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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 But the lord protector he said, the verie noble prince, the speciall paterne of knightlie prowesse, as well in all princelie behauior, as in the lineaments and fauour of his visage, represented the verie face of the noble duke his father. This is, quoth he, the fa|thers owne figure, this is his owne countenance, the verie print of his visage, the sure vndoubted image, the plaine expresse likenesse of that noble duke. Now was it before deuised,A maruelous deuise to mooue the assemblie. that in the speaking of these words, the protector should haue comen in a|mong the people to the sermon ward, to the end that those words méeting with his presence, might haue béen taken among the hearers, as though the Holie-ghost had put them in the preachers mouth, & should haue mooued the people euen there to crie; King Ri|chard, king Richard! that it might haue béene after said, that he was speciallie chosen by God, and in EEBO page image 728 maner by miracle. But this deuise quailed, either by the protectors negligence, or the preachers ouermuch diligence.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For while the protector found by the waie tarieng least he should preuent those words, and the doctor fearing that he should come yer his sermon could come to these words, hasted his matter thereto, he was come to them and past them, and entred into o|ther matters yer the protector came. Whome when he beheld comming, he suddenlie left the matter with which he was in hand, and without anie deduction therevnto, out of all order and out of all frame, began to repeat those words againe:K. Richard commended by the prea|cher.

This is the verie no|ble prince, the speciall patrone of knightlie prowesse, which as well in all princelie behauior, as in the line|aments & fauor of his visage, representeth the verie face of the noble duke of Yorke his father: this is the fathers owne figure, this is his owne countenance, the verie print of his visage, the sure vndoubted i|mage, the plaine expresse likenesse of the noble duke, whose remembrance can neuer die while he liueth.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 While these words were in speaking, the protector accompanied with the duke of Buckingham, went through the people into the place where the doctors commonlie stand in the vpper storie, where he stood to hearken the sermon. But the people were so farre fro crieng; K. Richard, that they stood as they had béene turned into stones, for woonder of this shamefull ser|mon.Note ye course of Gods iudgement. After which once ended, the preacher gat him home, and neuer after durst looke out for shame, but kept him out of sight like an owle. And when he once asked one that had béene his old friend what the peo|ple talked of him, all were it that his owne consci|ence well shewed him that they talked no good; yet when the tother answered him, that there was in e|uerie mans mouth spoken of him much shame, it so strake him to the heart, that within few daies after he withered and consumed awaie [for verie thought and inward pine, procured by irrecouerable cares, whose nature is noted by obseruation of their effects:

Ouid. lib. 3. met.Attenuant vigiles corpus miserabile curae.]

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