270.38
- Angus becommeth a Chanon. 270. 45
- Androgeus eloquence in vttering his meſſage. 28.27
- Androgeus is ſent vnto the Pictes in the like meſſage, and hath the like ſucceſſe. 28.43
- Androgeus taken priſoner by the Romaines. 28.86
- Androgeus chiefe of the Britishe Ambaſſadours, ſent vnto Ede|rus for ayde agaynſt Iulius Cae|ſar. 28.25
- Anand Dauid knight, and his va|liancie. 342.11
- Antoninus ſonne to Seuerus for|tifieth Adrians vvall vvith Ba|ſtalions. 72.82
- Analaſſus and Godfrey putte to flight. 201.35
- Antoninus in hope to bee Empe|rour, concludeth a peace vvith the enimies. 72.89
- Analaſſus flieth into VVeſtmer|land. 203.18
- Anne daughter of Aurelius Am|broſius maried vnto Loth King of Pictes. 122.61
- Anaſtaſius Emperour. 123.20
- Androenus king of Brytaine Ar|morleke. 110
- Angleſey in the Brytish tongue hovv called. 21.16
- Angres Erle & ſir George Dovv|glas his brother ſent home out of England into ſcotlande. 458.12
- Angus vvhy ſo called. 177.90
- Annandale hovve called in olde time. 178.11
- Annand tovvne beſieged, taken, and burnt by the Engliſhmen. 470.3. the Churche vndermined and shaken dovvne. 470.18
- Antenous departeth out of Bry|taine. 62.15
- Angus ſubdued by the Romaines. 56. 12
- Antonius Commodus Emperour of Rome. 67.34
- Appointment taken betvvene the gouernour of ſcotland and the Earle of Lennox and his ſide. 460. 80
- Appurtenances to religion to bee reuerenced. 181.86
- Apple by George ſlaine. 478. [...]0
- Arbroth Abbey. 445.80
- Archimbald Douglas erle of An|gus ſent for to come into Eng|land, is ſent into ſcotland vvith an armie .430.21. made Treaſo|rer of ſcotland .437.82. diuorced from the Queene mother .438.16. atteynted of treaſon by Par|liament .440.10. banished into Fraunce .441.8. departed this life through griefe of mind. 441.18
- Arguile in ſcotlande firſt vvhiche by ſcottes vvas poſſeſſed. 5. [...]6
- Arguile vvhy ſo called. 5.98
- Arguile infeſted by the Ilandmen. 68. 35
- Argadus ſent into Arguile agaynſt the Iland rebels. 68.41
- Argadus ſlaine. 68.62
- Arrane Earle gouernour of ſcot|lande, breaketh his fayth and re|uolteth from k. Henry. 450.100
- Aruiragus and the Romains. 33.17
- Arrane Erle nevvly cõfirmed go|uernour. 460.5
- Arguile for Argathile. 100.8
- Archers called Kernes. 54. [...]0
- Argentine Giles knight ſlain. 319.6
- Armes of the family of the Hayes. 217. 7
- Armes of Alexander Carron en|creaſed. 262.56
- Armes of the Coneſtable of Dun|dee. 2 [...]2.64
- Armes of the Erle of March 253.61
- Armes of ſcotland vvith their in|terpretation. 163.91
- Armes of the Citie of Florence. 164. 15
- Armies of the Lions in Scotlande. 358. 48
- Armie of ſcottes and Frenchmen inuade England. 360.68
- Armie of ſcottes ſent into France againſt the Englishmen 374.68
- Armed angels ſeene at Glaſtenbu|rie. 319.42
- Armour borne, but in the Kinges defence too bee confiſcate. 246. 49
- Armed men appeare fighting vp|pon the grounde before ſunne riſing. 441.41
- Armorike Britaines order in fight 121. 80
- An army of ſcottes lyeth on the borders of England, and retur|neth home vvithout doing anye thing. 464.73
- Attaine Earle enclyned too the Goſpell .457.56. hee is pro|claymed gouernour and Pro|tectour of the Realme of Scot|land. 457.63
- Arthures hoiffe. 300.14
- Arthure Prince of ſcotlande, borne. 415.30
- Articles of the league betvveene Fraunce and Scotlande. 163. 60
- Aruiragus by force caryed out of the field by his ovvne menne. 35. 66
- Aruiragus ſendeth Meſſengers of ſubmiſsion to Veſpaſian. 36. 3
- Aruiragus reſtored agayne to the kingdome. 36.14
- Arnolde archbishop of ſaint An|drovves. 270.115
- Arthure the greate, baſtard ſonne to Vter. 124.7
- Arthure appoynted heyre of the crovvne of Brytaine. 124.19
- Arthure proclaimed king of Bry|taine. 126.110
- Arthure goeth forth agaynſt the ſaxons. 126.113
- Arthure vanquisheth the ſax|ons at tvvo ſeuerall tymes. 127. 4
- Arthure Prince of ſcotland dyeth. 415. 57
- Armorike Brytaynes come ouer to ayde Arthure. 127.1
- Aruiragus taketh part agaynſt the Romaines. 34.42
- Argadus choſen gouernor of ſcot|lande. 64.33
- Argadus of an vpryght Iuſticier, vvaxeth contentious and euill. 64. 43
- Argadus is rebuked. 64.57
- Argadus amendeth his former miſ|gouernance. 65.5
- Argadus created Lorde Preſident of the Counſaile. 65.52
- Argadus ſent foorth agaynſt re|bel, in the Iles. 65.67
- Aran and Bute taken by the Nor|vvegiaes. 189.40
- Arthurnus King Aydanes ſonne ſlaine. 139.37
- Aruiragus King of Brytayne. 32. 60
- Aruiragus forſaketh hys vvife Voada. 32.62
- Aruiragus maryeth Geniſſa a Ro|maine Ladie. 32.64
- Aruiragus ouerthrovveth his eni|mies. 32.82
- Arthure rayſeth his ſiege of York and returneth into VVales. 127. 70
- Arthure diſcomfiteth the ſaxons, tvviſe in battail, and then vvin|neth Yorke. 127.87
- Arthure taketh the ſaxons too mercie vpon condition. 12 [...].12
- Arthure repayreth Churches in Yorke and elſevvhere defaced by the ſaxons 12 [...].32
- Arthure purpoſeth to deſtroy the vvhole race of ſaxons in Albi|on. 129.45
- Arthures badge. 129.71
- Arthures munificence tovvardes the ſcottes and Pictes vvhiche ayded him agaynſt the ſaxons. 130. 72
- Arthure vvhat tyme hee lyued. 132. 38
- Arthure and his armie ſlaine. 134. 61
- Athirco elected king of Scottes. 73. 59
- Athirco chaungeth his conditions from good to bad. 37.74
- Athirco vilaynouſly abuſeth tvvo yong Gentlevvomen. 74.7
- Athirco flieth. 34.37
- Athirco flieth himſelfe. 74.44
- Athalfus ſucceſſour to Alaricke. 94. 100
- Athole aſsigned to the Pictes to dvvell in. 97.65
- Athalus vſurpeth the Romaine Empire in Affrike. 98.94
- Athole. 100.5
- Athelſtane baſe ſonne to Ed|vvarde, created king of Eng|lande. 201.80
- Athelitane giueth the Scottes and Picts a great ouerthrovv. 201.95
- Athelſtane recouereth Northum|berland, Cumberland & VVeſt|merlande. 202. [...]08
- Athelſtane of England, and Mal|colme of Scotland re [...]e theyr auncient league. 203.44
- Aulus Planctius ſente into Bry|taine. 2 [...].88
- Aulus Planctius ſendeth a Meſ|ſenger to Rome to the Empe|rour, of the daunger of Bry|taine. 304.59
- Aulus Planctius ſendeth Ambaſ|ſadours Caratake. 34. [...]
- Aulus Planctius leadeth an armye agaynſt Caratake. 36. [...]6
- Aulus Planctius ſetteth vppon the Scottish campe. 37.44
- Aulus Planctius prepareth to meet the Scottes. 38. [...]
- Aulus Planctius ſicke of the [...] 38. 29
- Aulus Planctius dyeth. 38.44
- Aulus Didius commeth into Bri|taine. 4 [...].15
- Aulus Didius maketh peace vvith the Scottes and Pictes. 43.17
- Aulus Didius dyeth. 43.3 [...]
- Aulus Atticus a Romaine ſlaine. 55. 45
- Authoritie of the Coneſtable in Scotland. 281.100
- Authorities of Bishops and Ordi|naries. 19 [...].20
- Aud [...]ey Thomas. 462. [...]2
- Auguſtine and Mellitus ſent into Albion. 142. [...]
- Auguſtus Caeſar Emperour of Rome. 29.62
- Aurelius Ambroſius, and Vter, ſonnes to Conſtantinus King of Brytaine. 117.44
- Aurelius Ambroſius and Vter ar|ri [...]e in Brytayne, and beſiege Vortigerne. [...].75
- Aurelius Ambroſius ſendeth Am|baſſadours to the Scottes and Pictes, to require theyr ayde a|gaynſt the Saxons. 120.100
- Aurelius Ambroſius proclaymed king of Brytaine. 121.46
- Aurelius Ambroſius receyueth the Citie of London and Tovver into his handes. 122.20
- Aurelius Ambroſius falleth ſicke of a conſumption. 123.68
- Aurelius Probus Emperour. 77. 51
- BAle Iohn cited. 147.21
- Bale Iohn cited. 315.103
- Balentine cited. 330.36
- Balentine cited. 242.9
- Bache an Italian Capitaine, a manne of great experience and skill. 476.9
- Bag [...]munts taxe. 4 [...]6.55
- Baibrid a village in Scotlande. 2 [...]. 80
- Ballioll Iohn ſvveareth to do ho|mage to king Edvvard of Eng|lande, for the Realme of Scot|land. 209.80
- Ballioll Edvvarde ſonne to king Iohn, maryeth the eldeſt daugh|ter of Charles Earle of Va|loys. 300.44
- Ballioll Edvvard requireth ayde of king Edvvarde, to recouer the crovvne of Scotland. 333.20
- Balliol Edvvard landeth in Scot|lande vvith an armie. 333.52
- Ballioll Edvvard crovvned king of Scotland. 334.64
- EEBO page image 559Ballioll Edvvard vvithdravveth him into England. 347.71
- Ballioll Edvvarde reſigneth hys righte in the Crovvne of Scot|land to King Edvvard. 353.41
- Ballocht Donald inuadeth Loch|quhaber vvith an armye of Re|bels. 378.103
- Ballocht Donald diſcomfiteth and ſtayeth the Kings povver, and returneth home vvith greate b [...]ties. 378.108
- Ballocht Donalde taken, and hys head ſente for a preſente to the King. 379.9
- B [...]ne Makedonald, looke Make|donald.
- Banquho ſlayne. 246.97
- Bane Donalde Crovvned Kyng of of Scottes. 259.67
- Bane Donalde fleeth againe into the Iles. 259.115
- Bane Donald reſtored to his king|dome. 260.22
- Bane Donald ſlayeth Edgars meſ|ſengers. 260
- Bane Donald put to flight by Ed|gar, and chaſed into the Iles. 160. 79
- Bane Donald dieth in priſon .260. [...]e. 90
- B [...]ketting cheere banished out of Scotland. 263.72
- Ba [...]nockeſbourne. 316.32
- B [...]nockes vvhy ſo called. 310.33
- Banquho Thane of Lochquha|ber. 139.40
- Barõs to make Gibbets & dravv| [...]rels in their liberties. 253.17
- Barons of England ſue for ayde to the Frenchmẽ and Scots againſt King Iohn. 282.7
- Baron Grayſtocke and his proui|ſion taken by the Scots 359.69
- Barons rebell againſt King Iames the fourth. 408.59
- Barons diſcõfited & ſlaine. 408.63
- Barre, a tovvne in Scotlãd. 234.21
- Barre, a skilfull vvarriour. 176.12
- Barton Andrevve ſente to ſea a|gainſt Hollanders. 413.82
- B [...]on Andrevv and Iohn by let|ters of Marque, bring Portin|gales goodes into Scotlande. 45. 23
- B [...]on Andrevv ſlayne vpon the Sea. 416.1
- Barron Roberte taketh certayne English priſes. 416
- Barvvike reſtored to the Scottes. 183. 9
- Barvvike both Caſtel and tovvne [...]oane by the Englishmẽ. 282.97
- Barvvike beſieged by the En|glishmen. 300.93
- Barvvike taken by the English|men. 301.8
- Barvvike vvonne by the Scottes from the Englishmen. 321.28
- Barvvike beſieged by King Ed|vvard the third of England .336. [...]. 65
- Barvvike yeelded to Kyng Ed|vvarde. 338.68
- Barvvike recouered by the Scots. 353. 16
- Barvvike taken by the Englishmẽ and repayred agayne. 353.39
- Barvvike vvonne by the Scottes, and recouered by the English|men. 357.83
- Barvvike deliuered by K. Henry the E [...]h to the Scottes. 398.81
- Barvvike Tovvne and Caſtel ta|ken by the Englishmẽ. 404.13
- [...]s Leutenant of Britaine, leadeth his army againſt Caran| [...]. 81.70
- [...]hus the Lieutenant ſlayne. [...]. 106
- [...]ron Roberte the Carmelite ta|ken by the Scottes. 319.27
- Baſtõ Robert a Carmelite. 315.104
- Baſsinates, a kinde of fish ſeene in greate number, and vvhat they ſignifie. 191.10
- Battayle of .30. Clannes agaynſte. 30. 79
- Battayle of Harlovv. 373.26
- Battaile of Bauge. 374.11
- Battayle betvveene Victorinus, and Ferguſius ſeuered by a ſtrõg tempeſt. 97.40
- Battaile betvveene Crovves and Pies on the one ſide, and Ra|uens on the other. 135.51
- Battaile of Bannockeſbourne .319. line. 44
- Battaile of Murthlake. 233.37
- Battayle of Halidovvne hil. 338.21
- Battaile of Blackbourne. 346.50
- Battaile of Duplin. 333.94
- Battaile of Poicters fought. 353.70
- Battaile of Piperden. 383.56
- Battaile of Saint Albons. 396.17
- Bataile of Floddon. 421.64
- Battaile of Glaſquho vvonne by the gouernour of Scotlãd. 462.28
- Beton Iames made Archbishoppe of Glaſgevv. 414.106
- Beaton Iames, Archbishoppe of Glaſgo, tranſlated to Saint An|drevves. 431.99
- Beton Dauid, Abbotte Arbroith, ſente Ambaſſadour into France. 442. 13
- Beaton Iames Archbishoppe of S. Andrevvs, departeth this life. 445. 75
- Beaton Dauid Cardinal and Arch|bishoppe of Saint Andrevves, his forging of a vvill .457.39. he eſtablisheth himſelfe chiefe re|gente of Scotlande .457.45. hys crafty iugling eſpied by the Proteſtãts .457.51. he is commit|ted to vvarde in the Caſtell of Dalketh. 458.31
- Beaton Dauid the Cardinall, cor|rupteth his keepers, and getteth abrode at libertie. 459.48
- Beatrice Counteſſe Dovvglas, married to hir huſbands brother. 393. 32
- Beatrice Countes Dovvglas ſub|mitteth hirſelfe to the Kyng. 394. 59
- Beatrice daughter to King Ed|vvard, married to Sithrike king of Northumberland. 201.28
- Beatrice poyſoneth hir huſbande. 201. 29
- Beatrice put to death. 201.33
- Beaſts dye roaring after a ſtrange ſort. 186.73
- Beaſts doing harme in paſture or corne to be impounded. 181.79
- Beauclerke Henry created Kyng of England. 261.16
- Beauclearke Henrye marrieth Maude ſiſter to K. Edgar. 261.24
- Beauclerke Henries iſſue by Maude. 261.34
- Beauford Iohn, Erle of Somerſet. 248. 30
- Beda cited. 154.98
- Beda cited. 17.69
- Belles melted in the Steeples by fire. 297.64
- Benefices beſtovved after Floddõ field in Scotland. 426.109
- Bercklay Thomas Knight ſent in|to Scotlande vvith a greate po|vver. 346.45
- Berklay Dauid knight ſlain. 352.26
- Bertha drovvned by inundation of vvaters. 280.87
- Beuerley ſaued from the ſpoyle of the Scottes for a ſumme of mo|ney. 324.69
- Bible in Englishe published vni|uerſally through the Realme of Scotland. 458.65
- Bishop Thomas. 461.5
- Bishop Thomas ſent by the Earle of Lennox to the King of En|glande, to aduertiſe the King of his proceedings. 463.66
- Bishop Thomas of Vtheltree for|falted in Scotlãd by acte of Par|liamente, and all his landes and goodes giuen and annexed to the Crovvne. 464.100
- Bishops ſeat of Candida Caſa firſt inſtituted. 94.113
- Bishops trauell betvvixt the Bri|taines and Picts to bring them to communication of peace. 133.65
- Bishops ſea planted at Dunkelde. 137. 49
- Bishops ſea at Abimethy tranſla|ted to Saint Andrevves. 182.18
- Beringonium, looke Caſtell of Be|ringonium.
- Bishops vvithout any certain Di|oceſes. 182.28
- Bishoppes and ordinaries to haue authoritie to looke to all mennes faith, as vvell of them that are publique as priuate. 1 [...]2.20
- Bishops ſea of Abirden vvher firſt erected. 232.27
- Bishops ſeas reſtored, and nevvly erected by Malcolme. 257.20
- Bishopprickes erected by Dauid the firſt. 263.91
- Bishops of Scotland ſummoned to a Conuocation at Northamp|ton. 275.56
- Bishoppes Sea at Arguile erected. 280. 81
- Bishop a Scottishman, richly re|vvarded by King Henrye the eyght. 474.16
- Biſſare Iohn, and VValter Biſſart banished the Realme. 286.37
- Biron Chapelle Monſter, a french Captaine. 477.23
- Brudus choſen K. of Pictes. 170.24
- Blacke Prince taketh the King of France, and his ſonne priſoners. 353. 73
- Blacke Agnes of Dunbar. 345.22
- Blacke den, or Diuels den. 190.58
- Blacke houre. 381.4
- Blacke Friers ſent into Scotlande. 285. 50
- Blacke Parliament. 322.67
- Bladus King of Orkney ſleyeth himſelfe. 26.46
- Blaſphemy and ſvvearing notably punished. 199.80
- Blaſphemers to haue their tungs cut out. 180.113
- Bloudy cuſtome of Scottes. 17.23
- Bloudy bickering for a Greyhoũd. 80. 26
- Boares tuſkes of exceeding big|nes. 262.88
- Boartinke landes vvhy ſo called. 262. 86
- Boclough Lord comming to aſſiſt King Iames the fifth vvith a po|vver .438. is diſcomfited and put to flight. 438.73
- Bogdale vvherof ſo named. 99.74
- Boyd Thomas Barle of Arrane in the Kings diſpleaſure. 400.26
- Boyd Thomas Earle of Arrane, diuorced from his vvife. 400.37
- Boyd Thomas Earle of Arrane, being cited, refuſeth to appeare. 400. 97
- Boyd Thomas Earle of Arrane fleeth into Englande, and from thence into Denmarke. 400.104
- Boyd Thomas Earle of Arrane murthered. 401.11
- Bonifacius Quirinus a godly pre|cher, commeth into Scot. 144.10
- Bonifacius Quirinus buildeth ma|ny Churches in Scotlãd. 144.27
- Bonifacius Quirinus dyeth in Roſſe. 144.75
- Booke called Regia Maieſtas. 238
- Bookes of Chronicles, and other Scottish matters burnt. 308.59
- Borderers deſirous of vvarre .356. line. 124
- Borthvvike Iohn accuſed of here|ſie, condemned, and his picture burned. 446.41
- Boundes betvveene England and Scotland, in the dayes of VVil|liam Cõquerour and Malcolme. 255. 58
- Bounds of the Scottish kingdome. 182. 41
- Bouchetell Guillame Knight .480. line. 86
- Bovves Robert Knight takẽ per|ſoner, and deteyned in Scotlãd. 447.88. & .474. 97
- Bovves Robert knight ſent home out of Scotlande into Englande. 458. 34
- Bourgh vnder Stanemore ſacked by the Scottes. 321.115
- Boyd Thomas Knight ſlaine .386. line. 94
- Boys Alexanders vvife, and hyr aduentures. 308.10
- Bracehara a Citie in Po [...]tingale builded. 2.27
- Brayes, a point of land in Angus. 214. 61
- Brechin vvith the Churche there deſtroyed by the Danes. 234.5
- Bredus inuadeth the Scots vvith a povver of Irishmen. 27.54
- Bredus Shippes burned. 27.60
- Bredus and his povver vanqui|shed. 28.3
- Bredus brother to Gilchriſt .276. line. 60
- Brek Simon a valiant Scot ſente for into Ireland. 5.31
- Brek crovvned King of Scottes in the marble ſeate. 5.41
- Brek firſt King of Scots in Irelãd. 5. 45
- Brek brought the marble ſeate in|to Ireland. 5.38
- Brek dyeth. 5.58
- Bren and Cornelius heads of a faction in Ireland. 196.13
- Bren and his army ſlaine and cha|ſed. 196.67
- Brenna daughter to the Kyng of Mertia. 168.54
- Brenna married vnto tvvo bro|thers. 168.55
- Brennius Lieutenaunte, or the Thane of the Ile of Man ſlain. 140. 88
- Brezey Pierce ſent into Englande vvith an army, to aide K. Henry the ſixt againſte Edvvarde the fourth. 398.107
- Brezey Pierce beſieged by En|glishmenne, and reſcued by the Scottes. 399.16
- Bridge ouer Dee nigh Aberdene builded. 429.31
- Bright Starre like a Comete ap|peareth in the Skie. 413.86
- Britaines driuen from their ſeates by the Pictes. 6.23
- Britaines miſlike the Scottes and Pictes alliance. 6.62
- Britains practiſe to ſet diſcord be|tvvene the Picts and Scots. 6.72
- Britaines ſende Ambaſſadours to the Picts. 6.93
- Britaines and Picts come againſte the Scottes. 7.83
- Britains purpoſed to deſtroy both Picts and Scottes. 8.9
- Britaines treaſon reuealed vnto Ferguſius. 8.13
- Britaines reputed cõmon enimies both to Scottes and Pictes. 9.3
- Britains rob both Scots and Picts to ſet them at diſcord. 9.50
- British armye put to flight by the Scottes and Picts. 9
- Britaines require peace of the Scottes and Pictes. 10.9
- EEBO page image 560Britaines inuade the Pictes. 15.74
- Britaines inuade the Scottes .16. line. 18
- Britaines diſcomfited by the Scots and Pictes. 17.51
- Britaines proude for repulſing the Romanes. 28.63
- Britaines refuſe ayde againſte the Romaynes at their ſeconde cõ|ming. 28.72
- Britaines vanquished by the Ro|maines. 28.85
- Birth of our Sauioure Chriſte .31. line. 32
- Britaines vveeried through trauel and hunger. 33.90
- Britaines leuie an army againſt the Ronmines. 39.10
- Britaines pardoned for their Re|bellion. 36.16
- British lavves abrogated in Bri|taine, and the Romaine eſtabli|shed. 36.23
- Britaines eftſoones rebell. 39.1
- Britaynes by Oſtorius, the moſt part ſlayne and taken. 39.33
- Brigantes vvhere they inhabited. 39. 43
- Birth of a monſtrous childe. 41.5
- Britaines moue a nevve Rebelliõ. 43. 80
- Barvvike and Carelile burnt. 44. line. 16
- British commons riſe againſte the Romanes. 67.98
- Britaine receyueth the Chriſtian faith. 70.18
- Britaines vvith the Scottes and Pictes ſpoile their ovvne coun|trey. 71.66
- Buckle of King Iames the fourthes helmet, gnavven vvith Mice. 421. 24
- Britaines betray the Romanes. 81. line. 97
- Britaines by the Scottes sharpely repulſed out of VVeſtmerland. 84. 4
- Britishe Kings conſtreyned to go|uerne at the Romaines appoint|ment and order. 93.30
- Britaines ioyne vvith Maximia|nus againſt the Scottes. 101.25
- Britaines require aide of Valenti|nianus the Emperoure. 103.33
- Britaines flee out of Pictand, and come ouer the Riuer of T [...]ne. 104. 53
- Britaines ſend to Etius in Fraunce for aide agaynſt the Scottes and Pictes. 104.86
- Britaines though forſaken of the Romanes, determine to reſiſt the Scottes and Pictes. 104.107
- Britaines ſue to the Scottes and Pictes for peace. 105.89
- Britaines ſend to Etius into Frãce for aide. 105. [...]2
- Britaines put to flight, and ſlayne by the Scottes and Picts. [...]07.32
- Britaines made tributaries to the Scottes and Pictes. 108.4
- Britaines ſende into Britaine Ar|morike for aide. 110.41
- Britaines great earneſtneſſe to re|couer their libertie. 110.76
- Britaines put to flighte and ſlaine. 111. 27
- Britaines flee from the Scots. 114. line. 100
- Britaines ſente to defend the bor|ders, are d [...]neſſed. 115.52
- Britaines put to flight, and chaſed by the Pictes. 117.4
- Britaines require aide of Scottes and Pictes againſte the Saxons. 117. 89
- Britaines conſtreyned to flee into VVales. 119.71
- Britaines refuſe to receyue Loth or any of his ſonnes to reigne o|uer them. [...]26.100
- Britaines through reſt and eaſe, become vnapte to ſuſteyne the paynes of vvarres. 128.23
- Britaines make ſuddaine inuaſion into the Saxons camp, and viter|ly diſcomfite and ſlay them. 130. line. 30
- Britaines repẽt thẽ of their league made vvith the Pictes. 132.56
- Britaines, Scottes, and Picts, pitch their tentes to fight [...] neere the bankes of Humber. 133.59
- Britaines vvill not conſente to haue peace vvith the Scottes and Pictes. 134.11
- Britains put to flight by the Scots and Pictes. 134.43
- Britaines and Scottes put the Sax|ons to flight. 140.47
- Britaines and Scots diſtreſſed by the Pictes and Saxons. 140.84
- Britaines and Scots depart ſecret|ly into Northumberlande, and vvaſt it. 141.37
- Britaines buy peace of the Danes for money. 194.38
- Britaines require to ioine in armes vvith the Scottes agaynſte the Danes. 194
- Aymouth Caſtell raſed. 480.94
- Britaines enter into the Scottishe confines, and carrie avvay boo|ties. 194.96
- Britaines ouerthrovven by the Scottes. 1 [...]4 115
- Britaines ſue to Scottes for peace. 195. 15
- Brian Frauncis an Englishe Cap|tayne. 467.63
- Bribers to be hanged. 180.103
- Brigantia a Citie in Spayne, novv called Compoſtella builded. 2.39
- Broken men are theeues and out|lavves vpon the borders. 438.65
- Broughtie Crag Caſtell vvonne by the Englishmen. 469.71
- Broughtie Crag Caſtell beſieged by the Lorde Gouernour. 470.92. forſaken, and the ſiege bro|ken vp. 472.27
- Broughty Crag holden by the Englishmen. 480.29. vvonne by the Frenchmen. 480.40
- Broningfielde, or Brunenburgh battayle. 201.84
- Brookes Thomas. 462.62
- Bruce Roberte marrieth Martha daughter to the Earle of Car|rike. 295.17
- Bruce Roberte aftervvard Kyng of Scotland borne. 295.38
- Bruce Roberte occaſion of the o|uerthrovve of the Scottes at Dunbar. 301.48
- Bruce Roberte ſubmitteth hym|ſelfe to King Edvvard. 301.35
- Bruce and Cumeyn conſpire a|gainſt King Edvvard. 309.45
- Bruce Roberte crovvned King of Scotland. 311.28
- Bruce Edvvard, brother to Kyng Robert. 313.114
- Bruce Edvvard proclaymed King of Irelande. 320.45
- Bruce Mariorie, daughter to king Robert Bruce. 247.80
- Brudeus K. of Pictes. 137.13
- Brudeus denieth to deliuer certain Scottish outlavves vnto Aydan. 139. 23
- Brudeus proclaymeth vvarre a|gainſt the Scottes. 140.9
- Brudeus vntroth oftẽ notified. 146
- Brudeus entreth Northumberland vvith an army. 151.79
- Brudus ſlaine by his ovvne ſub|iects. 171.30
- Brudus created King of Picts. 171. line. 50
- Brudus hangeth vp certaine Scot|tish robbers vpõ gibbets. 171.55
- Brudus ſendeth to the Scottes to renevv their league. 171.59
- Brudus ſendeth to Edvvin Kyng of Northumberland for ayd a|gainſt the Scottes. 171.70
- Brudus entreth into Angus vvith an army. 172.17
- Brudus dyeth. 173.30
- Buerne an Englishman fledde to the Danes. 189.66
- Bulles head, a token of execution. 387. 50
- Bulmer Raufe taken priſoner. 468. line. 36
- Buriall of noble menne to bee ſo|lemnely fulfilled. 181.105
- Buriall of companions and friends in the vvarres commaunded. 181. line. 46
- Burnt Candlemaſſe. 353.62
- Bute and Aran taken by the Nor|vvegians. 289.40
- Buthquhane vvhereof ſo named. 99. 71