Compare 1587 edition: 1 This cruell warre laſted a .xij. yeares, t [...]ll in maner all ſuch Scottes and Pictes as remayned in Albion were brought vnder ſeruitude to the Brytains. In which meane while, Gethus king of the Pictes kepte his ſiege royall in Pomonia the chiefeſt Iſle of the Orkeneys.Reuther is [...]te for out of Ireland. Reuther alſo begot of his wife a ſonne named Thereus, and ſhortly after being procured by letters and meſ|ſengers ſent vnto him from the foreſayd Gethus and ſuch Scottes as were yet remayning in Al|bion, he aſſembled a number of ſhippes togither, & firſt with a choſen power of warriours ſayled to the weſtern Iſles, where increaſing his num|bers, he paſſed ouer into Albion, landing on the weſte halfe of Roſſe at Lough Bruum,A cuſtome. & there comming a land, the firſt perſon that they mette with (according to a cuſtome vſed amõgſt them in thoſe dayes) they ſlew, & wetting the pointes of theyr weapons in his bloud, they firſte taſted thereof after theyr manner, then holding vp their weapõs into the ayre, they deſired of the Goddes that they might reuenge the bloud of their elders with happy battaile againſt the Brytons their e|nimies. After this, heating that Gethus king of the Picts was alſo entred the lãd with a mighty power of Germains which were come to his ayd and was not paſt a .xxx. miles of,The Ger|mains in ayde of the Pictes. he ſtayed there abidyng for his comming, to the intent that ioy|ning theyr powers togither, they might be the better able to furniſh theyr enterpriſe.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 The third day after they mette togither with great ioy and cõgratulations,Reuther and Gethus meete & ioyne their powers togi|ther. vnto whom with all ſpeede a great number alſo of thoſe Scottiſh|men and Pictes that had ſtill continued i [...] the countrey (during the time of the perſecution by the Brytains) dayly reſorted and came flock|ing in from eche ſide vnto them.
Compare 1587 edition: 1 Siſillius king of the Brytains who ſuccee|ded after Denus, as then lately deceaſſed, hauing knowledge hereof, aſſembled a great army of his ſubiectes,The Brytains are diſcõfited by the Scottes and Pictes. and hearing that the Scots and Picts were entred into the borders of his Realme, hee haſted foorth to encounter with their powers, & ſo ioyning with them in battaile, after long and cruel fight, in the end the victory remayned with the Scottiſh men and Pictes, by the greate va|liauncie and manfull prowes of Reuther:Whereof Re|thirdail tooke the name. wher|vpon the place where that battaile was foughtẽ hath bene euer ſince called Redirdail, as ye wold ſay Reuthers valley.