Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 At which councell also, the archbishop of Yorke chancellor of England, which had deliuered vp the great seale to the queene, was thereof greatlie re|prooued, and the seale taken from him, and deliuered to doctor Russell bishop of Lincolne, a wise man and a good, and of much experience,The bishop [...] Lincolne made lord chancellor. and one of the best learned men vndoubtedlie that England had in his time. Diuerse lords and knights were appointed vn|to diuerse roomes. The lord chamberleine and some o|ther kept still their offices that they had before. Now all were it so that the protector so sore thirsted for the finishing of that he had begun, that thought euerie daie a yeare till it were atchiued; yet durst he no fur|ther EEBO page image 717 attempt, as long as he had but halfe his preie in his hand.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 And why? Well did he wéet, that if he deposed the one brother, all the realme would fall to the other, if he either remained in sanctuarie, or should happilie be shortlie conueied to his fathers libertie. Wherfore incontinent at the next méeting of the lords at the councell, [...] protec| [...]ors oration. he proposed to them, that it was a heinous déed of the quéene, & procéeding of great malice to|ward the kings councellors, that she should kéepe in sanctuarie the kings brother from him, whose speci|all pleasure & comfort were to haue his brother with him. And that by hir doone to none other intent, but to bring all the lords in obloquie and murmur of the people.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 As though they were not to be trusted with the kings brother, that by the assent of the nobles of the land, were appointed as the kings neerest fréends, to the tuition of his owne roiall person. The prosperitie whereof standeth (quoth he) not all in kéeping from e|nimies, or ill vi [...]nd, but partlie also in recreation, and moderate pleasure: which he cannot (in this tender youth) take in the companie of ancient persons, but in the familiar conuersation of those that be neither farre vnder, nor farre aboue his age: and neuerthe|lesse of estate conuenient to accompanie his noble maiestie. Wherefore, with whome rather, than with his owne brother?