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Compare 1577 edition: 1 And if anie man thinke this consideration light (which I thinke none thinks that loues the king) let him consider, that sometime without small things, greater cannot stand. And verelie, it redoundeth greatlie to the dishonor both of the kings highnesse, and of all vs that béene about his grace, to haue it run in euerie mans mouth, not in this realme onlie, but also in other lands (as euill words walke far) that the kings brother should be faine to keepe sanc|tuarie. For euerie man will wéene, that no man will so doo for naught. And such euill opinion once fastned in mens harts, hard it is to wrest out, and may grow to more greefe than anie man can here diuine.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Wherefore me thinketh it were not worst to send vnto the quéene, for the redresse of this matter, some honorable trustie man, such as both tendereth the kings weale and the honour of his councell, and is al|so in fauour and credence with hir.The lord car|dinall thought the fittest man [...] deale with [...]he queéne for [...] surren| [...]ing of hir [...]. For all which con|siderations, none seemeth more méetlie, than our re|uerend father here present, my lord cardinall, who may in this matter doo most good of anie man, if it please him to take the paine; which I doubt not of his goodnesse he will not refuse for the kings sake and ours, and welth of the yoong duke himselfe, the kings most honorable brother, and (after my souereigne lord himselfe) my most déere nephue, considered that thereby shall be ceassed the slanderous rumor and ob|loquie now going, and the hurts auoided that thereof might insue, and much rest and quiet grow to all the realme.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And if she be percase so obstinate, and so precise|lie set vpon hir owne will, that neither his wise and faithfull aduertisement can not mooue hir, nor anie mans reason content hir; then shall we by mine ad|uise, by the kings authoritie fetch him out of that pri|son, and bring him to his noble presence, in whose con|tinuall companie he shall be so well cherished and so honorablie intreated, that all the world shall to our honour and hir reproch perceiue, that it was onelie malice, frowardnesse, or follie, that caused hir to kéepe him there. This is my purpose and mind in this matter for this time, except anie of your lordships a|nie thing perceiue to the contrarie; for neuer shall I (by Gods grace) so wed my selfe to mine owne will, but that I shall be readie to change it vpon your bet|ter aduises.

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