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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 They also hurled downe ouer the wals vpon the assailants heads, great plentie of stones, logs, and mightie péeces of timber, which did much hurt to the Englishmen and Scots, that forced themselues to clime vp. But yet neuerthelesse, manie there were that entred the towne in sundrie places, of the which some came backe againe, although others were bea|ten downe and slaine. To conclude, at length all that escaped with life, were forced to retire with the losse of seauen or eight score Englishmen,The number slaine & hurt at the assault. some haue said two hundred, which were slaine outright, beside those that were wounded, being in number at the least two or three hundred: and amongst other, there were diuer se capteins and gentlemen that were hurt, as sir Thomas Hesketh, master Sutton, master New|port, master Conweie, capteine Wood, Thomas Fitton, with others. Upon the repulse thus giuen to our men by the French, they aduanced and set vp fouretéene ensignes presentlie about the towne, and continued otherwise quiet all that daie. Wednesdaie the eight of Maie in the afternoone,Sir George Howard and sir Richard Lée. sir George Ho|ward, and sir Richard Lée departed towards Bar|wike with certeine companies of horsmen for their safe conduction. Thursdaie the ninth of Maie, the Frenchmen wrought verie earnestlie within the towne, to fortifie the necessarie places, and repare the breaches, euen in the face of the English ordi|nance, which went off diuerse times, and did them much hurt.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 The same daie also the French had manned to the sea wards a bote fraught with fiftie harquebusiers, meaning to conueie them ouer to Insketh: but the English ships discouering them, prepared certeine botes to encounter them, whereof they being aware, returned. Fridaie the tenth of Maie, master Ingle|bie, capteine Pickman, and capteine Browne,A supplie frõ Barwike of foure hundred and fiftie sol|diors. came to the campe from Barwike, with a supplie of foure hundred and fiftie souldiors. The same daie about ten of the clocke at night, there chanced a brall to fall out among the Scots that watched in the tren|ches néerest vnto the towne of Leith on the west side, insomuch that one of them fell to and killed an other: which disorder being perceiued of the French within Leith, they issued out, and meant to haue vsed the vantage: but the Englishmen that wat|ched néere vnto the Scots staied the fraie, and did not onelie bring them to quiet, but also put the Frenchmen to flight. On sundaie the twelfe of Maie, about midnight the Frenchmen, to the num|ber of two hundred, sallied foorth of the towne, mind|ing to giue a camisado to the Englishmen, who kept watch that night in the trenches at the westside of Montpelham; but they were descried, and certeine of them killed, and so had the repulse.Sir Francis Leake bring|eth a supplie to the campe. Wednesdaie the fiftéenth of Maie, sir Francis Leake came to the campe with a supplie of fiue hundred men from Bar|wike.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Thursdaie the sixteenth of Maie towards night, the Frenchmen to the number of one hundred foot|men, and thirtie horssemen, came abroad and shew|ed themselues verie braue, skirmishing with the Englishmen at the west end of their towne. Tues|daie the one and twentith of Maie, about seauen of the clocke at night, there issued foorth of Leith six horssemen, and one hundred footmen harquebusiers, marching toward Montpelham to offer skirmish. Wherevpon capteine Uaughan went foorth to them verie orderlie,A skirmish b [...]twéene the English and French. and skirmished with them a prettie while: and in the meane time, off went the great ordi|nance on both sides. In the end the Frenchmen were driuen to retire into the towne, for the Eng|lishmen shewed themselues verie egre, and valiant|lie charged their enimies, put them to retire, and cha|sed them in at their gates,The French [...]men chased. to the which they followed them right hardilie.

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