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Compare 1577 edition: 1 When the protector had said, all the councell affir|med, that the motion was good and reasonable; and to the king and the duke his brother, honorable; and a thing that should ceasse great murmur in the relme, if the mother might be by good means induced to de|liuer him. Which thing the archbishop of Yorke, whome they all agreed also to be thereto most conue|nient, tooke vpon him to mooue hir, and therein to doo his vttermost deuoir. Howbeit, if she could be in no wise intreated with hir good will to deliuer him, then thought he, and such other as were of the spiritu|altie present, that it were not in anie wise to be at|tempted to take him out against hir will.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 For it should be a thing that would turne to the great grudge of all men,Reasons why it was not thought méet to fetch the quéens son out of sanctuarie. and high displeasure of God, if the priuilege of that holie place should now be broken, which had so manie yeares be kept, which both kings and popes so good had granted, so manie had confirmed, and which holie ground was more than fiue hundred yeares ago (by saint Peter in his owne person in spirit accompanied with great mul|titudes of angels by night) so speciallie halowed, & dedicated to God (for the proofe wherof, they haue yet in the abbeie saint Peters cope to shew) that from that time hitherward, was there neuer so vndeuout a king that durst that sacred place violate, or so holie a bishop that durst it presume to consecrate.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 And therefore (quoth the archbishop of Yorke) God forbid that anie man should for anie thing carthlie, enterprise to breake the immunitie & libertie of the sacred sanctuarie, that hath beene the safegard of so manie a good mans life. And I trust (quoth he) with Gods grace, we shall not need it But for anie maner néed, I would not we should doo it. I trust that [...]hée shall be with reason conten [...]ed, and all things in good maner obteined. And if it happen that I bring it not so to passe, yet shall I toward it so farre foorth doo my best that ye shall all well perceiue, that no lacke of my deuoire, but the mothers dread and womanish feare shall be the [...]et.

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