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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 Whilest this was in dooing, the French had stuf|fed their bulworks and rampiers with curriers and harquebusiers of Croke, as thicke as was possible, which went off without ceassing at the Englishmen, for the space of an houre and more. The English ar|tillerie planted in the trenches did answer them a|gaine continuallie, and the great péeces did much hurt among them, in sight of them that watched in the same trenches. The same night the Englishmen conueied two culuerings ouer the water to scowre the mils: and before the breake of the daie they had burnt one of the same mils. Sundaie the fift of Maie earlie in the morning at the reléeuing of the watch,The mils burnt by the English and the French driuen from thense. and entring of the ward, foure souldiors that belon|ged to the great ordinance issued out, and set fier on the other mill, which burnt verie outragiouslie with|out ceassing, for the space of an houre or more. The French began to assemble towards the mill, in hope to haue quenched the fire, but they were deceiued: for suddenlie the Englishmen cut two holes through their trenches, & placing in the same the two dem [...]|culuerings, shot them off at the Frenchmen, so that they were driuen to forsake the mill, and in their re|tire some of them were slaine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 This daie also, as foure French gentlemen came foorth to discouer the English trenches, capteine Read commanded one of his souldiors to shoot at them, but through mishap his péece burst, and a shiuer EEBO page image 1192 thereof flue out,Capteine Reades arme broken. and brake the arme of his said cap|teine. Mondaie the sixt of Maie, the armie lieng qui|et all the morning, in the afternoone the English or|dinance on the further side the water began to shoot off against the enimies verie hotlie, so continuing till night. This daie the earle of Argile, and diuerse other noble men of Scotland,The earle of Argile with his armie commẽth to Edenburgh. came to Edenburgh with two thousand horssemen and footmen, who shew|ed themselues in order of a muster, on the hill vnder|neth the castell. Which being perceiued of the French within Leith, they shot off thrée great péeces of artil|lerie at them, but (as God would haue it) without hurt, for two of the bullets lighted short, and the third did fall in a garden within the towne of Eden|burgh. The night insuing, the great ordinance in the Englishmens trenches and bulworks continu|ed shooting on euerie side. And héerewith commande|ment was giuen by the lord lieutenant, and the coun|cell, that the whole armie should be readie armed with their weapon and furniture according by mid|night.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The assault giuen to Leith the seauenth of Maie.In the morning by two of the clocke the seuenth of Maie being tuesdaie, diuerse bands passed foorth towards the towne, and entring the ditches offered the scale: other capteins with their men approched the bulworks, and other there were appointed to en|ter beside the mils. Beside the English bands com|manded thus to giue the assault, there were a thou|sand Scots ioined with them, whereof fiue hundred with capteine Uaughan, and such other capteins as were commanded to attempt the bulworke next to Montpelham, and other fiue hundred went with such of the English capteins as were commanded to as|sault the breach beyond the water. Moreouer, as well the lances as light horssemen were assigned to gard the fields;The horsmen appointed to gard the field. sir George Howard with the lances kée|ping betwixt the fort of Montpelham and the sea westward, and sir Henrie Per [...]ie with the light horssemen betwixt the campe and the sea eastward. The rest of the footmen that went not to the assault, were also appointed to gard the trenches and field, in such wise as was thought expedient. So that perfect direction was giuen in euerie behalfe by the lord lieutenant, and other of the councell. And vpon war|ning giuen by capteine Randall sergeant maior, such as had béene commanded to giue the assault in their seuerall appointed places, preased forward with cou|rage inough, and boldlie aduentured to clime the wals, & enter at the breaches, but yet their attempt wanted the wished successe: for what through the Frenchmens policie in stopping the currant of the riuer that night,The English men repelled by the policies and deuises of the French. and other deuises for their owne safegard, and the annoiance of the assailants: and what by reason of the vnfitnesse of the ladders, being too short by two yards and more, the assailants were repelled. For during the whole time of the assault, which continued for the space of an houre and a halfe, the French shot off their flankers, and mainteined their shot from the wals so thicke, that it seemed a verie hell for the time.

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