1.9. The forme of the homage.
The forme of the homage.
Compare 1577 edition:
_I Iohn N. king of Scots shall be true and faithfull vnto you lord
Edward by the grace of God K. of England, the noble & superiour lord of the kingdome of
Scotland, as vn|to you I make my fidelitie of the same kingdome of Scotland, the which I hold
& claime to hold of you. And I shall beare to you my faith and fidelitie of life and lim, and
worldlie honor, against all men; and faithfullie I shall knowledge,
and shall doo to you seruice due to you of the kingdome of Scotland aforesaid: as God so helpe and
these holie euangelists.
Compare 1577 edition:
Now for the third part, touching records and regi|sters, we haue them so formall, so autenticall, so
se|riouslie handled, and with such circumstances decla|ring the matters, as they be and ought to be a
great corroboration of that hath beene in stories written &
reported in this matter. For among other things we haue the solemne act and iudiciall processe of our
progenitor Edward the first, in discussion of the title of Scotland, when the same was challenged by
12 competitors (that is to saie) Florentius comes Holandie, Patricius de Dunbar comes de Mer|chia,
Willielmus de Uesci, Willielmus de Rosse, Robertus de Pinkeni, Nicholaus de Soules, Pa|tricius
Galightlie, Rogerus de Mundeuile, Ioan|nes de Comin, D. Ioannes de Hastings, Ioannes de Balliolo, Robertus de Bruse, Ericius rex Norwe|gie.
Compare 1577 edition:
Finallie, after a great consultation and ma|ture deliberation, with discussion of the allegations
proponed on all parts, sentence was giuen for the ti|tle of Balioll, according wherevnto he inioied
the realme. But for confirmation of the dutie of the ho|mage before that time obserued by the K. of
Scots, it appeareth in those records, how when those compe|titors of the realme of Scotland repaired
to our progenitor, as to the chiefe lord for discussion of the same,
insomuch as the authoritie of the iudgement to be giuen depended therevpon; it was then orde|red that
the whole parlement of Scotland, spirituall & temporall, & of all degrees assembled
for that pur|pose, and considering vpon what ground & founda|tion the kings of Scotland had in
times past made the said homages and recognition of superioritie, the said parlement finding the same
good & true, should (if they so déemed it) yéeld and giue place, and by ex|presse consent recognise the same.
Compare 1577 edition:
At which parlement was alleged vnto them, as appeareth in the same records, not onelie these acts of
the princes before those daies, and before rehear|sed: but also besides the testimonie of stories, the
writings and letters of forren princes at that time reciting and rehearsing the same. Wherevpon the
said parlement did there agree to this our superiori|tie, and insuing their determination did
particular|lie and seuerallie make homage & fealtie with pro|clamation, that whosoeuer
withdrew himselfe from dooing his duetie therein, should be reputed as a re|bell. And so all made
homage and fealtie to our pro|genitor Edward the first. And the realme of Scot|land was in the time of
the discussion of the title ru|led by gardians deputed by him. All castels and holds were surrendred
to him, as to the superiour lord in the time of vacation. Benefices, offices, fées, promotions passed
in that time from the méere gift of our said progenitor, as in the right of this crowne of England.
Shiriffes named and appointed, writs, and precepts made, obeied, and executed.
Compare 1577 edition:
Finallie, all that we doo now in the duchie of Lan|caster, the same did our progenitor for the time of
the contention for that title in the realme of Scot|land, by the consent of an agréement of all
estates of the realme assembled and consulted with for that purpose. At which time the bishops of
saint Andrews and Glascow were not (as they now be) archbishops; but recognised the archbishop of
Yorke, which exten|ded ouer all that countrie. Now if the Scots will take exception to the homage of
their princes as made in warre, and by force, which is not true; what will they say, or can they for
shame allege against their owne parlement, not of some but of all confir|med, & testified by
their writings and seales; where|vnto nothing inforced them but right and reason, be|ing passed in
peace and quiet without armor & com|pulsion? If they say they did it not, they speake like
themselues; if they say they did it, then doo they now like themselues, to withdraw their dutie, not
so much to be blamed, as to be amended.
Compare 1577 edition:
Thus appeareth vnto you the beginning of the right of superioritie, with a perpetuall continuance,
without intermission within memorie. Certeine o|missions and forbearings vpon the grounds and
oc|casions before specified we denie not, whereby they haue manie times sought and taken their
opportuni|ties to withdraw the dooing of their duetie in know|ledge of our superioritie ouer them;
which to auoid, they haue not cared what they said or alleged, though it were neuer so vntrue, lieng
alwaies in wait when they might annoie this realme, not without their owne great danger &
perill, & also extreame detri|ment. But as they detracted the dooing of their du|tie, so God
granted vnto this realme force to com|pell them therevnto within memorie, and notwith|standing anie
their interruption by resistance, which vnto the time of our progenitor Henrie the sixt ne|uer endured
so long as it made intermission within time of mind, whereby the possession might séeme to be
empaired. From the time of Henrie the sixt, vnto the seuenth yeare of our reigne, our realme hath
béene for a season lacerat and torne by diuersitie of titles, till our time; and since also by warre
outward|lie vexed and troubled. The storie is so lamentable for some part therof, as were too tedious
to rehearse.
Compare 1577 edition:
Since the death of our progenitor Henrie the sixt, our grandfather Edward the fourth reigned, who
af|ter great trauels to atteine quietnes in his realme, finallie in the time of preparation of warre
against Scotland died. Richard the third, then vsurped for a small time in yeares, whome the king our
father by the strength of Gods hand ouerthrew in battell, and most iustlie atteined the possession of
this relme, who neuerthelesse, after the great tempestuous stormes, finding all matters not yet
brought to perfect quiet and rest, ceassed and forbare to require of the Scots to doo their dutie;
thinking it policie rather for that time to assaie to tame their nature by pleasant con|iunction
& conuersation of affinitie, than to charge them with their fault, & require dutie of
them, when oportunitie serued not by force & feare to constreine and compell them. And thus
passed ouer the reigne of our father without demand of this homage. And being our reigne now foure and
thirtie yeares, we were one and twentie yeares letted by our nephue his minoritie, being then more
carefull how to bring EEBO page image 328 him out of danger, to the place of a king, than to re|ceiue of
him homage, when he had full possession of the same.
Compare 1577 edition:
Wherefore being now passed, since the last ho|mage made by the king of Scots, to our progenitor Henrie
the sixt, 122 yeares, at which time the ho|mage was doone at Windsor by Iames Steward, then king of
Scots, as before 56 of these yeares the crowne of this realme was in contention, the trou|ble wherof
ingendred also some businesse in the time of the king our father;
which was thrée and thirtie yeares: and in our time one and twentie yeares hath passed in the
minoritie of our nephue. So as final|lie, the Scots resorting to their onelie defense of
dis|continuance of possession, can onelie allege iustlie but 13 yeares of silence in the time of our
reigne, be|ing all the other times since the homage doone by Iames Steward, such as the silence in
them (had they béene neuer so long) could not haue ingendred preiudice to the losse of anie right that
may yet be de|clared and prooued due. For what can be imputed to
king Edward for not demanding homage being in strife for that estate, wherevnto the homage was due?
What should Richard the third search for ho|mage in Scotland, that had neither right ne leasure to
haue homage doone vnto him in England? Who can blame our father, knowing the Scots nature neuer to doo
their dutie but for feare; if he deman|ded not that of them, which they would eschew if they might,
séeing his realme not clearelie then purged from ill séed of
sedition, sparkled and scattered in the cruell ciuill warres before.
Compare 1577 edition:
Law and reason serueth, that the passing ouer of time not commodious, that the purpose is not
allege|able in prescription for the losse of anie right. And the minoritie of the king of Scots hath
indured twentie one yéeres of our reigne, which being an impedi|ment on their part, the whole
prescription of the Scots, if the matter were prescriptible, is thus dedu|ced euidentlie to thirteene
yéere, which thirtéene yéere without excuse we haue ceassed and
forborne to de|mand our dutie, like as the Scots haue likewise ceas|sed to offer and render the same:
for which cause ne|uerthelesse we doo not enter this warre, ne minded to demand anie such matter now,
being rather desi|rous to reioise and take comfort in the friendship of our nephue as our neighbour,
than to mooue matter vnto him of displeasure, whereby to alienate such na|turall inclination of loue
as he should haue towards vs: but such be the woorks of God superior ouer all, to suffer occasions to be ministred, whereby due superi|oritie may be knowne,
demanded, and required, to the intent that according therevnto all things gouer|ned in due order
héere, we may to his pleasure passe ouer this life to his honor and glorie, which he grant vs to doo
in such rest, peace, and tranquillitie, as shall be meet and conuenient for vs.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 When
therefore the king of England had set foorth this declaration of the causes that mooued him to make warre against Scotland, he prepared to prose|cute the same both by sea and
land, and hauing rig|ged and furnished diuerse ships of warre, he sent the same foorth to the sea, that
they might take such Sco|tish Scotish ships taken. ships as were to returne
from their voiages made into France, Flanders, Denmarke, and other countries, whether they were gone for
trade of mer|chandize, with which the English ships incountred, tooke 28 of the principall ships of all
Scotland, fraught with all kind of merchandize and rich wares, which they brought with them into the
English ports.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The king
of Scotland aduertised therof, sent with all spéed an herald, desiring restitution of his ships, as he
thought stood with reason, séeing no war was proclamed: but the king of England thought it no reason to
depart with them so soone, till other articles of agréement might be concluded, and therefore re|fused
not onelie to deliuer their ships, but also sent sir Robert Bowes with men to the borders, giuing him
Sir Robert Bowes inua|deth the bor|ders. in charge to inuade Scotland, who
according to his commission, with thrée thousand men rode into Scotland, and began to burne and to spoile
certeine small townes: wherevpon the fraie being raised in the countrie, George Gordon the earle of
Huntleie, who was appointed to remaine as lieutenant vpon The earle of Huntleie
gi|ueth an ouer|throw to the Englishmen. 1542. Lesle.
the borders, for doubt of such sudden inuasions, im|mediatlie gathered a number of borderers, and
set vpon the Englishmen, and put them all to flight; sir Robert Bowes, and his brother Richard Bowes,
with diuers other, to the number of six hundred, were taken prisoners; and the said sir Robert Bowes and
other the principall landed men were kept still in Scotland till after the kings death. This victorie
chanced to the Scots, at a place called Halden Rig in the Mers, vpon saint Bartholomewes day, which is
the twentie fourth of August.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After
this, the king of England sent the duke of Norffolke with the earles of Shrewesburie, Darbie, Cumberland,
Surreie, Hertford, Angus, Rutland, and the lords of the north parts of England, with an armie of fortie
thousand men, as the Scots estéemed them, though they were not manie aboue twentie thousand, who entered
into Scotland the one and twentith of October, and burnt certeine townes vp|on the side of the water of
Twéed: but the earle of Huntleie, hauing with him ten thousand of the bor|derers and other, so waited
vpon them, giuing them now and then skirmishes and alarms, that they came not past two miles from the
water of Twéed within the Scotish bounds at that season.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In the
meane time, the king of Scotland being aduertised héereof, gathered a great armie through all the parts
of his realme, and came to Sowtraie hedge, where they mustered, and were numbred to be thirtie six
thousand men, with the which he came to Falla Mure, and there incamped, determining to giue battell to
the Englishmen, as he pretended: howbeit, if the duke had taried longer, as it was thought he would haue
doone, if the time of the yéere and prouision of vittels had serued, the Scots would yet haue béene
better aduised, before they had ioined with him in a pight field. But true it is, that after the duke had
remained there so long as vittels might be had and recouered from anie part, he retired with his armie
backe into England, not without some losse of men, horsses, and spoiles, which the Scots vn|der the earle
of Huntleie and others tooke from the Englishmen in that their retire, speciallie as they passed ouer the
riuer of Tweed.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After the
Englishmen were thus departed and withdrawne home foorth of Scotland, king Iames being of an high and
manlie courage, in reuenge of harmes doone by the Englishmen within his coun|trie, thought good that his
whole armie should passe forward and inuade England, himselfe to go there|with in proper person. And
héerein he requested the consent of his nobilitie, who after long reasoning, and good aduisement taken in
the matter, gaue answer [by the earle of Murrey] to the king in this sort, that they could not thinke it
good that they should passe within England, and to seeke battell, the king him|selfe being with them,
considering that his two sons were latelie deceassed, so that he had no succession of his bodie: for in
case that they lost the field, as in chance of battell is most vncerteine, then the king of England
hauing great substance, might therwith follow the victorie, and put the realme of Scotland in great
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 329 Therefore they thought it sufficient to defend their owne bounds, and to constreine the
enimie for feare to leaue the inuasion thereof, as presentlie they had doone; and declared that they were
determined to haue giuen battell to their enimies, if they had conti|nued within the realme, and doubted
not by the helpe of God, they hauing so iust a cause, and being inua|ded in their countrie, but that they
should haue obtei|ned the victorie. The king hearing their determinati|on, albeit his high courage
pressed him to inuade; yet the approoued wit of his nobles and
councellors cau|sed him to follow their aduise, and so returned with The king br [...]aketh vp his armie. his armie backe againe, the first of Nouember, the armie of England
being first discharged, and the duke of Norffolke in his returne towards London.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Shortlie
after, the king of Scotland went himselfe in person to the west marches of his realme, where The king go|eth to the west borders. 1541. Lesl.
the lord Maxwell was warden, whome togither with the earles of Cassiles, and Glencarne [the lord
Fle|ming] and certeine other lords there with him, the king appointed
to inuade the English marches on that side, taking with them the power of the borders, and sent also with
them Oliuer Sincler [the brother of Rosseline Comarch] and the residue of the gentle|men Oliuer Sin|cler. of his houshold. These earles and lords entering into England on
saint Katharines euen, being the foure and twentith of Nouember, began to burne certeine townes vpon the
water of Eske. But as soone as the scrie was raised in the countrie, the lord Wharton warden of the west
marches of England,
The lord wharton. suddenlie raised the power of the countrie, and came to a
little hill, where they shewed themselues in sight vnto the Scotish armie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
Scotish lords perceiuing the Englishmen ga|thered, assembled themselues togither, and inquired who was
lieutenant generall there by the kings ap|pointment; and incontinentlie Oliuer Sincler was holden vp on
two mens shoulders, where he sheweth The enuie of the lords a|gainst Oliuer
Sincler. foorth the kings commission, instituting him lieute|nant to the king of that armie.
But howsoeuer that was read, the earles and lords there present,
thought themselues imbased too much, to haue such a meane gentleman aduanced in authoritie aboue them
all, and therefore determined not to fight vnder such a capteine, but willinglie suffered themselues to
be o|uercome, and so were taken by the Englishmen, not The Scots discomfited by the
English|men. shewing anie countenance of defense to the contra|rie, and without slaughter of
anie one person on ei|ther side.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 This rode
was called Solowaie Mosse, at the which were taken prisoners men of
name, these per|sons following: the earle of Cassiles and Glencarne, the lord Maxwell, the lord Fleming,
the lord Somer|uile, the lord Oliphant, Oliuer Sincler, the lord of Craggie, and sundrie other gentlemen,
the which were led prisoners to London, where they remained till after the king was dead. The king being
in Car|lauerecke vpon the borders not farre from Solo|waie Mosse, when this misfortune fell vpon his men:
after he heard thereof, he was merueloustie amazed, the more, in
calling to remembrance the refusall made by his nobles, assembled with him in campe at Falla vpon his
request to in [...]de England. Héere|with such an impression entered his mind, that he thought with himselfe that all
his whole nobilitie had The griefe of the king for the ouerthrow of his men.
conspired against him, and therevpon tooke such a ve|hement and high displeasure, increased with a
me|lancholious thought that he departed suddenlie from thence to Edenburgh, and after remooued to
Falke|land, where he remained as a man desolate of com|fort, being sore vexed in spirit and bodie, and
would not permit anie manner of person to haue accesse to him, his secret & familiar seruants
onelie excepted.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Now, as he
was thus disquieted, newes were brought him that the queene his wife was brought to bed of a faire yoong
princesse the seuenth day of The birth of the Scotish queene. December, the
which newes he liked verie euill; and added the griefe thereof to his former displeasant|nesse, insomuch
that he perceiued the end of his life to approch, and withall said, that he foresaw great trouble to come
vpon the realme of Scotland, for the pursuit which the king of England was like to make therevpon against
the same, to the end he might bring it vnder his subiection, either by mariage, or [...] some other meane. It was reported that he was disquieted with some vnkindlie medicine: but
how|soeuer the matter was, he yéelded vp his spirit to almightie God, and departed this world the
foure|téenth of December, in the yéere of our redemption, 1542, the thirtie thrée yeere of his age, and
thirtie two of his reigne.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Shortlie
after his departure, his bodie was con|ueied into Falkeland vnto Edenburgh in most ho|norable wise; the
cardinall, the earles of Arrane, Ar|gile, Rothes, Marshall, and diuerse other noblemen being present, and
with all funerall pompe (as was requisite) it was buried in the abbeie church of Ho|lie rood house,
beside the bodie of quéene Magdalen, daughter to the king of France, his first wife. There was great
lamentation and mone made for his death throughout all parts of his realme, for he was verie well beloued
among his subiects. Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 9. pag. 460. He was of swéet
countenance and courteous speech, graiesh eied, hauing a diuine mind in all whatsoeuer, nei|ther certeine
in doubtfull things, nor doubtfull in things of certeintie, auoiding dangers with graue counsels,
performing hard matters with great no|bilitie of mind, and foreséeing what might follow with an
incredible iudgement: in such fort that hée was neuer vnprouided against the danger of anie thing, or was
drawne from it by the difficultie there|of, or was hindered by the obscuritie therein: where|by he might
incurre the note either of a rash, feare|full, or slow person.
All which
singular commendations seemed to flow out of this spring, that he did not by heat of youth (rashlie) but
with great deliberation (soundlie) man|nage the whole affaires of the common-wealth. For as he did
chieflie labor that his table might not ex|céed for gluttonie, nor be ouersparing for miserie: so if his
apparell were decent, he esteemed not the shew of womanish attire after the courtlie fashion. He was so
farre from pride, that he alwaies shewed himselfe offended with the vses thereof. He was an obseruer of
iustice, a defender of the law, and a sharpe shield for the innocent and poore: for which cause he was of
the nobilitie called the king of the commoners. For he set at libertie the poore oppressed with the
tyrannie of the rich, and repressed the rich from spoiling of the poore: all which he did with a certeine
seueritie, but yet such, as in the same there appeared a woonderfull gentlenes of his naturall
disposition, bicause he sel|dome put anie of them to death, but did either by pri|son or mulct punish the
offense. For he was woont to say, that he would neuer take life from anie, but onelie to kéepe the law
sound, and for the example of others: and to kéepe downe the boldnesse of such as dwelt about the
borders. With these conditions he left the realme plentifullie furnished with riches, and his owne
treasurie not emptie, but abundantly stored with gold, siluer and other furniture: for which cause it
should not séeme strange, that his death was greatlie lamented of his subiects, to whom he was a perfect
patrone, and a louing father.
Of whome
also Buchanan lib. 14 writeth, that his vices did almost equall all his great vertues; but that
they were rather to be imputed to the ini|quitie of the time than the inclination of his nat [...]re, EEBO page image 330 for the libertie of althings had then dissolued the pub|like discipline,
which could not be staied but by great seueritie of correction. And this made him more co|uetous of
monie, bicause that he was kept extreame hard when he was vnder the gouernment of others. Whereby, when
he came to bée at libertie, he was a|new to furnish all his courts with houshold stuffe, finding his
houses emptie, and all things conueied awaie: for his tutors had consumed the kinglie pa|trimonie vpon
those whome he willinglie would not to haue receiued it. Besides, for
his excesse of women the fault grew by such as were his tutors, who gaue him libertie therto, supposing
therby to keepe him the longer in their danger. The nobilitie did not great|lie take his death
grieuouslie, bicause he had fined manie, imprisoned more, and caused no small few (for auoiding his
displeasure) to flie into England, and rather to commit themselues to the enimie than to his anger.)
Compare 1577 edition:
2 THe
eternall God calling to his mercie Iames king of Scotland, the fift of
that name, Marie Queene Marie. his onelie daughter and heire began hir reigne
ouer the realme of Scotland, the eighteenth day of De|cember, in the yéere of our Lord 1542, Francis the
first of that name then reigning in France, & Hen|rie 1542. the eight
ouer the Englishmen. She was not pas|sing seuen daies old when hir father departing this life, left vnto
hir his kingdome, hir mother lieng in childbed in the castell of Lithquo, of which place the lord
Leuingston being capteine, had the charge com|mitted
The lord Le|uingston. to him, both of the daughter & mother, with the
mothers good agreement and frée consent.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Moreouer,
immediatlie after the kings death (bi|cause he deceassed without making anie will, or ta|king anie
direction for the gouernement either of the realme, or custodie of the yoong queene his daugh|ter) Dauid
Beton, cardinall and archbishop of S. Dauid Beton cardinall. Andrews, the
speciall minister & factor of the French causes, to the aduancement and continuance there|of,
inuented and forged [by Henrie Balfure] a will and testament of the
late king now departed, in His forging of a will. which (amongst other things)
he established himselfe chiefe regent, adioining with him the earles of Mur|rey, base brother to the king
deceassed, Huntleie and Argile, not once mentioning the earle of Lennox then absent in France, nor yet
Iames Hamilton earle of Arrane his cousine, being there present in Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Those that
professed the reformed religion, beeing then called protestants, to whome the said cardinall
The prote|stants espied the cardinals craftie iug|ling. was euer a cruell
enimie and sharpe scourge, espied foorth his vniust dealing in this behalfe, and trusting by the gentle
nature and good inclination of the said earle of Arrane, to haue some libertie to imbrace the gospell,
set him against the cardinall: so that by the helpe of his owne and their friends, he remooued the
cardinall and his adherents from the vsurped roome and authoritie, and therewith was the said earle of
Arrane proclamed gouernor and protector of the 1543 Lesle. Fr. Thin. realme.
[And therevpon shewing his authoritie, he entereth the kings palaces,
as saith Lesleus lib. 10. pa. 464. and vseth the kings treasure, and calleth the officers of the
treasurie to account, whereof he retei|neth some, and changeth others at his pleasure.]
Compare 1577 edition:
2 This earle
of Arrane made a title to haue and inioie that office and roome, as next in bloud to the yong queene, as
descended from a sister of K. Iames the third, maried to his grandfather lord Hamilton, in the yere 1475,
by reason of which mariage he was created earle of Arrane, as by act of parlement hol|den the same yeere
at Edenburgh, it was agréed and ordeined. The king of England that noble prince Henrie the eight,
aduertised of the death of the king of Scots, considered with good aduise, that now there was offered a
most readie meane and iust occasion, whereby the two realmes of England and Scotland might be brought
into one entier monar|chie, without warre or bloudshed, by the mariage of his sonne prince Edward, being
then little past six yéeres of age, with the yoong quéene of Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 He
therefore being resolued fullie to bring the The king of England tal keth with the
lords of Scot|land prisoners for a mariage betwixt his son and their quéene. same to passe,
either by quiet meanes or by force, and sending for the erles of Cassiles, and Glencarne, the lords
Maxwell, and Fleming, and other prisoners that had bene taken at Soloway mosse, caused them to be
conueied vnto Hampton court, where the se|uen and twentith of December they being right curteouslie
interteined, he made vnto them an ouer|ture of his purpose and whole intent, proponing the whole matter
vnto them, requesting them for their parts, to helpe (with their consents) that a con|tract of mariage
might be made betwéene his sonne the prince, and their yoong queene; promising to them libertie without
ransome, besides other pleasures and benefits, if they would doo their indeuor to per|suade the gouernor,
and other the nobilitie of Scot|land to be agréeable herevnto.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
Scotish earles and lords accepted the kings 1543. Buch. offer, and withall
promised to doo their diligence to persuade the rest of the nobilitie in Scotland at their comming home:
wherevpon they were licenced to depart, and so comming to Newcastell, remained Duke of
Norffolke Buchanan.
there with the duke of Suffolke, then the kings lieu|tenant of the north parts, till he had
receiued foorth of Scotland certeine pledges of the chiefest of these lords, for performance of their
promises. Likewise the king of England sent with them the earle of An|gus, The earle
of Angus sent home into Scotland. and his brother sir George Dowglas with his letters to the
gouernor, requesting effectuouslie, that they might be restored to their roomes, lands and pos|sessions
in that realme.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 These
lords arriuing at Edenburgh, about the 1543. Lesle. 1542. midst of Ianuarie,
declared to the gouernor their message and proposition made by the king of Eng|land, with such efficacie,
that the gouernor being per|suaded thereto by their words, sent for the lords and A
conuention of the Scotish nobilitie. nobilitie of the realme to come to Edenburgh, to a
conuention there, to be holden the seuen and twen|tith of that present moneth: where they concluded that
a parlement should be kept in March next insu|ing. And doubting lest the cardinall (being there pre|sent)
should go about to persuade the nobilitie not to consent to their desires, they caused him to be put
The cardinall committed to ward. in ward within the castell of Dalketh: the
lord Seton béeing appointed to haue the custodie of him. About the same time, sir Robert Bowes, and all
other the Englishmen that were prisoners, and had béene taken at Halding rig on saint Bartholo|mews Halding rig. day (as before ye haue heard) were sent home by the gouernor into
England, and sir Rafe Sadler Sir Rafe Sadler. was sent ambassadour from king
Henrie vnto the said gouernor, and other the lords of Scotland, and came thither before the said
parlement, to persuade the lords to agree vnto the king his masters moni|tions, trauelling so diligentlie
in the matters wher|about he was thus sent, that it was concluded by Ambassadors sent
into England. act of parlement, to send ambassadors into Eng|land, for the better satisfaction
of king Henries desires.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 And so the
earle of Glencarne, sir George Dow|glas, sir William Hamilton, sir Iames Leirmouth, and the secretarie
being named and appointed there|to, departed in the moneth of March, and comming into England vnto the
king, remained there till the latter end of Iulie. In which meane time, such coue|nants, contracts, and
promises were had and conclu|ded, passed and sealed interchangeablie, as stood with the pleasure and good
liking of king Henrie, so as the EEBO page image 331 mariage was fullie contracted, and a peace conclu|ded
The mariage confirmed. for ten yeeres, by authoritie of the aforesaid
par|lement. Héerewith also the lord gouernor shewed himselfe to imbrace the reformed religion, causing
one frier Guilliam to preach against images, and fruitlesse ceremonies, and gaue libertie that the bible
called The new and old testament, should be had in English, & vniuersallie publisht through the
realme of Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Also he
commanded not onelie the cardinall (as before ye haue heard) but also
ordeined that the quéene mother should remaine in Lithgow with the yoong quéene hir daughter, vnder some
manner of safe custodie, and the cardinall to be remooued vnto his owne castell of saint Andrewes, with
warders a|bout him to see him safelie kept. Fr. Thin. Iesleus. lib. 10. pag.
465. Not long after, the cardinall was restored to vnhoped libertie, and the earle of Angus,
George Dowglasse, and the lord Glames, the heire of Iames Hamilton, with manie others, by the consent of
the thrée estates, were who|lie restored to all their goods, and
deliuered from the sentence of banishment.
Hamilton abbat of Passelew, brother of the gouernor, returning out of France (where he had im|ploied
himselfe to studie) did (with certeine learned men, as Dauid Paniter, and others, whom he had in his
companie) visit the king of England, of whome they were most courteouslie interteined. After which this
Hamilton returning into Scotland, was made treasuror of the kingdome, which office he discharged
with great commendation, so long as his brother kept the
gouernement, whom he did not onelie helpe in counsell for ordering of the kingdome, but also shewed him
selfe a valiant and industrious man in the warres against the English, for defense of the kingdome of
Scotland. About this time, the earle Bothwell, which was banished, and had remained long at Uenice, did
returne into Scotland, whither he was honorablie welcommed, as a person much desired of his friends and
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The realme
being thus brought in quief, and vnder good gouernement, the French king sore misliking The French king misliketh of the match with Eng|land. Matthew earle of Len|nox.
this new coniunction of the Scots with England, and doubting least the old former bond of aliance
be|twixt France and Scotland might thereby be vtter|lie dissolued and shaken off, he sent for Matthew
Steward earle of Lennox, then abroad in his seruice in the wars of Italie, and vpon his comming backe
from thence to the court, he declared to him the de|ceasse of the late king of Scots, the intrusion of
Ar|rane, and the attempts in that realme begun, with all the
circumstances from point to point as he knew; and further discoursed with him what wrong he had to be set
aside, and displaced from his right of gouernement; and therefore exhorted him to repaire home to recouer
the same, offering not onelie to as|sist him with men, monie, and munition, but also to ioine his friends
in Scotland with him in aid to at|taine the place of regiment, and to remooue Arrane and others from it.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Lennox héerevpon with commission and instructions deliuered to him by the French king, had also
letters from him directed to the lords that were of the French faction, wherin the said king requested
them to remaine and continue in their for|mer good meanings towards him, and to assist the earle of
Lennox in all things, as should be thought expedient. Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib.
15. Now, before the earle of Lennox retur|ned out of France, the cardinall had vsed manie
persuasions against the English, as well that the Scots set at libertie by the king, should breake their
faith with him, as also to draw them to the French faction, and rather to suffer their pledges to receiue
what king Henrie would vse vnto them, than by kée|ping promise to the English, to conueie the yoong
quéene vnto them.
when the greater part of those no|bles (whome the matter touched, could easilie find a|nie color for the
excuse of their fault) had consen|ted to the cardinals persuasion, onelie one amongest the rest would not
yéeld thereto, which was Gilbert Kennedie earle of Cassiles, who could not be draw|en from that
constancie (in obseruing his faith) ei|ther by bribes, flatteries, or threats. For he (hauing two
brothers pledges for him in England) did open|lie protest, that he would returne to prison, and by no
feare laid before him commit such a fault, as that he would redéeme his life with the bloud of his two
bro|thers: for which cause he went foorthwith to London, although euerie man spake against it. Wherevpon,
the king of England did singularlie commend the constancie of the yoong man, and further (to the end that
his vertue might be knowne to all men) did set him at libertie with his two brethren, and sent him home
honorablie rewarded.
Now the
realme of Scotland being thus in great vprores by means of the quéenes and cardinals fac|tions, whereof
the laft drew all (such as he could) to support the French league, they sent ambassadors in|to France, to
request the French king to send home Matthew Steward earle of Lennox, as one that was not onelie emulous
against Hamilton, but also his deadlie enimie for the slaughter of his father at Limnucho: which yoong
Steward (beside his beau|tie and comelinesse of bodie, in the verie flower of his youth; the memorie,
carefulnesse, and dangers of his father, a verie popular man, and beloued of the people; the woorthinesse
of that familie brought al|most to an end, and that the same was of great pow|er, and linked in mariage
with manie nobles) did win and draw the minds of manie men, desirous to helpe him, for the great fauor
they bare vnto him.
To the
which further procurement of the peoples loue also, there might be ioined, that he was next heire to the
crowne by the kings appointment, if he died without issue male; the which king Iames, if he had liued,
would haue established by parlement: be|sides which likewise, there wanted not flatterers, which did not
onelie [...]re vp his noble mind (now gaping after great things, and vndefended against deceits) to the hope of
gouerning of the kingdome for these one and twentie yéeres and more, during the quéenes minoritie, and to
the rule and power o|uer his enimies, whereby he might vse reuenge vpon them: but also they promised him
to marrie the quéene Dowager: and in the meane time (if anie thing happened otherwise than well to the
yoong quéene) that he should obteine the crowne, whereby he should both be king, and the next lawfull
heire of Iames Hamilton latelie deceassed, since the gouer|nor was a bastard, and could not onelie by law
not looke or hope for the kingdome, but also not so much as hope to be heire to his owne familie. To all
which were added the persuasions of the French before mentioned. Wherevpon, the yoong man (whose mind was
credulous, being tickled and intised with these hopes) determined to go into Scotland.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
therefore fullie instructed by the French The earle of Lennox pas|seth into
Scotland. king, how to deale and procéed, tooke his leaue, and with all spéed taking the sea,
directed his course into Scotland, where (after his arriuall) he came to Eden|burgh, in which towne all
the lords being assembled togither with the gouernor, he declared to them the effect of his commission
from the French king, his request to them, & good affection to mainteine them against England, if
in case they would continue the old league with him, and not séeke to make anie new aliance with the king
of England.
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 332 But perceiuing that the gouernor and his friends were minded to satisfie the king of
Englands de|sires, he would not tarrie for a resolute answer, but by the counsell of the earle of Argile,
William earle of Glencarne, and others of the French faction, he suddenlie departed foorth of Edenburgh
toward the west countrie, highlie displeased (as should séeme) with the gouernor, and taking Lithgow in
his way, he conferred with the quéene Dowager (as they ter|med The earle of Lennox
con|ferreth with the quéene Dowager. hir) deuising how to assemble the noble men of the French side, to bring hir and hir daughter to li|bertie, out of the danger
of the lord gouernor: be|cause it was supposed that he ment to conueie hir in|to England.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About the
same time, through practise of the abbat of Pas [...]eie, brother to the gouernor, and others, the 1543. Lesle. The castell
of Edenburgh recouered to the gouernors vse. castell of Edenburgh was got out of the hands of
sir Peter Creichton, and the keeping thereof commit|ted by the gouernors appointment vnto Iames Ha|milton
lard of Stanehouse. But the erle of Lennox, with the assistance of the
earles of Huntleie, Mont|rosse, Mentife, Argile, and others of the French fac|tion in August following,
conueied the yoong quéene The yoong quéene conuei|ed to Striue|ling. with hir
mother from Lithgew vnto Striueling. The cardinall also was there with them latelie be|fore, hauing
corrupted his kéepers, & gotten abroad at libertie. Héerewith was a day appointed and pro|clamed
for the coronation of the yoong quéene. The earle of Arrane then gouernor, with the earles of Angus,
Cassiles, the lords Maxwell, Someruile, and diuerse others, called the
English lords, remaining still at Edenburgh, aduertised the king of England of all the drifts of Lennox,
and other of that faction, requiring his aduise and counsell how to deale for disappointing of their
purposes, that sought to conti|nue the amitie still with France, to the preiudice of peace with
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The king
of England aduertised héereof, as well thus from the gouernor, and other the Scotish lords, as also from
sir Rafe Sadler, his maiesties ambas|sador there, doubted greatlie
least these lords, in The king of Englands doubt. whose hands the quéene then
was, in respect of the fa|uour which they bare to the French king, should con|ueie hir ouer into France:
wherevpon he requested the gouernor, and the other lords that fauoured his side, so to deale, that she
might be sent into England, there to remaine, till the mariage might be consum|mate betwixt hir and his
sonne prince Edward: ha|uing in the meane time such lords of hir countrie a|bout hir to attend vpon hir,
and to see to hir bringing vp, as should be thought expedient. To
conclude, his maiestie not onelie sent his princelie comfort by waie of counsell and good aduise, but
also according to their desire, and as by the duke of Suffolke (his highnes lieutenant thén in the north)
it was thought expedient.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Thomas
lord Wharton, with two thousand men from the west marches, and the lord Euers with o|ther The lord Wharton. The lord E|uers. two thousand from the east borders, were
ap|pointed to enter Scotland, and to ioine themselues with the
gouernor, and his friends, to assist them a|gainst their aduersaries. But as they were in a rea|dinesse
to march, through the secret labor of the car|dinall, wishing the aduancement of the earle of Ar|rane his
kinsman (whome he thought he should well inough frame to be at his appointment) rather than Lennox that
was knowne to be of a greater sto|mach, the matter was so handled, what by the cardi|nall and the earle
of Huntleie of the one part, and the queene Dowager on the other, that the earle of Ar|rane reuolting
from the king of England, came in to the Dowager, and ioined himselfe with the cardi|nall, and other the
lords of the French faction: by The earle of Arrane a faith breaker. reason
whereof, they all concluded to mainteine him in the estate of lord gouernor, and not to place Len|nox, as
their purpose was to haue doone, if Arrane had continued faithfull to the king of England.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Shortlie
after, the yoong queene was crowned at The corona|tion of quéene Marie.
Striueling, the cardinall taking vpon him to order things as he thought good, appointing the gouernor to
beare the crowne as chiefe person, & next in bloud to the quéene, and the earle of Lennox to
beare the scepter. After the coronation, a parlement was cal|led A parlement.
and holden at Edenburgh, at the which, in pre|sence of the patriarch of Apuleia the popes agent, The patri|arch of Apu|leia. and of the French kings ambassadors, monsieur la
Brosse, and monsieur Menage, latelie before come into the realme, the earle of Arrane was newlie
confirmed gouernor. And for the sure preseruation (as they pretended) of the yoong queene, it was a|greed
by the gouernor and the estates, that the shuld Order for the custodie of the
quéene. remaine with the old quéene hir mother in Sterling castell, during hir minoritie, and
certeine rents of that seigniorie were assigned for maintenance of such traine as was thought expedient
to be atten|dant about hir: and further, the lords Leuingston, Erskin, and Fleming [or (as saith
Buchanan) the Fr. Thin. lord Grams, Iohn Areskin, Iohn Lindseie,
& Wil|liam Leuiston] were appointed to abide continual|lie with hir, for the better safegard of
hir person.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Thus was
euerie thing ordered as séemed to stand with the pleasure of the cardinall. Wherevpon the earle of
Lennox, perceiuing how vncourteouslie he The earle of Lennox his displeasure.
was vsed, to haue his aduersarie thus confirmed in authoritie by the French side, and himselfe reiected,
he first sent to the French king, informing him tho|roughlie of the iniuries to him doone, putting him in
remembrance of the promises made to him when he departed from him; also the constantnesse of his
ser|uice, the hazard he had put himselfe in for his sake: and notwithstanding how he was yet vnkindlie
dealt with, that through trust of his promised aid and assistance, he was brought out of credit in his
coun|trie, and subiected vnder the commandement and authoritie of his enimie, and wrongfullie
disappoin|ted of his right, which he looked to haue recouered, and to haue béene mainteined therein by
his support.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 In
consideration whereof, he renounced his ser|uice, willing him from thencefoorth not to looke for the
He renoun|ceth his ser|uice to the French king. same anie more at his hands.
Héerewith Lennox ioining himselfe with the earles of Angus, Cassiles, and Glencarne, the lords Maxwell,
and Someruile, the shiriffe of Aire, the lard of Drumlanrig, and o|ther of that side, called the English
lords, set himselfe against the gouernor, the cardinall, and others of that faction, so that the residue
of this yeere was spent in ciuill dissention betwéene them. And héere is to be Ciuill
dissen|tion in Scot|land. noted, that a little before that the earle of Arrane re|uolted to the
French part, there was arriued in the mouth of the riuer of Cloide on the west coast, fiue French ships arriuing in the riuer of Cloide. ships, which the French king had
sent to the aid of his friends in Scotland, vnder the conduction of Iames Steward of Cardonold, and of
the forenamed mon|sieur de la Brosse, & monsieur Menage, the French kings ambassadors.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 There came
with them also the patriarch of Apu|leia, of whome ye haue likewise heard before. They had brought aboord
in these ships fiftie thousand crownes, and munition to the value of ten thousand crownes. The earle of
Lennox therfore, when he first resolued to turne to the English part, with the aduise of his confederats,
seized vpon those ships, got the fif|tie The earle of Lennox seized vpon the French
ships. thousand crownes, and the most part of the mu|nition into his hands, and brought it to
the castell of Dunbreton, reteining it to his owne vse, where it was sent to haue beene imploid to the
maintenance of the French faction, against the king of England, and the lords that leaned to his
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 333 The earle of Lennox therefore, raising a power of The earle of
Lennox rai|seth an armie. men of warre with the assistance of the lords of his faction, came
with them vnto Leith against the go|uernor that was then in Edenburgh: but through the diligent trauell
of the cardinall, the earles of Huntleie, Murrey, and Argile, the matter was ta|ken vp, and an
appointment accorded: so that sir In appoint|ment taken. Pledges deli|uered.
George Dowglasse was deliuered as a pledge for his brother the earle of Angus, the maister of Glen|carne
for his father the earle of Glencarne, the ab|bat Cassaghole for his
brother the earle of Cassiles, to remaine in safe kéeping where it pleased the go|uernor to appoint. The
earle of Lennox came vnto Edenburgh to the gouernor, but within six daies af|ter, The
earle of Lennox com|meth to the gouernor. He departed from him a|gaine. He fortifieth Glascow.
they went both to Lithquho, from whence the earle of Lennox secretlie departed from the gouer|nor without
bidding him farewell, and comming to Glascow, fortified the castell.
* When the gouernor had receiued true intelli|gence that the earle had taken Glascow, he
(assem|bling such power as he could make, as well of his friends and
followers, as of others, especiallie of the lord Boid) went vnto Glascow, in which place the earle of
Glencarne had before placed his armie, to the end there to trie the matter with his enimies. But before
the battell, the earle of Lennox had with|drawen himselfe vnto Dunbreton, to gather a grea|ter assemblie,
shortlie after to returne to Glascow. The earle of Glencarne, with Tilbarne, Houstone, Buchanan,
Macfarlane, Drumquhassile, and other barons and nobles of the Lennox,
Ramfrie, and o|ther places adioining, with the citizens, ecclesiasticall persons of all orders, and the
other sort of common people, departed out of the towne to the plaine there|of (being a mile from the
towne) there to trie the e|uent of battell (before the comming of the earle of Lennox) more in haste than
good spéed. Wherevpon the gouernor (perceiuing himselfe to be drawne for|ward to battell) commanded the
trumpets to sound to the alarmes. Wherevpon the battels ioined, the
hosts began to fight violentlie, and the conflict grew to be extreme on both parts: in which (with great
slaughter) they long time fought with vncerteine vi|ctorie.
But in the
end (what with the force of his armie, and the incouragement of the capteine) the full con|quest fell to
the gouernor, who put his enimies to flight. At what time, of the fauourers of the Lennox there were
manie slaine, partlie of the nobles (as the sonne of the earle of Glencarne, and Monniepennie capteine of the footmen) and partlie of the common sort (as the citizens of
Glascow, and manie ecclesi|asticall persons.) Besides all which, there had manie more perished, if the
gouernor (through his naturall clemencie) had not (when the victorie began to leane towards him) giuen a
signe of retreit, & with much spéed saued manie of them. On the gouernors part were few missing,
except Cambusketh (the head of that familie) and the baron of Argentine. The go|uernor pursuing this
victorie, entered the towne of Glascow, where he vsed (by the
persuasion of the lord Boid) woonderfull fauour towards the citizens, (farre beyond their deserts)
although that he depri|ued some (of the chiefest condition amongest them) from all the vse and benefit of
their goods.
The earle
of Lennox remaining at Dunbar, re|ceiued into the castell the earle of Glencarne, and o|thers, which had
escaped the battell, who sometime af|ter did rest (being feared with the ouerthrow) from a|nie further
turmoiles or troubles. But in the end, they which fauoured the Lennox, doo afresh stirre him to take
weapon against the gouernor: wherevpon he dooth restrengthen the towne and stéeple of Glas|cow,
determining to gather a new supplie, and once more to cast the dice of war. But the gouernor (min|ding to
preuent all his indeuors by wise counsell) did (being accompanied with the cardinall) call to him about
Glascow, all the nobilitie of the south parts, and (bringing foorth the hired souldiors) commanded the
great péeces to be planted against the enimie. Wherevpon (entering the towne) he besieged the castell and
steeple of the church (in which place were both Scots and Frenchmen) and in the end (after a slaughter of
some of them) inforced the other to yéeld their forts. After that the castell was thus come into the
gouernors hands, he hanged eighteene of the chiefest and best loued vnto Lennox, and permitted the rest
to depart at libertie. The earle of Lennox (vnderstanding that his affaires began to wauer, and to
obteine such euill successe) dooth send the earle of Angus and the lord Maxwell to the gouernor, to
in|treat of peace betwéene him and the earle of Len|nox, the which they laboured with great diligence,
ac|cording to the trust reposed in them.]
Compare 1577 edition:
2 But the
gouernor caused them both to be secretlie The earle of Angus and the lord Max|well
commit|ted to ward. conueied from the councell by the backeside of the blacke friers of
Glascow, vnto the castell of Hamil|ton, and from thence the earle was sent to Blacke|nesse. The lord
Maxwell was kept still in hold at Hamilton, and George Dowglas, and the maister of Glencarne in Edenburgh
castell. These persons thus imprisoned stood in great doubt of their liues (as some supposed:) but as
diuerse other did suspect, Mens opini|ons for the imprisoning of the earle of Angus.
1544. The earle of Lennox sen|deth to the king of Eng|land. they were rather committed for a
colour, than for a|nie euill that was meant towards them. Howsoe|uer it was with them, the earle of
Lennox by the aduise of his friends sent the earle of Glencarne, and a gentleman called Thomas Bishop,
vnto the king of England with offer of his seruice, and re|quest to haue in mariage the ladie Margaret
Dow|glasse daughter to the Earle of Angus, and néece to the said king.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 470. Herevnto the king granted. For the
perfor|mance whereof (and the dispatch of other things) he sent the lord Wharton and diuerse others. And
on the earles part, the bishop of Cathnes his brother and the earle of Glencarne were appointed, who met
at Carleill to performe the agreement. The quéene, the cardinall, and the other of the French faction,
did helpe the gouernor all they might, with counsell, power, and monie; because they perceiued that he
repented such friendship with England as he had taken in hand by the counsell of Angus and of others. In
the meane time there was a parlement assembled at Striueling, in which by common con|sent, the earle of
Lennox was condemned of trea|son; wherefore the sentence of banishment was exe|cuted against him, and all
his goods with his patri|monie were confiscat to the quéene. Whilest the French king was ascerteined that
Lennox had for|saken his faction, & committed himselfe to the king of England, he suddenlie
committed to prison Iohn Steward lord of Aubigne baron in France, brother to the earle of Lennox, and
depriued the said Iohn Steward of all such honors and offices as he posses|sed in France. For he was
generall capteine of all the Scotish lands in France, being either such as had gard of the kings bodie,
or bowmen, or men at armes: for the king of France hath Scots in wa|ges of all the orders.
But let vs
now returne to the Patriarch, who was honorablie receiued by the cardinall and the bishop of Scotland
into the citie of Glascow: during whose abode there, great contention arose betwéene the cardinall and
the archbishop of Glascow, who should in that citie be of greatest authoritie and honor. Which in th' end
came to this issue, that both families fell togither by the eares, which of them should go be|fore EEBO page image 334 with his crosse borne vpright. For the cardinall archbishop of saint Andrews and primat
of the king|dome, did affirme that the archbishop of Glascow should not haue his crosse borne in his owne
church, so long as the cardinall was present. Which the ser|uants of the archbishop of Glascow tooke in
such dis|daine, that they plucked downe the cardinals crosse and threw it to the ground. Wherevpon, the
gouer|nor (vnderstanding the whole matter, and that it was now come from words to swords) made hast to
appease this factious commotion, & caused the Patri|arch
therwith to be brought to Edenburgh accompa|nied with the clergie, where he remained all the win|ter
following. In which towne he was honorablie enterteined and feasted of the quéene, the gouernor, and
other of the nobles, whome he requited with the like courtesie.
these of the nobilitie, the earle of Mur|rey had the Patriarch on a day to a banket, in which this Murrey
did shew an honorable thing not accu|stomed amongest others. For where
he abounded in store of siluer vessels, yet he commanded his ser|uants to furnish a great cupboord with
christall glas|ses brought from Uenice, & that in the midst of din|ner he should ouerturne the
cupboord as it were vn|willinglie. Which the seruant at the time appointed did performe. The noise of
breaking of which glasses did suddenlie fill the eares of all the companie: and the Patriarch seeing the
hurt, was somewhat moo|ued. But the earle making no account of this thing, commanded his man afresh to furnish the same cupboord with as manie and fairer vessels
of glasse than the former were, to the Patriarchs great ad|miration. For the Patriarch affirmed that the
glas|ses of Muranoe and Uenice did not anie way excell these. Truelie this earle of Murrey was
honora|ble, wise, iust, and famous amongest manie prin|ces for his manifold vertues, & manie
ambassages most happilie performed amongest them. Who shortlie after this, departing the court, died of
the stone at his castle in Turnwaie.
Patriarch shewed to the gouernor (besides other priuileges that he had from the sée of Rome) his great
authoritie, in that he was legat from the popes side, amongest the Scots, as long as he re|mained there.
Which office, when he departed to Rome, he procured to be transferred to the cardinall; at what time the
Patriarch also in the name of the pope, did promise much helpe, and monie to be sent to Scotland against
England. For he studied by all means he could, to hinder the mariage of
those two kingdoms: because he suspected thereby, that some alteration might be made in Scotland touching
the religion; with the ouerthrow of churches and mona|steries. Now, after that the Patriarch had
remai|ned all the winter in Scotland, he departed from thence in March, who as he was honorablie
enter|teined in all places, so he spared not to recount to the French king and other princes (whome he
visited in his iourneie) the humanitie he found in Scotland, which he
also imparted to the bishop of Rome, to the other cardinals, & to the senat of Uenice; not
with|out singular praise and honor to the Scotish nation.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 They that
were sent, so solicited the earles cause, that in the end the king was persuaded that Len|nor ought of
right to haue the gouernement of the realme of Scotland, and to be second person in the fame. And
herewith, in consideration how vniustlie not onelie his maiestie had béene dealt with, but also how
vnthankefullie and discourteouslie Lennox had béene vsed, both at the hands of the French king, and also
of his adherents in Scotland, by the cardi|nall & others: he both thankefullie receiued his
gen|tle offer of seruice, & also promised to aid him in his title and all other lawfull causes:
and herewith pre|pared The king of England meaneth to aid the earle of Lennox.
an armie to passe into Scotland by sea, ap|pointing the earle of Hertford, and the lord Lisle to haue the
conduction of the same, who shipping at Tinmouth with their people, arriued in the Forth vnder Werdie
castell, a mile & a halfe aboue Leith the third of Maie, the whole nauie conteining aboue The English armie landeth by Leith. the number of two hundred ships. Here at
New|hauen, a quarter of a mile from the said castell, they landed their armie of ten thousand men of
warre, with great artillerie, and all kind of munition.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The lord
gouernor being at that present within the towne of Edenburgh, hearing of their arriuall, went foorth of
the towne accompanied with the car|dinall, the earles of Huntleie, Argile, Bothwell, and others,
purposing to stop their landing: but per|ceiuing the puissance of the aduersaries to be such, as they
could not resist the same, they returned to Edenburgh againe, and sent maister Adam Otten|borne The prou [...] of Edenburgh sent to the earle of Hert|ford. prouost of Edenburgh, and two of the
bailiffs to the earle of Hertford, to vnderstand the cause of his comming; and withall offered, that if
there were anie iniuries or wrongs doone by anie of the Scots nation, he would appoint commissioners to
talke with such as by him should be authorised thereto, for the full answering thereof, & to that
effect he would gladlie receiue them into the towne of Edenburgh.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Hertford answered that he had no The earles answer. commission to talke of
anie such matter; but rather to take reuenge of the vniust dealing and breach of promise on those that
had falsified their faith. And therefore minding to burne the towne of Eden|burgh, as well as other
within that realme, he wil|led the inhabitants and all all those that were with|in the same to come
foorth, and submit themselues before him the kings lieutenant, to stand vnto the kings will and pleasure,
or else he would not faile to procéed in execution thereof. The prouost answe|red that he would rather
abide all extremities, than accomplish his request and desire in that behalfe; and therevpon returned to
the towne.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After the
gouernor had heard what answer was made to the prouost, he caused the castell to be furni|shed with all
things necessarie for defense, and de|parted straightwaies to Striueling. The English armie lodging that
night in Leith, marched the next day toward Edenburgh, passing vp the Cannogat stréet to enter at the
nether bow, where they found some resistance made by the Scots, so that diuerse were slaine on both
parts. Towards night, the Eng|lishmen, after they had continued long in skirmi|shing that day with the
Scotishmen, retired to Leith. The next day the whole armie with the great artillerie came forward towards
the towne, and breaking open the Cannogat, they entred the towne Edenburgh entred by
force. by the same, bringing their ordinance within sight of the castell, purposing to plant
the same in batte|rie against it; but the capteine of the castell caused the artillerie within to shoot
off at them in so great abundance, & so good measure, that they slue diuerse Englishmen, and
dismounted one of their péeces, so Sée more hereof in Eng land. that in the end
they were constreined to draw backe their ordinance & retired; but yet in the meane time they set
fire on the towne, and burnt the most part of all the houses in the same. They burnt also the Can|nogat
Edenburgh burnt. street, and the abbeie of Holie rood house. The gouernor at
that present released out of prison the earle of Angus, the lord Maxwell, the maister of Glencarne, sir
George Dowglas, and others. Prisoners set at libertie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In this
meane time also there came from the borders by land foure thousand of English horsse|men, vnder the
conduction of the lord William E|uers, and his sonne sir Rafe Euers; who ioining with the armie at Leith, scowred
the countrie on euerie EEBO page image 335 side of Edenburgh. Finallie, after the English armie had lien in
Leith a certeine space, they burnt that towne also, and sent their ships awaie fraught with pillage and
spoiles (got as well in that towne, as in Edenburgh, and abroad in the countrie) backe towards England. And
therwith the earle of Hertford, the lord admerall, and others, returned by land through the countrie vnto
Berwike, as in the English historie more at large appeareth. Whilest the English armie was thus occupied in
that part of Scotland, the erle of Lennox with an armie of men which he had raised, was readie to come on
the backs of the gouernor and his adherents, if they had assembled their forces and come forward to haue
giuen the Englishmen battell. For all this season the ciuill contentions still continued, and sundrie
conflicts and skirmishes chanced betwixt the parties.
The Scots which inhabit the mountains, and the Iles, did now in these turmoiles begin to shew
some tokens of their inconstancie. For they (which paied yeerelie tribute in the time of Iames the fift,
kept the peace, liued within the bounds of law, and well obeied the gouernor) did now (after they saw all
things on a flame) begin againe to spoile and destroie their neighbors, in the same vttering the humor of
their naturall disposition. Wherevpon the gouernor (to restreine their boldness) called vnto him George
Gordon earle of Huntleie, and the earle of Argile, whereof he made the one gouernor of the north parts of
Scotland, of the Orchades, and Shitland; and to the other, he committed the rule of Argile, and the Iles
Hebrides. Wherevpon Huntleie with all speed gathered an armie from the north parts, and determined to bridle
the Glancamerons, the Gencronelles, the Mudiardes, & the Kindiardes, with force and authoritie. The
capteins or heads of which families, were Ewin Allanson, Ronald Mackoneilglas, and Iohn Mudiard, who did
possesse the lands of the lords Grant, and Louet, hauing expelled them by force from the same.
But when they first vnderstood that Huntleie had incamped neere vnto them, they fled euerie one
home to their owne possessions: which being defended partly by the west sea, and partly included about with
the mounteins, stopped Huntleie, so that hee might not haue anie passage vnto them: by meanes whereof (these
dissessors being banished) the lords Grant and Louet were restored to their right inheritance. But it fell
out contrarilie for Louet, who going to take his owne into his hands, fell into danger of his enimies. For
at that time both the companies were disposed into such order, that neither partie could absteine from
fight. Wherevpon they first discharge their bodies one against another, and their arrowes spent, they after
flie to their swords, with which they fought so egerlie, that the night cutting off the battell, it could
not be well knowne to which part of the victorie gaue place. In which there was so great slaughter on both
parts, that till the next morning in viewing the dead bodies, the victors were not knowne. Amongest whome of
the part of the Glencamerons and Mudiardes there were many slaine.
But by reason of the death of the lord Louet, and of his sonne and heire (a youth of singular
hope, and brought vp on France) with three hundred of the bloud and surname of the Fraisers, for Louet was
the head and leader of that familie) the hurt seemed to be the greater on their part. For there was a rumor
spred, that there was not one of the familie of the Fraisers left aliue that was of mans state. But
it happened by the singular benefit of God, that they left their wiues with child when they went to the fight, by which meanes the familie was after raised and
restored. Huntleie (greatlie grieuing that the Fraisers had receiued this grieuous wound) gathered a power
togither, and with armes so pursued those factious people, that he tooke and beheaded Ewin Allanson, and
Ronald, with diuerse others, and put the rest in prison. The earle of Argile discharged the office committed
to him as well as Huntleie did and with more happie successe, for all the Iland men humblie submitted
themselues vnto him, and deliuered pledges to liue quietlie hereafter.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About this time the earle of Lennox, accompanied with Alexander the maister of Glencarne,
otherwise called lord of Kilmawse, Walter Graham brother to the earle of Montrosse, sir Iohn Borthwike
knight, and sundrie other gentlemen, tooke the sea to passe into England, and arriued at Westchester about
Midsummer: & passing from thence to the court, he was ioifullie receiued. And immediatlie therevpon
was the mariage celebrated betwixt him and the ladie Margaret Dowglas, daughter & heire to the earle
of Angus, and to Margaret his wife queene of Scots, sister to king Henrie the eight, at what time there was
assured to him by way of inheritance, lands to the value of seuen hundred marks of yeerlie rent of assise,
in consideration of this mariage with the kings neece, and in recompense of lands lost by him in France, to
the which he was inheritor after the deceasse of Robert Steward lord Obenie, one of the foure marshals of
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Moreouer, king Henrie being now vpon his iournie towards Bullongne, aswell for the anoiance of
his highnesse enimies in Scotland, as for recouerie of all the said earles right in that realme, appointed
the said earle to enter Scotland in the moneth of August, accompanied with sir Rise Mansfield, sir Peter
Newtas knights, maister Thomas Audleie, master Thomas Brookes, old maister Winter comptrollor of the kings
ships, and his sonne sir William Winter that now is, and sundrie other capteins, hauing vnder their charge
two hundred hackbutters, two hundred archers with long bowes, and two hundred armed pikes, beside the
mariners belonging to those ships that were appointed to go foorth on this iournie, being in number about
twelue or fourteene saile, belonging to Bristow, and other of the west parts.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Vpon their arriuall on the coast of Scotland, they burnt the Ile of Arrane, and raced the
gouernors castell to the ground. And afterwards arriuing at the Ile of Bute, they entered the same, and
tooke the castell of Roseie standing therein (from whence the Stewards kings of Scotland had their
originall) the capteine they had awaie prisoner with them into England. Here also they tooke two French
ships laden with wines, and this doone they entered the Firth of Clide, thinking to find none but their
friends in the castell of Dunbreton. But true it is, that in this meane time the earle of Glencarne with
sundrie gentlemen being left in that castell, with the capteine thereof called Houson, to keepe it in the
name and to the behoofe of the erle of Lennox, were in his absence persuaded thorough practise of the queene
Dowager, not only to renounce their promised faith to him, in defrauding him of that castell; but also to
intrap and wind him within their danger to take him prisoner.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 For this purpose they so dissembled the matter that they had got him on land onelie with three
hundred men: and so farre foorth they were growne in talke, that the erle of Lennox being entered into the
castell with a few other with him, the monie was laid downe on the boord, to be paid to the capteine for his
satisfaction. But in the meane time, the earle of Lennox, & such as were with him, perceiuing some
EEBO page image 336 treasonable practise in hand got foorth of the house a|gaine vnto their companie
below, leauing the mo|nie behind them, and after made shift to get to their ships, and not before it was
high time.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 For if
they had staied that night, they had béene intrapped by George Dowglas, who with foure thousand men was
secretlie drawne thitherwards, and entered the towne of Dunbreton, shortlie after that the earle of
Lennox was thus departed, and got to his ships lieng there at hand in the riuer of Clide, downe the which he retired to the sea, not without danger to haue lost the same
ships, by reason of the narrownesse of the water: for the erle of Argile be|ing gotten betwixt him and
the sea with a great power of men, with banners displaied, hailsed the ships with shot of ordinance from
the castell of Din|nune, annoieng the earle of Lennox his passage as much as he could. But he escaping
with the Eng|lish gentlemen, and the ships out of danger, tooke ad|uise togither at the Ile of Bute what
they were best to doo.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
sore mooued to haue béene thus repel|led from Dunbreton, and stomaching the matter sore, to be so
discountenanced by his enimie the earle of Argile, with the aduise of the English gentlemen, he returned
with them, and with great shew of man|hood tooke land beside the castell and towne of Din|nune, The earle of Lennox lan|deth at Din|nune. where the earle of Argile with seuen
hundred men was readie to incounter him, & to kéepe him off from landing: but by the helpe of the
shot out of the ships, and great store of botes, the Englishmen
lan|ded, slue foure score of the enimies, most part gen|tlemen, and put the residue to flight, with the
losse of thrée men onelie on the English side.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This
doone, the towne of Dinnune was burnt, and the church spoiled, that was full of goods and orna|ments.
When the night approched, by reason the Eng|lishmen The towne of Dinnune burnt.
had no powder, nor other prouision on land, the earle with his people returned to shipboord in safetie,
howbeit not without offer of skirmish made by the enimies though to
their losse, namelie of those that aduanced themselues most forward. About foure or fiue daies after, the
earle of Lennox with The earle of Lennox lan|deth againe in Argile. fiue
hundred men landed in another part of Argile, and remaining on land a whole day togither, burnt, spoiled,
and wasted the countrie: the earle of Argile with two thousand men giuing the looking on, and not once
offering the skirmish, so that the earle of Lennox with his souldiers retired to his ships with|out
Compare 1577 edition:
2 After this
they inuaded the Ile of Kinter, where Kinter inua|ded. Iames Mackonell dwelled,
burnt manie places in that countrie, tooke and caried awaie great booties of cattell and other goods. All
the coasts of Kile, Car|rike, & Coningham, and likewise of Galloway re|mained in continuall
feare, so that oftentimes their beacons were fired, and manie of the noble men constrained to come to the
earle of Lennox, suing to him for assurance. In these exploites the earle had with him Walter Macferlane
of Tirbat, and
Walter Mac|ferlane. seuen score men of the head of Lennox, that spake both
Irish, English, & the Scotish toongs, light foot|men, well armed in shirts of male, with bowes,
and two handed swords, and being ioined with the Eng|lish archers and shot, did much auailable seruice in
the streicts, the marishes, and mountaine coun|tries.
Fr. Thin. Buchan. li. 15. During these things, they which had gouern|ment
of Scotish affairs (as the quéene Dowager, the cardinall, and the gouernor) called a councell, in which
they decréed that all such of the nobilitie as had force and armor, should be readie to follow the
gouernor whither soeuer he went, and there to re|maine with him for the space of eight daies. Short|lie
after there assembled eight thousand men, and in the sharpe winter battered the church of Colding|ham,
standing in armor a whole day and night to the great toile and wearinesse of the men and horsses. The
next day the gouernor, either to accuse his ten|dernesse susteined in the last daies labor of warre, or
else fearing the inuasion of the enimie (for he was certified of an armie of men that should come from
Berwike) suddenlie (vnknowne to the other nobili|tie) did flie to Dunbar with a few of his owne traine.
They which went about to excuse the defame of this flight, reported how he feared that he should haue
béene betraied to the English by his host, for hatred which they had conceiued against him for manie of
his offenses.
departure of the gouernor brought great trouble to the armie, & so much the more, bicause the
secreter it was (and the reason vnknowne) the more cause it gaue to the rest to feare some further euill.
Wherefore the greater part remained in this obsti|nate mind, that euerie one should returne the next way
home, and leaue the artillerie at randon. But others (who were more carefull, and would séeme lesse
fearefull) doo agrée to stuffe the péeces full of powder, and to breake them, rather than they should
fall in the hands & helpe of the enimie. To the which deuise onelie Archembald Dowglas did
resist, least he should ad a wicked déed to a wicked flight. Who when he could not staie any man, either
by threat, in|treatie, or authoritie, he exclamed with a lowd voice (for euerie one to heare him) that
for his owne part he had rather die an honest death, than to haue a se|cure and rich life with such
Wherefore you my friends consider what you will doo, for either I will bring awaie this
artillerie, or I will not returne home with life; wherefore I meane to make this the last end both of
my life and glorie.
When he had spo|ken this, a few (whose honor was deare vnto them) were mooued
therewith, but the rest (despairing by reason of the shamefull flight of the gouernor) did scatteringlie
depart, wandring whither they thought good, without anie order. The Dowglasse with such companie as he
had (placed in good order) followed the artillerie, and brought the same to Dunbar, the horssemen of his
enimies in vaine hastening after them behind at their backes. This expedition by the gouernor rashlie
begun, and shamefullie performed, brake the hearts of the Scots, and aduanced the minds of the English,
who gloriouslie applied the da|stardnesse of the gouernor to their owne glorie.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 To
conclude, after the earle of Lennox and his companie had atchiued these enterprises afore men|tioned, he
returned towards England, and sent sir Peter Mewtas knight, & Thomas Bishop a Sco|tish Sir Peter Mewtas. gentleman, to aduertise the king of England of his procéedings,
who found him at the siege of Bul|longne, where they declared to him the whole circum|stance of euerie
thing, as the same had passed in the earles iornie, which the king tooke in verie good part. And vpon his
returne into England, after the con|quest of Bullongne, the earle of Lennox was also called home to the
court by letters to him directed, he being then at Bristow.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About the
middest of Februarie, sir Rafe Eure 1545. Sir Rafe E|uers inuadeth Scotland.
commonlie called Euers, lord warden of the Eng|lish middle marches, entred Scotland with a power of foure
thousand Englishmen, Irishmen, and assu|red Scots; and comming first vnto Iedwoorth, lod|ged there that
night. And therwithall vnderstanding that the gouernor and the earle of Angus were at the abbeie of
Melros, about eight miles distant from thence, the next morning he was got foorth so earlie, that he was
almost vpon the enimies in such wise on the sudden, that they fled out of their lodgings, EEBO page image 337 and left their beds and all their houshold furniture which they had in store there with them, not
hauing time to conueie it awaie at their departure, their warning was so short. Sir Rafe Euers at his
com|ming thither, finding them fled and gone, spoiled the towne and abbeie, vtterlie defacing the toomes
and He defaceth the monu|ments of the Dowglasses. monuments of the earles of
Dowglas, greatlie to the displeasure of the earle of Angus, and those of his linage.
Fr. Thin. B [...]ch. lib. 15 After this (the comming of the English being looked for the next yéere) the minds of the borderers were greatlie troubled, bicause they were
hopelesse to atteine anie succor from the gouernor, which vsed the aduise of the clergie, but chieflie of
the cardinall. Wherevpon Archembald Dowglas earle of Angus (greatlie mooued partlie with his priuat
losses, for he had great possessions in the marches, and in Tiuiot, and partlie to sée his ancestors
monuments defaced) came to the gouernor, and fullie laid before him the greatnesse of the danger wherein
the realme did stand, persuading him to incounter and resist the same.
At what time also (after the gouernour had opened vnto him, that he was forsaken of the nobilitie, and
now left alone) the Dowglas shewed that the same happened vnto him by his owne fault, and not by the
nobilitie, which would imploie their liues, liuings, and goods, for the defense of the com|mon-wealth.
For he contemning their counsell, on|lie leaned to the spiritualtie, who were cowards in warre, and
seditious in peace.
Out of this founteine (saith he) a suspicion (that you dare not trust one another) is growne betwéene
you and them, which is the onelie cause why things are no better performed. But if you determine (in
great affaires) to take the aduise of them (who will not refuse to spend their bloud therein) I doubt
not but that we shall be able to execute as great mat|ters as euer our ancestors did: but if we shall
(by our flouth) permit the enimie to take all things from vs, then of necessitie will folow, that
either they shall shortlie banish vs, or bring vs into perpetuall
ser|uitude: the inconueniences of anie of which cannot well be spoken. As touching our selues I know
that thou art suspected to be a coward, and I a traitor, which reproch if thou thinke to purge (for
thou canst not auoid it) prepare to cleare the same, not with painted speaches, but with bloudie
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Wherevpon
the gouernor and the said earle (sore aggreeued to be thus foiled at the Englishmens hands) assembled
togither [vnder the leading of
Fr. Thin. Norman Leste son of the earle of Rothseie] all such forces as they
might recouer, so that they had quicklie got them about fifteene hundred men, wher|of eight hundred at
the least were gentlemen. Who hearing that the Englishmen were retiring to|wards Iedworth, they met them
at a place called Pannier hugh, or Broomehouse, where both the par|ties alighting on foot, ment to trie
the quarell by plaine force of hand. But as they were redy to ioine, the assured Scots, to the number of
seuen or eight hundred reuolted vnto the part of their countrimen, by
reason whereof, after a right sharpe and fierce con|flict, the Englishmen in the end were constreined to
flie, whome the Scots right egerlie pursued, slue sir 1544. Lesle. Buchanan.
Rafe Euers, the lord Ogle, sir Brian Leiton, and other gentlemen & souldiors to the number of
eight Sir Rafe E|uers & others slaine. hundred. They tooke also about
two thousand priso|ners, with certeine péeces of artillerie and other munition.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This
victorie fell to the Scots the seuentéenth day of Februarie, the report whereof was right displeasant to
the English nation, but speciallie the losse of that worthie gentleman sir Rafe Euers was greatlie
bemoned, and that euen of the king himselfe, for the noble prowesse and great loialtie which at all times
had béene found in him. His ser|uice His seruice against the Scots. had beene
such in these wars against Scotland, that he had brought the more part of the Scots with|in twentie miles
space of the English borders, vnto the obeisance of the king of England, although at length they holpe to
worke his confusion, as before ye haue heard. ¶ Of this gentleman & his singular Abr. Fl. seruice in the field, I omit here to speake, bicause he was imploied
otherwise, besides Scotland: where|fore I remit the readers to the twentith yere of king Henrie the
eight, where to his high commendation this gentleman is recorded.]
Fr. Thi [...]: Buchan. lib. 10. pag. 478. The occasion of the English ouerthrow (as saith
Lesleus) and the Scots victorie, were chieflie by these meanes. First they fought vpon equail
ground, and with vnequall helpes. For the Scots with the sunne on their backs (being declined toward
setting) came foorth of a narrow & marish place, and set vpon the English (at the side of an hill
which was betweene them) hauing the sun in their faces, by which meanes they could neither well perceiue
what number the Scots had, nor with their gunnes hurt anie of the Scots. But those that fought in the
first battell, wherevnto was ioined (a feare not in vaine) which they had conceiued of the Scotish
march-men, who in great number hauing red crosses (the note of the English) ran vp and downe hither and
thither to sée the euent thereof.)
Compare 1577 edition:
2 About the
same time that the victorie before men|tioned chanced to the Scots, Robert Corncorse bi|shop of Rosse
departed this life, to whome succéeded Death of bi|shops. Dauid Pantane,
secretarie to the gouernor and pri|or of saint Marie Ile. In Aprill, William Steward bishop of Aberden
likewise deceassed, and maister William Gordon chancellor of Murreie, vncle to George erle of Huntleie,
was by the cardinals sute promoted to that sée, greatlie to the displeasure of the earle of Angus, that
labored to haue preferred an o|ther thereto. For this and other causes, the cardinall was greatlie in
hatred of the Dowglasses.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 479. About that time, the king of
England by prise & preies persuaded the Flemings to take sixteene of our ships harbored in the
hauen, and to conuert the commodities (wherewith they were fraught, being verie costlie) to their owne
commoditie. By means whereof at one time we had warres with two nati|ons, England and Flanders. But sith
the Flemings did not the same maliciously for hatred to the Scots, but carefullie for the loue vnto the
English, as the Scots did certeinlie know, they shewed none other token of enimitie to the Flemings, but
that they forbad them to fish on their coasts, and did sometime intercept their ships, without further
iniurie doone vnto them.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This yéere
also, Montgomerie, otherwise called 1545. Buch. Monsieur de Lorges sent into
Scot|land. monsieur de Lorges, knight of the order of saint Mi|chaell, was sent by the French
king with foure thou|sand Frenchmen into Scotland to assist the Scots a|gainst England. He landed at
Dunbreton, & came in good order to Edenburgh the thirtéenth of Maie: he brought with him from the
French king the order of saint Michaell, to inuest therewith the lord gouer|nor, Knights of saint Micha|els order. the earles of Angus, Huntleie, and Argile. Her|with also was
an armie of Scots raised, and ioining with the Frenchmen, they approched the borders, where they laie for
a season: but the earle of Hert|ford An armie of Scotslieth on the borders
lieutenant generall of the north parts comming downe, tooke such direction for the safe kéeping of the
English borders, that after the Scots had laine there in campe a certeine space without atchiuing a|nie
great enterprise, though some notable exploit was looked for to haue beene attempted by them at that
present, they brake vp their armie & went home.
EEBO page image 338
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 480. This castell of Dunbreton was at
that time so carefullie kept by the captein therof, that he determi|ned neither to deliuer it to the
gouernor, nor to anie Englishman, nor to anie Scot. Wherevpon, the go|uernor fearing least it should fall
into the hands of the English, prepare to besiege the same; the newes wherof comming to Glencarne, he
signified the same vnto Lennox, affirming, that if he would come thi|ther, he should shortlie obteine the
castell. The king of England reioising of that newes, prepareth two
ships, and in the meane time sent the bishop of Cath|nesse into Scotland, which should foorthwith be
recei|ued into the castell. Wherefore the gouernor making the more hast, commeth to Dunbreton togither
with the cardinall, and the earles Huntleie, and Argile, laieng present siege to the same, which was
strong|lie doone, and the castilains pressed to great extremi|tie by the slaughter of manie people. But
at length by the policie of the earle Huntleie, it was so agréed, that the castell (which was by nature
inexpugnable) should be deliuered. Which the gouernor receiued (with
certeine conditions) and honorablie intreated the capteine for the singular discharge of the trust
committed to him: and therewithall he restored the bishop of Cathnesse, brother to the earle of Lennox to
his bishoprike, which before he had lost by his go|ing into England.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
sixteenth of September, thrée or foure hun|dred Scots, with Maxwell, Lochinuart, and Iohn|stone, aided
with the Frenchmen, attempted to en|ter into England on the east borders: but the Eng|lishmen
Frenchmen and Scots o|uerthrowne. perceiuing where they were about to passe by
a certeine streit, they set vpon them with their ar|chers, discomfited them, sleaing, & taking to
the num|ber of seuen score of them. Among other that were taken, one of the sonnes to the lord Hume, with
a French capteine, and George Elphinston archer of the corps to the French king, were accounted chiefe.
Also on the west borders, Robert Maxwell eldest son to the lord Maxwell, was taken in a rode made by
The lord Maxwels son taken prisoner him and others, into the English
confines on that side; although at an other time certeine Englishmen
making a rode into Scotland were distressed, the more part of them being taken or flaine. At a parle|ment
holden at Linlithquho, begun there the twen|tie eight of September, and continued till the first of
October, Matthew earle of Lennox, and Thomas bi|shop of Utheltres, were for falted, and all their lands
and goods giuen awaie and annexed to the crowne.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In this
meane time, the king of England desirous to haue the seruice of the Iles of Scotland for sun|drie
great causes and respects, mooued the earle Len|nox to deale with
them to that end: which he did. And his trauell tooke such effect, that the Iland men were contented to
rest at the king of England his deuoti|on, The earle of Lennox pro|cureth them of the
Iles to [...]erue the king of England. partlie for that they were in a manner sworne e|nimies to the
earle of Argile, and his familie; and partlie for that they doubted the king of Englands puissance, if he
should attempt to inuade those par|ties: and againe, bearing an old speciall fauour to the earle of Lennox and his house, hauing an anci|ent bond of aliance and amitie with
the same, they were the more readie to satisfie his motion. Héere vp|on, they elected amongest them a
lord of the Iles, the next of bloud: a title long since verie odious to The lord of
the Iles elec|ted, being one of the Maco|neis. the state of Scotland, and by the inducement of
the earle of Lennox, he was contented as the king of Englands pensioner, to receiue two thousand crownes
of him yéerelie, with certeine rich apparell of cloth of gold and siluer from the said earle.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The first
proofe he attempted to shew of his ser|uice in the king of Englands behalfe, was this. Ha|uing
instructions thereto from the earle of Lennox, vnder colour of conference for matters touching the estate
of the countrie, he had suborned one of his aliance and seruants, called the clane Reginald, to Clane Reg [...]|nald sleteth the lord Lo|uet. intrappe the earles of Argile and Huntleie. And al|though
they escaped verie narrowlie, the lord Louet an ancient baron, & great friend to those two
earles, was slaine by the said clane, togither with seuen hundred of his kinsmen and friends: insomuch
that there remained not but one yoong boy of that linage to succéed in that lords lands [which is before
more Fr. Thin. fullie handeled out of Lesleus.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After
this, the lord of the Iles, with six thousand men imbarked in certeine vessels, passed ouer into The lord of the Iles in|uadeth Ca|r [...]ke. Carrike, harried and burnt the lands of the earle of Cassiles, then a great enimie to
the king of Eng|land. In this voiage he got great spoiles, and slue manie of the enimies. After which
enterprise so at|chiued, he came with his power by sea, and landed in Ireland, where the earles of Lennox
and Ormond He commeth into Ireland. were, with twelue hundred Irishmen,
appointed to ioine with him, that with their whole power they might inuade the earle of Argiles
countries, & conse|quentlie the maine land of Scotland at the broad side. But before the
preparation could be made rea|die for that iorneie, the new lord of the Iles deceas|sed, whose buriall in
Ireland to honor the earle of He departeth this life. Lennox, stood the king of
England in foure hundred pounds sterling.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But now to
returne vnto the dooings on the bor|ders betwixt England and Scotland in this season. Ye shall
vnderstand, that after the armie of Scot|land was broken vp, the earle of Hertford by vertue of his
commission, raised an armie in the countries of the further side of Trent northwards; so that when the
same was assembled togither, with such stran|gers as were then in the kings wages, they were in all of
horssemen and footmen twelue thousand figh|ting But eight thousand, as some
say. men. With this armie garded with great store of artillerie, munition, and all manner of
furniture necessarie, the earle of Hertford entered Scotland, The earle of Hertford
in|uadeth Scot|land. and marching to Coldingham, past vp by the water of Twéed, and burnt a
great part of the Mers, and Tiuidale, the abbeies of kelso, Melrosse, Driborne, and Iedworth, with townes
& villages, to the num|ber of fiue score.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Howbeit,
he entered not farre within the said countrie beyond the said water, but kept alongest néere to the same,
and returned backe without anie incounter: for after the Scotish armie was broken vp, it was not like
they would assemble againe, and so the earle of Hertford taking the time that serued his purpose, sore
indamaged the Scotish borders at that present. Manie other small inuasions were made, as well by the one
part as the other, and some skirmishes fell out betwixt them, sometime to the losse of the Scotish, and
sometime of the English, ac|cording to the course of warre.
Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 15. Much about this time, or rather before, Robert
Maxwell the sonne of Robert (a yoong man of singu|lar vertue) was taken by the English. Besides which
there was nothing doone woorthie the memorie, but that in the beginning of the next winter Montgome|rie
returned into France. After this, the cardinall leadeth the gouernor about the néere countries, vn|der
colour to reconcile such parts as were at dissen|tion: then they came first to Perth, where foure men
were punished for eating flesh on forbidden daies: from thence they went to Dundée called Toadune (to vse
the name of the place, as Buchanan hath) to punish (as they said) such as vsed the late new
testa|ment of Luthers translation. Thither came also Pa|trike Greie (the head of a noble familie in those
parts) accompanied with a good traine, togither with the erle of Rothseie, being before that commanded to
be there by the gouernor, after the pacifieng of the o|ther EEBO page image 339 tumults. But the cardinall
(supposing it small safetie to receiue at one time two such noble and fac|tious persons addicted to the
restored religion, into the towne) wrought with the gou [...]rnor that he and they might go backe to Perth.
The next
morning, when those two noblemen (redie for the iourneie) vnderstood that the gouernor was on his waie
towards Perth, they presentlie fol|lowed him. Who being come in sight, did strike such feare into the
cardinall, that the gouernor com|manded them to sunder themselues, and
seuerallie to enter the citie: which they did. Wherevpon the next day they were both committed to prison.
But Rothseie being shortlie deliuered, Greie (whome they hated more, and feared most) was kept longer in
that restraint. But before they parted thence, it séemed good to the cardinall to abate the strength of
Ruthwen capteine of the towne. For which cause, the gouernor taketh his office from him, and be|stoweth
the same vpon Kinfane Comarch, neighbor and kinsman to Greie. For this
Ruthwen was a great enimie to the cardinall, and much fauored the restored religion: as likewise was
Greie, who af|ter the same sort did not beare a friendlie mind to the cardinall, nor to his religion.
By reason
whereof, the cardinall supposed, that if he might set them (by this meanes) together by the eares (sith
manie of both parts would ioine for de|fense of the chiefe of their families) and that if anie side had
the woorse (as both must be diminished) that then he had by so much
abated the power of one of his enimies. Upon which occasion the gouerne|ment of Perth (which had by manie
descents remai|ned in the familie of the Ruthwens) might be thus translated to Kinfane. Thus the new
capteine was sent with a power to subdue the citizens by force, if they would not willinglie obeie: as it
séemed that they would not; because they tooke it with some griefe, to haue (in this new capteine) the
old liber|tie of voices (in choosing of their gouernor) taken from
them. The besieging of the towne being there|fore diuided into parts, Greie (which had wholie ta|ken the
matter on him) attempted the ouerthrow thereof, from the bridge of Taie. The other band (hauing laid
their artillerie along by the riuer ouer against the towne) did inuade the open side of the said
because the swelling of the sea did not an|swer their deuise, they came not in time to doo anie thing
therein. Greie assalting it by the bridge (which Ruthwen hauing
receiued, and conueied the aid in|to the next houses, would séeme to leaue vngarded) when he saw no armed
men stirring, did (without all feare) enter further into the towne, where he was so sharplie set vpon by
Ruthwen, and his com|panie (suddenlie and vnlooked for breaking out of the houses vpon them) that euerie
one hastened to spie some place by which he might flie awaie. But the multitude confused and driuen into
a streict, did let one an other thereof. For they behind, thinking to
breake in amongest the other, did hinder the first that they could not flie: in which vnorderlie
multi|tude, manie were troden vnder foot, and thrée score were killed with the sword.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
cardinall (although against his mind) hauing heard of the victorie of Ruthwen; yet he did not greatlie
lament the slaughter made of his aduersa|ries. After this, the cardinall hauing thus suffici|entlie
progressed to Angus: he led the gouernor after the fouretéenth of December to saint An|drews, to the end
(if it were possible) to bind the gouernor more firmelie vnto him. For although before he had the
gouernors sonne as pledge with him; yet (as often as he remembred the eagernesse of the Scotish
nobilitie, the strength of his enimies, and the inconstancie of the gouernor) he greatlie feared, least
the said gouernor should with like light|nesse be drawen to assist his enimies, as he had béene led to
take his part.] During the time whilest they were at S. Andrews, the cardinall caused in the Lent season
all the bishops & prelats of the realme to assemble at the towne of saint Andrews, where a
learned man, named maister George Wischart, that had béene in the schooles of Germanie, was ac|cused of
heresie, which he had (as was alleged against him) publikelie preached, and priuatlie taught in Dundée,
Brechin, and diuerse other parts of Scot|land, since his returne home. This matter was so George Wis|chart a learned man burnt. vrged against him, that he was conuict, and
burnt there in the towne of saint Andrews during the time of that conuention or assemblie.
Fr. Thin. When these things were thus doone, the cardi|nall, although he
greatlie trusted to his riches; yet because he was not ignorant what were the minds Buchanan. lib. 15. of men, & what spéeches the common people had of him) determined to
increase his power with new deuises. Wherefore he goeth into Angus, and ma|rieth his eldest daughter (as
saith Buchanan) to the earle of Crawfords sonne. Which mariage was so|lemnized with great
preparation, almost answera|ble to kinglie magnificence. During which time, the cardinall vnderstanding
by his spies, that the English did prepare to inuade the Scotish borders on the sea (and speciallie did
threaten those of Fife therewith) returned to saint Andrews, and appoin|ted a day to the nobilitie, and
such as dwelled about the sea coasts, to assemble togither to prouide in common for the defense thereof,
and to prepare re|medie for that hastened euill. For the easier and bet|ter performance whereof, he had
determined, togi|ther with the lords of that countrie, to haue sailed himselfe about the coasts, and to
haue defended such places as were most conuenient.
others that came vnto him, there was a noble yoong gentleman called Norman Lesle, sonne to the earle of
Rothseie, whereof we haue spo|ken before manie times. This man (after that he had manie times emploied
his valiant and faith|full diligence in the behalfe of the cardinall) grew to some contention with the
said cardinall for a priuat cause, which for a time did estrange both their minds the one from the other.
This same contention did Norman (being thereto induced with manie faire promises) afterwards let fall.
But certeine moneths following (when he returned to demand the performance of such liberall promises)
they began to grow from common spéech to brallings, and from thence to bitter tawnts & reproches,
not fit to be vsed by anie of them both. Wherevpon they departed with the gréeued minds of euerie of
them. For the cardinall being intreated more vnreuerentlie than he would or looked for; and the other
threatning that being ouertaken by deceipt, he would reuenge it: they both returned discontented to their
owne peo|ple. Wherevpon Norman, declaring to his parta|kers the intollerable arrogancie of the cardinall,
they easilie agréed all to conspire his death. Where|fore, to the end that the same might be lesse
suspec|ted, they departed in sunder afterward. This Nor|man accompanied onelie with fiue of his owne
traine, entred the towne of saint Andrews, and went into his accustomed Inne and lodging; tru|sting that
by such small traine he might cunninglie dissemble the determination of the cardinals death. But there
were in that towne, ten of those which had consented to this conspiracie; which closed in secret corners,
some in one place, and some in an other, did onelie expect the signe which was to be giuen vn|to EEBO page image 340 them to execute this deuise. With which small companie this Norman feared not to
aduenture the déath of the cardinall in the same towne, furni|shed in euerie place with the seruants and
friends of the cardinall.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Wherevpon
the thirtéenth of Maie, the cardinall being within his castell of saint Andrews, certeine of his owne
friends (as he tooke them) that is to say, the said Norman, lord Lesleie, William Kirkan|die, the yoong
lord of Grange, and Kirkmichell with sixteene chosen men, entered the
castell verie secret|lie in the morning, tooke the porter, and all the cardi|nals seruants, thrusting
them out of the place by a posterne gate. And that doone, passing to his cham|ber where he laie in bed,
as he got vp, and was ope|ning his chamber doore, they slue him, and seized vp|on the artillerie and
munition, wherewith that for|tresse The cardi|nall of saint Andrews murthered.
was plentifullie furnished, and likewise with rich hangings, houshold stuffe of all sorts, apparell,
copes, iewels, ornaments of churches, great store of gold and siluer
plate, beside no small quantitie of treasure in readie coine.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Sir Iames
Leirmouth, prouost of saint Andrews, assembled all the people of that towne for the rescue of the
cardinall, after he heard that the conspirators were entred the castell; but they shewed the dead bo|die
of the cardinall ouer the wals, as a spectacle to the people, and so they made no further attempt, sith
they saw no meane how to remedie or reuenge the matter at that present. The cause that mooued the
conspirators thus to kill the cardinall, was thought to be partlie
in reuenge of the burning of maister George Wischart, fearing to be serued with the same sawce, and in
the end to be made to drinke of the same cup. Partlie it was thought they attemp|ted it through counsell
of some great men of the realme, that had conceiued some deadlie hatred a|gainst him.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10 pag. 481. But Lesleus also, writing of
the causes of his death saith, that they were diuerse: as the seuerall
tormentors seuerallie framed euerie one a part for his owne excuse. For Norman & Iohn did
com|plaine, that they were wronged by him with no small iniurie, because that the cardinall had not
recom|pensed him for the losse he susteined; when the car|dinall had restored to Colwine lord thereof
(before through the cardinals counsell banished by the king) the castell and possessions of Easter wemes;
which the king had after giuen to the said Norman. The lord Grange affirmed that he reuenged himselfe,
be|cause he was remooued by the cardinals aduise from the office of the
treasurorship; which (being granted by the king to him) he had discharged with great profit to the
realme, & honor to himselfe. And Kirkmichell did also say that he was dispossessed by the
cardinall of some other (I cannot tell what) possessions. All which causes were but veiles which they
spread a|gainst the wind and report of so wicked and shame|full a deed. For vpon the fact, Norman being
vexed with remorse of conscience, did not onelie labor to pacifie the
anger of such, that (either by bloud or be|nefit) were tied to the cardinall with all kind of du|ties:
but did also, to shun the danger thereof, passe into France, and there by valour (in the seruice of
Henrie the second king of France) endeuored to wipe away that note of infamie, which he had cast vpon his
familie. All which notwithstanding, both he and others (some after one sort, and some after an other)
were worthilie punished for their wickednes.]
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The same
euening that the cardinall was slaine, the old lord of Grange, maister Henrie Balnauis, one of the
councell of the realme, and sundrie gentle|men of the surname of the Meluins, Iohn Knocts and others, to
the number of seuen score persons, entred the castell to their support, taking vpon them to keepe it
against the gouernor and his partakers. Not long after, the gouernor, considering that his deere cousine
the cardinall was thus made awaie, as|sembled the great lords of the realme, as the earle of Angus,
Huntleie, Argile, and others, by whose ad|uise he called a parlement, and forfalted them that 1546. The slaters of the cardinall forfalted. had slaine the cardinall, and kept
the castell of saint Andrews.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Herewith
also he raised a power, and besieged the same castell, planting diuerse péeces of great artil|lerie
against it. But it was so stronglie furnished with all maner of artillerie & munition by the
cardi|nall The castell of saint An|drews besie|ged. in his life time, that they
within cared little for all the inforcements that their aduersaries without could aduance against them.
Wherevpon, after that the siege had continued the space of three moneths, the gouernor was glad to take
an appointment with them within, to the end he might get out of their The siege
rai|sed. hands his eldest sonne, who was remaining with the cardinall at the time when he was
murthered, and so kept by them that did the murther, till now they agréed to deliuer him to his father,
with condition that he should raise his siege.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 They
deliuered also the dead bodie of the cardi|nall, after it had laine buried in a dunghill within the
castell, euer since the day in which they slue him. [The gouernor did name the abbat of Paslew his Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 1 [...]. pag. 483. brother to the bishoprike of saint Andrews, and gaue the abbeie of Arbroth
(being before granted to Iames Beton kinsman to the slaine cardinall) to George Dowglasse bastard sonne
to the earle of An|gus: which things were afterwards occasions of great troubles in the realme.] In the
yeare next insuing, king Henrie the eight departed this life, af|ter 1547. The king of
England de|ceassed. whome succéeded his sonne Edward, the sixt of that name, king of England,
France, and Ireland: Shortlie after, that is to say, the last of March, Fran|cis the French king
deceassed, and his sonne Hen|rie, The death of the French king. the second of
that name succeeded him; who at the desire of the gouernor of Scotland, appointed Leone Strossie prior of
Capoa, a knight of the or|der of Malta, with a nauie of 16 gallies, fraught with men of warre, and
munition, to passe into Scotland, to helpe to win the castell of saint An|drews.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
gouernor in the meane time with an armie passed to the west borders to besiege the castell of Langham,
the which was kept at that present by Michaell Wharton, hauing then with him but six|teene Englishmen,
who neuerthelesse abid thrée or foure daies siege, and seuen canon shots, and so yéel|ded the house to
the gouernor: and hereby was the peace broken, first by the Scots, euen as the Eng|glishmen could haue
wished. Moreouer, at the same time, the erle of Rothous then returned out of Den|marke was acquit by an
assise (as they call it) of earles and lords, of an accusation wherewith he was charged, as confederat
and partie with them that had murthered the cardinall.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 Whilest
the gouernor was thus passed with his armie to the west borders, he was aduertised that the prior of
Capoa was arriued, and [against the Fr. Thin. wils of such as were against it]
entred into the The castell of saint An|drews besie|ged by the French. towne of
saint Andrews: wherevpon the gouernor, with all the nobilitie that were then about him, ha|sted thither
to assist the prior, and so the siege was stronglie laid about the castell there. The prior cau|sed
certeine péeces of artillerie to be drawen vp, and mounted on the top of a church, which was higher than
the castell; so that those peeces shot plump into the castell, that none durst shew themselues on the
wals, or abroad in the yard within the castell. He caused also certeine canons to be drawen with en|gins,
EEBO page image 341 néere to the verie wals of the castell, which bat|tered the same in such sort, as
the ditches were néere hand filled with the rubbish and stones of the wals that fell downe.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Moreouer,
the gallies at an high water appro|ched on the riuer side so neere to the castell, that with shot of
canons and other artillerie, they sore annoied them within, and slue diuerse. The defendants per|ceiuing
themselues thus besieged on all sides, & not able long to hold out, put foorth a token vpon a
speares point, to signifie that they desired parlee, which was
granted, and certeine of them comming foorth, were admitted to talke with the gouernor, the queene, and
the prior of Capoa. They offered to ren|der the castell, so they might depart, and haue their liues saued
with bag and baggage.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But this
would not be granted, the gouernor vtterlie refusing it; at length he was content to par|don The castell of S. Andrews [...]lded. them of their liues, if the French king should thinke it good, else to stand to his
pleasure. The spoile of the castell was giuen to the Frenchmen, who
vp|on the surrender entring the same, left nothing be|hind him that might serue them to anie vse in
ta|king it away. All the principall men within it were led to the gallies, and conueied awaie into France
prisoners at the French kings discretion. Diuerse of them were committed to sundrie prisons on the coast
of Britaine, and others were appointed to row in the gallies till the yeare 1550, in which the pri|soners
we set at libertie, and the others that were in the gallies were
redeemed by their friends for cer|teine summes of monie.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Thus was
the castell of saint Andrews rendred the nine and twentith of Iulie, fourtéene daies after the arriuall
there of the prior of Capoa, whereby his The prior of Capoa. great valiancie,
well knowen afore that time, was so renewed, as his praise for his spéedie dispatch and good successe
therein was much aduanced. Shortlie after, the duke of Summerset, heretofore in this booke named earle of
Hertford, vncle by the mother vnto the yoong king of England, and
admitted go|uernor The duke of Summerset protector of England. of his person,
and protector of all his realms, dominions, and subiects, minding the aduancement of the yoong king his
nephue, thought good with all spéed to procure the consummation of the mariage, betwixt him, and the
yoong quéene of Scots.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But
perceiuing that the same could not be brought to passe without force, he séemed loth to let passe the
opportunitie of time then offered (as he tooke it) to serue his purpose; and therevpon by aduise of
councell leuied an armie with all expedition, and came to Berwike,
about the latter end of August, and in the beginning of September entred Scot|land with the same armie,
conteining seauentéene He entreth Scotland with an armie or eighteene thousand
men, which was diuided into three principall wards, the vant-gard led by the va|liant earle of Warwike,
the battell by the duke of Summerset himselfe, and the rere-ward by the lord Dacres of the north.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 There were
certeine wings and troopes of men of
The order of the English armie. armes, demilances, and light horssemen, and
also of harquebusiers, that attended vpon these thrée wards, garded with diuerse péeces of great
artille|rie. The lord Greie of Wilton high marshall of the armie had the generall conduction of the men
of armes and demilances. Sir Francis Brian, lieu|tenant of the light horssemen, with eight hundred of
them was appointed to the vant-gard. Sir Peter Mewtas capteine of fiue hundred hagbutters, and sir
Francis Fleming maister of the ordinance, with a thousand light horssemen, were appointed to the battell.
And sir Richard Manners, with six hundred light horssemen, attended vpon the rere-ward.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In this
order marching through the Mers, and Louthian, they came at length vnto a place called Buckling Braies,
neere to the Forth side, in which The English fleet. riuer the English fleet
was arriued, and laie before the towne of Leith, but now by order giuen came backe from thence, and lay
néerer to the armie. The gouernor of Scotland aduertised of the comming of this armie of England thus to
inuade Scotland, with all diligence sent abroad solemne summons The gouernor raiseth
an ar|mie. for the leuieng of a new armie foorth of all parts of the realme; supposing thereby
to be sufficientlie fur|nished and inabled for the incounter; happen when it should; the contrarie part
(no doubt) being likewise opinioned, and both hoping, or greedilie gaping af|ter the glorie of
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 485. For the gouernor did attempt at this
time that which is accustomed to be vsed in the greatest dan|gers of the countrie: which was, that he
sent out messengers through all the realme, who carieng a fierie crosse in their hands, should make signe
(and declare) aswell to the laitie, as to the churchmen; that all they which were aboue sixtéene yeares
old, and vnder sixtie, should presentlie (with their armor) re|paire to Mussilborow, and there be readie
to defend the libertie of the countrie; who accordinglie came to Mussilborow (within lesse than two miles
of the place where the English armie came to incampe, lieng at Preston) & placed themselues at
Inuernesse ouer against their enimies.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Here we
haue to vnderstand, that the Scots light horssemen oftentimes would come pricking almost within their
staues length of the Englishmen as they marched, whouping and shouting, to the end they might traine them
foorth from their strength, and with railing words would still be in hand to pro|uoke The goodnes of the Sco|tish horsmen feared of the Englishmen. The lord Greie desireth to incounter
the Scotish horssemen. them thereto. But the duke of Summerset, doubting the goodnesse of the
Scotish prickers, gaue secret commandement, that no offer of skirmish by the Scotish horsmen should be
taken. But at length the lord Greie of Wilton, not able to beare such bold presumption in the Scots,
aduenturing (as he tooke it) ouer rashlie, and more than stood with their owne suertie, made sute to the
duke of Summerset, that if they continued in such brauerie, it might be lawfull for him to set them
further off.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The duke
at the first by no meanes would assent thereto, telling the lord Greie, that his desire procee|ded more
of a iolitie of courage, than of anie know|ledge of the enimie, and séemed to defend the good|nesse of
the Scotish horssemen: but when the lord Greie persisted in his sute, and the earle of War|wike assisted
his request, the duke in the end yéelded thereto. Herevpon when the lord Hume with the Scots the next
time (which was on the Fridaie the uinth of September) came foorth to offer the skir|mish after their
woonted maner, the lord Greie ta|king with him certeine bands of horssemen, both men of armes,
demilances, and also light horsmen, diuided them in troopes, appointing the Spanish and Italian
hagbutters on horssebacke to kéepe on a wing, and to gard the hindermost troope of the English
Compare 1577 edition:
1 He also
gaue order to the leaders of euerie troope, that to which soeuer the enimie should once offer, in Order giuen by the lord Gr [...]ie. anie wise, that no answer by skirmish were made them, but after they had drawne them
to their accu|stomed plaie and proffer of charge, that troope that it was offered vnto, presentlie vpon
the enimies wheeling about should throughlie giue it them; and that so giuen, the next troope presentlie
to giue it in the face: and so (as occasion required) both those troopes wholie togither to helpe other
without brea|king. The Scots comming forward, pricking and whouping after their old woont, the Englishmen
for|bare a great while, till at the last, foure or fiue hun|dred EEBO page image 342 of them came scattered
vpon the spurre, with a maruellous shout within a stones length of the for|most troope.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 These
thinking then to haue whéeled about, mai|ster Nicholas Gainesford, the leader of that troope, and
lieutenant of the lord Greies band of his men Nicholas Gainesford. of armes of
Bullongne, cried; A charge, which as spée|dily on the English part as vnlooked for of the Scots being
giuen, from charging at that time in sport, the Scots were driuen to gallop awaie so fast as their
horsses might beare them, losing of their companies The Scots horssemen put to flight. that were taken and slaine, to the number of
eight hundred and more (as some haue written) [at what time the lord Hume (as saith Lesleus lib. 10.
pa. 486) Fr. Thin. falling from his horsse, was grieuouslie wounded,
and caried to Edenburgh, and his eldest sonne was taken prisoner] but yet, as diuerse of the English|men
aduentured too farre in following the chase, they were distressed, and sundrie of them taken prisoners,
among the which were some of their capteins, as sir Rafe Bulmer, Thomas
Gower, & Robert Crouch, English cap|teins taken. each of them hauing in
charge the leading of seue|rall bands of light horssemen. ¶ Thus much for this Fridaies skirmish, wherein
the chiefest force of the Scotish horssemen was defeated, to the great discou|ragement of the rest.
Fr. Thn. Buchan. lib. 15. The English armie remaining still at Pre|ston,
did from a hill behold the number of the Scots, who (supposing that they saw a greater number than in
truth there was) assembled in the meane time to consult of the estate
of their affaires. And therevpon sent letters to the Scots, desiring that if they might obteine anie
thing by iustice, that they should rather end the warre with couenants than with canons.
The effect of
which letters tended to this end. That the English did greatlie intreat the Scots, first to remember
that both armies were christian men, to and of whome (vnlesse they vtterlie forget their pro|fession)
there should nothing be more welcome nor desired than peace & tranquillitie, and nothing more
detestable than warre and vniust force. Besides this, that the
cause of this present warre did not grow of couetousnesse, hatred or enuie, but from the desire of
perpetuall peace, which could not be better or more firmelie established by any means, but by the
league of matrimonie (being promised and confirmed by the publike consent and pledge of the nobilitie)
with those conditions which were more beneficiall for the Scots than the English, being such as did
not call them into seruitude, but into a felowship and liberall
imparting of all their fortunes each to other. For so much more should that mariage be commodious to
the Scots than to the English, by how much the hope of profit, and the feare of iniuries should bée
greater from the stronger to the weaker.
Wherefore they should chieflie consider (and in this kind) this to be their greatest reason, that
since that their quéene was of necessitie to be giuen in ma|riage by the Scots, and that the same
necessitie was not to be auoided; and the moderation therein verie
hard: that the onelie power to choose hir a husband was left vnto the publike councell or parlement.
And if they would choose (to their quéene) a husband for the publike profit and dignitie: of whome
could they better take choise, than of a king their neigh|bor, borne in the same Iland, néere of
bloud, instruc|ted in the same lawes, brought vp in the same ma|ners and language; not their superior
onelie in ri|ches, but almost also in all commodities and orna|ments of externall things, and such a
person which did bring with him peace, concord, amitie, and the for|getting of all old iniuries? But
if they call to them anie other (differing from them in language, ma|ners, and lawes) to take the
kingdome: let them thinke with themselues, what and how manie dis|commodities will grow thereby, and
to what euill counsels they shall indanger themselues: the which they may learne by the example of
other nations, be|ing farre better to be taught it by the misfortunes of others, than to féele the
smart thereof by their owne experience.
Wherefore (as touching themselues) if they shall not perceiue the Scotish nation to be estranged from
this amitie and concord, they would mitigate somwhat of their former promises (which by law they might
chalenge) and be contented that the maiden queene should be brought vp amongst them, and bée alwaies
in their power, vntill the time that nature should inable hir fit for mariage, and vntill such time as
she might choose hir a husband by the aduise of the nobilitie. And that in the meane time (vntill the
same might be performed) that both the nations should ab|steine from warre: and that also the quéene
(during that time) should neither be conueied into anie strange nation: nor that they should conclude
anie pact or couenant with the French, or anie other for|reine prince touching hir mariage. The which
if the Scots would most holilie and handfastlie promise, the English would foorthwith depart with a
quiet armie. And further, that if the English had commit|ted anie hurt or spoile (since they came into
the coun|trie) they would recompense the same by the iudge|ment of good men.
letters thus sent, the gouernor did impart vnto a few, and of those especiallie to Iohn his bro|ther
bishop of saint Andrews (taken vnto him in place & authoritie of the slaine cardinall.) These two
aduanced with great hope of victorie, were the cause that these letters were suppressed, bicause they
feared that if the equall conditions of peace were knowne abroad, the most part would willinglie incline
to the same quiet aduise. Wherefore they procured a false rumor to be spread through the host, that the
English men were come thither with determination to take awaie the quéene by force, and by strength of
armes to bring the whole kingdome into their subiection. For the gouernor being faint spirited by nature,
had chosen vnto him foure such other councellors (like vnto himselfe) in the affairs of warre, by whose
com|mand & becke all things were performed. Of which number were his three kinsmen, Iohn
archbishop of saint Andrews, the abbat of Dunfermling, George Durie, with Archembald Beton; and the
fourth was Hugh Rigs, a lawier, rather famous for his grosse bodie and foolish conditions, than anie
know|ledge in militarie affaires. These foure had so puffed vp the gouernor (inconstant by his owne
nature, and changing his counsell by the wind of euerie rumor) that he would with stopped eares heare all
other mens opinions. In the meane time, his friends ha|uing spread a feined tale (through the Scotish
host) by him deuised, the Scots ran in all hast to their weapons, whose vnaduised spéed was in the end
the cause of their vnfortunate procéedings, as after shall appeare.)
Compare 1577 edition:
3 For being
true (as the Scots haue reported) that The Scots meant not to haue giuen
battell. the gouernor, and the nobilitie of Scotland meant not to hazard battell within their
owne realme, but rather to lie still and defend their ground, if the Eng|lishmen should come forward to
giue them battell there. The Englishmen aduertised thereof, the mor|row after this great skirmish, raised
their field ve|rie earlie, purposing to take an hill called Pinkhill, where they might place their
ordinance, and to shoot The purpose of the Eng|lishmen. into the Scotish campe,
whereby they should force the Scots to dislodge from their ground of aduan|tage. The gouernor and the
Scotish lords, beholding their enimies thus marching forward, thought best EEBO page image 343 to staie
their enterprise, and therefore suddenlie, not|withstanding their former determination, rushing foorth of
their campe, passed forward to incounter their enimies.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 They were
diuided into thrée battels; Archembald The ordering of the Scotish battels.
Dowglasse earle of Angus, with certeine lords with him, led the vant-gard; George Gordon earle of
Huntleie, and his friends the rere-ward; and the go|uernor accompanied with the earle of Argile and the
rest of the noble men, were in the maine battell. The Englishmen hauing
got the hill, and perceiuing the Scots to come forwards with great hast, staied for their comming: but
the Scots were so rash and ha|stie, passing first through the water in their armour, and so vp towards
the hill, that continuing their march with such speed, as they seemed rather to trot, than to keepe anie
ordinarie marching pase, before they could come to ioine with the Englishmen, they were almost out of
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Howbeit,
the earle of Angus, and the other in the vant-gard, boldlie abid the
charge of all the Eng|lish horssemen, and so rigorouslie reincountred them, The
English horssemen beaten backe. that slaieng and beating downe no small number both of men and
horsses, they put the rest to flight; so that no small part of them retired backe in such dis|order, that
they ran thorough the rankes of the foot|men in the fore-ward, wherwith such feare entered a|mong the
Englishmen, that (as hath béene reported) they had vndoubtedlie fled, if the manfull courage of the earle
of Warwike had not béene shewed at that present, according to the
woonted valure of his often The valiant|nesse of the earle of War|wike.
approoued prowesse, whereby he caused them to staie, and relie themselues againe.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 In the
meane time, the battell and the rere-ward of the Scots aduanced forward with great courage. But there was
a gallie & two pinesses of the Eng|lish fléet, which from the sea shot so terriblie at the The gallie and two pin|nesses. Scotish armie, that the same was not onelie sore
galled and indamaged thereby, but also staied, that they could not come easilie forward. And héerewith
the English vant-gard incouraged with the comfor|table woords and
behauior of the earle of Warwike, and other the capteins, made towards the Scotish vant-gard againe: the
which not able of it selfe to re|sist, retired in good order to the great battell of Scot|land.
Wherevpon, the multitude fearing, by reason they saw them in the fore-ward thus retire (albeit in good
order) that all had béene lost, gaue backe, and tooke them to flight; whome the Englishmen follow|ed
amaine, slaieng the Scotishmen downe on heaps in passing great numbers.
Manie were also drow|ned in the water of Undereske, through the which they tooke their flight.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Huntleie and the rere-gard stood still with their ensignes and banners, till the chase was past by
them: but at length were driuen to make a|waie as well as the rest, and the earle himselfe in the The earle of Huntleie ta|ken prisoner. retire being taken on foot, well clad in
gilt armour inameled, was led prisoner to the lord protector. Di|uerse other men of name, barons, and
knights, were taken prisoners. There were slaine no small number of
personages of good account. Among other, the lord Fleming, the maister of Erskin, the maister of Gra|ham,
Men of name of Scots [...]aine. Fr. Thin.
the maister of Meffine, the maister of Ogiluie, the maister of Leuingston, the maister of Rosse
[the maister of Argendale and Meffane] the lard of Lo|chinwar, the lard of Glencarnocke, &
others. [There were taken prisoners diuerse noble men, the lord Zestrie, the earle of Huntleie chancellor
of the realme, and others, as saith Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 487.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The next
day, the English armie remooued to Leith, where the prisoners were put into a church, di|uerse of them
being sore wounded. But the earle of Huntleie, entering bond for them that they should well and trulie
paie their ransomes, agréed [...]pon be|twixt them and their takers, or else to come and pre|sent themselues prisoners in England by
a certeine day, they were suffered to depart. The earle of Huntleie en|tereth
bond for his coun|triemen. Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 15. The calamitie of which bloudie
day, there were not a few which did impute iustlie to happen to the Scots, because they did arrogantlie
reiect such honorable and beneficiall peace, and did hope (if they obteined the victorie) to haue vsed
more crueltie to their owne people than vnto the English, either because they would (as I my selfe
coniecture) reuenge old quarels, or else haue vsed extremitie against such as secretlie misliked this
conflict with the English.)
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
gouernor escaping from the battell, came to The quéene remooued from Striueling.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 487. Striueling, where the quéene regent was,
togither with hir daughter the yoong queene. Héere, by the counsell and aduise of the earle of Angus
[Argile, Rotesen, and Cassiles] and diuerse other lords that were also withdrawne thither after the
battell, they were conueied to the countrie of Menteith, where they remained in the abbeie of Inch Mahome
[deli|uering Fr. Thin. the yoong quéene to hir mother, Erskine and Leuingstone
to be kept there] till the English armie was departed out of the realme, and then they re|mooued againe,
and came to Striueling. [After that Fr. Thin. the gouernor had deliuered the
earle out of prison at Edenburgh] the English nauie wan the Ile of saint The Ile of
saint Colmes Inch woon by Englishmen. Colmes Inch [in the meane time] and did sundrie o|ther
exploits by sea, as in the English historie it may appéere.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Moreouer,
the earle of Bothwell, whome the go|uernor The earle of Bothwell. had before
kept in prison, and was the night after the battell set at libertie, repared to the duke of Summerset,
with diuerse other lords and gentlemen of Louthian, whilest he laie at Leith, offering them|selues to be
at the king of Englands commande|ment, and so were assured from receiuing hurt or da|mage by the English
power. The duke of Summer|set 1547. hauing remained at Leith eight daies, burnt
a peece of it, and demanding the castell of Edenburgh, The English armie retur|neth
home|wards. but could not obteine it, departed thence the eight|téenth of December homewards
the next waie, ouer the mounteins of Soutreie, comming the third day before the castell of Hume, where
they did so much by Hume castell rendred to the Englishmen. countenancing to
win that fortresse, that within thrée or foure daies after their comming thither, it was surrendred.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 This
castell being woone, & a garrison left there|in to kéepe it, they remooued to Rockesburgh, where
within the compasse of the ruinous wals of an old castell, they built a fort; & after returning
into Eng|land, left a conuenient garrison to kéepe it. They got also about the same time a strong
fortresse, called Fast castell, standing néere to the sea side, and placed Fast
castell woone by them. Broughtie crag woone. a garrison within it. And moreouer, in this meane
time, their fléet by sea wan the castell of Broughtie crag, and put in like manner a garrison within it
to kéepe the same (as in the English historie it may fur|ther appeere) and in what sort also all the
chiefest lords and gentlemen of the Mers and Tiuidale came in, and submitted themselues to the duke of
Summer|set, vpon assurance had and giuen.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Furthermore, whilest the duke of Summerset with his armie did thus inuade Scotland on the east part, it
was ordeined by the said duke, and other of the councell to the king of England, that Matthew earle of
Lennox, and Thomas lord Wharton, then warden of the west marches of England, should with a power inuade
Scotland on the west side, to the end that there should not anie of the west borders nor countries come
to assist the gouernor against the duke of Summersets armie, but be driuen to re|maine at home to defend
their owne countrie. Here|vpon, there was an armie leuied, to the number of EEBO page image 344 fiue
thousand footmen, and eight hundred light horsse|men, with which power the earle of Lennox and the lord
Wharton entering Scotland the eight of Sep|tember, incamped the first night vpon the water of Eske, and
marched the next day through the nether part of Annandale, till they came to the castell of Milke, a
fortresse of good strength, the wals being fouretéene foot thicke. The castell of
Milke yéelded
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Capteine
of this castell was one Iohn Steward, brother to the lard thereof, who vpon the approch of the earle of Lennox, yéelded the house to him, with|out anie shew of
resistance, Wherevpon, Ferguse Graham, brother to Richie Graham of Erske, was appointed with a garrison
of souldiors to keepe that castell to the vse of the yoong king of England, and was afterwards confirmed
capteine there with fif|tie light horssemen, by appointment of the duke of Summerset, & the
councell; so that during the wars, he remained there to the great annoiance of the Scots, enimies to
England, and preseruation of the countrie thereabouts to the king of
Englands vse.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 On the
twentith of September, the earle of Len|nox, and the lord Wharton, incamped néere to the towne of Annand,
and on the morrow after appro|ching néerer to the fame, gaue summons vnto the capteine therof, called
Lion, of the house of Glams, who with an hundred Scots [whereof Maxwell and Fr.
Thin. Iohnstone, and Cokpull (as saith Lesleus lib. 10. pa. 489. being parcell] kept
the church and stéeple of An|nand, being péeces of themselues verie strong and mightilie reinforced with
earth: they within there|fore refused to yéeld, and valiantlie defended
them|selues. The greatest péeces of artisterie, which the Englishmen had there at that time, were
certeine double and single falcons, wherewith they beat one|lie the battlements, till they might with
certeine en|gines approch hard to the wals, and vndermine the The church of Annand
vndermined. same, so as the roofe of the church was shaken downe, and a great number of them
within the church slaine and crushed to death. Such as escaped fled into the stéeple.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Two of the
Englishmen that wrought about the [...]ines, were slaine: but at length, the capteine moo|ued by persuasion of the earle of Lennox, to
whome he claimed to be of kin, rendered the stéeple to him, with himselfe, and 96 Scots souldiors, with
conditi|on The stéeple yéelded. to haue their liues onelie saued, and the
capteine to remaine prisoner, and to go into England. Im|mediatlie vpon their comming foorth of the
steeple, fire was giuen vnto the traines of powder in the mines, and so
both the church & steeple were blowen vp into the aire, & raced downe to the ground. This
The church and stéeple of Annand blowen vp with powder. doone, they burnt
the towne (after they had sacked it) and left not one stone standing vpon an other, for that the same
towne had euer beene a verie noisome neighbour to England.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
Englishmen had conceiued such spite to|wards this towne, that if they saw but a péece of timber remaining
vnburnt, they would cut the same in péeces with their bils. The countrie herewith was striken in such feare, that the next day all the Kilpa|trikes and the Iordeins, the
lards of Kirkmichell, A|pilgirtht, The Scots that came to assure them|selues.
Clo [...]urne, Howmendes, Nubie, and the Irrewings, the Bels, the Rigs, the Murreies, and all the clanes and
surnames of the neather part of Annerdale, came in, and receiued an oth of obei|sance, as subiects to the
king of England, deliuering pledges for their assured loialtie. The residue that would not come in and
submit themselues, had their houses burnt, their goods and cattell fetched awaie by the English light
horssemen, that were sent a|broad into the countrie for that purpose.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 These
things thus executed, the earle of Lennox, and the lord Wharton, returned backe into England with their
prisoners, booties, and spoiles, receiuing great thanks and commendations by gentle letters on the fiue
& twentith of September, from the duke of Summerset, then lieng at Rockesburgh, about fortifieng
of that place. The gouernor perceiung thus that without the assistance of France he should not be able to
resist the Englishmen, hauing now got such foot hold within the realme of Scotland, re|quired The gouer|nors su [...] to the queene Dowager, and to the French am|bassadors. the queene Dowager, and monsieur
Doisell, liger ambassador for the French king, to persuade with him by letters, to send an armie into
Scotland, to the aid of his friends there.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The quéene
and monsieur Doisell, perceiuing a readie waie prepared to bring that to passe which they most desired
(which was, to haue the quéene of Scot|land ordered in all things by the French kings ad|uise) they
vndertooke to procure an armie out of France, according to the gouernors desire, if he with the states of
the realme would agrée that the quéene The quéene Dowager promiseth aid out of France
with conditi|on. might be sent into France, and a contract made for hir bestowing in mariage,
as stood with the French kings pleasure. The gouernor condescending héere|vnto, assembled the states, and
by their aduises, pas|sed certeine couenants to the effect aforesaid, & sent the same in writing
by certeine messengers into France.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The French
king gladlie accepting this message, The gouernor sendeth into France for aid.
Broughtie crag besieged by the gouer|nor. prepared a nauie of ships and gallies to transport an
armie into Scotland the next summer. In the meane time, the gouernor laied siege to Broughtie crag, and
the duke of Summerset, as well for meane to cause the Scots to retire that siege, as also for the
annoiance of Clidesdale, apperteining to the gouer|nor and the earle of Angus, and other Scots that would
not come in to the obeisance of the king of England, appointed the earle of Lennox to make a new inuasion
into Scotland, and to vse for triall of their fidelities the helpe of two thousand Scotish light
horssemen, that were alreadie assured & sworne to serue the king of England in all such exploits
in which they should be imploied.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Lennox desirous to aduance the king of Englands affaires, and hauing receiued letters from William
earle of Glencarne, with promise of his assistance, and likewise of his father in law the earle of Angus,
the lard of Drumlanrig, and those lards and gentlemen of the countries of kile, Con|ningham, Renfre [...], and Lennox, entered Scotland The earle of Lennox ente|reth into
Scotland. about the twelfth of December, accompanied with Henrie Wharton, second son to the
lord Wharton, with two hundred light horssemen, of the garrisons in Scotland, and comming first to
Dunfreis, where the generall assemblie was appointed of the two thousand assured Scotish light horssemen,
when the musters should be taken, he found scarse thrée hun|dred, and those for the more part of the
broken coun|tries of Annandale, Ewisdale, Esdale, and Lides|dale.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Glencarne came thither in déed, but The earle of Glencarne his double
dealing. vnder a counterfet shew of good meaning, where in truth he ment nothing but craft to
discouer all the earle of Lennox his purposes: who perceiuing his double dealing, and finding no such
forces readie to assist him, as he looked for, and moreouer, mistrusting the loialties of the maister of
Maxwell, & the gentle|men Now lord Harries. of Nidesdale, meaning (as
he tooke it) to intrap him, and deliuer him to the quéene Dowager, and the lord gouernor, stood in some
perplexitie what way The earle of Lennox in doubt what to doo. should be the
best for him to follow, thinking it not to stand with his honor to returne, without atchiuing some
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The earle
of Glencarne had shewed to him two letters written by the lard of Drumlaurig, signifi|eng, The lard of Drum [...]rig. that if the earle of Lennox came, accompanied EEBO page image 345 onelie with
Scotishmen, he would both serue him and honor him in the best wise he might: but if he brought those
Englishmen in his companie, he would not onelie refuse to aid him, but also raise all the power he might
make, either by his friends or o|therwise, to resist him, and proffer him a repulse. The earle thus
perceiuing that he was in danger to be betraied among them, and that there were all the deuises practised
that might be to staie those that should come to the deuotion of the king of England, dissembled the matter with Glencarne, and other that were suborned to betraie him;
pretending to The ea [...]le of Lennox dis|sembleth with dissemblers. them, that he would follow the course of
their deui|ses.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But in the
meane time he got togither the Eng|lish 1547. Buch. capteins that were
appointed to attend him, and also such Scotishmen as he knew he might trust. And meaning to scourge
Drumlanrig, & to cut him short, for that he was the chiefe instrument to staie all the Scotishmen
in those parties from entering friendship with the Englishmen: he gaue
secret warning to all the capteins & leaders about nine of the clocke at night, that they should
be readie with their men to mount on horsbacke at the sound of the trumpet, and kéepe with them the earle
of Glen|carne, the maister of Maxwell, the lards of Clos|burne, Kirkmichell, and others the gentlemen of
Ni|desdale and Annandale.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 He sent
foorth six hundred chosen horssemen vpon sound of the trumpet, at twelue of the clocke at
Horssemen sent foorth to scourge Drumlanrig. night, vnder the leading of Henrie
Wharton, and o|ther the capteins of the garrisons, who in the daw|ning of the next morrow, arriued neere
the place of Drumlanrig, where they appointed foure hundred of They harrie the
countrie a|bout Drum|lanrig. their horssemen to passe to the forraie, who raised fire, and
burnt two miles in length, both townes and vil|lages on ech side, euen hard to the gates of Drum|lanrig,
spoiling the houses of goods and riches, woorth to the value of two thousand marks, got thrée thou|sand
shéepe, two thousand herd of great cattell, be|side nine score horsses
and mares.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
Annandalers laden with spoile and cattell, being in number foure hundred men, departed with their preie
homewards. The lard of Drumlanrig, li|eng all this while in ambush with seuen hundred men, forbare to
breake out to giue anie charge vpon his enimies, doubting least the earle of Lennox had kept a stale
behind: but now after he perceiued that the most part of the enimies were departed, and that the residue
of the gentlemen & capteins of the Eng|lish horssemen were
withdrawing towards Dunfre|is, Drumlanrig pursueth the Englishmen. being not
past six score men, he fiercelie followed after them with his power, in hope not onelie to o|uerthrow and
distres them, but also to take the earle of Lennox at Dunfreis.
Compare 1577 edition:
4 Maister
Henrie Wharton and those six score horsse|men, retiring beyond the water of Nith, and percei|uing that
Drumlanrig and his men entered the wa|ter rashlie to pursue them, returned, and gaue such a desperate
charge vpon them, that Drumlanrig and his companie were scattered and
put to flight: yet He is put to flight. Drumlanrig himselfe, although there
were some speares broken vpon him, through the goodnesse of his horsse escaped. Two gentlemen of his
surname and traine, that were in no small estimation with him, were staine, and six score prisoners
taken, and led to Dunfreis. The terror of this ouerthrow, and the brute of the earle of Lennox his entrie
thus made into Scotland, caused the gouernor to leuie his siege from Broughtie crag, and with speed to
The siege of Broughtie cr [...]g raised. come from thence, the better to defend his countries of Clidesdale, and
Dowglasdale. Sir Andrew Dud|leie, capteine of Broughtie crag, bare himselfe verie valiantlie, in
defending the castell during this siege, so that the Scots certes lost diuerse hardie persona|ges: and
among other, Gawen Hamilton, the go|uernors kinsman, was slaine at the same siege.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Moreouer,
the prior of Whiterne by his letters and messengers, offered himselfe to obeie the king of The prior of Whiterne. England: and the inhabitants of the burrough and hauen
townes of Wigton and Kirckowbre, the knights of Loghinwar and Garleis, the lard and tu|tor of Bombie, the
lard of Cardines, & all the gentle|men of Annandale, Nidesdale, and Galloway, euen to Whiterne,
being foure score miles in length from Caerleill, through the inducement of the foresaid pri|or, and of
the knights of Loghinwar and Garleis, (for the sauour they bare to the earle of Lennox) with|in two daies
after the discomfiture of Drumlanrig, came vnto Dunfreis, and there receiued an oth to be true to the
king of England, and afterwards went with the earle to Caerleill, leauing the countrie in good quiet, and
the king of England acknowledged for lord of Galloway, Nidesdale, and Annandale, by the inhabitants
Compare 1577 edition:
2 And after
that the forenamed persons had remai|ned The Scots deliuer pled|ges. for a
space at Caerleill, they deliuered pledges, but especiallie for Iohn Maxwell, & returned home to
their countrie, as assured men & subiects to the K. of England. In this meane while, the gouernor
ha|uing held siege before the castell of Broughtie crag, by the space of thirtie daies, and now retiring
from thence (as before ye haue heard) by the aduise of the principall lords about him, he caused maister
Iames Haliburton, tutor of those parties, to raise cer|teine companies of horssemen, and appointed him
Iames Holi|burton. Capteine Leirmouth. with capteine Leirmouth (whome he
left in Dun|dée with certeine footmen) to defend the countrie a|gainst the Englishmen, if they issued
foorth of Broughtie crag, to atchiue anie enterprise anie where néere thereabouts.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The duke
of Summerset by aduise of the residue 1547. Lesle. of the councell in England,
minding to bridle the Scots that refused to come in & submit themselues to the king of England,
tooke order [with the lord of
Fr. Thin. Forts built. Wilton, who (as saith Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 491.)
re|mained in Scotland from the fourth Ides of Aprill, vntill the tenth kalends of Iune] for the building
of one fort at Lauder, and an other at Hadington, as in the English historie it may appeare. And further
1548. it was appointed also, that about the end of Febru|arie, the earle of
Lennox and the lord Wharton, with seuen hundred English horssemen, beside the assu|red Scots horssemen,
and about foure or fiue thou|sand The earle of Lennox and the L. Whar|ton inuade
Scotland. English footmen, should by the west borders in|uade Scotland: they according to their
commission set forward, and the first night came to Louch [...]a|ben, and there lodged.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The next
day they marched to Dunfreis, and whilest they remained there, the earle of Angus be|ing come to
Drumlanrig, by messengers entred some talke with his sonne in law the earle of Len|nox. The dissimu|lation of the earle of An|gus. But sith it was perceiued that this was
doone, rather to intrap the earle of Lennox, or rather at the least wise to driue time, vpon consultation
had with the maister of Maxwell, the lard of Cloesborne, and others the gentlemen assured of Nidesdale
and An|nandale; it was concluded, that the townes of Mor|ton, Dusdere, and others, néere adioining
togither in those parts, should be burnt; to the end that the earle of Angus might so be drawen to the
field, and caught by some one meane or other.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About
midnight therefore, the forraie being set foorth, vnder the leading of maister Henrie Whar|ton, to the
number of twelue hundred light horsse|men, Maister Hen|rie Wharton. the maister
of Maxwell, now lord Herries, and the residue of the assured men being amongest them kept forward, and in
the morning the earle of EEBO page image 346 Lennox, and the lord Wharton marched foorth with the footmen,
till they came ten miles beyond Dun|freis. And where the earle of Angus was drawen to the castell of
Drumlanrig, vnder pretense to com|mune with his sonne the earle of Lennox (but mea|ning to intrap him) if
it were possible, he was so in|uironed by the English footmen yer he could haue The
earle of Angus put to flight. sufficient warning, that he was forced to flée onelie with fiue
persons in his companie. But now the English horssemen being come to Dusdere, eight & fortie miles within the realme of Scotland, hauing passed sundrie great riuers,
they set that towne on Dusdere set on fire. fire.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But the
maister of Maxwell, with the other Sco|tish gentlemen and light horssemen borderers, to the number of
foure hundred, being in companie of the English horssemen (as before ye haue heard) had contriued the
destruction of the Englishmen afore hand. And the better to woorke their feat, they had procured (as ye
haue heard) the earle of Angus to come vnto Drumlanrig with a chosen
power of men for that purpose. There were also vpon euerie hill about, great numbers of Scotish footmen,
with speares and lancestaues to assist the earle of Angus and his complices against the Englishmen. The
lard of Drumlanrig with a number of chosen horsse|men was aduanced forward in sight of the Eng|lishmen,
as they were busie in firing the towne of Dusdere.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
assured Scots therefore, thinking the enter|prise to be suerlie inough
conueid for their contriued purpose, openlie vpon the field neere to Dusdere, hoising vp a blacke pensill
vpon a speares point for a The reuol|ting of the as|sured Scots. token,
reuolted wholie, and ioined themselues to the lard of Drumlanrig and other their countrie men, &
thrust in betwixt the English horssemen & footmen, to the great perill of distressing aswell the
one as the other. For making toward the place where the earle of Lennox, and the lord Wharton were
comming forward with their footmen, néere to the old castell of Dauswinton, sometime the house of the
Cumins, they bruted it abroad, that the English horssemen A false ru|mor spred. were quite ouerthrowen.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Lennox, beholding the maner of his aduersaries, lighted on foot from his horsse, willing the lord
Wharton to doo the like; for this day (said he) I will die a true Englishman. At length the Eng|lish
horssemen fetching a compasse in retiring backe from Dusdere, came néere to the place where the earle and
the lord Wharton were ranged in order of battell: and thinking no lesse
but that their horsse|men had beene ouerthrowen, were readie to march backe towards Dunfreis. But their
horssemen thus comming in, and perceiuing how the matter stood, gaue a right valiant charge vpon the
Scots, that stood countenancing the footmen, and readie to take the aduantage, if they might haue driuen
them through shrinking backe into anie disorder.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But such
was the violence of the shocke giuen at that instant, with great manhood (vndoubtedlie) by the English horssemen, that the Scots were there|with put out of arraie,
scattered, & quite put to flight; the lord of Drumlanrig being taken prisoner, cor|rupted The Scots put to flight. his taker, and so got away. The maister of Maxwell
escaped in great danger of life, for he had sundrie speares broken on him in the chase as he fled awaie.
There were yet taken that day of the Scots to the number of foure hundred, beside sundrie that were
drowned in the water of Nith. Amongest the prisoners were these men of name; the abbat of new abbeie,
Christie Irrewing of Bonshaw, a brother of the lord of Hempsfield, & manie other gentlemen of
name. Dunfreis was rifled and spoiled, as the earle of Lennox and the Englishmen returned thi|ther, Dunfreis spoiled. and a martiall court appointed there for execu|tion of pledges;
but yet suspended and staied, till the councels pleasure might be knowen in that be|halfe.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 There were
at the first euill news spread abroad, and certified to the court of England of this iornie, how the
earle of Lennox and the English armie was ouerthrowen, so that it was by order appointed, that the earle
of Derbie, the Lord Scroope, and Coniers, with their powers should repaire to the west borders to garnish
the same for defense against the enimies: but vpon the true report how the matter had pas|sed, made by
maister Henrie Wharton, and one Bi|shop a Scotishman, sent in post for that purpose, that appointment was
staied; and maister Wharton was at that time made knight, and the said Bishop richlie rewarded for
bringing so good news. Here|with were letters directed downe from the councell to the lord Wharton, for
the execution of certeine pledges, that is to saie, the maister of Maxwels Pledges
exe|cuted. pledge, being one of his néerest kinsmen of the house of the Herries, also the
warden of the Greie friers in Dunfreis, the vicar of Carlauerocke, and diuerse other which were executed
at Carlill. In this meane time were the forts at Lawder and Hadington built, the castels of Yester and
Dawkith woone, all the mils burnt within foure miles of each hand of Edenburgh, and other exploits
atchiued by the Eng|lishmen, as in the historie of England is more at large expressed.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But now
the French king, hauing prepared an 1548. Buch. 1547. Lesle. A nauie
pre|pared at Bre [...] in Britaine. armie readie to come into Scotland, caused the same to draw downe to Brest
in Britaine, where the ships and gallies were rigged and made readie to passe therewith into Scotland.
The chiefe leaders of which armie were these, which had charge chieflie to command in the same: monsieur
de Desse lieute|nant generall, monsieur Dandelot coronell of the The chiefe capteins
of the French armie that came into Scotland. French footmen, the countée Reingraue coronell of
the Almains, monsieur de Malleraie, monfieur Doisell, Pietro Strozzie coronell of the Italians, monsieur
Etauges capteine of the horssemen, sir Nicholas de Uillegaignon a knight of the Rhodes (or rather Malta)
capteine of the gallies, and mon|sieur Duno commissarie of the artillerie: with di|uerse other woorthie
personages, and men of appro|ued valiancie. These capteins with their powers being imbarked at Brest,
sailed alongst by the east seas, and at length about the middest of Iune came into the rode before Leith,
where they landed their people and ordinance. [A little before whose arriuall Fr.
Thin. into France (as saith Lesleus, libro 10. pag. 491.) Chapelle Bironne landed in
Scotland, accompa|nied with other nobilitie of France, to giue good counsell to the Scots answerable to
the time, which was (to please their eares therwith) that there should a greater armie shortlie come out
of France, to suc|cor their extremities.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Afterwards, with the aduise of the gouernor, and other of the Scotish lords, the French power went Hadington besieged. to besiege Hadington, and comming thither, incam|ped
themselues in places of aduantage about the towne, cast trenches, planted their ordinance, bat|tered the
rampires, and kept them within streictlie besieged on each hand, vsing all the waies they could deuise to
constreine the Englishmen to yéeld. They forbare yet to giue a generall assault, bicause they would not
hazard (as they haue reported) the losse of Why the Frenchmen forbare to giue an
as|sault. so manie men as might haue béene slaine and mai|med thereby, to the great weakening
of their power there, hauing not meanes to supplie it when they would.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 And yet
they had a great armie of Scots with them for a season, and had made the breaches so rea|sonable, EEBO page image 347 that with small paine they might haue en|tered by the same if the force of the
defendants had not sufficed with handblowes to haue beaten them backe, as no doubt there was no want of
good wils in them so to haue doone, if the Frenchmen h [...]d put the matter in triall: yet during this siege, they with|in st [...]d in great necessitie of things be hoouefull for the defense of the towne. Wherevpon sir Henrie
Wharton with a band of light horssemen of the west borders, and others, came and put into the towne a
certeine number of men with powder, and other ne|cessaries, greatlie
to the reliefe of the besieged, & no lesse displeasure of the Frenchmen and Scots, that were not
aware of this enterprise till it was doone in the night season, by the good and fortunate conducti|on of
them that had the conueiance thereof.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But after
this, there came a power of English horsmen to the number of little lesse than two thou|sand denulances,
light horsmen, & harque bussiers on The English horssemen o|uerthrowne.
horsbacke, vnder the leading of sir Robert Bowes, sir Thomas Palmer,
sir Henrie Wharton, capteine Gambo a Spaniard, and others; the which aduentu|ring ouer rashlie within
danger of the whole French power, were ouerthrowne and chased: sir Robert Bowes, & sir Thomas
Palmer, with a great num|ber of other capteins, gentlemen and souldiers be|ing taken prisoners, besides
those that were slaine. Yet after this ouerthrow of those horssemen, the French remooued their siege from
the places where they had first planted it, and lodged further off from
the towne, continuing there; till at length by an ar|mie sent foorth of England vnder the conduct of the
erle of Shrewsburie, the lord Greie, and others, they The earle of Shrewsburie [...]eth the siege from Hadington. were constreined to retire from thence, as in the English
historie ye may find more largelie expres|sed, to the which for the further report of the euents chancing
during that siege, I referre the reader.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 But this
is to be remembred, that whilest the siege remained at Hadington, by a conuention or assem|blie of the
lords it was decréed, that the quéene shuld be sent into France. And
therevpon monsieur de Uillegaignon, with foure gallies departing from Sir Nicho|las
[...]e Uille|gaignon. Leith, made semblance as though he would haue sailed into France: but
hauing passed the mouth of the Forth, he turned his course on the left hand to passe alongst the shore
northward by the Germane seas, that compassing the land on the east side, hée might passe about by the
Iles of Orkeneie, and so by the west Iles, till he came to Dunbreton where the yoong queene laie. This
iournie he fortunatelie at|chiued, the same neuer before (to mans
remem|brance) being made or attempted with gallies. The French gallies com|passe about
the realme of Scotland by Dungesbie head. 1547. Lesle.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 At his
arriuall & conuenient landing at Dunbre|ton, he found all things readie prouided, necessarie for
the imbarking of the quéene, that he might con|uey hir into France, for the accomplishment wherof he had
taken that iournie in hand. Herevpon she be|ing brought aboord into the kings owne gallie, wher|in
monsieur de Brezze was also appointed to be a|boord with hir, as he that had beene sent with expresse
Monsieur de Brezze. commandement to sée hir conueied into France, [with the
lords (as saith Lesleus lib. 10. 494) of Are|skine, and Leuingston, the ladie Fleming, with
cer|teine Fr. Thin. noble maidens named after the yoong quéene, as Marie
Leuingston, Marie Fleming, Marie Se|ton, and Marie Beton] who togither with Uillegaig|non shewed such
diligence in atchiuing that enter|prise, The yoong quéene of Scots con|ueied into
France. that finally they arriued with prosperous wind and weather in the hauen of Brest in
Britaine with that yoong quéene, béeing as then betwixt fiue and sir yéeres of age.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 494. From thence being accompanied with
the nobi|litie of that prouince, she kept hir right course to the kings palace of S. Germins in the towne
of Lai|on, where she was receiued with great preparation, & there taried the comming thither of
the king, at that time pacifieng the sed [...]ons and turmoiles in the inward parts of France. When the king was come, bée gladded all men with
his presence, and prouided that there was a large houshold, as well of the noble men and women of
Scotland, as of others appointed to the yoong queene, which he still increased (as the quéene grew more
in yeeres) vntill such tune as she might be maried.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But now to
returne to the dooings in Scotland concerning the warres there. After that the siege of Hadington was
raised by the English armie, as be|fore ye haue heard the Frenchmen therevpon reti|red themselues vnto
Muskelburgh; and choosing forth The French|men incampe at Muskel|burgh. a plot
of ground for their aduantage, kept them|selues within the same. And herewith there came to them fifteene
thousand Scotishmen to assist them, so that when the Englishmen came forwards to assaile them, they found
them so stronglie imbattelled, that (whether their commission did not so farre extend, or whether they
had no liking of the match) they for|bare Sée more hereof in England. to set
vpon them in that ground of so great dis|aduantage for the assailants, and so returned backe to
Hadington, and after homewards, hauing furni|shed the towne with new supplies of men, munition, and
vittels sufficient.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Here is to
be noted, that the English fléet ente|ring into the Forth, was readie to haue aided the ar|mie by land,
as occasions might haue beene offered. The lord ad|merall of England. But the
lord admerall perceiuing no likelihood of battell by land, tooke vpon him to atchiue some other
enterprises, and first comming to Brent Iland, set certeine ships on fire there, of the chiefest in the
ri|uer; and saluting the towne of Leith as he passed by with canon shot, he determined to land some of
his men on the north side of the Forth, to make some spoile within the countrie of Fife. But Iohn Ers|kin
The lard of Dun. lard of Dun, as then somewhat diseased, and re|turned home
from the campe, caused such dailie and nightlie watch and ward to be kept, that this enter|prise could
not be so secretlie conueied by the Eng|lishmen, but that the same was perceiued, and so The English men repelled at saint Me|nets. preuented, that vpon their landing they
were forced to retire with losse: and happie was he that might first get againe to shipboord.
Fr. Thn. Buchan. lib. 15. For Iames Steward, brother to the queene
(hearing of this tumult) came thither in hast with the common people of saint Andrews, and some other few
citizens which were remaining in the towne, to whome the neighbors about did also ioine them|selues,
vnderstanding the cause of that assemblie. The English being now come on land, about twelue hundred,
stood in warlike sort readie for the battell, and with the feare of the artillerie (which they
dis|charged out of their ships) did easilie cause the rude multitude to flie awaie. But this Iames
Steward (by litle and litle suppressing the feare of such as fled) did (with such violence) rush vpon his
enimies, that foorthwith he ouerthrew them, put them to flight, compelled them to returne to the sea with
great slaughter, when also manie of them (as they fled to their ships) were drowned, besides thrée
hundred that were slaine, and one hundred taken.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Shrewsburie being come backe from Hadington vnto Dunglas, order was giuen for the building of a fort
there, as in the English historie further may appeare. And in the meane time mon|steur de Desse,
remaining in campe at Muskel|burgh, hearing that the English armie was remoo|ued homewards, & how
diuerse new bands of hors|men and footmen being left in Hadington, were readie to come foorth to skirmish
abroad vpon sight of the enimie; he tooke aduise, to trie if he might EEBO page image 348 draw them foorth
to their losse, and therevpon was monsieur Dandelot, and the Reingraue appointed to choose foorth a
thousand of their lustiest footmen, the which with thrée hundred horssemen were conueied and laid close
in ambush, behind a little hill not farre from the towne.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This
doone, a few horssemen were drawne foorth to draw the Englishmen out of the towne to skir|mish with them.
The Englishmen were no sooner aduised that the enimies were there at hand in the field, but that all their horssemen issued out of the towne backe with certeine
footmen, and streight had the French in chase; who retiring, mainteined the skirmish, of purpose to make
the Englishmen more earnest to come forward. But immediatlie as mon|sieur de Desse saw his time, he gaue
signe by sound of trumpet to the footmen to breake foorth, who togi|ther with the horssemen gaue so
fierce an onset vpon the enimies, that they were incontinentlie discom|fited: The
English men put to the woorsse at a skirmish néere to Hadington. and fleeing toward the towne,
were followed by the French euen hard to the walles; diuers were
slaine, and aboue an hundred taken prisoners.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After
this, monsieur de Desse raised from Mus|kelburgh, and comming to Leith set in hand to forti|fie that
towne. The marshall Strozzi, and monsieur Leith for|tified. Dandelot, with
diuerse other capteins imbarking themselues in the gallie that yet remained, tooke their course to
returne to France. One of the same gallies (they being eight in number, beside a foist and a brigandine)
was taken by an English ship
A gallie taken called the falcon, as she passed through the narrow seas at a
place named the Southfurlong, she being alone, and (as it chanced) hindermost of all the com|panie.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 After the
departure of monsieur Dandelot, mon|sieur de la Chappelle de Biron remained coronell of the French
footmen in Scotland. As for the furni|ture on the water, there remained now but foure gallies vnder the
guiding of one capteine Bach an Capteine Bach. Italian, a man of great
experience and approoued skill. For ye must vnderstand, that before the
ariuall of the English nauie & armie to the succors of them in Hadington, monsieur de Mallerie
viceadmerall Monsieur de Mallerie vice admerall of France. of France returned
home with the fleet of ships that had brought the French armie into Scotland. In what sort the lord Greie
of Wilton afflicted the coun|tries of Tiuidale and Liddesdale, after the returne of the earle of
Shrewsburie, is partlie touched in the historie of England.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About the
same time, there chanced a mutinie to rise betwixt the Scots and the
Frenchmen in Eden|burgh, by reason that a French souldier fell a qua|relling with two or thrée
Scotishmen; and falling to|gither A fray betwixt the French souldiers, and the
townes|men of Eden|burgh. by the eares, diuerse Scots that came to de|part the fraie, would
haue had the Frenchman to prison; but other Frenchmen being there also pre|sent, would not suffer the
Scots to take him awaie. Wherevpon arose a great tumult and stirre among them, insomuch that there were
diuerse slaine on both parts, namely Iames Hamilton lard of Stan|house,
knight, capteine of the castell, and prouost of the towne of Edenburgh, with his sonne; and mai|ster
William Steward one of the quéens seruants, besides sundrie other. For the Frenchmen doubting some
contriued commotion against them, assem|bled togither in order of battell in the streets; so that before
the matter might be appeased by the capteins that shewed their diligent endeuors therin, they had inough
to bring it to passe as they wished.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
beginner of this businesse was hanged the same day in the market place of Edenburgh, where he began first
to pike the quarell. Monsieur de Desse, to shew that this variance had not procéeded so farre as the
brute thereof gaue foorth (for it was rather in|creased ye may be sure than diminished) vndertooke an
enterprise in hand to win the towne of Hading|ton by a camisado, but in what sort they missed their The French|men giue a ca|misado to Ha|dington, & are beaten backe.
purpose, and how they were well beaten backe, and sent away by the valiant manhood of the English
capteins and souldiers then within the towne, yée may read further thereof in the English historie. There
were seuen score (some say three hundred) slaine in the base court.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But now,
forsomuch as I haue said nothing of Broughtie crag besieged by the earle of Argile.
Vlpian Ful.
Broughtie crag, sithence the lord gouernor raised his siege from thence, ye shall vnderstand,
that (as some haue written) shortlie after the earle of Argile came thither with an armie of his Irish
Scots, and besieged it. But when he saw he could not preuaile, he tooke truce with them within for a
time, and be|fore the same was expired, there came new succors to the Englishmen: so that the earle of
Argile (by reason his people had remained there the full terme of their bounden & ordinarie
seruice) was constrei|ned He raiseth his siege. to leaue his fiege, and suffer
the Englishmen to become maisters of a little hill, where afterwards they builded a fort. And now in the
latter end of this The fort buil|ded by the Englishmen at Broughtie crag.
yéere, they purposed also to haue fortified Dundée, and to haue kept the same with a garrison of
souldi|ers; but hearing that monsieur de Desse with his Frenchmen was comming thitherwards, they a|uoided
Dundée aban|doned of the Englishmen. the towne of their owne accord, hauing
first spoiled the houses, and after set them on fire.
Compare 1577 edition:
3 The
Reingraue with two bands of his Almains, and monsieur de Etauges with his companie of horssemen were sent
before, who comming to Dun|dée, and finding the Englishmen gone, incamped there, staieng till monsieur de
Desse was come, that followed at hand with the French footmen. Within two daies after, they going foorth
to view the fort, were in danger to haue beene caught yer they could get backe againe. For the Englishmen
and Lance|knights that were there with them (part of Conrad Phennings bands) issued foorth, and droue
them to retire, not without danger to haue béene distressed, if the Reingraue had not vsed the greater
policie in The Rein|graue. retiring the troope. To be short, monsieur de Desse,
to stop the Englishmen from entering anie further into the countrie on that side, left seuen ensignes of
Frenchmen, & two ensignes of Scots within Dun|dée, Dundée for|tified by the
Frenchmen. with artillerie and pioners to fortifie the towne, & to keepe it in safetie
from the Englishmen. This doone, he returned to Edenburgh, and sent the resi|due of his people abroad
into the countrie, to lodge in townes and villages here & there, as was thought most expedient,
for the better refreshing of them af|ter their long trauell.
Fr. Thin. 1548. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 498. While these things were in
dooing, the gouernor of Scotland sent the lord Carneigeie knight (and se|nator) ambassador to the
protector of England, which should for ransome (as the custome is) demand deli|uerie of the earle of
Huntleie being prisoner: which if he could not obteine, that then he should request this libertie, that
his wife and children might come vnto him into England. Wherevnto the protector answered, that he would
not set the earle frée, vntill the warres were ended: but for the companie of his wife, he was content to
grant it for certeine daies; with this prouiso, that he should not withdraw him|selfe by anie means from
the custodie of Rafe Uane (corruptlie by Lesleus called Wane) who had taken him in the warres.
Wherefore, when the ambassador was returned into Scotland, Huntleie was com|mitted to certeine kéepers,
who should carie him from London to Morphet, distant twentie and foure miles from the borders of
Scotland. Now whilest the earle dooth there looke for his wiues comming to him, he thinketh vpon escape,
and to come to hir. For EEBO page image 349 he had agréed with George Kar, that he should one night
priuilie bring to him thither, two of the swif|test horsses that he could get to flie awaie vpon them.
According wherevnto Kar was readie out of the borders of Scotland with such horses as he knew would serue
the turne, wherof one was for the earle, and the other was for his man.
The erle
prepareth a supper for his kéepers, where|vnto they were solemnelie inuited, and to plaie at cards with
him to passe awaie the tediousnes of the night. At length (as though he
had plaied inough at cards) he left off, but earnestlie desired his kéepers that they should continue on
their game. During which, the earle (going vnto the window, and looking out) did by a secret signe (for
he could not well dis|cerne anie thing, it was so extreame darke ouer all the element) easilie vnderstand
that all things were readie for his iournie. The earle then doubtfull (be|ing sometime in good hope, and
sometime in feare) thought vpon manie things, which he mustered to
himselfe: and at length vnaduisedlie (as doubtfull men are woont to doo) burst out in these speeches;
Oh sorrow, all these things be a hinderance vnto me, the sharpenesse of the winter night, the doubt
of my weake force and helpe, the let of an vnknowne way, and the want of a faithfull guide: God
prosper the iourneie.
His kéepers hearing him speake to him|selfe, asked him what those secret
spéeches might sig|nifie: to whom the earle (knowing that he was guil|tie of his fault) answered, that
those words were v|sed as a prouerbe amongst the Scots: and first had
their beginning by the old earle Morton, vttering the same in the middle of the night when he lay in
dieng. Whervpon (to the end that his kéepers should not haue anie suspicion of his determined flight) he
sitteth downe againe to cards.
which suddenlie he rose from them, as vr|ged by loosenesse of his bellie to vnburden nature, by which
occasion he foorthwith (accompanied onelie with his seruant) leapeth foorth, found the horsses rea|die
furnished for himselfe and his man, got on them, & with
speedie iournie did flie to the borders of Scot|land. When he was passed ouer the riuer of Twéed, and had
a little refreshed himselfe from the labor of his iournie in the house of Kar, he went the same night
(being Christmas éeue) to Edenburgh, where he was ioifullie & honorablie receiued of the quéene,
the gouernor, his wife, and his other friends, with an vniuersall gladnesse of the whole multitude of the
towne. As soone as his kéepers perceiued that he was gone, they
spéedilie run to horsse, and (doubtfull which way to follow) they séeke him here, and there, and euerie
where, but all in vaine, for the diligence of the erle put them out of all doubt for obteining him. Whose
flight was not onelie a fréedome to himselfe, but also to manie other noble prisoners, who (vpon the
assurance of his faith and word) were permitted to depart into Scotland. The gouernor therefore, to
congratulate with the earle for his returne, restored vnto him the chancellorship, and the rule of manie
o|ther prouinces which he had before his captiuitie. For which cause
when he had remained a while at Eden|burgh, he returned to the north parts of Scot [...]d, where spéed [...]e and easilie he appeased all the tumults of those people.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 On saint
Stephans day at night, the castell of Hume was scaled, and [...] out of the English|mens Hume castell recouered by the Scots. hands. One
of the surname of the Humes, a man of threescore yeers of age, was the first that en|tered on the wall,
sleieng one of the watchmen that kept his wa [...]e on that side.
[...]. Thin. Buchan. li. 15. 1549. Lesle. Notlong after, when the cap [...]ine of Falkecastell had [...] the h [...]|bandmen ad [...]ing, to bring thither, (at a [...] day) great store of vittels, the yoong men there a|bouts hauing that occasion, assembled thither
at the day appointed, who taking their burdens from the horses, and laieng them on their shoulders, were
re|ceiued (after they had passed the bridge, which was made ouer two high rocks) into the castle, where
(laieng downe that which they brought) they sudden|lie (by a signe giuen) set vpon the keepers of the
gates, slue them, and (before the other Englishmen could be assembled) possessed the other places,
wea|pons, and artillerie of the castell, and then receiuing the rest of their companie into the same
(through the great and open gate) they wholie kept and inioied the castell for their countrimen.)
Compare 1577 edition:
4 About the
same time, the Reinsgraue returned in|to 1546. The Reins|graue retur|neth into France.
Mo [...]sieur de Etauges ta|ken prisoner by the Eng|lishmen. France, leauing his fiue ensignes of
Almains behind him, vnder the charge of capteine Retonze, a good man of warre and of great experience.
Also monsieur de Etauges was taken in a skirmish at Broughtie crag, as I haue noted in the English
hi|storie: & about the same time, there landed at Dun|breton foure bands of souldiers, Prouancois
and Gascoignes, bringing monie with them to paie the souldiers their wages, behind as then for the space
of three moneths. Sir Iames Wilford also was taken Sir Iames wilford taken
about the same time by the Frenchmen, in a skir|mish at Dunbar (as I haue also noted in the histo|rie of
England.) Not long after, monsieur de Desse was appointed by the queene Dowager, to go vnto Iedworth, to
preuent that the Englishmen should not fortifie there, whereof she stood in some doubt.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Immediatlie vpon his comming thither, the lard of Fern [...]hurst requested him to helpe to recouer his castell of Fernihurst out of the Englishmens hands,
which they had taken from him and kept, greatlie to the annoiance of all the countrie there abouts.
Mon|sieur de Desse taking with him monsieur de Disell, and monsieur de la Chapelle de Biton, hasted
thither with the chiefest part of his armie, sending before certeine capteins with their [...] to surueie the house; who at their comming thither, vsed such dili|gence in following the offered
occasion, that they both repelled their enimies that came foorth to giue them the skirmish; and pursuing
them with great ri|gor, wan the li [...]s of the house vpon them, forcing the capteine and souldiers to retire within the dun|geon, and
kept them so short therein, that they had opportunitie to mine an hole though the wall, of such largenes,
as a man might easilie enter by the same.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Heerewith a great number of Scots hauing broken open the gate of the base court, where the
castell of Fernihurst woone by the Frenchmen. Frenchmen were busie to assault the dungeon,
burst in on heapes, and namelie of their capteine, who (as they
said) had doone them manie great displeasures. The capteine perceiuing this, and doubting if he fell into
the Scotishmens hands he should die for it, he presented himselfe at the hole which the Frenchmen had made,
and yeelded himselfe to monsieur de Dussac, and la Mouthe Rouge, who minding to vse him as became men of
warre, would haue led him out of the prese: but suddenlie a Scot comming behind him, whose wife (as was
reported) he had rauished, smote off his head so iust from the shoulders, that it The crueltis of the
Scots. leapt foure or fiue yards
quite from the bodie. Manie other cruell parts the Scots seemed to shew against other Englishmen towards
them before that time.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Monsieur
de Desse returning to I [...]worth, aided by the furtherance and counsell of the Scots, ceassed not in occasions of aduantage to
attempt new en|terprises against the Englishmen, as time and oppor|tunitie seru [...]: and [...]ong other exploits, the castell The castell of Cornewall [...]. of Cornewall (an old house [...] after the ancient EEBO page image 350 maner of fortifieng) was taken by the Frenchmen, and spoiled
of all things woorth the bearing awaie. Also capteine Cobios a Frenchman, hauing a band Capteine Co|bios. of fiftie light horssemen Scots seruing vnder him, on a night
had a faire hand against a number of English horssemen, whome he charged so on the sud|den, as he saw
them out of order, that he easilie dis|comfited them, and tooke more prisoners (whome he brought to
Iedworth) than he had persons in his companie to assaile them.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Monsieur
de la Chapelle de Biron, was sent foorth A road made by monsieur de la Chapelle de
Biron. by monsieur de Desse, with the companie of horsse|men that belonged to monsieur de E [...]auges then prisoner, and fiue hundred footmen beside Scots, to make a road into England: which
enterprise he at|chiued in burning townes and villages, and retur|ned without anie great losse susteined
at that time. Within two daies after his returne to Iedworth, monsieur de Desse dislodged from thence,
& taking Another made by monsieur de Desse. Fourd castell woone. with
him foure field péeces, and all his men of war, entered into England,
tooke the castell of Fourd and burnt it, with ten small villages in the countrie thereabouts, situat
within halfe a mile ech of other. There was one tower yet parcell of that castell of Fourd, which was
kept by Thomas Kar, so that the Thomas Kar Frenchmen could not win it, for they
had no time to staie long about it, remoouing that night ouer the water, & incamped there within
the Scotish ground.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 As the
Scots and Frenchmen executed these en|terprises, they were coasted by certeine light horsse|men;
but neuerthelesse the Frenchmen returned in safetie to Iedworth,
hauing sore indamaged the English borderers by that road: insomuch as it was thought, the Scots (which
were with them at that road) gained at that time, by pillage and booties to the value of nine thousand
crownes. The English|men Scots gaine by spoile. sore gréeued, that the
Frenchmen lieng thus in Iedworth, should in such wise addresse one enterprise after an other against
them, so greatlie to their an|noiance, assembled a power togither at Roxburgh, purposing to haue assailed the Frenchmen in their campe at Iedworth.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But
monsieur de Desse hauing warning thereof, Monsieur de Desse fléeth out of Ied|worth
for feare of the Englishmen. departed from thence first to Melrosse, and after fur|ther off
within the countrie, fearing to be constrei|ned to giue battell. Which he could not haue doone without
manifest losse of his féeble armie, hauing not past fiftéene hundred footmen, and fiue hundred horssemen
able to haue doone seruice: for such was the miserie, which they had in manner continuallie su [...]ined through want of vittels, and other necessa|rie helps during the time of their incamping at
Ied|worth, that what through sickenesse and hurts recei|ued in assaults and skirmishes, no small number
of them were dead, and manie other so féeble, that they The misera|ble state of the
Frenchmen in Scotland. were not able to aid themselues; insomuch that now being got out of
danger, they thought themselues happilie escaped.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Shortlie
after, in the beginning of the summer, the Englishmen arm fiue and twentie saile of men of warre, the which arriuing at the Basse, néere to the mouth of the F [...]th, assailed by faire and pleasant words to haue persuaded the kéepers of the castell, there
standing on the height of a great recke, to haue yéelded the place into their hands. But perceiuing their
persuasions would not be regarded, they tooke their course vp into the Forth, and finding in their waie
foure ships of Frenchmen and Scots, seized vpon them as a wished preie: and the morrow next insuing, at
the verie breake of day, they came before Leith, and saluting the towne with canon shot, [...]|mained there at anchor ten or twelue daies, in which meane while they landed their people at
Inskith, and Inskith forti|fied by the Englishmen. began to fortifie with all
diligence. But before the place could be put in anie strength, the ships depar|ted from thence backe
towards the sea, and left in the Iland foure ensignes of Englishmen, and one ensigne of Italians, to
defend the pioners and the Iland against the Scots and Frenchmen, if they should attempt to assaile
Compare 1577 edition:
2 After the
English nauie was thus departed, mon|sieur de Desse, and the queene mother being at E|denburgh,
determined with all diligence to imploie all such forces as they might make about the recoue|ring of the
Ile, before the fortifications begun by the Englishmen should be brought to anie perfection. Heerevpon,
monsieur de la Chapelle de Biron, im|barked La Chape [...] de Biron. in the gallie of monsieur de Uillegaignon, rowed foorth to view the maner of
the Englishmens dealing within the Ile, which he did in such effectuall wise, that approching within
harquebuse shot, he brought knowledge with him not onelie of the state and whole circumstances of their
buildings, but also of the perfect number of their ensignes, and the qua|litie of the men of warre that
serued vnder the same.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 At that
present also, monsieur de Thermes latelie before arriued at Dunbreton with an hundred men of armes, and
two hundred light horssemen after the manner of France, and one thousand footmen, was come to the quéene,
busie now to further this enter|prise. She had got togither within Leith hauen all the botes that
belonged to all the créekes & hauens of the Forth: so that on thursdaie after Trinitie sun|daie,
The diligence of the Scotish quéene. euerie thing being prepared readie for
the pur|pose, in the morning by the breake of day the quéene was come to Leith, to sée the imbarking of
the men of warre appointed that day to trie what successe for|tune would send them. There was no
diligence wan|ting, neither among the Scots nor Frenchmen, to bestow themselues abroad, & the
comfortable woords The forward nesse of the souldiers. of the quéene greatlie
incouraged them thereto, be|holding them, and deuising with monsieur de Desse and the other capteins,
till they were all set forward.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Uillegaignon with his gallies passed on before to kéepe the Englishmen occupied, so as they should not
perceiue the Frenchmens meaning: but they Insaith as|saulted by the Frenchmen.
discouering the vessels at their setting foorth, concei|ued streightwaies what was intended: and there
vp|on prepared to keepe the enimies off from landing, so that vpon the Frenchmens approch, they saluted
them with arrowes and harquebuse shot verie hot|lie: yet at length by fine force the Scots and French|men
got on land, and droue the Englishmen and I|talians backe from the sea strond vp to the higher ground,
where they stood at defense on a plumpe togi|ther, dooing their best to defend the place against the
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But
finallie, their generall named Cotton, being Capteine Cotton gene|rall of Ins|kith and
o|thers slaine. slaine with George Applebie esquire, a capteine of an ensigne of footmen sent
foorth of Derbishire, and one Gaspar Pizoni, that was capteine of the Italians, beside diuers other
gentlemen, and the most princi|pall men of warre and souldiers among them: the residue were constreined
to retire vnto a corner or point of the Iland, where they were taken without further resistance, although
before they had made ve|rie stout defense, hurt and staine diuerse Scots and Frenchmen, both at their
landing, and also after they were entered on land. Among other, monsieur de la Chapelle de Biron was
striken through the hand Monsieur de la Chap [...] hurt. with an harquebuse shot, and his burguenet beaten so into his head, that his
friends that were about him, were faine to conuei [...] him into one of the gal|lies to be dressed of his hurts by a surgian. Also a gentleman named
Desbo [...]ies, which bare the said [...]sieur de la Chapelle his cor [...]nell ensigne, was slaine with a pike by the hands of the forenamed Cotton the English generall.
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 351 Thus was Inskith recouered out of the English|mens Inskith reco| [...]ed by the Frenchmen. hands, after it had beene in their possession by the space of
sixtéene daies, the more to the high con|tentation of monsieur de Desse, for that at the same time he
stood vpon his discharge and returne into France, being appointed to surrender vp his place to monsieur
de Thermes, latelie before arriued (as ye haue heard) with commission to receiue the same. So that
monsieur de Desse, to end his charge with Monsieur de Desse retur|neth into
France. the glorie of this atchiued enterprise, estéemed it
much to stand with his honor: and no doubt with the swelling humor of the glorie thence redounding he was
blowen vp; as in cases of victorie it commeth to passe in them that make a good hand: whereas the
vanquished (God wot) are contrarilie qualified.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Shortlie
after, he returned into France with the gallies, and monsieur de Thermes succéeded in his Monsieur de Thermes succéedeth in his place. place for the generall conduct of the
French armie in Scotland. Who by the aduise of the gouernor, and other of the Scotish lords, determined
with a siege volant to kéepe the Englishmen in Hadington from vittels
and all other reliefe. First therefore, after that Desse was departed towards France, mon|sieur de
Thermes with his Frenchmen and some Scots incamped at Aberladie, where they began the foundation of a
fort, so to impeach the Englishmen A for [...] buil|ded at Aberla|die. from setting on land anie vittels there, to be conneid from
thence to Hadington, as before they had doone.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In this
meane time, the Englishmen had increa|sed their numbers of Almaines, and other stran|gers, and not onelie
furnished their forts with new supplies of men; but also had an armie
in the fields which lay most an end at Dunglas, and one while besieged Hume castell. But after they saw
them|selues disappointed of the meane, whereby they sup|posed to haue recouered it, they raised from
thence, and spoiled the most part of Tiuidale and other the marches there about; in reuenge (as they
alleged) of the disloialtie and breach of promise proued in the as|sured Scots. Generall of this armie
was the earle of Rutland, lieutenant at that present of the north
parts, a noble man, right valiant, wise, well aduised, The earle of Rutland.
and staied in his dealings, verie honorable and cour|teous in all his demeanor.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 He was
accompanied with capteins of good esti|mation and approoued prowesse, as sir Richard Ma|ners, sir Francis
Leake, sir Iohn Sauage, sir Tho|mas Holcroft, sir Oswald Wulstrop, & others. He so behaued
himselfe in that dangerous time of the vprores and rebellions of the commons, through the more part of the realme of England; that although the appointed forces against
Scotland were staied, and turned to the suppression of the rebels, to the in|couragement (no doubt) both
of Scots and French|men in Scotland, yet they were so fronted and kept in aw by that armie vnder the
earle of Rutland, that they rather lost than gained in this season at the Englishmens hands.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 At one
time the same armie, vnder the conduct of the said earle, passing foorth with a conueie of vittels
vnto Hadington, came so suddenlie vpon the Frenchmen where they laie
in campe, that whether through default of their scouts, or other negligence vsed by them, or through the
great diligence and pro|uident forwardnesse shewed by the Englishmen, the Frenchmen were in such hazard
to haue béene vtter|lie The French|men in danger to haue béene distressed.
distressed, that if the Englishmen had not doub|ted more, than by anie was thought néedfull, they might
haue ouerthrowen, taken, & slaine the French|men handsmooth (as was supposed) at their pleasure.
But the Englishmen euen at their first comming in sight of them (as it stood with the reason of warre,
sith by the aduenturing rashlie oftentimes in such cases too late repentance easilie insueth) staied, the
better to conceiue of that which they had to doo. Wher|by the Frenchmen had leasure to march their waies
a maine pase, till they were got out of danger: for after they once beheld all the troops of the English
horssemen almost at their elbowes, and herewith the battell of the Almaines suddenlie appearing on The French|men retire. the hill top readie to come downe vpon them, it was no need
to bid them packe awaie.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
Scotish light horssemen comming on the backe of the English armie, perceiued where the Al|maines (to make
them readie to giue battell) had throwen off their clokes, and left the same (with all their baggage and
stuffe which they had about them) in kéeping of none but of their women and boies: where vpon those
Scotish horssemen, not minding to suffer such a preie to escape their hands, came gallo|ping in, and
tooke all the best stuffe they could lay hold vpon, and returned in safetie, before anie eni|mie The baggage of the English Lansquenets spoiled by the Scotish horsse men. could
come backe to the rescue. The Almains were in no small chafe for the losse of their garments and other
necessaries; but there was no helpe then to séeke remedie in that behalfe: for the Scots were withdrawen
and got quite out of danger.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
English armie, after that the Frenchmen were thus fled and gone, passed foorth to Hadington, with their
cariages laden with vittels, to the great comfort of them within that fortresse, standing in Hadington vittelled. great necessitie before this conueie came. This summer also,
and a little before the vittelling thus of Hadington, vpon knowledge had that Iulian Ro|mero Iulian Ro|mero distres|sed. with his band of Spaniards, whereof he was capteine,
seruing the king of England, was lodged in Coldingham, six miles distant from Berwike: certeine bands of
Almains and Frenchmen came thither vpon the sudden, and surprising the Spani|ards before they were aware
of their approch, set vp|on them in their lodgings, tooke, and slue in maner the whole number of
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Things
passing in this wise in Scotland in the summer of this yeare 1549, the Englishmen were 1549. not onelie in the meane time sore troubled with com|motions raised by the commons of
that realme; but also with the warres which the French king made a|gainst them, within the countrie of
Bullognois, so that they had not meanes to imploie their forces a|gainst Scotland as they had determined
to haue doone; as partlie before, and more largelie in the hi|storie of England is mentioned. By reason
whereof, anon after Michaelmas they gaue ouer the kéeping Hadington raced and left by
the Eng|lishmen. of Hadington, and raising their fortifications there, they returned into
England to the great reioising of Louthian, to whome that towne had giuen occa|sion of great troubles and
calamities. Upon the gi|uing ouer thus of Hadington, the gouernor and the quéene Dowager were aduanced,
in hope to reco|uer againe all that the Englishmen held within the bounds of Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 But first
it was thought good to assaie the win|ning of Broughtie crag; for it sounded (as was thought) greatlie to
the diminishing of the estima|tion, aswell of the Scots as Frenchmen, that the English should kéepe foot
so far within the realme, in despight of their whole puissance. Herevpon mon|sieur 1550. de Thermes about Candlemasse, hauing all things in a readinesse for the siege, came
thither, and did so much, what with shot of canon to make bat|terie, and other meanes of inforcements,
that gi|uing Broughtie crag woon by the French|men. the assault both with Scots
and Frenchmen, they entred the fort the twentith of Februarie by fine force, so that all those within
were either taken or slaine. Whervpon those English also that kept the castell, rendred vp the same
without further resi|stance, amongest other prisoners: sir Iohn Lutte|rell the capteine was one.
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 352 In this meane time there were certeine commis|sioners appointed betwixt the two kings
of Eng|land and France to commune of a peace: but be|cause A treatie for peace.
they continued long in their treatie yer they could agrée, the Scots and Frenchmen surceassed not in
occasions of aduantage to pursue the warre, so that comming before Lowder they besieged that fortresse,
& skirmishing with the Englishmen that issued foorth, to incounter them, droue them in at the
gates with some losse on either part. And this doone, the French held
them within so strcictlie besieged, that if peace had not béene the sooner concluded, sir Hugh
Willoughbie capteine of that fort must néeds Sir Hugh willoughbie. haue yeelded
through lacke of shot, & other necessarie things seruing for defense; which were spent, so that
they were constreined to vse their pewter vessell in stead of bullets. But as it fortuned, a peace was
ac|corded, A peace con|cluded. passed, and confirmed, that verie selfe time
betwixt the two kings of England and France, through the diligent and orderlie trauell of the
The names of the commis|sioners ap|pointed to treat of peace. appointed to
deale therein, whose names insue.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 First for
the king of England, the right honora|ble Iohn earle of Bedford, knight of the garter, and lord priuie
seale; William Paget lord of Beau|desert, knight also of the garter; sir William Peter knight, chiefe
secretarie to the said king; & sir Iohn Mason knight, secretarie to him for the French toong. For
the French king were appointed Fran|cis de Montmorance, lord of Rochpot, knight of the order of saint Michaell, and lieutenant for the same king of Picardie, in absence of
monsieur, de Uan|dosme; Gasper de Colignie, lord of Chastillon, knight also of the order, and capteine
generall of the footmen of France, and the said kings lieutenant generall in the countie of Bullogne;
Andrew Guil|lard lord Mortier, knight also of the order, and one of the same kings priuie councell; and
Guillaume Bouchettell lord of Sassie, knight likewise of the order, & secretarie of the estate of
the finances. [And for the Scots (as saith Lesleus. lib. 10.
pag. 506.) Fr. Thin. D. Painter bishop or Rosse.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Among
other articles comprised in this peace, it was couenanted, that all such forts, castels, and The articles of the peace. places as the Englishmen held in anie part within the
Scotish dominions, should be deliuered and re|stored to the Scots; and that the forts of Dunglas,
Roxburgh, and Aimouth, which the Englishmen had built and raised out of the ground, should be raced and
throwen downe, to auoid all occasions of new controuersies that might
grow by reason of kéeping or defending the same: so as the peace now conclu|ded, might in all points be
firmelie and truelie kept and obserued, aswell betwixt England and Scot|land, as England and France, and
betwixt all and euerie the subiects of the same realmes, both by sea and land. Monsieur de Mourret was
sent into Scot|land with the copie of this peace, by whose means it Monsieur de
Mourret. was proclamed anon after Easter about the begin|ning
of Aprill, and euerie thing vsed and ordered ac|cording to the articles of the agréement concluded.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In Maie
the Frenchmen and Almaines were im|barked at Leith in sixtéene French ships, and cer|teine Scotish ships,
and departed from thence in|to The French|men returne home. France. A few there
were, as Nigropellice and Saint Falcise, capteins of light horssemen, with o|thers that passed through
England, and so home into their countrie. Moreouer the marquesse de Maine, The
mar|quesse de Maine. after duke Daumals comming ouer into England about the same time for an
hostage, passed after|wards through the realme into Scotland, to visit his sister queene Dowager, and
shortlie after returned. They mourned both for the death of their father The death of
the first duke of Guise. Claud de Loraine, the first duke of Guise, who de|ceassed the
eightéenth of Aprill this present yeare 1550.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 507.Now when the French departed out of
Scot|land; there were manie Scots appointed vnto them; partlie, to defend them from pirats, if they
should of|fer them anie iniurie in the streict of the British sea, and partlie for honors cause to bring
them on their iournie into France. By whose departure Scotland was fréelie deliuered from all forren
soul|diers, except certeine Frenchmen, who remained still in the countrie; because they had the Ile of
Ins|keth and the castell of Dunbar committed to their charge, which afterwards they did most faithfullie
discharge. Monsieur de Thermes, Chappellie, and diuerse other capteins of France, remained also in
Scotland (after that the others were imbarked to be gone into France) for pleasures cause, and to sée the
countrie; who (trauelling ouer Scotland, and behol|ding the cities, searching the castels, and marking
the bulworks of defense) did constantlie affirme, that in the whole world they neuer saw forts and townes
more pleasantlie placed, or more naturallie defended. In séeing whereof they consumed the time with great
pleasure, vntill the moneth of December, in which they all went into France with the quéene Dowager.
Thus, as
there was peace (by the departing of the Buchanan lib. 15. French) with forren
nations, which continued three yeares: so was there within the wals and king|dome warre and dissention
amongest the Scots; which was most perillous and troublesome. For they which were the chiefe rulers (as
the gouernor and his brother the archbishop of saint Andrews and others) did vse all things with extreame
cruel|tie & couetousnesse. For the archbishop, being giuen to all libertie, followed by law his
pleasures in all things, as though it had béene permitted vnto him. For first, as a presage of his
following tyrannie, he permitted the slaughter of William Chreichton to go vnpunished, the same William
being slaine in the gouernors house (if not within his owne sight) by Robert Semple: next followed the
death of Iohn Maluill an old man of Fife; who next vnto the gouernor was most accounted of by him, as
chie|fest of his familiars. This Iohn had his letters (which he wrote to an Englishman, to whome he did
commend a capteine his friend) intercepted. In which, although there were not anie suspicion of anie
fault, yet was the author of them punished with the losse of his head. Whose patrimonie made his death
seeme the more vile; because the same was giuen to the yoonger sonne of the gouernor. The hurts of these
wicked parts did perteine to few, the enimie there|of to manie, and the example vniuersallie to all. For
by reason of this vnskilfull gouernement of the kingdome, and the slo [...]th of his life, which offended the common people; the gouernor began to be had in contempt almost
of all men.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In
September following, the quéene Dowager accompanied with the earls of Huntleie, Cassils, Marshall,
Southerland, and diuerse other of the Scotish nobilitie tooke the sea, and sailing to France The quéene Dowager sai|leth into France. landed at Diepe: she was conueied thither
by the prior of Capoa, & Leon Strozzie, sent and appoin|ted with six gallies to haue the
conduction of hir. From Diepe she remoued to Rone, where the king then laie, of whome she was right
courteouslie recei|ued, and had such attendance and seruice doone vnto hir, during the time of hir
tariance there, as stood with the dignitie of hir person, and was answerable to the minds and
expectations of hir traine; to the high praise likewise of the king and his court in that behalfe.
The causes
of the quéene Dowagers going into EEBO page image 353 France were, that now hauing disposed all things at
Buchanan. lib. 15. Lesleus lib. 10 pag. 508. home in Scotland, she might
renew the old league in France, she might sée hir daughter and hir other friends; and procure the
gouernement of the realme to hir selfe. For the ambitious and subtill woman did thinke in hir mind, that
the gouernor by his euill demeanor would soone be put out of his office, and that she might easilie find
means to be substituted in his place. But before hir shipping into France, and whilest they were
preparing, the earle of Huntleie commanded William Makintosche (chiefe
of the fa|milie of the Glenchattens, and his followers) to be apprehended (for a conspiracie secretlie
begun a|gainst 1551. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 508 him, whilest he was the kings
deputie in those north parts) and from thence (being first depriued of all his goods) caried him to
Strachbolgie, where he was beheaded. Which fact (greatlie offending the minds of the earle of Cassils,
and others that fauored the Makintosche) did so stir them against Huntleie, that a commotion and tumult
had béene raised by them, vnlesse the wisedome of the quéene had
appea|sed the furie of their minds.
although the quéene certeine yeares after, had vndoone the sentence of proscription for the goods of
Makintosche (restoring the same with the possessions and inheritances vnto the sonne of Makintosche) and
thereby had seemed to cut awaie the cause of dissention betwéene Huntleie and them: yet the kindred and
friends of the Glenchattens (not suffe|ring so great an iniurie to their familie to go vnre|uenged)
did secretlie (but eagerlie) pursue the same with great contention
of mind. Wherefore entring the castell of Pet by deceipt, they apprehended Lanchlane Makintosche, and
(condemning all his followers to banishment) did cruellie kill him (as Lanchlane
Makintosche apprehended. the betraior of the head of his owne familie) because they supposed,
that he ministred and blew the cole that fired Huntleie, to make the said William Ma|kintosche out of the
A little
before which, the maister of Ereskine, and Henrie Senclere deane of
Glascow were sent in|to Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 509. England; who at London did
anew confirme the peace concluded before with the English; from whence they passed into Flanders, to make
the like league with the low countries, which they did re|new, to the great reioising of both nations;
although in the beginning of the treatie there grew great and contentious questions for the restitution
of the ships of Flanders and Holland (whereof the Scots had taken manie in the warres) notwithstanding
that the Scots had alleged, that they did not offer anie violence to
those of the low countries, before that they (by the persuasion of the English) had offered wrong to the
Scots, in deteining their ships and merchandize
Thus much
digressed from [...]he quéene Dowagers going into France, wherevnto afresh to direct our pen, we say; that being at
Rone, the king did there openlie make shew of hir welcome vnto him by di|uerse arguments. Amongst which,
this was not the least: that (besides other shews, honorable triumphs,
& manie courtesies shewed to the Scots) calling a chapter of the knights of the order of saint
Michaell, he admitted the earle of Huntleie and other chiefe lords of Scotland deere to the queene, and
fauored by him, into the said order. Which honors and pleasures séemed the more augmented, in that the
yoong quéene of Scots was there present, adorned with such sin|gular beautie, as was not easilie to be
spoken, by the iudgement of Lesleus. After that they had thus spent some time in delights of
courtesie, to feed the mind and eie, the king of France, the two quéens of Scotland, and the other
nobles, departed from thence to Paris; where they were with great triumph of the citizens most ioifullie
receiued. At what time a|gaine, the French king shewed such humanitie to Huntleie, and the other Scots;
that he séemed for euer most firmelie to bind them vnto him. After that they spent some daies there at
Paris, the king with that companie remoued to Blesies; where he remained all the winter.
Now the
quéene Dowager, thinking the time Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 510. and place fit for
the executing of the cause of hir com|ming into France, and vsing therein the aduise of the duke of
Guise, and the cardinall of Loreine (hir brethren) openeth the same vnto the French king, shewing that
amongest others, the chiefest cause to take that iournie, was to require his opinion, tou|ching the
gouernement of the kingdome of Scot|land: and to know, if it pleased him that the helme of the same
kingdome should be committed to hir rule. Which if he misliked, or deemed the contrarie; that yet she
would wholie rest on his determination. The which matter pleased well the king, but yet with this
promise; if the gouernor without anie tumult or raising of quarrels would giue it ouer.
the quéene, to bring euerie thing a|bout as she desired, did persuade the king to con|firme the dukedome
of Chatelerault in France, vn|to the gouernor, before granted to him and to his Buchanan. lib. 16. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 410. heires, & to make his eldest son erle
of Arraine chiefe capteine of the bands of Scots in France. And further, to giue the earledome of Murreie
to the earle of Huntleie (kinsman to the gouernor) and to his heires; the earledome of Rothseie to his
sonne, which had maried the kinsman of the said gouernor; the whole earledome of Angus, to the earle
thereof; and the erledome of Morton, to the sonne of George Dowglasse. All which he should procure
likewise to be confirmed by such, as should be gouernors of the yoong quéene. These things now doone, the
French king carefullie receiued the yoong quéene of Scots into his protection; vntill she should come
vnto more sufficient yeers, able to confirme all these gifts; the which if she refused then to doo, the
French king wold then bestow as large possessions on them in France.
In the
meane time the gouernor had sent Car|negie knight and senator into France, who should in the name of the
Scots giue great thanks to the king for the aid which they receiued out of France, against the
Englishmen. After this the French king did liberallie open the determination of the queene mother of
Scotland to the bishop of Rosse (then am|bassador for the Scots in France) to Robert Car|negie, and to
Gawin Hamilton (to whom, as was said, the abbeie of Kiluinin was giuen in commen|dam) to the end that the
same which was at the first secretlie consulted betwéene the king of France & the quéene Dowager,
might now openlie be con|sidered among the Scots which were in France: declaring further, that he desired
nothing more, than that the quéene mother should susteine the parts and place of the queene hir daughter,
in the administra|tion and gouernement of Scotland, sith the same mostlie stood with reason and equitie;
and that he (the better to win the gouernor to yéeld therevnto) had giuen the gouernor the dukedome of
Chatelerault, to his sonne the capteinship of all the Scots in France, and manie other liberall benefits
to manie other of his kinsmen.
And to the
end that no deceipt might be supposed to be hidden vnder this liberalitie, the French king willed the
ambassadour to take possession of all these things in the dukes name. Robert Carnegie hauing his errand,
returned into Scotland; & short|lie after, the bishop of Rosse was appointed ambas|sador, who at
length with much adoo did wring from the gouernor a consent to part from his authoritie, EEBO page image 354 and to applie himselfe to the will of the French king: which thus in the end obteined, the bishop of
Rosse goeth againe into France, to aduertise the king what he had doone. Wherevpon the king considering
his painfull & faithfull seruice, did reward him with the abbeie of Labseie in France.
these things were in dooing, Edward Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 511. the sixt, king
of England, did send the marquesse of Northampton, & other of the nobler sort of ambassa|dors to
Henrie the second, king of France, then so|tourning at Blesies, to moue
him to giue his daugh|ter Blois. in mariage to the king of England. At what
time there were [...]anie martiall games and pastimes shewed before the king, in which the English ioining the Scots
with them as companions of their sports, did beare a part, and wan the garland (from the o|thers) to
their singular commendation. The summer next following, the French king accompanied with the quéene
mother of Scotland and other of the no|bilitie, did with great pompe enter Turon, Aniow, Nants, and other cities of Britaine, which he had not before seene since he
atteined the crowne. After cer|teine moneths consumed in those iournies, he retur|ned to
But the
quéene Dowager of Scotland, taking hir courteous leaue and farwell of the French king, Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 512. hir daughter, & of other the nobilitie, departed from the
court, and with easie iournies came to Iamiestie: where re [...]ng a certeine time, she had the plea|sant companie of hir mother the duches of Guise, and hir other friends to their great ioy: but that the shewed a certeine griefe
(for hir father latelie decea|sed) which somewhat diminished the sweet pleasure of that méeting. Now when
the quéene Dowager had remained almost 12 moneths or more in France, honorablie interteined, bountifullie
feasted, louing|lie saluted by hir friends and kinred, and hauing ob|teined a willing grant of the
effects of hir request, the Scots doo vrge hir to hasten hir returne into Scotland, preparing at Paris
all things necessarie therevnto.
departing thence, and comming a|gaine to Rone, the quene mother mooued and per|suaded Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 512. the nobilitie about the taking of hir iournie through [...] into Scotland. By occasion wher|of, loosing their ships from Newport, they passe the seas, and
happilie landed at Portesmouth, a famous port of England. The knowledge of which arriuall comming to king
Edward the sixt, he presentlie sent thither the earle of Southampton, and the lord Wil|liam Howard to interteine hir: who receiued hir with singular ioy and courtesie, and
conueied hir through Hampshire, Sussex, and Surreie (three pro|uinces of England) to Hampton court, where
the king as then remained; from whence (after that the had béene there most honorablie receiued) she came
along the riuer of Thames to London, and landed at Poules wharfe in the after noone, and from thence rode
to the bishop of Londons palace by Poules, and there lodged.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The fo [...] of Nouember, she rode in hir chariot to the kings palace of the Whitehall, accompanied with the
ladie margaret Dowglas, the three dutches|ses, of Suffolke, Richmund, and Northumberland, and diuerse
other great ladies and gentlewomen, both Scotish and English. At the court gate the Hir receiuing at the court. dukes of Northumberland, and Suffolke, and the lord treasuror were
readie to receiue hir. And at hir entering into the hall, the king stood in the vpper end thereof, and
the erle of Warwike holding the sword before him. She at hir approching to him, knéeled downe, and he
courteouslie tooke hir vp, and kissed hir; and taking hir by the hand, led hir vp into his owne chamber
of presence, & after into the quéenes chamber of presence, where he kissed all the ladies of
Scotland, and so departed for a while.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 She dined
on the quéenes side that day with the king, his seruice and hirs comming both togither; the kings being
placed on the right hand of the table, and hirs on the left. What plentie of all maner of costlie meates
and drinks there was, and [...]at rich furniture of plate and all other things was shewed to set foorth the feast, it were
superfluous to write. All the ladies both of England and Scotland dined in the quéenes great chamber.
After dinner the king shewed hir his gallerie and gardens, with all other commodities of the place. And
about foure of the clocke, he brought hir downe againe by the hand in|to the hall, where he first
receiued hir, and there kis|sing hir, she tooke hir leaue, & returned to the bishops palace from
whence she came.
Fr. Thin. And here I must not forget what Lesleus hath set downe
in this place for the defense of his people, in not deliuering the yoong quéene of Scots to the English,
to haue entered the mariage bed of king Edward the sixt. Whose reasons although they may (the first
ground of the warre considered, with the consent of the Scots parlement to that mariage, and the
willingnesse of the English to haue caused them to performe their promise without battell) bée well
answered, as matters that not verie greatlie defend the cause: yet I will not anie way say anie thing of
him (being a man estranged from vs in re|ligion, but learned, wise, of great experience, a faith|full
seruant to his mistresse, and a graue bishop of Rosse) but set them downe plainelie as he writeth them,
leauing the same to the iudgement of others, sith I meane not in anie thing to derogate from them, or
arrogate vnto our selues more than is due. Thus therefore he writeth.
When the
quéene (saith he) of Scots was come Lesleus lib. 10, pag. 113. to London, the
king of England sheweth vnto hir his treasurie, openeth the monuments, laieth abroad the antiquities of
the kingdome, and laboured by manie other such kind of means, that he might pre|pare himselfe a passage
(with the open notes of cour|tesie) to obteine the good will of the queene. For he af|ter persuaded hir
with manie spéeches, that she shuld giue hir daughter vnto him, as it was before de|créed by the Scotish
nobilitie: which he prooueth by manie arguments to be most beneficiall vnto both nations. When on the
contrarie part (if she were gi|uen vnto the French kings sonne) it should not be profitable either to the
Scots, which should giue; or the French, which should receiue hir to wife. There|withall adding this vnto
it, that there should alwais be continuall hatred, and deadlie enimitie betwéene him and that person
which should marrie hir.
the queene both presentlie and wise|lie answered, that the cause of hir daughters mari|age to be
solemnized with the French, was onlie by reason of the protector of England, which so bitterlie pursued
the Scots with such earnest warre as then was made against them. For it was vnaduisedlie doone of him, to
séeke to compell by force of battell a woman, which is to be allured to the mariage bed with faire
promises and flattering spéeches. Where|vnto she ioined, that the Scots were so vehementlie pressed by
him, that they were inforced to craue aid from the French: for the more speedie & easie
obtei|ning whereof, they were vrged to leaue the yoong quéene of Scots in France for a pledge. Wherefore
she greatly grieued that the matter was so fast knit vp by the necessitie of time, otherwise than the
Eng|lishmen would haue had it. But yet, she would la|bor the French king by hir letters and messengers,
with all the diligence that she might, to sée if hir tra|uell and furtherance could doo anie thing with
him EEBO page image 355 therein. Thus much Lesleus, and so againe to the matter.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The firt
of Nouember, the queene Dowager de|parted from London toward Scotland, riding from Poules through the
citie, passing foorth at Bishops gate. The duke of Northumberland, the erle of Pen|broke, and the lord
treasuror brought hir to Shordich church, and there tooke their leaue of hir. The duke of Northumberland
had an hundred men after him with iauelins, whereof fourtie were gentlemen clad in blacke veluet cotes garded with white, & hats of blacke veluet with white
feathers, and chains of gold about their necks. The earle of Penbroke had six score men well appointed
also, with blacke iauelins and hats with feathers, and the lord treasuror had an hundred gentlemen and
yeomen with iauelins in like maner, well apparelled: which thrée companies of horsmen furnished the
stréets on either side, from the crosse in Cheape, to Birchen lane end, as the pas|sed that waie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
shiriffes of London had the conduction of hir to Waltam towne end, where she lodged that night: and in
euerie shire through which she passed, the shi|riffe, with the gentlemen of the same shire, receiued hir,
and gaue their attendance on hir, till she came to enter into the next shire, where the shiriffe and
gentle men there receiued hir: and that order was obserued till she came to the borders of Scotland, and
all hir charges for meat and drinks, aswell for hir selfe, and whole traine, as also the prouision for
their horsses, was borne and allowed by the king. [Besides which, (as
saith the same Lesleus) Richard Shelleie, now Fr. Thin. maister of the
knights of Malta in England, and Edward Dudleie baron, were appointed to attend on hir all the waie
through England, from London to Edenburgh, where she was honorablie recei|ued by the earle Bothwell, and
the lord Hume.] The earle of Huntleie, and diuerse other of the Scotish lords returned home by sea, the
said earle landing at Montrosse, about the latter end of December.
Fr. Thin. Leslus lib. 10. pag. 513. After that the quéene was arriued in
Scotland, the labored euerie waie to stop all occasion of dis|sention; and that these bralles which were
risen a|mongest the nobilitie in the time of the warres, and were not yet fullie quenched, might grow no
further, to bring the common wealth (alreadie much impai|red) into new troubles. Wherefore, by the aduise
of the gouernor, of the earles of Huntleie, Angus, and Argile, and by the quéenes trauell, the
controuersies mooued about the archbishoprikes of saint Andrews and
Glascow, the bishoprikes of Dunkeld and Bre|chine, the abbeies of Aberbrothie, Inchechafrie, and other
benefices, were ended: by bestowing some of them vpon noble mens children, and some vpon such persons as
woorthilie deserued them.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Doctor
Wanthop, whome Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 514. calleth Robert Warhope, a Scotishman borne, The archbi|shop of Arma|chane. archbishop of Armachane, so nominated by pope Paule
the third, and after created Legatus à latere by Iulius the third, deceassed this yéere in
Paris, the
1551. tenth of Nouember. This man was blind from his infancie, but yet gaue
himselfe so to studie, that he was first made doctor of diuinitie in the vniuersitie of Paris, and after
atteined to such estimation in the court of Rome, that he was by the foresaid popes aduanced (as before
ye haue heard.) So that it is to be presumed, that the sufficiencie of his learning, (whereto he must
néeds aspire altogither by the eare) (sith he was quite depriued of the benefit of fight) coo|pled with
other good qualities of mind, were means to preferre him first into the popes fauour, and then to
promotion of his bestowing.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This yeere
in the moneth of Iune, the quéene Dow|ager, and the gouernor, went into the north parts of 1552. Scotland; and at Innernes, Elgin, Bamf, Aberden, and Perth, the gouernor sat
in iustice for redresse of wrongs doone are by iustice redressed. wrongs, and
administration of righteous lawes and orders. And afterwards they repaired to the west parts, and sat
likewise in iustice at Dunfreis, Glas|cow, Lanricke, and in other places of that countrie, where diuerse
were put to their fines for transgres|sing the lawes, but few or none touched by corporall punishment.
Which was but a slender course taken in reforming enormities, and little better than im|punitie; though
in leuieng of the fines (perhaps) a proportion were vsed: for by that meanes manie an offense was
redéemed by monie, and iustice was lit|tle better than bought and sold, as at a publike mart.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 515. After this, they returned to
Edenburgh, where all things requisite for the establishing of iustice were confirmed by the counsell of
the nobilitie, and of the wise senators. Wherevpon, when nothing sée|med to want for the setling of a
perfect peace through all the realme, but this, that certeine of the inhabi|tants of the east limits
(accustomed to spoiles) did by driuing booties of cattell from the borders of Eng|land, séeme to offer
new occasion of warre. At this time, the gouernor goeth to Iedworth, and remooued such magistrats as had
negligentlie gouerned their owne prouince, or dispatched the generall affaires of the kingdome: where
taking pledges of euerie familie, he made them after that time in better qui|et. Wherevpon a long time
following, there was a mutuall peace betweene England and Scotland. A|bout which time also, the
protestants religion making breach into the doctrine of the Romans, there was a prouinciall councell kept
at Bithquoe, where the Caluinists with their doctrine were condemned and accurssed; and all things
decréed in the councell of Trent vnder Paule the third, were established, with manie other néedfull lawes
made to purge the cor|rupt manners of the clergie.
In which
meane time, Dauid Panter or Painter 1552. (for I find both written) being a man
of great lear|ning, and famous by great experience, hauing faith|fullie consumed seuen yeeres in France,
in the ser|uice of an ambassador legier, came out of France to Iedworth: where, when he had declared to
the go|uernor (in the assemblie of the nobilitie) the reason, order, and meane which he vsed in
accomplishing of his office; he was greatlie commended of all men. And for that he had so diligentlie,
wiselie, & trustilie performed that great charge, he was with great so|lemnitie consecrated
bishop of Rosse, in the presence of that assemblie. At which time also, the gouernor Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 516. did dub into the order of knighthood certeine borde|rers, who had
deserued well of the common-wealth, to the end that their vertue adorned with such hono|rable recompense,
might be more inlarged toward the care of their countrie. Amongest which persons so aduanced, these were
the chiefe: Ceffurd and Ferni|hurst, Andrew Kar of Littleden, Couldinknols, Greinherdie, Balclenche, with
manie other valiant men.)
Compare 1577 edition:
2 In this
iorneie (wherein the gouernor was thus The quéene mother séeketh to be gouernor
the iustice) the quéene secretlie trauelled with the lords, both spirituall and temporall, to haue their
con|sents to be regent of Scotland, immediatlie after hir daughter the quéene came to sufficient yéeres,
and that the time of hir tutorship were accomplished, or sooner; if the lawes of the realme would so
permit. And to assure hir selfe of their good wils in this be|halfe, the contracted sundrie priuie bands
with them, making large promises of great rewards vnto eue|rie of them. To conclude, this matter was so
hande|led 1552. Lesle. 1553. The gouerne|ment is resig|ned vnto the quéene. by
hir and others, to whome the committed the dooings therein, that in the yéere following, the go|uernor
agréed to surrender vp the gouernance into EEBO page image 356 hir hands, hir daughter the yoong queene
being not yet full twelue yeeres of age.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
gouernor was promised not onelie a full dis|charge and a Quietus est of all his dooings, as well
for receipt of monie, iewels, & other things, during the time of his gouernement, but also a
confirmation of the heritable gift of the dukedome of Chatelerault: likewise an other confirmation of all
gifts and resti|tutions by him made, during the time he had exerci|sed the office of gouernor. And
foorthwith the queene Dowager sent into France, to get all these things
dispatched, with such assurances of writings vnder hands and seales, as was expedient, and to be sent
home into Scotland for his securitie in all things.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 517. 1552. But before the gouernor had
consented to the queenes demand, there was great contention about the matter: for she well vnderstood
that he would not depart with his office, before the time that the yoong quéene had atteined to the age
prescribed for hir full yeeres. For it is ordeined by the law of the
kingdome, that the king shall not remaine anie lon|ger vnder tutors, than to the age of fouretéene;
& the quéene (as it is in other women) at the yéeres of 12, at which times they may appoint
procurators, which shall haue the gouernement of the kingdome vntill their full age. For which cause, the
yoong quéene chose amongst other (as after shall more appéere) the quéene Dowager to be one: wherevpon,
the quéene Dowa|ger challenged the gouernement vnto hir selfe, for that hir daughter was certeine moneths
aboue those yeeres of twelue. Against which the gouernor did [...]flie contend, constantlie affirming that the yoong quéene did not excéed the age of eleuen
the quéene, to take from the gouernor all starting-holes and other shifts, dooth vrge the cu|stome of
that kingdome, and the obseruation of those lawes to be, that they must reckon the yeere in which the
Scotish king or quéene is yet vnborne in their mothers bellie, to be part of that number of twelue or
foureteene; in which they may appoint gouernors to rule vnder them.
Which the gouernor perhaps did seeme to confesse for the king, but that the same was true for a quéene it
did not appeere; sith it séemeth to be wrought by Gods high prouidence, that the king|dome of Scotland
was alwaies héeretofore by ma|nie ages gouerned by kings, and that a woman did ueuer before this time
(especiallie one within age) challenge that kingdome vnto them, although the male line (as appéered from
the Bruses to the Stew|ards) descended from the women, haue sometime
possessed the sterne of Scotland.
But in the
end, saie or doo what he could, the go|uernor did surrender his place (as after shall more plainelie
appéere) vntill which time we will pursue the orderlie course of things doone in this place: which is,
that whilest the gouernor & the queene mother were in this discord for the regentship of the
realme, manie Les [...]eus lib. 10. pag. 519. seditious persons (taking occasion thereby with hope to scape
vnpunished) did renew the memorie of old iniuries. For heerevpon it happened, that manie of
1552. the familie of the Kars did (at Edenburgh) with great boldnesse vtterlie
slaie Balcleuche the knight. Besides which, the yoonger sonne of the lord Ruth|wen or Rewen, did
publikelie thrust through and slea Sundrie slaughters of the nobilitie. Iohn
Chartrusse a noble and a valiant yoong man, for deadlie hatred (as was thought) betwéene those two
families. Yet it was spred abroad, that the chie|fest cause why Ruthwen did kill Chartrusse, was for that
Ruthwen (being called into sute of law by the other) distrusting his cause, and supposing that it would
passe against him by iudgement, had none o|ther remedie to relieue the matter, than that verie day to
kill Chartrusse. Which matter was the occasi|on of making this law, that whosoeuer with force or armes
did either pursue or abate, recouer or lose in anie action, should not onelie be punished for the
rashnesse of the fact, but also should haue the matter foorthwith (euen in that moment of time) iudged
a|gainst him.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This
yeere, the sixt of Iulie, Edward the sixt of that 1553. name, king of England,
departed this life, after whom succéeded his sister Marie, eldest daughter to K. Henrie the eight.
[Touching whose regiments, Abr. Fl. sith this historie requireth matter
appropriate vnto it selfe, we will saie little in this place, remitting the readers to the conuenient
course of time wherein they flourished and vaded. Onelie this is woorthie the noting, that the realme of
England was not so much in hir time afflicted with exquisite troubles of barbarous persecutors, to the
diminishing of Gods seruants, and the increasing of satans synagog, as it was like to haue triumphed
vnder the glorious title of the victorious gospell, if God had not (for the vnwoorthinesse of the English
people) taken the yoong king awaie. For the prosperous beginning of his gouernement foretold an happie
procéeding, and a blessed ending. But to returne to Scotland.]
Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10 pag 520. About this time, Norman Lesle, who
(as you heard before) had fled for the death of the cardinall Beton bishop of saint Andrews into France
(where he then was imprisoned) being now set at libertie, did priuilie conueie himselfe into Scotland.
Which vnderstood of the gouernor, he fined all those that 1554. had receiued
him into their house, & compelled Nor|man to flée to Denmarke, for feare that (if he were taken)
he should suffer extreme punishment. But when he knew that there was no place of safetie for him in that
countrie, wandering ouer manie pro|uinces, he came at last into England, in the reigne of Edward the
sixt; of whome, with the rest of his companions, he was most courteouslie receiued, with yéerelie
pensions out of the excheker or com|mon tresurie assigned vnto them for their mainte|nance, according to
their estates.
But after
that king Edward was departed the world, they all were also commanded to depart the realme, to whome
(earnestlie vrging that their pensi|ons might be paied to them in an other place where they should
remaine) the duke of Norffolke did pub|likelie say in the councell, that it séemed not iustice, that a
catholike prince should paie anie pensions to such as had murthered a catholike cardinall. With which
answer the said Norman was almost stroken dead, and being then wearied with the griefe of his exile, went
againe into France, and there by king Henrie (by the meanes of the baron Brunstone, whom this Lesle had
sent before to request the same) he was made capteine of the Scotish light horsse|men in France. This man
did so valiantlie, woorthi|lie, and honorablie behaue himselfe in warres, which the French king had (with
Charles the fift then em|peror) on the borders of Flanders, that he was al|waies formost in the front of
the battell, to assault the enimie; hoping by that meanes to wipe awaie the blot of the cardinals
slaughter, and more firmelie to bind the French king vnto him.
But after
certeine light skirmishes (which he hap|pilie performed against the enimie) following the battell at
Renton (a towne in Picardie) most hotlie, and drawing néere within danger of the enimie, he was so
wounded with a shot, that he could hardlie re|turne to his companie: but being relieued by his owne
souldiers from the hands of the enimie, he was caried to Montrulle, where he shortlie after died,
greatlie repenting him of his former wicked fact, and greatlie abhorring the other authors thereof, as
furtherers of him therein. Towards whom (after his death) the French king was yet so louing (for the EEBO page image 357 singular fortitude of mind that was in him) that he procured all such of his Scots (as
returned from the warres with Brunstone) to be receiued into their owne countrie, and restored to all
their goods and possessions.]
Compare 1577 edition:
2 In lent
all the lords of the realme of Scotland as|sembled at Striueling, where all the couenants and The coue|nants and ar|ticles are per|fected. 1555. Buch. 1554. A parlement.
Edenburgh castell deliue|red to the lord Erskin to keepe. articles of agreement, betwixt the
quéene and the go|uernor, were perfectlie and fullie concluded, and ther|vpon a parlement appointed to be
holden in Eden|burgh, the tenth of Aprill next insuing: and in the
meane time the gouernor deliuered the castell of E|denburgh vnto the lord Erskin to kéepe, as it were by
waie of assurance for his part, that all things at that parlement should be accomplished, according to
the points of the agréement made by full consent. The lords then assembling in parlement at Eden|burgh,
on the said twelfth day of Aprill, all the coue|nants of agréement had & made betwixt the quéene
The quéene made gouer|nor by parle|ment. Dowager and the gouernor were
presented & read, touching the dimission and giuing ouer of the
gouer|nors authoritie, confirmed by the quéene hir selfe in France, with consent of the king of France
hir hus|band, the duke of Guise, and the cardinall of Lor|rain hir curators, with a gift of the dukedome
of Cha|telerault vnto the gouernor, vnder the great seales The gouernor made
duke. of France, and others, to whome it apperteined.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After
this, there was read a confirmation of the thrée estates of Scotland, touching the premisses, in which
they bound themselues to warrant the queenes discharge made to him,
& to establish him as second person of the realme [& to haue the gouernement of the
castell of Dunbreton (as saith Buchanan] with o|ther Fr. Thin. things
conteined in the contract: to the which there in open parlement all the estates subscribed, and put
therevnto their seales. Which doone, the go|uernor gaue vp his office of tutorship, in presence of the
said estates, the queene mother, & monsieur Doi|sell The gouernor resigned his
office vnto the quéene. being there present, who receiued the same in the quéenes name, at that
time remaining in France. And herewith presentlie was a commission
shewed, giuen by the quéene of Scotland in France, with consent of hir curators, making the quéene
Dowa|ger hir mother, regent of hir realme: which office she The quéene giueth the
go|uernance of the realme vn|to the quéene mother. tooke vpon hir, and was thereto admitted by
the e|states of the realme. Then was the parlement new|lie authorised in the quéenes name, with consent
of hir curators, and in name of the quéene regent.
Fr. Thin. Where is to be noted, that as at the first they which had the
administration of the common-wealth vnder the king of Scotland in his
minoritie, were first called gardians, and then gouernors: so now be|gan they to haue a new title for the
same, to be called regents of Scotland, not before accustomed among the Scots, which name hath euer since
remained to all such as execute that place (euen in our age) du|ring the minoritie of Charles Iames the
sixt, now ruling the scepter of Scotland. In which declination of things (as before you heard) to the
gouernement Buch. lib. 16. of the French, the Scots could neuer be persuaded
that the castell of Edenburgh should be deliuered to the rule of
strangers: fearing that if the quéene should die without issue, that then the French would there by
tyrannie settle themselues. Wherefore the same was committed to the defense of Iohn Ares|kine, which he
should not deliuer to anie, but to one of the order, and of the nobilitie and parlement.
About this
time, the quéene regent sent George Gordon earle of Huntleie to apprehend Iohn Mudi|ard Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 522. Buchan. lib. 16. (or Muderac, as saith
Buchanan) chiefe of the fa|milie of the Reginaldins, a notable théefe, & one that was
fraught with most wicked déeds: which iournie it is supposed that Gordon did not verie faithfullie
discharge. Wherefore, when he returned without the dispatch thereof, in not taking of that man, he was
committed to prison vntill the day appointed, where|in he should answer the cause. Whose friends in the
meane time (to mitigate the enuie against him for the same) did spred false rumors thereof, laieng all
the fault in the familie of the Cathans: for they said that the same was hindered by them for the malice
that they bare vnto the Gordons: which speeches did one|lie rise almost vpon this occasion.
the quéene prepared for hir iournie into Scotland, Gordon did cast into prison William (the head of the
familie of the Cathans) a yoong man li|berallie brought vp with the earle of Murreie for kinreds sake,
being sisters son to the said earle; for none other cause but for that he would not yéeld him selfe to
the protection of him. Gordon therefore grie|ued at this man, did not thinke it safetie to leaue him frée
and at libertie behind him, when he should go in|to France with the quéene, although he could find no
fault to laie to his charge woorthie anie punishment. Wherefore (by his friends) he persuaded the yoong
man (ignorant of all deceit) that he should yéeld him selfe into his protection and tutorship: for so by
that one meanes, both the fame of the one and safetie of the other might be prouided for, which the yoong
man did accordinglie.
Gordon being now lord ouer the life and death of this William, did (dissembling his ha|tred to him)
breake with his owne wife to execute the yoong and giltlesse man in his absence, supposing thereby to
transferre all the malice which should rise thereof vnto the fact of his wife, as not doone by his
consent. Which fell out quite contrarie: for when eue|rie one knew the subtill wit of Gordon the earle of
Huntleie, and that his wife (a chosen and rare wo|man) had passed all the rest of hir life within the
bounds of womanlie modestie; they were all easilie persuaded, that he alone was author vnto hir of that
wicked counsell. Wherevpon, Gordon being now cast in prison for that fact, there was (in a councell
holden by the regent) great contention and varietie of opinions, touching the punishment which he should
haue. For some would haue him banished in|to France for certeine yeares, & some would onelie haue
an excessiue mul [...] to be laied vpon him.
Both which
opinions were reiected by the chiefe of his enimies, Gilbert earle of Cassiles. For he, per|ceiuing by
the present state of things, that peace would not long continue betwéene Scotland and France; did
vtterlie withstand his banishment into that countrie. For he would not haue that man (be|ing so subtilie
and vnconstantlie witted, proud, and desirous of reuenge, of and vpon such as were e|mulous, or
backbiters against him) to be a firebrand and capteine to those French, who (he was assured, for their
insolent pride) would haue warre with the Scots. For although he thought, that of right he ought to be
punished, yet he did not iudge, that anie domesticall euill was so much, or the punishment thereof should
be thought so great, that they should accustome the French to shed the Scotish bloud. Wherefore at length
his punishment was agreed vpon (as after shall appeare) in renouncing of all his right to the earldome of
Murreie, & other things.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The quéene
hauing the disposition of all things, did at hir pleasure change all the officers, and made the earle of
Cassils treasuror, & Ueilmort a French Officers are changed. man
controller; also an other Frenchman called monsieur Rubie, kéeper of the great seale, as vice|gerent in
place of the earle of Huntleie, who was chancellor and then in ward; [and Iames Machill re|gister, Fr. Thin. and the abbat of Couper keeper of the priuie s [...]ale, as saith Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 521. Bonald gouernor of the Iles.] These mens
counsell and mon|sieur EEBO page image 358 Doisels she vsed principallie in all things. The earle of
Huntleie being to be deliuered out of ward, did for his punishment renounce his title to the earl|dome
The earle of Huntleie re|nounced ma|nie things. of Murreie; whereof he had a
gift in heritage. Also he renounced his interest vnto the farmes of Orkeneie and Sheatland, and to the
earledome of Mar, and of the quéenes lands of Straits Die: and further was contented to go ouer into
France, there to remaine for the space of fiue yeares. But yet af|terwards the quéene was contented, that
he should still remaine within the realme, for the which he gaue to hir
fiue thousand pounds in monie.
Fr. Thin. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 522. About the same time Marie the
quéene of Eng|land, and the regent of Scotland, thought good to haue a peace betweene both nations, and
that their commissioners should méet to determine all contro|uersies. At whatime for the Scots, were
Robert of Kinwardie, and Iohn Bellenden of Achnowle knights: and for the English, were Thomas
Corn|wallesse, 1551. and Robert Bowes knights. At what time there were lawes made touching fishing, aswell in the sea, as in certeine other
limited riuers; by which all occasions of contention was taken awaie from both nations. Richard Norton, a
man of great counsell in prosperitie, and of great stomach in ad|uersitie, being capteine of Norham
castell in Eng|land, was at that time cause of the making of this law for the commons; That if anie
Englishman The law for fishing. from a Scot, or a Scot from an Englishman, did
by force take away anie fish that was taken; that he should paie the
mulct of twentie shillings for the same: beside other punishments of the common law.
Further it
was agreed, that whosoeuer by force of Couenants for seamen. tempest, or for
anie other cause, were driuen into Scotland or England, he should not by anie pre|tense be staied; but he
might fréelie by land or sea, either on horssebacke or on foot returne home. Pro|uided, that he had the
testimonie of the next maister of the port, or of the next towne, to witnes the cause of his arriuall; and that during the time of his abode in such a countrie, he
attempted nothing against the lawes of the kingdome. Not manie daies after Lesleus
lib. 10. pag. 523. this, Henrie Sinclere deane of Glascow, senator, and vicepresident of the
high court, did returne in|to Scotland out of France; being a man greatlie 1555. familiar with Iames the fift, aswell for the singula|ritie of his wit, as the
excellencie of his learning.
But in the
time of the gouernor, the courtiers (not greatlie estéeming such wisedome & learning) made no account of him, although the quéene Dow|ager, and diuerse of the
nobilitie held him in great honor; aswell for his deepe studie in the best arts, as for his rare
knowledge of the publike lawes and an|tiquities of Scotland. This man, vpon his first re|turne, was
foorthwith both author and persuader to and of the bishop of the Orchades chiefe president, and to the
other senators; that there should be new lawes made for the short ending of sutes in law; for the
obseruation of a right course of iudgments, and for the taking awaie of
all euill customs. In the making & tempering whereof, he was of so great iustice; that such
things as were set downe in the law, were more holilie and perfectlie brought to their ancient forme than
they had béene before.
The reason
is readie; to wit, aswell for that in equall deliuering law to all men: as in pleading, there was by his
meanes more diligence vsed by the magistrats, aduocats, scribes, and officers; in cutting awaie vaine and
superfluous formes and or|ders: which ministred occasion, that their sutes did long hang in court, before
they could be determined. At this time also the marquesse of Maine (being after made duke of Almaine) who
in the meane time with manie other nobles of France, had remained Lesleus. lib. 10.
pag. 524. pledges in England, did (hauing licence therevnto) come into Scotland to sée his
sister, accompanied with sir Thomas Stewkleie of England now knight; who after he had remained some daies
with his sister in pleasure & delight, discharged his faith, and returned againe into
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In Iulie
was a parlement held at Edenburgh, 1555. A parlement. in the which manie acts
and statutes were made, right profitable (as was then thought) for the com|mon-weale of the realme.
Amongest which, to passe ouer the rest, these séeme woorthie to remaine chroni|cled Fr. Thin. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 524. to posteritie. First, that none of the citizens (in the
feasts of Whitsuntide, or anie such times, in whith their hirelings are accustomed to go foorth) should
assemble armed, to cast foorth the husbandmen after the old maner. Secondlie, that the inhabitants
mée|ting togither, should no more assemble vnder a certeine colour of gaine, which for exercise of the
bo|die (as it was supposed) was holden after the exam|ple of one (I can not tell who) Robert Hood a wild
or vplandish man. Thirdlie, that there should be no priuat leagues contracted betwéene subiects. Which
lawes did after bring great peace, ease, and quiet to the publike state.
In the
verie same yeare 1555, in the eight ka|lends Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 525. Buchanan.
lib. 16. of August, fell the mariage of Marie queene of England with Philip king of Spaine in
the citie of Winchester. Wherefore ambassadors were sent from the quéene regent to Philip and Marie, to
con|gratulat their mariage. Besides which, these am|bassadors did require a renewing of the league, and
that commissioners should be appointed to méet the next summer in the borders, to end all controuer|sies.
In the meane time, whilest the quéene regent did administer the affaires of south Scotland, Iohn Steward
earle of Atholl was sent into the north parts with a chosen companie, to breake the force of Iohn Mudiard
or Muderace. At what time this earle vsed such courtesie and counsell in pacifieng, and such celeritie
and wisedome in executing of things; that he brought the seditious Mudiard (impatient to haue anie
gouernor) to the quéene, to whome the said Mudiard did willinglie yéeld himselfe, his children, and his
To which
man, the queene (in respect of singular clemencie, and pietie to all men, according to the disposition of
hir nature) did wholie remit all his of|fenses, with this condition; that he should faithful|lie remaine
prisoner in the castell of Meffens, and in the towne of Perth. But as the fox (as the pro|uerbe is
amongest vs) cannot liue without his star|ting holes; so this Mudiard and his companions, imbued with
more than foxlike conditions, did (de|ceiuing their keepers) returne to their owne caues, and afresh
trouble all the north Scotland with their raised seditions and spoiles. Which things inforced the quéene,
that she did go into those parts, to hold iustice of oires: in which she might bridle the euils of wicked
men, and purge those prouinces from all the roots of sedition.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Wherevpon,
in the moneth of Iulie, the quéene accompanied with the earles of Huntleie, Argile, Rothes, Cassils, and
Marshall; the bishop of Aber|den and Rosse, M. Doisell, Rubie, and others, went 1555.
Buch. 1556. H. B. to the towne of Inuernesse, in which citie (the faults known by publike
accusation) there was iust punish|ment taken vpon the offendors. And because there Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 527. Buchan. lib. 16. were manie hidden in the higher and mounteine
countries, which by their absence fled the punish|ment; she commanded the heads of the mounteine
families, that they should bring their guiltie coun|trimen and kindred to iudgement, according to the law
established by Iames the fift; with a great EEBO page image 359 paine set vpon the chiefe of those
families; if the o|ther did stiflie resist, & would not come into iudge|ment.
it followed, that sundrie of diuerse families, that were by contempt departed awaie, did come to publike
iudgement. Where manie, and those not of the meanest sort, paied the punishment for troubling the peace;
amongest which, one Grant a baron being commanded to bring Iames Grant and diuerse other wicked persons
before the iudges, did prouide to bring their dead heads, when they
could not take their liue bodies. The earle of Cath|nes also, because that being warned thervnto, he did
not bring his people before the iudges; was first committed to prison in Inuernesse, then at Aber|den,
and lastlie at Edenburgh, from whence he pur|chased his libertie with a great masse of monie.
Mackeie in
like sort, head and chiefe of the tribe of Strathnauerne & of Glencone, being called to iudgement
(for that he had often wasted the countrie of Southerland next
adioining) did contemne the precept. Wherevpon the quéene prouided a great ar|mie, which vnder the erle
of Southerland brake into Strathnauerne, where he possessed all the places of doubt, least anie hole
might be left for the théeues to passe awaie from thence. Wherevpon Mackeie, when he saw himselfe so
beset (as that no place of flight was left him) yeelded himselfe to Hugh Kene|die, who led him to the
quéene, by whom he was com|mitted to prison at Edenburgh a long time, but they of Glencone put in pledges, & (being committed to safe and strong prisons)
were reserued to the iudge|ment of the quéenes pleasure.
this, the queene leauing Inuernesse, and progressing the prouince of Rosse, she came to El|gine, Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 528. Bamf, Aberden, and the chiefe places there|abouts,
diligentlie to inquire of the misdemeanor of those people. At what time she did temper the rigor of law
with such courtesie, that she punished the of|fendors by fine, and not by death. From thence shée
came to Dundée, and to saint Iohns towne, obser|uing the same cause
and course of hir comming. When she had thus passed ouer the summer in brin|ging the mounteine people to
their dutie, she sent the earle of Huntleie to ioine with the bishop of Rosse and Orkeneie, and to Hugh
Kenedie; to whom she did substitute a better and more commodious forme of dispatch of their affaires by
others: who should receiue the libels and accusations of priuate persons, and diligentlie to inquire of
them, in the townes of Inuernesse, Elgine, and other places. By whose
diligence it came to passe, that all those countries (being reduced to the rule of iustice) were made the
more quiet.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Here I
will not (saith Lesleus) now declare how honourablie & sumptuouslie the queene in all
hir pro|gresse was receiued (without anie charge to hir) of the péeres, bishops, and other nobles and
gentlemen of Scotland, sith the Frenchmen (which were then present with hir) haue opened to other nations
as well as to their own people (with singular commen|dations to the
Scots) the gorgious shew of this Scotland, being a most woorthie signe of the fauour they bare to the
queene.] In the meane time there C [...]mmissio|ners sent. were sent commissioners to the borders, as the bi|shop of Dunblane,
the lard of Lethington, & maister Iames Macgill: where doctor Tunstall bishop of Durham,
& certeine others for England met them at Duns, and remained there till the queenes com|ming
Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 527. backe foorth of the north in September next
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This yéere
was a parlement hold [...]n, in which the lards Brimston, Or [...]ston, and Grange, with mai|ster A parlement. Henrie Balnaues, and others,
which were for|falted Gentlemen restored. in the gouernors time, were restored.
At the same time the queene, by the counsell of monsieur Doisell, and Rubie, and certeine of the
nobilitie of Scotland, requested that a new order might b [...]
A yéerelie tax to be leuied is proponed. made, whereby euerie mans substance
should be put in an inuentarie, and according to the rate thereof to paie a yéerelie taxation, to be put
and kept in the treasure-house till warres began, and that then men of warre might be waged, therewith to
lie vpon the borders, and none in that case to be charged to come from their owne houses, but when anie
great armie came foorth of England to inuade Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Diuerse of
the great lords were agreed to this This taxati|on is not granted. 1556.
ordinance: but the most part of the barons hearing thereof, assembled togither in Edenburgh, to the
number of two hundred & aboue, and sent the lards Iames Sandlandie of Calder in Louthian, and
Iohn of Wemis in Fife, to the queene and lords, be|séeching them not to set such new taxations vpon them,
for they could not beare such burdens; but would defend the realme, as before time their elders had
doone, not meaning to put their goods in inuen|tarie, as if they should alreadie make their last will and
testaments: and be past all hope of inioieng their temporall goods, as persons not to liue longer in the
world, but to take their farewell, and giue o|uer all that they had by law of fatall necessitie not to be
auoided. Fr. Thin. Buchan. li. 16 [...]
Adding further, that their elders did not onelie defend themselues, and their goods a|gainst the
English, when they were of farre greater power than they now be; but did also manie times make further
inuasion vpon them into their owne countrie. For which cause, they being not anie iot now so degenerat
from their ancestors, that they wold not, when néed required, bestow their substance and life in
defense of their countrie.
And as touching the hired souldiers, it was a thing full of danger, to commit the state of Scot|land
to men without substance, or without hope of aduancement, and to such as for monie will dare to doo
anie thing, being a thing apt to kindle their déepe couetousnesse, and to minister occasion to them to
attempt other matters. But to the end all other things may the better be looked vnto, let them more
remember the déerenes of their countrie, than their owne estate or condition. For will anie man
beleeue, that hired souldiers will more valiantlie fight for strangers, than the owners will fight for
the defense of their owne? That a little hire or wages readie to be abated in peace, will greatlier
incense the minds of the common people; than goods, chil|dren, wiues, and temples, will mooue the
hearts of the nobilitie?
Wherevnto may be ioined, that this matter per|teineth to the highest good of the kingdome of
Scot|land, and that the same is of farre more importance than that it should be communed of at this
time, and in the tender age of our yoong queene. Besides which the greater part of men doo suspect and
feare, that the same new order for warre is vnprofitable, and such as cannot be performed without some
commotion of the Scotish nation, especiallie sith so great sums of monie can hardlie be wroong out by
tribute impo|sed on the same Scots, as may suffice to nourish a hired armie to defend the borders.
Wherefore it is to be feared, least the end of persuasion grow to this point, that it doo not rather
open a gap to let in the e|nimie, than to be a barre to kéepe them backe. For if the English, after
this example, being a farre richer nation, shall gather a much greater summe: who doubteth, but that
they may with lesse trouble to the cõmon people, susteine an armie twise as great as that of the
Scots, & such as shall not onelie enter the borders, but rush euen into the verie bowels of
the EEBO page image 360 kingdome of Scotland?
For the other part of the oration, I cannot tell whether it be better to suppresse it in silence, or
to deli|uer it (saith Buchanan) to common eies & eares. For I doo heare (writeth he)
manie which doo murmur and aske who shall gather this monie? How much thereof shall be necessarie to
and for the hired souldi|ors, and how much to be left in the hands of the trea|suror? There be manie
things which put vs in great hope, that no such thing shall be established for the especiall goodnesse
and temperancie of that woorthie princesse (in whose hand the whole
gouernment now resteth) dooth incourage vs, that we shall not bée so taxed. But yet when we remember
the outward déeds of others, and our owne at home, which haue before time béene doone; we cannot so
gouérne our selues, but that we must feare the same hereafter to fall vpon vs, which we haue alreadie
But letting these things passe, which perchance we vainlie feare, let vs come to those things in which
our ancestors did place their chiefe helpe (for mainte|nance of
their libertie) against the weapons of their aduersaries. Robert the first of that name (in
com|parison of whome none of the Scotish kings were counted more wise, and without all doubt none more
valiant, as we all confesse) did not onelie profit his subiects whilest he liued, but also after his
death: for when he laid at point to surrender his life, he gaue this admonition, that we should neuer
make con|tinuall peace, nor long truce with the English. For that man (by nature and by vse of long
time exerci|sed in both fortunes) did well perceiue, that such as
li|ued in idlenesse and slouth, had their stomachs and minds abated, and their bodies weakened with
de|lights of pleasures, and that couetousnesse and le|cherie did spring vp as it were in vntilled
ground, when seuere discipline and sparing was quenched, which made them also to be vnpatient of
labor, and to hate battell, whereby their strength being dimini|shed, they should easilie giue place
to their enimies.
After that
these two noble men had said thus much, the regent fearing tumultuous insurrections if she perseuered in
this exaction, left off anie further to pursue this tax, and is (in often acknowledging hir error) said
to haue vsed this spéech; That some of the best of the Scots, and not she, were authors and workers of
the same. By which words manie supposed that she ment the earle Huntleie, a man of a sharpe wit, latelie
deliuered out of prison, and rather readie to reuenge the iniurie receiued by re|streint of his libertie,
than mindfull of anie benefit shewed vnto him in his deliuerance.
Wherfore when he saw the regent bent to this one thing to inure the Scots with taxes and paiments of
monie: and fea|ring least hir power being ouermuch increased, that she would abate the strength of the
nobilitie, dimi|nish their authoritie, and call the whole gouernment of Scotland into the hands of hir
people, it was sup|posed that he gaue hir counsell answerable to hir disposition for the gathering of
monie which she had then in hand, being in déed the part of an enimie
to hir, bicause he knew that the Scots would not paie anie tribut, nor be so obedient vnto hir as they
had beene before. There were also some that supposed this deuise to grow from Dauid Painter bishop of
Rosse; for he being a man of rare wit, and no lesse learning, was with manie benefits tied to the
Ha|miltons, and was not anie waie estranged from their counsels and kinreds.
In this
yéere, an ambassador of Muscouie going into England with a great ship, & another bote, was 1557. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 328. cast on land by sudden tempest of the sea in the
coast of Buchquane, a prouince in the north part of Scot|land; who hauing lost all his goods by
shipwracke, was saued himselfe, and some of his companie, be|cause they lighted on a rocke, where he
& they might saue their liues. The inhabitants did liberallie in|terteine this strange man, and
brought him to E|denburgh to the queene, who would not permit this new ghest to want anie thing so long
as he remai|ned with hir: and further, commanded and procured, that his goods lost by sea, and come into
the hands of the people, should be faithfullie restored to him a|gaine, appointing moreouer the lord Hume
for ho|nors sake to accompanie him to Berwike.
This yéere
also in the moneth of Iulie was Hoter Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 529. Traberne sent
ambassador (from Anna duke of Ol|denberge, and Delmensore, and earle of Emden) out of east Frisia into
Scotland, to require that the ancient couenant of an hundred yéeres made be|twéene the Scots and the
people of Emden (which by course of some yéeres past, was now of no force) might now againe be renewed.
Which being gran|ted & solemnelie established, both those nations from that day did liue togither
in mutuall & perfect friend|ship. After this, warres arising betweene England and France, quéene
Marie of England, fearing least the Scots would be stirred at the motion of the French to attempt
something against England, Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 529. sent ambassadors to the
regent, to require that some of the Scots might with hir people méet on the borders, to treat of matters
belonging vnto them both.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Wherevpon
in the moneth of Iulie, the procura|rators for both the kingdomes met at Caerleill, whi|ther for the
Scots came Robert Reid bishop of Ork|neie, Henrie Seintclere deane of Glascow, Robert Carnegie knight,
senators; and the lord Harries, at that time president of the west borders. For the English did come
Tunstall bishop of Durham, the lords Dacres, and Wharton; amongst whome there was talke for peace, and
recompense of such iniu|ries as were committed by both the nations. In the meane time a certeine
Frenchman landed at the west part on Scotland, and declared to the quéene the warres betwéene England and
France, dest|ring hir to make warre vpon the English. Where|vpon the quéene sent for the lords to commune
with 1557. The queene regent desi|red warres. them at Newbottell, where she
opened to them di|uerse wrongs doone on the borders by Englishmen, and how no redresse could be got:
wherfore she requi|red that warres might be mooued against England in reuenge of those iniuries, although
the bishop of Orkeneie was the same time at Caerleill in talke An assemblie at
Caerleill. with Cutbert Tunstall bishop of Durham and o|thers, commissioners for England. The
principall cause that mooued the queene regent to seeke to The occasion why the quéen
regent desired to haue war. make war against England, was for that the Eng|lishmen aided the
Emperor in fauor of his sonne king Philip against the French king, bicause their quéene had taken to
husband the same king Philip, and sent the earle of Penbroke ouer with an armie to ioine with king
Philips power.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 It was
thought therefore, that if the Scots inua|ded the English borders, it might cause them to call backe
their power foorth of France to defend their owne countrie. But the Scotish lords would not The Scotish lords refuse to take warre in hand. Haimouth is fortified. Inuasions are made
into England. consent in anie wise to begin anie warres: which their dealing when monsieur
Doisell perceiued, hée spéedily went to Haimouth beside Berwike, and for|tified the same with all
diligence, making inuasions into England. Wherevpon the Scotishmen in their owne defense were constreined
to make warre, and the erle of Huntleie was made lieutenant vpon the borders, who came thither; and
remaining there by the assistance of the Frenchmen, made sundrie inua|sions and rodes into England, burnt
diuers townes and villages, and cast downe manie stone houses, piles
EEBO page image 361 piles and strengths.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In this meane while were the Scotish commissioners at Caerleill; and the maister of Maxwell
warden of the west borders, being there with them, with much adoo got away and came home into Scotland. The
queene assembled a great armie out of all parts of the realme, the which came forward to Kelso in the moneth
of October, where the queene & Frenchmen persuaded them to enter by inuasion into England. But they
mening to take further aduise, passed ouer Tweed to Maxwell hugh, where they incamped, and afterward
approched the castell of Warke, inuironing the same with a siege for the space of two or three dais.
Capteine Read at that present had charge of that castell, with three or foure hundred footmen, and one
hundred horssemen, seeming to care little for the Scottishmens forces.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle of Westmerland, being then lieutenant of the north parts, gathered such power togither
as he might make, and came to Lowike, accompanied with the lord Talbot, sir Iames Crofts, and others, to
suceor where most need should appeare. The Scotish armie, perceiuing the Englishmen thus in a readinesse to
resist their attempts, tooke aduise togither, and concluded that it was not for the weale of the realme, at
that time to hazard battel foorth of the bounds of their owne land, their princesse being absent, and as yet
in hir minoritie; considering also that the war was not taken in hand for their owne quarell, but for the
pleasure of France. These and other the like reasons, being alleged by the earles of Arrane, Huntleie,
Argile, Cassils, and others, to the queene and French capteins, they were nothing satisfied therewith; but
the Scotish lords would attempt no further, but retired backe and scaled their armie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In remoouing from Warke, they were pursued by certeine bands of the borderers, and others, which
were repelled, and stood in danger to haue beene distressed, if capteine Read had not with noble corage
issued forth, and in time relieued them that were retiring: whereby they staied and gaue a new charge, and
chased ouer the water to their maine armie that was already passed ouer. The queene and monsieur Doisell,
perceiuing that they could not get the Scotish lords to make anie further exploit at that present, she
retired home: but Doisell with his Frenchmen were appointed to remaine still in Haimouth, to countergarrison
the Englishmen within Berwike.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 There were diuerse foot bands of Scots waged by the French king, which were appointed to lie in
places about the borders, as at Kelso, Rockesburgh, and such like for defense of the countrie, and the
annoiance of the Englishmen, as occasions might serue. After this, sir Andrew Kar, and diuerse other entered
England with a power of men about Martinmasse. Neuerthelesse, the earle of Northumberland, being then
lieutenant of the north parts of England, and lieng on the borders, assembled his forces togither, &
comming to incounter the Scots in the very borders side neere to Cheuiot, at the first the Englishmen were
put to the woorsse, and yet at length the Scots were ouerthrowne and chased: sir Andrew Kar, and manie other
being taken prisoners.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Sir Iohn Forster bare himselfe verie valiantlie at this incounter, so that his seruice might not
well haue beene spared. He was thrust through the mouth into the necke, and also through the thigh;
moreouer, his horsse was slaine vnder him. The conflict was sharpe, for both the horssemen and footmen came
to make proofe of their forces. The warre thus being begun and followed, the Scots kept their quarterrage,
and euerie noble man (as he was appointed) laie on the borders with a thousand horssemen, during his
ordinarie tearme. And on the other side, the English borders were furnished with new supplies of men of
warre, so that there were dailie rodes and incursions made by the parties, to the great damage and spoile of
the townes and villages scituate neere to the confines of both the realmes.
In December the queene assembled a parlement at Edenburgh, where shee (highlie fauouring the
French) shewed foorth the letters of Henrie king of France, to be read by the whole assemblie, touching the
solemnization of the mariage betwene the yoong queene of Scots, and the French kings sonne, which I haue
here set downe.
[Section heading:] The substance of the letter of the French king, concerning the mariage of his
sonne to the queene of Scots.
Henrie by the grace of God, king of the French, to his woorthie coosines & princes of
Scotland, and to the rest of the orders, being our deere friends, greeting. It is most plainlie knowen to
all nations, how fast a bond hath alwaies hitherto remained betweene Scotland & France. Neither can
it be hidden what these signs of amitie were, being for number manie, for greatnesse large, and for dutie of
friendship mutuall ech to other; by which the kings our ancestors haue seemed to confirme, and as it were to
increase this amitie, to the end it might remaine whole and sound for euer: yea and so farre the shew
thereof hath appeered, that all the benefits of either realme haue seemed to be common to ech other. Which
bond of friendship we also haue (for the time in which we first receiued the ensignes of our kingdome)
labored firmlie to reteine, to the end the same should not anie waie be decaied or broken. The which in like
sort we well vnderstand, that you haue likewise abundantlie performed vnto vs.
Wherefore (more stronglie to knit the same) we will not suffer this opportunitie (which the
diuine goodnesse hath laied before vs, as we verelie suppose) of mariage to be solemnized betweene our son
the Dolphin, and your queene our deere and sweet sister intreated) was to vrged by all parts, and the yoong
queene was caried into France, by the consent of our sister the Dowager, and the governor of Scotland, to the great reioising of all you that yeelded
there vnto; there now she hath atteined such beautie and number of vertues, partlie by the liberalitie of
nature (which she receiued from the kinglie bloud of hir parents) and partlie by the instruction of my wife,
that I can hardlie anie longer suffer (in respect of the age of my sonne) that this mariage (which we haue
so much desired) should anie longer be deferred. And sith at Christmasse next my son shall come to those
yeeres, in which he may promise all things that shall be necessarie for the knitting vp of the mariage; and
sith also we haue determined (if it so seeme good to the queene hir mother, and to the rest of the parlement
of Scotland, which we earnestly request at your hands) that the mariage shall publikelie at Paris (on the
day consecrated to the three kings) with such ceremonies as is requisite, be fullie consummate with the
speech of my sonne and of your queene:
We doo by these letters request you, that by common consent you foorthwith send some of your
chiefe nobilitie
EEBO page image 362 nobilitie, that may honor the mariage with their pre|sence, and that (hauing publike
authoritie therefore) may fréelie and according to law, dispose of those things which are accustomed to
fall in such matters and affaires.
The which
if you shall doo, I promise that hereafter they shall liberallie vnderstand how acceptable they shall be
to me: and how that you shall receiue all the fruit and benefit which shall arise of my sons ma|riage
(for the performance whereof, by reason of his sufficient age, we will
shortlie prouide) which said cõ|moditie shall not onclie now remaine to you that be present, but also
most abundantlie with great plea|sure shall continue to your posteritie. For sith both our and your
people of France and Scotland shall be so firmelie conioined (as we hope) by this mutuall knot of
mariage, and our affaires with yours, and yours with ours, shall hang the one vpon the other, as it were
by a certeine mutuall linke and knot, that both we (being out of the danger of such as would di|minish
and ouerthrow our states) maie for euer in|ioy such quiet as we did
neuer hope to doo before this. From our castell of saint Germans, the fourth ka|lends of Nouember.
Subscription, A little below: By the king, Henrie: De Laubespine.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Upon the
reading of which letters in the parle|ment, by the consent of the whole estates, there were elected and chosen Iames Beton archbishop of Glas|cow, Robert Read bishop of
Orkeneie, George Le|sle earle of Rothes, Gilbert Kennedie earle of Cas|siles, Iames Steward prior of
saint Andrewes [the Lesleus. lib. 10. pag. 533. Fr. Thin. queenes bastard
brother] George lord Seton [cap|teine of Edenburgh] Iames Fleming, and Iohn Erskine lard of Dun [gouernor
of Montrosse] am|bassadors and commissioners to go into France, and Ambassadors sent
into France to consummate the mariage betwixt the quéene of Scotland and the Dolphin of France.
1558. there to contract mariage betwixt Marie quéene of Scotland, and Francis Dolphin of
France, and to solemnize the same mariage. Wherevpon, sufficient
commissions and instruments were made to them by the estates of the parlement, and they accepting the
same, made preparation for that iournie, and de|parted in the moneth of Februarie foorth of the rode of
Leith, and with great winds & boisterous stormes came into France, loosing in their iournie one
of their ships, with men and horsses before saint Ebbes head, in the Forth of Scotland, and an other with
great riches & manie gentlemen, with the capteine called
Waterton in the rode of Bullongne. Two ships lost.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The
ambassadors themselues neuerthelesse esca|ped, and comming safe vnto the French court in the moneth of
March, were honorablie receiued of the king at Paris, where the contract of mariage was made, and thr [...]e score thousand franks assigned in The assigne|ment of the Scots quéens
dowrie. dowrie to the queene of Scotland, & thirtie thousand franks of yéerelie
pension, with manie rich iewels. There was also a perpetuall bond of league conclu|ded betwixt France and
Scotland, and great prepa|ration made for the mariage, which was
solemnized in Paris with great triumph and assistance of all the cardinals, dukes, earles, barons, lords,
and bishops of the realme, in the church of Nostre dame, the 24 of Aprill in that present yeere,
Fr. Thin. Buchan. lib. 16. After the solemnitie of this mariage, the
legats of Scotland were called into the councell-house of the French king: at what time the chancellor of
France delt with them, that they should represent the crowne and scepter, and other ornaments of the
kingdome, to th' end the husband of the yong queene might be crowned king also of Scotland Where vn|to
the ambassadors did shortlie make answer, that they had no such thing giuen in charge to them After
which, the cardinall said;
We desire nothing more at your hands at this time, but that which lieth in
your power to performe; which is, here now to confirme by writing that you will hereafter, forward,
approoue & worke that this honor (which now we iustlie demand) maie be granted to the Dolphin,
when the same shall be talked of in the parlement of Scotland. Which re|quest (when it séemed full of
impudencie) they suppo|sed best more constantlie and sharpelie to reiect.
Wherefore they answered, that their ambassage was restreined within certeine bounds, which they
neither could nor would excéed. But and if they had beene sent with frée libertie of their ambassage,
that yet it were not the part of faithfull friends (as the French professed to be) to require that
which could not be granted without certeine and assured danger and infamie of treason, though danger
of life were absent from it. All which notwithstanding, in all ho|nest things which might well be
granted they would yéeld vnto the French, ioined vnto them by so manie necessarie occasions. Wherefore
they requested the French that they would not in their demands excéed the limits of modestie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Whervpon
the ambassadors being dismissed from the court, foure of the chiefe of them (before they departed home)
which were these, Gilbert Kennedie, George Lesse, Robert Read, and also Iames Fle|ming, all men of
singular vertue and loue to their countrie, besides manie other of the companie, died there, not without
mistrust of poison. It was also be|léeued, that Iames the queenes brother had receiued the same draught:
for (although he were of a better composition of bodie, stronger constitution of com|plexion, and of more
youthfull strength, whereby he escaped death) he had alwaies after a continuall and dangerous infirmitie
of his bellie whilest he liued, of the death of all which shall be somewhat more said héereafter. Thus
leauing the Scotish lords ambassa|dors there in France for a time, we will returne to shew what happened
betwixt the Scots and English|men at home, where the warres were pursued, to the losse or little gaine of
both parts.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About
Whitsuntide, sir Henrie Persie with di|uerse bands of the countrie garrisons, & sir George Bowes
then marshall of Berwike, with sundrie bands of the garrison of that towne, passed foorth in|to A rode into Scotland. Scotland, they being in all about seuen or eight hundred
horssemen, and two thousand footmen. They burnt the townes of Duns and Langton; and ha|uing Duns and Langton burnt. got togither a great number of cattell, retur|ned
homewards. The Scots that laie in Kelso; and other places, kéeping their quarterage on their bor|ders
(for the realme, as ye haue heard, was quarie|red, euerie part kéeping their turne, as the manner is)
assembled togither to the number of two thou|sand horssemen (or few lesse) and three bands of foot|men,
hasting foorth to defend the countrie. And per|ceiuing where the Englishmen were, followed and coasted
them as they returned with their bootie, till they came to Swinton, where they ouertooke them, and
skirmished with them sharplie as they were pas|sing through the towne.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The
Scotish footmen beat backe part of the Eng|lishmens The Scots assaile the Englishmen
at Swinton. shot into their battell, and preassed verie forward in hope to be assisted by their
horssemen, the which (as ye haue heard) ouermatched greatlie the English horssemen in number: but the
fight grew somewhat hot, and the more vnto the disaduantage of the Englishmen, forsomuch as their shot
& pow|der began to faile them, by reason the mistie mor|ning had made much of their powder da [...]kish, so that they could haue no vse thereof. But héerewith sir Henrie Lée, capteine Read, and
others, being in the battell, behaued themselues verie stoutlie, causing EEBO page image 363 the footmen to
staie, and boldlie to abide the enimie: & heerewith procured the horssemen to giue a charge in
such conuenient time, as if the same had béene pro|tracted, it might haue turned verie euill to the
Eng|lish side.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 But now as
well the horssemen as footmen plai|eng their parts, the Scotish horssemen abiding with|out the towne in
troope (while their footmen were in The Scots horssemen flée. skirmish) fled
awaie, leauing their footmen to be slaine and spoiled of the Englishmen, and yet those foo [...]m fought if out right manfullie: so that if the Scots horssemen had doone their parts so well as
the footmen, it was like to haue gone harder on the English side than it did. But now the Scotish
horsse|men not entring the fight, their footmen were inclo|sed by the Englishmen: for those that were in
the fore-ward, and were passed by, returned, and com|ming behind their enimies, holpe to beat them downe,
so that few or none of the Scots or French|men The Scots footmen slaine.
(whereof there were some few amongest them) escaped, but were either
taken or slaine.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Amongest
others, capteine Cullane, and cap|teine The lord of Keith with o|thers taken
prisoners. Kenedie, two chiefe leaders of the footmen were taken: diuerse of their horssemen
also in the retire were taken, amongest whome William lord Keith, sonne to the earle Marshall of Scotland
was the chiefest. But this victorie was not atchiued with|out losse of diuerse Englishmen. Amongest other
one Pell, ensigne-bearer to sir Iohn Markhams band of footmen was slaine. Also master Edrington
a capteine of light horssemen was taken prisoner by M Edring|ton taken. the lard of Edmonston, at the first charge giuen vp|on the
Scotish horssemen, and led awaie without rescue. Beside the manfull prowesse of sir Henrie Persie, and
the other English capteins before men|tioned, the forward valiancie shewed that day of sir William
Brereton, and Thomas Markham, that Sir William Brereton. led his father sir
Iohn Markehams band of footmen, also of Rafe Ellerkar a capteine of horssemen, are not to be forgotten,
who with diuerse other capteins & souldiers behaued themseues
in such wise at that present seruice, as their dealings therein deserue speciall memorie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Moreouer,
at an other time the Scots & French|men entring into England, the Scotish horssemen, to the
number of a thousand or thereabouts, passed foorth to burne and forraie the countrie: but the earle of
Northumberland, & his brother sir Henrie Per|sie, assembled togither a power of horssemen: and
sir Henrie Persie méeting with them at Grendon, set vpon the Scots and
chased them ouer the water of Twisell, vnto the foot battell of the Frenchmen: The
Scots put to flight at Grendon. who retiring to the riuer of Twéed, passed ouer the same at
Chapell Fourd, where they were assailed both by certeine foot bands of the garrison of Ber|wike, that
were come foorth to aid the earle, and al|so by the horssemen: so as diuerse were drowned in the riuer
before they could get ouer.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 But after
they were once got to the further side, they put themselues in order of battell againe, and retired in a squadron verie stronglie, susteining lit|tle or no hurt at all,
notwithstanding that the erle of Northumberland (being then come) and his brother sir Henrie Persie, with
the rest of the capteins and The good or|der of the Frenchmen in their retire.
gentlemen of the countrie, pursued them ouer the water for the space of two miles, skirmishing with them
still as they marched awaie, but could doo them no harme, because they kept themselues in so good order,
& the English footmen were not able to reach them. Wherevpon the English horssemen suffering the
Frenchmen to depart, left them, and passing in|to the countrie, burnt long Ednam, and diuerse Lõg Ednam burnt. other hamlets and villages, and so returned. Di|uerse Scots that
day at the ouerthrow and chase of their horssemen were taken prisoners, as the lord The lord Greie of Scotland ta|ken prisoner. Cawmils woone by the Englishmen. Greie, and
Compare 1577 edition:
2 And after
this, the Englishmen wan the strong pile of Cawmils, wherein were sixtéene French|men that defended it
for the time verie stoutlie, so that it cost the liues of diuerse Englishmen, before they could take it.
Shortlie after, there was a fore skirmish at Halidon hill. For whereas the most part of summer it was
ordeined, that euerie daie cer|teine bands of souldiers should ward on the same hill, to giue libertie to
the inhabitants of Berwike, to mow and carie in their haie; they continued for a time without anie
trouble offered by the Scots or French, so that the warders standing in no doubt of the enimies, vsed out
of their armor to shoot, bowle, quait, & exercise such like games of pleasure. Where|of the Scots
& Frenchmen being aduertised, came one day from Aimouth in so secret wise, that they were drawen
verie néere to the Englishmen, yer they had anie warning of their approch.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This
approch as it was priuie, so was it like wise sudden, insomuch that before they could be got into order,
the Scots and Frenchmen were almost at their elbowes; and falling in skirmish with them, handled them
verie roughlie: although sir William Brereton, sir Iohn Markeham, maister William A
sore skir|mish vpon Halidon hill. Drewrie, Cutbert Uaughan, and other the capteins of the
Englishmen did behaue themselues right manfullie, bringing their men in order, incoura|ging them, and
dooing what apperteined vnto har|die and skilfull warriors. But yet three times that day the Scots and
Frenchmen put them from the higth of the hill, till at length sir Iames Croft com|ming from Berwike, vsed
such diligence and po|licie in the matter, that the Scots and Frenchmen were repelled and constreined to
retire, withdraw|ing backe into Aimouth, after they had continuedin skirmish from one of the clocke till
it was past foure with no small losse on both parts.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 After
this, the earle of Bothwell, lieng on the bor|ders The earle of Bothwell. as
lieutenant, according to the order for the time of his quarterage, entred on a day into Eng|land, and
sent his forraie to burne Fenton towne, kéeping himselfe in ambush at Haltwell Sweire. Sir Henrie Persie
aduertised that the Scots were thus entred, got togither a thousand horsse, and ma|king foorth to defend
the countrie, set vpon the earle at the aforesaid place of Haltwell Sweire; but some Haltwell Sweire. feare entring into the hearts of the Englishmen, by reason of certeine shot
which the Scots had there with them, fled, and were pursued by the Scots o|uer the water of Till. There
were taken aboue six score Englishmen, amongst whom capteine Ering|ton, The English
men put to flight. and capteine Kar, that had the leading of light horssemen, were two: beside
diuerse other men of good account in seruice, as one Uaughan a gentle|man and such like.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 About this
time, whilest the lord Eure commonlie called Euers, remained capteine of Berwike, one Kirkaudie cousine
to sir William Kirkaudie lard of Grange, chanced to be taken prisoner into Ber|wike; and afterwerds being
ransomed, at his com|ming home to Aimouth, he made report that he had beene too streictlie vsed, during
the time that he re|mained prisoner, at the hands of the said lord Eure. By reason wherof, vpon chalenge
made by Grange to fight a combat with the lord Eure, the matter The lard of Grange
chal|lẽgeth the lord Eure. grew to this issue; that where their degrées were not equall, Rafe
Eure brother to the lord Eure vnder|tooke (in his brothers behalfe) to breake a staffe with the lard of
Grange vpon the side of Halidon hill at a day appointed: where they met, either of them bring|ing twelue
gentlemen with them, to sée the triall of this chalenge performed.
Compare 1577 edition:
EEBO page image 364 But when they came to haue their armor & wea|pons viewed, the truth is so, that
Grange was ar|med in a cote of plate, and a cura [...]e alo [...]t vpon it: wherewith some fault was found, because maister Cure was clad onelie in a single cote of
plate, with|out anie other péeces of armor for defense of his bo|die. But yet such was the great courage
of the said maister Eure, that he would not refuse the chalenge, notwithstanding his aduersaries
aduantage of ar|mor. The lard of Grange and maister Rafe Eure ran one against
ano|ther. Wherevpon they ran togither, and brake both their
staues; and as it fortuned maister Eure was hurt in the flanke. The warre being thus pursued betwixt
England and Scotland, beside the incoun|ters and roads which are before mentioned, there were two great
roads made into Scotland; the one by the earle of Westmerland, and the other by the earle of
Northumberland: the lord Talbot being there, & hauing the leading of certeine demilances.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 Moreouer,
it was thought good by the English|men, not onelie to annoie the Scots by land, but al|so by sea. Wherevpon sir Iohn Clere with certeine Sir Iohn
Clere slaine in the Ile of Orkeneie. ships of warre sailed foorth alongest the coast, till at
length he arriued at the Iles of Orkeneie; where going on land about an enterprise, & staieng
longer than was requisit, he was incountred by his aduer|saries, and slaine with manie of his people,
which were there on land with him. But though the Scots had good successe in that part, they susteined
great damage on the west side of the realme, by a iournie which the erle of Sussex then lord deputie of
Ireland attempted against them. For the better vnderstan|ding whereof
ye shall note, that after the lord Clin|ton high admerall of England had burnt the towne of Conquest in
Britaine, there were seuen ships of warre appointed to passe into Ireland, as the Marie Willoughbie, the
New barke, the Sacret, the Ger|falcon, and thrée other that were merchants, and ap|pointed that yeare to
serue the quéene of England in hir warres.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 There were
also beside those seuen ships of war, two vittellers appointed to
attend vpon them. Sir Thomas Cotton was ordeined their admerall, and one Southweke of Douer was assigned
to be their viceadmerall. Now vpon their arriuall in Ireland, the earle of Sussex hauing also prepared
thrée o|ther The iournie of the earle of Sussex into the west parts of
Scotland. ships, with sufficient and necessarie prouision for his iourneie, imbarked with so
manie soul|diers as conuenientlie might be bestowed aboord in that fléet, conteining twelue saile in the
whole; and departing toward the west of Scotland, land|ded in a part of
the countrie called Kentire, with as manie souldiers and mariners as might be spared Kentire. out of the ships, leauing them furnishd with com|petent numbers for their safegard;
and being got to land, he passed foorth into the countrie, & burnt two houses that belonged to
Iames Maconell chiefe go|uernor of those parts, & a great enimie to the Eng|lishmen. Iames Ma|conell.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 He burnt
also diuerse townes, villages, and ham|lets belonging vnto the said Maconell, with great store of corne and other things which came in their waie. The Scots oftentimes
skirmished with the Englishmen, but durst not aduenture to ioine with them in battell, they kept so good
order by the earle of Sussex his politike and valiant conduction. There were a sort of Scots gotten into
a bo [...] meaning to haue fled, but being apprehended by the English|men, they were executed. Finallie,
after the earle had remained there on land, in burning and spoiling the countrie for the space of thrée
daies, he retur|ned to his ships, and in safetie went aboord againe with his men: and making saile to the
Ile of Ar|rane, The earle of Sussex burnt the Ile of Ar|rane. entred the hauen
called Amalasche, and lan|ding at that place, burnt the countrie, and after went to Cumber, where he
likewise burnt and [...]ar|ried that Ile.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 This
doone, he meant to haue gone into two other Ilands, Ila and Iureie: but the winds grew so ter|rible Foule wea|ther. with tempests and foule weather, that they lost one of their
ships; and some of the rest were so rent & spoiled of their tackle and furniture, as they
esca|ped in great hazard of being cast awaie also. There were six and twentie mariners drowned, the which
perceiuing the ship to be in danger of sinking, sled into the boate, and so perished: the other that
re|mained in the ship were saued, as maister Francis Randoll, and others. By reason therefore of such
foule weather, the earle of Sussex was constreined to returne into Ireland, arriuing in Cragfergus The earle of Sussex retur|neth into Ire|land. where he landed with his souldiers:
and appointing the ships to returne into England, he passed by land vnto Dublin, spoiling the enimies
countries by the waie, and taking from them a great preie and bootie of cattell; notwithstanding the
painfull passage that he had to make through the cumbersome waies, bogs, and woods, without reliefe of
all necessarie things in that so troublesome a iournie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Thus far
for those yeares warre in the daies of Marie quéene of England, betwixt the Englishmen and Scots: whereof
sith I haue found none that hath written anie thing at all, I haue yet set downe these od notes, as I
haue learned the same of such as had good cause to know the truth thereof, being eie-witnesses themselues
of such enterprises and ex|ploits as chanced in the same warres; namelie cap|teine Read, capteine Wood,
capteine Erington, capteine Gurleie, and capteine Markham; with o|thers, which of their courtesie haue
willinglie im|parted to me the report of diuerse such things, as I wisht to be resolued in. Which
accordinglie (so far as my remembrance hath serued) I haue here deliue|red, to the end the same maie giue
occasion to others (that maie happilie light vpon more full instructi|ons) to impart to posteritie a more
perfect discourse, where otherwise the matter might peraduenture wholie passe in forgetfulnesse.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 And now to
returne vnto the Scotish ambassa|dors that were sent into France, for the conclusion of the mariage
betwixt their quéene & the Dolphin. After that the same mariage was consummat, and euerie thing
ordered and brought to passe according to the effect of their commission; in the moneth of August they
tooke their leaue of the French king, The ambas|sadors died almost all. Lesleus.
lib. 10. pag. 538, 539. the quéene, and nobilitie there, to returne home|wards into
Scotland: albeit few of them came home, for the bishop of Ork [...]neie departed this tran|sitorie life in Diepe, the fiftéenth of September; the earle of Roths
deceassed there the ninth of No|uember; the earle of Cass [...]ls lord treasuror departed in the same place the fourteenth of Nouember; and the lord Fleming
deceassed in Paris the eightéenth Thrée came home againe. of December. And so
onelie the archbishop of Glas|cow, the prior of saint Andrews, and the lard of Lard of
Dun. A parlement. Dun returned into Scotland in October. After whose comming, there was a
parlement summoned by the quéene, to be holden in Dcember next.
[In August, Archembald Campbell erle of Argile, Fr. Thin. Lesleus. lib. 10. pag
539. whose wit was singular in dispatch of the affaires
aswell of peace as of warre, was made high iustice of Scotland; and in France was aduanced to the title of
knight of the order of saint Michaell. Few daies betweene these things departed this life the bishop of
Brechin, and Andrew Durie bishop of Whitechurch. To the one did succeed the abbat of Candid [...] C [...]. Couper, in place of the
other came Alexander Gordon archbishop of Athens by the queenes benefit. Dauid Painter or Paniter bishop of
Ros, & Iames Steward, whome Iames the fift (being illegitimat father
EEBO page image 365 father vnto him) had made abbat of Melrosse and Kelso died also this yeare. Whose monasteries the
queene did forthwith giue vnto the cardinall Guise; long after which followed also the death of the abbat of
Bamtorinoch. At this verie time manie prodigious sights (which I will not here recite, being touched by
Lesleus) did appeare by a marker of such ominous things, whereof these verses were made:
Portentum est miserae gentis, quae numine laeso
Diuisis sacris diuidet imperium.
In September there was a parlement holden at Edenburgh, in which the acts of the former legats in
France (about the mariage of the queene of Scots
[...]. [...]. to the Dolphin) were confirmed. At what time the Dolphin of
France by his ambassadors did vehementlie request, that the crowne (which they term matrimoniall) should be
giuen vnto him by the decree of the states, whereby he might be called king of Scotland a long as the queene
liued. The queene also iudging it a point of honor, to heape all title of glorie which she could vpon hir
husband, as one that by a certeine inclination of mind did vertuouslie fauor him; gaue in charge also to the
ambasdors, that they should earnestlie follow the same cause amongest the Scots. And to the end to draw them
more easilie into hir opinion; she drew the matter into certeine articles, deliuered to the ambassadors with
more ample instructions touching the same: the summe of all which was this.
First, diligentlie to beat into the Scots with what disposition of mind the Dolphin was affected
toward them, as well as his father, who held the Scots in that account as he did his owne people, and so
alwaies would haue them: which good mind of the French towards the Scots to be plaine without anie
dissimulation, it maie well appeere as well by the couenants established for the mariage, as also by the
benefits which he hath not onelie bestowed vpon the Scots and Scotland in generalitie, but also in
particularitie vpon certeine especiall Scots, of his owne free will, almost without the request of anie
bodie. And that they should also further laie abroad, what helpe the queene and Scots haue had of the
woorthie cardinall of Lorraine, & the duke of Guise the queenes vncle. All which the ambassadors
themselues (as they haue fullie proued) did well understand.
Secondlie, where the queene dooth thinke that she is greatlie benefited with manie honors by so
great a king, but especiallie in this, that so mightie a prince hath taken hir into the fellowship of the
holie bed, by which there can not anie other commoditie grow to the king than the reuenues of the kingdome
which he had purchased with his great charge and labor: and that the queene considering all this (with great
griefe of mind) doth seeke by what meanes she might at least expresse some small token of a thankefull mind
for so manie benefits (because if she should not doo s [...]me thing, no small blot would séeme to be imputed to the queene and the Scots) it came into
hir mind
to thinke by what meanes she could requite some part therof, which she could doo (as she thought) if at the
least she did but honor hir husband with the kinglie title, & giue vnto him the mariage crowne of
This thing therefore the queene hir selfe dooth earnestlie desire, and dooth courteouslie request
all the estates of Scotland, that the same maie be established by the voices of the full parlement, and that
they will command some three or foure of the chiefest nobilitie honorablie to carie the ensignes of the
kingdome to him, that at the least by this token of loue, the king & the best of the court maie well
perceiue, with that reuerence and with that dutie they fauour the king hir husband.
And to the end that this request of the queene, for the rarenesse of the example, should not
breed anie doubt in the mind of the nobilitie, and to hold them as it were in suspense, it was giuen in
charge also to the ambassadors, that they should in manner point with their finger, that manie ages past,
the queene of Naples did not onelie for loue she did beare vnto him, adorne the duke of Aniou hir husband,
with the bare name of a king; but did also by the consent of the nobilitie, giue him rule and gouernement
ouer the same kingdome. The like whereof was also doone in our memorie by the queene of Spaine to hir
husband the archduke of Austrich, & by the queene of Nauarre to the duke of Vandosme.
But if that the Scots be mooued by the example of the English, who haue excluded Philip king of
Spaine, that then the ambassadors should easilie wipe awaie that doubt, if they admonish the Scots that
the English are not tied to the Spaniards with that firme and needfull band as the Scots are to the French,
both which nations haue one priuilege, magistrats to gouerne, and one fellowship and participation of the
administration of all the things in either kingdome. Whervnto they must further adde that it was so far off,
that the English should reape anie fruit or commoditie by the Spaniards, that the king of Spaine himselfe
did (as it were) wring from the English all the commoditie he could, to performe his affaires out of the
realme. And further, that the English being out of all hope for their queene to haue anie issue by the same
mariage, they would not grant vnto it, when there is a certeine and full hope left to the Scots, that issue
may come of this marriage.
Besides all this, let it be opened vnto the Scots, what a great benefit maie redound vnto them by
this signe of a thankefull mind. For it maie so happen, that if the king Dolphin shall feele himselfe
increased with this title of honor by the Scots, as a note of their good fauour to him, that he maie raise
vp his Well [...]shed to [...] a fr [...]g. father the king of France, that he will not by anie meanes permit the queene of Scots his wife to be
excluded from the kingdome of England, after the death of queene Marie, who was not like to liue long being
sore troubled with the dropsie.
things and manie others were giuen in charge to the ambassadors (com [...]n out of France) to declare to the parlement of Scotland. Which being thus declared to the sta [...]es and the quéene regent, with might and maine s [...]eking the furthering there|of; at length it was granted that he should be king during the life of
the quéene. For which cause Gil|lesper Campbell earle of Argile, and Iames Ste|ward, bastard brother to
the yoong quéene, being pri|or of S. Andrews, were named to e [...]ute their con|sent vnto the Dolphin, to declare him king, and to inuest him with the ornaments
thereto belonging, and further to shew the readie minds of the Scots toward him, not onlie in this but in
all other things: by which anie honor or profit might anie waie rise vnto him.
whilest these men doo prepare all things for such a iournie, certeine factio [...]s persons did beat in|to their eares, how heauie a iournie that would b [...] vnto them. For it would happen, that [...] they were busie in prouiding for small things abrode, they should by delaie corrupt, or by absence
cleane ouer|turne matters of greater importance at home. For they did know how the subtill [...]it of Iames, and the great power and strength of the earle of Argile would be missing in those new
things which were in hand amongst these of the religion: for which they neuer left off intreating and
persuading, vntill they EEBO page image 366 had wholie staied them from that iournie.
these affaires, Marie quéene of England Buch. lib. 10. died, and that woorthie
ladie Elizabeth succeeded in hir place. Immediatlie wherevpon, the yoong quéene of Scots bare hir selfe
as heire to that kingdome, and caused all hir hangings, bedding, vessels, and o|ther houshold stuffe to
be stamped and marked with the title and armes of the kings of England. And although France were then
miserablie afflicted in chalenging the dominion and gouernment of Mil|lane, Naples, and Flanders; yet they would needes heape euill vpon euill, and adde therevnto
the title of England, as being vnto them a verie scorne and mockerie (as Buchanan tearmeth it.)
Neither did the wiser sort of the French looke into that matter: for the Guises, who at that time
gouerned all things, did consent to this error of the Scotish quéene, bicause they would thereby séeme to
haue gotten to them|selues a singular honor in adding the title of Eng|land to the French name.
The regent
hauing now gotten a consent (as be|fore you haue heard) of the matrimoniall crowne to be bestowed vpon
the husband of the yoong quéene of Scots, began after a sort to put on a new mind: for by little and
little she conuerted that old and accep|ted courtesie, into commanding arrogancie; and the gentle answers
wherewith she was woont to ap|pease all parts, were turned contrarie. Which before she durst not doo by
reason of the present state, which then was such, as she feared not to promise what she would not haue to be performed, bicause she had not then obteind the grant of the
matrimoniall crowne: but now hauing all things after hir owne mind, she vsed other conditions, and other
spéeches. There was also a parlement appointed at Striueling in the sixt Ides of Maie.
bicause she was heard oftentimes to saie, that she would not suffer the maiestie of the chiefe
go|uernement to be cast downe from the seat thereof, but wold restore it to the former place. By which
sai|engs manie were admonished of some troublesome tempest to follow.
Wherevpon diuerse came to in|treat hir for the protestants, amongest which for the dignitie of his name,
to make the matter to be more easilie obteined, there were sent Alexander Cu|nigame earle of Glencarne,
and Hugh Campbell shiriffe of Aine, a woorthie knight, before whom the regent could not refraine
hirselfe, but burst foorth into these woords.
These men (saith shee) sith they haue preached not verie sincerelie,
shall be banished, though you andyour ministers resist against it.
And when they re|plied,
beséeching hir that she would remember what she had often promised: she answered, that the per|formance
of promise is to bée chalenged of prin|ces, so farre as it séemeth commodious for them to performe it.
Wherevnto they replied, that they there|fore renounced all dutie and obedience vnto hir, and did further
forewarne hir of the great mischiefes that would flow out of this founteine: with which an|swer
shée being stroken more than shée looked for, said in the end, that
she would both thinke on it and them.)
Compare 1577 edition:
1 In Iulie
and August, there was a conuention of all the prelats and cleargie holden at Edenburgh, An assemblie of the cleargie. Fr. Thin.
in the which certeine men & women of Edenburgh were accused of heresie, and abiured at
the towne crosse with faggots on their backes: [wherevpon (as saith Lesleus lib. 10. pa. 538.)
were great tumults rai|sed at Edenburgh, for the appeasing whereof, the lord Seiton was made gouernor
there.] In this assem|blie it was required, that the common praiers Cõmon prai|ers to
be had in the vulgar toong. might be read in the Scotish toong in churches, with certeine other
articles of reformation, whereof the answer was deferred till March, in which moneth a prouinciall
councell was appointed to be holden at Edenburgh. The second of March, the said prouinci|all A prouinciall councell. councell of all the prelats and clergie of Scot|land
began, wherein diuerse articles were proponed Requests made by the laitie. by
the temporaltie; as to haue the praiers and admi|nistration of the sacraments in the Scotish lan|guage,
the election of bishops and all beneficed men to passe by the voices of the temporall lords &
people of their diocesses and parishes, with diuerse other re|formations: all the which the bishops
refused to grant, where through there arose shortlie after great trouble in Scotland.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The queene
regent caused summons to be giuen 1559. Iohn Knox with other are summoned. to
Iohn Knox, Iohn Wullocke, Iohn Dowglas, and Paule Meffane, to appeare at Striueling the tenth day of
Maie: and for lacke of appearance they were denounced rebels, and put to the horne. Wher|vpon the said
Iohn Knox being in Perth, persuaded the maister of Lindseie, the lards of Tulibardin, Dun, Pettarrow, and
diuerse other being there as|sembled, with the burgesses of the townes of saint Iohns towne and Dundee,
to pull downe the ima|ges Images and frier houses pulled downe. and altars in
all churches, and to suppresse the houses of friers, & other religious places. Who after a sermon
made by him to that effect, the same tenth of Maie they began in saint Iohns towne, and cast downe the
abbeie of the Charterhouse, the Blacke and Carmelite friers, called the Tullelum [and so Fr. Thin. cleane, that (as saith Buchanan) within two daies there was
left no signe thereof almost to be séene] and reformed all other churches thereabouts, brea|king downe
the images and altars in Fife, Angus, Mernis, and other parts there next adioining.
Compare 1577 edition:
2 The queene
regent being aduertised thereof, sent for the duke of Chatelerault, and diuerse other of the nobilitie,
as the earles of Atholl, Argile, Marshall, The quéene regent came to Perth. and
others, who came with hir to Perth, otherwise called saint Iohns towne, hauing with them two thousand
Frenchmen [to whome also repaired (as Fr. Thin. saith Lesleus lib. 10.
pag. 548) the archbishop of saint Andrew and Glascow, the bishops of Dunkeld, and Dunblane, Iames
prior of saint Andrews, the ab|bat of Cowper and Dunfermeling, with manie o|ther chiefe of the cleargie]
who entered the towne vp|on appointment of the lord Ruthen capteine thereof, and so receiuing it, gaue it
in keeping to capteine Iames Steward, and capteine Cullane, with their bands of men of warre. In the
meane time the erle S. Andrews. of Argile, and the prior of saint Andrews, left
the quéene in Perth, and went to saint Andrews, ioi|ning themselues with the other, and made reforma|tion
of the churches, casting downe altars, images, houses of friers, and abbeies in that towne, and in
Cowper, and other places thereabout: and assem|bling Cowper. a great companie
of countrie men, came to Londros, Balmeare, & Cowper, to make resistance against the Frenchmen
that were in Falkeland with the quéene [come thither from Perth, after that Fr.
Thin. she had left in Perth six hundred men vnder the charge of Iames Steward cardinall,
& Iames Cul|lane.] But when they should haue met on Cowper Two armies were
pacified, moore in battell, the duke of Chatelerault, the earle Marshall, and others, laboured
betwixt them, so that the battell was staied, & the queene with the French|men returned vnto
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Argile, the prior of saint Andrews, and their assisters came to saint Iohns towne and Saint Iohns towne be|besieged. besieged it, till it was to them surrendered. The
erle of Huntleie was sent to them from the queene to treat with them of some accord, but he profited not.
At the same time a certeine number of persons of the townes of Dundée & Perth, came to the abbeie
Scone abbei [...] burnt. of Scone, and spoiling the church, burnt it with the EEBO page image 367 most part
of the house, the earle of Argile, and the prior of saint Andrews being with them in compa|nie. After
this they went to Striueling, and to Lith|quo, The friers in Striueling
destroied. where they caused the houses of the blacke friers and graie friers to be throwne
downe. From thence they passed to Edenburgh where the quéene hearing of their comming, departed with the
Frenchmen vnto Dunbar, the duke of Chatelerault, and the erle The quéene departed from
Edenburgh. of Huntleie being with hir in companie.
Compare 1577 edition:
1 The earle
of Argile and his companie, called the lords of the congregation, were
receiued into Eden|burgh by the bailiffes of the towne, where the places of the blacke and graie friers
were suddenlie ouer|throwne, & the Church a field, and Trinitie college, The
frierhou|ses ouer|throwne. and saint Giles church were reformed, and the ima|ges and altars
pulled downe. The lords remaining thus in Edenburgh [apprehended Robert Richard|son Fr. Thin. (as saith Lesleus) that was gouernor of the pub|like treasurie, tooke the
keis by force from him, ente|red the abbeie] the coming house, tooke the coining i|rons, seized vpon the quéenes mooueables, which they found in the palace, and kept
the same. Fr. Thin. Lesleus lib. 10. pag. 551.Whilest these things were
thus doone at Edenburgh, Max|well lord Harries gouernor of the west marches, which at that time was
deteined prisoner in Eden|burgh castell, did priuilie get out of the same by a rope hanged to the wall,
and hauing spéedie horsses, departed to his owne companie, shortlie after ioi|ning himselfe to the lords
of the religion.]
Compare 1577 edition:
1 Monsieur
Doisell and the Frenchmen came from Dunbar to the links of Leith,
accompanied with the duke of Chatelerault, the earles of Huntleie, Both|well, Two
armies pacified. Mourton, and others. And the lords of the con|gregation came foorth of the
towne of Edenburgh of purpose to haue giuen battell to the Frenchmen, al|beit they were not sufficient
partie to resist them. But the erle of Huntleie trauelled betwixt them, by whose meanes there met twelue
on euerie side, who a|gréed vpon certeine articles, and so the quéene and Frenchmen entered into Leith,
and foorthwith began
Leith fortified to fortifie it.