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23.1. The praier of queene Elisabeth as she went to hir coronation.

The praier of queene Elisabeth as she went to hir coronation.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _O Lord almightie and euerlasting God, I giue thee most hartie thanks, that thou hast beene so mercifull vnto me, as to spare me to behold this ioifull daie. And I acknow|ledge that thou hast delt as woonderfullie and as mercifullie with me, as thou did|dest with thy true and faithfull seruant Daniell thy prophet; whome thou deliue|redst out of the den from the crueltie of the greedie and raging lions: euen so was I ouerwhelmed, and onlie by thee deliuered. To thee therefore onlie be thankes, honor, and praise, for euer: Amen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The second was the receiuing of the bible at the lit|tle conduit in Cheape. For when hir grace had lear|ned that the bible in English should there be offered: she thanked the citie therefore, promised the reading thereof most diligentlie, and incontinent comman|ded that it should be brought. At the receipt where|of, how reuerendlie did she with both hir hands take it,As religious [...] princesse is queene Elisa|beth as euer she was. kisse it, and laie it vpon hir brest, to the great comfort of the lookers on? God will vndoubtedlie preserue so woorthie a prince, which at his honor so reuerendlie taketh hir beginning. For this saieng is true, and written in the booke of truth; He that first séeketh the kingdome of God, shall haue all o|ther things cast vnto him. Now therefore all Eng|lish hearts, and hir naturall people must néeds praise Gods mercie, which hath sent them so woorthie a prince, and praie for hir graces long continuance amongst vs.Hir coronati|on at West|minster. On sundaie the fiue and twentith of Ianuarie, hir maiestie was with great solemni|tie crowned at Westminster in the abbeie church there, by doctor Oglethorpe bishop of Carleill. She dined in Westminster hall, which was richlie hoong, and euerie thing ordered in such roiall maner, as to such a regall and most solemne feast apperteined.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the meane time, whilest hir grace sat at dinner, sir Edward Dimmocke knight,Sir Edward Dimmocke knight hir champion by office. hir champion by of|fice, came riding into the hall in faire complet ar|mor, mounted vpon a beautifull courser, richlie trap|ped in cloth of gold, entred the hall, and in the midst thereof cast downe his gantlet: with offer to fight with him in hir quarell, that should denie hir to be the righteous and lawfull quéene of this realme. The quéene taking a cup of gold full of wine, dranke to him thereof, and sent it to him for his fée togither with the couer.

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