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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The duke of Burgognie, hauing an armie readie at the same time to inuade the frontiers of France, to recouer the townes of saint Quinti [...]es and Ami|ens, latelie by the French king taken from him, doubted to be hindered greatlie by the Englishmen, if he should be constreined to haue warre with them: for the duke of Burgognie held not onlie at that sea|son Flanders, but also Bulleine, and Bullennois, and all Artois, so that he was thereby in danger to receiue harme out of Calis on ech side.The duke of Burgognie sendeth am|bassadors to Calis. Therefore he sent ambassadors thither, which did so much with the councell there, that the league was newlie confir|med betwixt the realme of England and the dukes countries; onelie the name of Henrie put in the wri|ting in stéed of Edward. This matter hindered sore the sute of king Edward, dailie suing to the duke for aid at his hands, the more earnestlie indéed, bicause of such promises as by letters were made vnto him out of England, from his assured fréends there.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But duke Charles would not consent openlie to aid king Edward;14 [...]1 He asketh K Edward vn|der hand. but yet secretlie vnder hand by o|thers he lent vnto him fiftie thousand florens of the EEBO page image 679 crosse of S. Andrew, and further caused foure great ships to be appointed for him in the hauen of de Uéere, otherwise called Camphire in Zeland, which in those daies was free for all men to come vnto, and the duke hired for him fouretéene ships of the Easter|lings well appointed, & for the more suertie tooke a bond of them to serue him trulie, till he were landed in England, and fifteene daies after. The Easter|lings were glad of this iournie, trusting if he got a|gaine the possession of England, they should the soo|ner come to a peace, and obteine restitution of their liberties and franchises, which they claimed of former time to haue within this realme. The duke of Bur|gognie cared not much, on whose side the victorie fell, sauing for paiment of his monie: for he would oft saie, that he was fréend to both parties, and either part was fréendlie to him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In déed, as he was brother in law to the one, so was he of kin to the other, as by his grandmother being daughter to Iohn of Gant duke of Lancaster. W. Fleetwood. When therefore all king Edwards furniture and prouision for his iournie were once readie, hauing now with him about two thousand able men of warre, beside mariners, he entered into the ships with them, in the hauen before Flishing in Zeland, vpon the second day of March: and bicause the wind fell not good for his purpose, he taried still aboord for the space of nine dais, before it turned méet for his iournie. But after that the wind once came about (as he wisht) the sails were hoissed vp on the 11 of March being monday, & forward they sailed,He arriueth on the coast of Norffolke. directing their course streight ouer towards the coast of Norffolke. On the next day being tuesday, & the twelfe of March, toward the euening, they road before Cromer, where the king sent to land sir Robert Chamberleine, with sir Gil|bert Debenham knights, and diuerse other, to the end they might discouer the countrie, and vnder|stand how the people within the land were bent to|wards him, especiallie those countries there next adioining.

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