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Compare 1577 edition: 1 About the same season, Iasper earle of Penbroke went into Wales,Iasper earle of Penbroke. to visit his lands in Penbroke|shire, where he found lord Henrie sonne to his bro|ther Edmund earle of Richmond, hauing not full ten yeares of age; he being kept in maner like a cap|tiue, but honorablie brought vp by the ladie Herbert, late wife to William earle of Penbroke, beheaded at Banburie (as ye before haue heard.Margaret countesse of Richmond and Derbi [...].) This Henrie was borne of Margaret the onelie daughter and heire of Iohn the first duke of Summerset, then not being full ten yeares of age, the which ladie though she were after ioined in mariage with lord Henrie sonne to Humfreie duke of Buckingham, and after to Thomas Stanleie earle of Derbie, both being yoong and apt for generation, yet she had neuer anie more children, as though she had doone hir part to bring foorth a man child, and the same to be a king (as he after was indéed) intituled by the name of Henrie the seuenth (as after ye shall heare.)

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The earle of Penbroke tooke this child, being his nephue, out of the custodie of the ladie Herbert, and at his returne brought the child with him to London to king Henrie the sixt,The saieng of king Henrie the sixt, of Henrie of Richmond after king Henrie the seuenth. whome when the king had a good while beheld, he said to such princes as were with him: Lo, suerlie this is he, to whom both we and our aduersaries leauing the possession of all things shall hereafter giue roome and place. So this holie man shewed before the chance that should happen, that this earle Henrie so ordeined by God, should in time to come (as he did indéed) haue and inioy the kingdome and whole rule of this realme of England. ¶So that it might seeme probable by the coherence of holie Henries predictions with the issue falling out in truth with the same; Ab. Flem that for the time he was indued with a propheticall spirit. And suerlie the epithet or ti|tle of holie is not for naught attributed vnto him, for it is to be read in writers, that he was by nature gi|uen to peaceablenesse, abhorring bloud and slaugh|ter, detesting ciuill tumults, addicted to deuotion, ve|rie frequent in praier, and not esteeming so highlie of courtlie gallantnesse as stood with the dignitie of a prince. In consideration wherof, he procured against himselfe an apostasie of his people both natiue and forren; who reuolted and fell from fealtie. And whie? The reason is rendred by the same writer, namelie:

Quòd tales homines populus sceleratior odit,
Fastidit, detestatur: non conuenit inter
Virtutem & vitium, lucem fugêre tenebrae.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The earle of Warwike, vnderstanding that his enimie the duke of Burgognie had receiued king Edward, and meant to aid him for recouerie of the kingdome, he first sent ouer to Calis foure hundred archers on horsse backe to make warre on the dukes countries; and further, prepared foure thousand vali|ant men to go ouer shortlie, that the duke might haue his hands euen full of trouble at home. And where ye haue heard that the erle of Warwike was kept out of Calis at his fléeing out of England into France, ye shall note that within a quarter of an houre after it was knowne that he was returned into England; and had chased king Edward out of the realme; not onelie monsieur de Uaucléere, but also all other of the garrison & towne shewed them|selues to be his fréends;The ragged staffe. so that the ragged staffe was taken vp and worne in euerie mans cap, some ware if of gold enameled, some of siluer; and he that could haue it neither of gold nor siluer, had it of whitish silke or cloth: such wauering minds haue the com|mon people, bending like a reed with euerie wind that bloweth.

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