Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The next daie, being the eight and twentith of Maie they departed from thence: the earles of Len|nox, Mar, and Glencarne, with other of the nobilitie of Scotland of the kings part taking their leaues, with their companie returned to Glasco: and sir George Careie with the horssemen came that night to Lithquo, where also the rest of the English forces met. A castell called Combernawd belonging to the lord Fleming was yéelded to the generals hands, who vpon bond of assurance that the house should re|maine at the deuotion of the queene of England, was contented to spare it from fire and spoile. But this was not the first nor last courtesie which the ge|nerall shewed in this iournie, vnto such as in anie respect were thought worthie of his fauour. Amongst other the ladie of Lidington being great with child,The ladie of Lidington. mistrusting hir selfe (or hir husbands double dealing towards our countrie) in great feare began to flie. But sir William Drurie hearing thereof, sent hir word he came not to make warres with women, but rather to shew pitie to the weake and comfort|lesse, EEBO page image 1220 and therevpon she staied, and had no further harme.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 The nine and twentith of Maie, when the armie should dislodge from Lithquo, the generall called for the prouost of the towne, and commanded him to prepare with all expedition, to receiue a iust punish|ment and correction thorough the whole towne for treason, and vnpardonable offenses committed: and declaring that the inhabitants thereof had succou|red and supported traitors to the realme of England, [...] Church| [...]d. and likewise to their owne king, contrarie to the leagues and quietnesse of both the realmes of Eng|land and Scotland, for which cause he was fullie resol|ued to ouerthrow that town & receptacle of traitors. If therefore there were anie women in childbed or impotent people within that towne, he gaue war|ning thus aforehand to conueie them out of it: and herewith also commanding each capteine & souldier vnder his charge, to sée due execution of that which he purposed in this behalfe to haue doone, he willed the prouost to appoint a place conuenient, into the which the goods of the towne might be brought, [...] of [...] threat| [...] to be [...]. to the end that the same should neither bee spoiled by the English souldiers, neither yet consumed through ve|hemencie of fire, but to be preserued all wholie to the Scotishmens vse. Further, he granted, that euerie noble mans lodging and capiteins house should bée saued from fire.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But now the time being come for this determi|ned execution, the earle of Morton, that still accom|panied the English generall, offered himselfe as an intercessor to intreat and sue for a pardon,The earle of Morton, an [...]tercessor for [...] towne of [...] bringing afore the generall a multitude of wailing people, whose mournfull and most pitious cries were lamen|table and verie importunat. The generall hearing their requests, made answer, that for manie causes the towne ought to be destroied, considering how diuerse enimies (whose insolent practises were not to be suffered) had alwaies there a common resort to conferre of their wicked deuises: and further (quoth he) the courtesie that is shewed to such places of re|paire, hath imboldened the rest of Scotland to vse o|pen violence and secret villanies, to the preiudice of Gods glorie, hinderance of the weale publike, and breach of good lawes and policies: and therefore it was fit and most méet for a warning to thousands in that case of extremitie, to rase out such monuments of mischiefe. But at length, notwithstanding these heauie words vttered by sir William Drurie, the people of all sorts so preassed about him, & made such pitifull cries and sorowfull noise, with children suc|king of their mothers breasts, that he taking ruth of their miserable estates, at this their lamentable sute, and speciallie at the great instance of the earle of Morton, who came bareheaded to speake for them, the generall was contented to saue the towne and people therein:Lithquo spa| [...]ed from de|serued de|struction taking good band and assurance of the prouost and chiefest of the towne, that they should follow the campe, and at all times appeare when they were called for at Berwike, and there to submit themselues, their towne and goods, to the clemen|cie of the quéens highnesse; and to such order as the earle of Sussex hir maiesties generall lieutenant should by consent thinke necessarie:The prouost [...] other en| [...] [...]ands. to which band & conditions they of Lithquo agréed. And for that their regent was slaine, & none since instituted to whome they had giuen faith of allegiance; they confessed, that none might command them anie waie without licence of him, to whome they had made this band, sith to him both their promise and obligation was passed. And in this sort they continued bound to him for their good behauiors.