Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Now after this, at the seruing vp of the wafers the lord maior of London went to the cupboord,The lord maior of Lon|don serueth the quéene of ipocrasse. and filling a cup of gold with ipocrasse, bare it to the quéene: and knéeling before hir tooke the assaie, and she receiuing it of him, and drinking of it, gaue the cup with the couer vnto the said lord maior for his fée, which cup and couer weied sixtéene ounces Troie weight. Finallie, this feast being celebrated with all roiall ceremonies, and high solemnities, due and in like cases accustomed, tooke end with great ioy and contentation to all the beholders. On wed|nesdaie the fiue and twentith of Ianuarie the parle|ment began,A parlement. the queenes maiestie riding in hir par|lement robes, from hir palace of Whitehall, vnto the abbeie church of Westminster, with the lords spi|rituall and temporall, attending hir likewise in their parlement robes. Doctor Cox sometime schoole|maister to king Edward the sixt, and now latelie returned from the parties of beyond the seas, where during the daies of quéene Marie he had liued as a banished man, Iohn Stow. preached now before the estates there assembled in the beginning of the said parlement. In this parlement,The first fruits and tenths resto|red to the crowne. the first fruits and tenths were restored to the crowne, & also the supreame gouern|ment ouer the state ecclesiasticall, which queene Ma|rie had giuen to the pope. Likewise the booke of common praier and administration of the sacra|ments in our mother toong was restored.
¶But before this good woorke was agréed vpon, Abr. Fl. ex Iohan. Foxi martyrologio. there was much debating about matters touching religion, and great studie on both parties imploied, the one to reteine still, the other to impugne the doc|trine and faction which before in quéene Maries time had béene established. But speciallie here is to be noted, that though there lacked no industrie on the papists side, to hold fast that which they most cruel|lie from time to time had studied, and by all meanes practised to come by: yet notwithstanding, such was the prouidence of God at that time, that for lacke of the other bishops, whom the Lord had taken awaie by death a little before, the residue that there were left could doo the lesse: and in verie deed, God be praised therefore, did nothing at all in effect; al|though yet notwithstanding there lacked in them neither will nor labor to doo what they could, if their cruell abilitie there might haue serued. But name|lie amongst all others, not onelie the industrious courage of doctor Storie,Doctor Sto|rie impuden [...] and sawcie. but also his words in this parlement are woorthie to be knowne of posteritie, who like a stout and furious champion of the popes side, to declare himselfe how lustie he was, and what he had and would doo in his maisters quarell, sha|med not openlie in the said parlement house to burst out into such impudent sort of words, as was woon|der to all good eares to heare, and no lesse woorthie of historie.
The summe of which his shamelesse talke was vt|tered to this effect. First beginning with himselfe,The words of doctor Sto|rie in the par|lement house. he declared, that whereas he was noted commonlie abroad, and much complained of, to haue béene a great dooer, & a setter foorth of such religion, orders, & procéedings, as of his late souereigne that dead is quéene Marie were set foorth in this relme, he denied nothing the same: protesting moreouer that he had doone nothing therein, but that both his conscience did lead him therevnto, and also his commission did as well then command him, as now also dooth dis|charge him for the same: being no lesse readie now also to doo the like, and more, in case he by this queene were authorised likewise, and commanded therevn|to. Wherefore as I sée (saith he) nothing to be asha|med of; so lesse I see to be sorie for: but rather said that he was sorie for this, because he had doone no more than he did, and that in executing those lawes, they had not béene more vehement & seuere. Where|in he said, there was no default in him, but in them, whome he both oft and earnestlie had exhorted to the same; being therefore not a little gréeued with them, for that they labored onelie about the yoong and little sprigs and twigs, while they should haue stroken at the root, and cleane haue rooted it out: &c. And con|cerning his persecuting and burning them, he de|nied not, but that he was once at the burning of an earewig (for so he termed it) at Uxbridge, where he tost a fagot at his face as he was singing psalmes,This mar|tyr burnt at Uxbridge was maister Denleie. and set a wine bush of thorns vnder his féet, a little to pricke him, with manie other words of like effect. In the which words he named moreouer sir Philip Hobbie, and an other knight of Kent, with such o|ther of the richer and higher degrée, whome his coun|sell was to plucke at, & to bring them vnder Coram; wherein (said he) if they had followed my aduise, then had they doone well and wiselie. This or much like EEBO page image 1181 was the effect of the shamelesse and tyrannicall ex|cuse of himselfe, more méete to speake with the voice of a beast, than of a man. Although in this parle|ment some diuersitie there was of iudgement and opinion betwéene parties: yet notwithstanding through the mercifull goodnesse of the Lord, the true cause of the gospell had the vpper hand, the papists hope was frustrat, and their rage abated: the order and procéedings of king Edwards time concerning religion was reuiued againe, the supremasie of the pope abolished, the articles and bloudie statutes of queene Marie repealed: bréeflie, the furious fier|brands of cruell persecution, which had consumed so manie poore mens bodies, were now extinct and quenched.]