Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 When the cities charge without parcialitie, and onelie the citie was mentioned vnto hir grace, shée said it should not be forgotten. Which saieng might mooue all naturall Englishmen hartilie to shew due obedience and intiernesse to their so good a queene, which will in no point forget anie parcell of dutie lo|uinglie shewed vnto hir. The answer which hir grace made vnto maister recorder of London, as the hea|rers know it to be true, & with melting hearts heard the same: so maie the reader thereof conceiue what kind of stomach and courage pronounced the same. What more famous thing doo we read in ancient histories of old time,The humble|nesse of the quéene in re|ceiuing verie trifles of hir poore subiect [...] thankefullie. than that mightie princes haue gentlie receiued presents offered them by base and low personages. If that be to be woondered at (as it is passinglie) let me sée anie writer that in anie prin|ces life is able to recount so manie presidents of this vertue, as hir grace shewed in that one passage tho|rough the citie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 How manie nosegaies did hir grace receiue at poore womens hands? How oftentimes staid she hir chariot, when she saw anie simple bodie offer to speake to hir grace? A branch of rosemarie giuen hir grace with a supplication by a poore woman about Fleetbridge, was séene in hir chariot till hir grace came to Westminster, not without the maruellous woondering of such as knew the presenter, and no|ted the quéens most gratious receiuing and keeping the same. What hope the poore and néedie maie looke for at hir graces hand, she as in all hir iournie conti|nuallie, so in hir hearkening to the poore children of Christs hospitall Where hir mind then was no dou [...] in heauen vpon God. with eies cast vp into heauen, did fullie declare: as that neither the wealthier estate could stand without consideration had to the pouer|tie, neither the pouertie be dulie considered, vnlesse they were remembred, as commended vnto vs by Gods owne mouth.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 As at hir first entrance she as it were declared hir selfe prepared to passe through a citie that most intierlie loued hir: so she at hir last departing as it were bound hir selfe by promise, to continue good ladie and gouernor vnto that citie, which by outward declaration did open their loue vnto their so louing and noble prince, in such wise, as she hir selfe woon|dered thereat.The quéens maiestie is [...] forgetfull to glorifie God who glorified hir. But because princes be set in their seat by Gods appointing, and therefore they must first and chieflie tender the glorie of him, from whom their glorie issueth: it is to be noted in hir grace, that for somuch as God hath so woonderfullie placed hir in the seat of gouernement ouer this realme, she in all hir dooings do [...]th shew hir selfe most mindfull of his goodnesse & mercie shewed vnto hir. And among all other, two principall signes thereof were noted in this passage. First in the tower, where hir grace before she entred hir chariot, lifted vp hir eies to heauen, and said as followeth.