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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg. 11. The earle of Oxford.Upon their returne, he vnderstood that there was no suertie for him to land in those parties, by reason of the good order which the earle of Warwike, and the earle of Oxford especiallie had taken in that coun|trie to resist him: for not onelie the duke of Norf|folke, but all other the gentlemen (whome the earle of Warwike had in anie suspicion) were by letters of priuie seale sent for, and either committed to safe kéeping about London, or else inforced to find suer|tie for their loiall demeanor towards king Henrie: yet those knights and other that were thus sent foorth to make inquirie, were well receiued of their frends, and had good cheare. But after the king perceiued by their report, how things stood thereabouts, he caused his ships to make course towards the north parts.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same night folowing, a great storme of winds and weather rose, sore troubling the seas, and conti|nued till the fourtéenth day of that moneth being thursday,He arriueth at the head of Humber. on the which day with great danger, by rea|son of the tempestuous rage and torment of the trou|bled seas, he arriued at the head of Humber, where the other ships were scattered from him, each one se|uered from other; so that of necessitie they were dri|uen to land in sunder where they best might, for doubt to be cast awaie in that perillous tempest. The king with the lord Hastings his chamberleine, and other to the number of fiue hundred men being in one ship,He landeth at Rauenspurgh landed within Humber on Holdernesse side, at a place called Rauenspurgh, euen in the same place where Henrie erle of Derbie, after called king Henrie the fourth landed, when he came to depriue king Richard the second of the crowne, and to vsurpe it to himselfe.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Richard duke of Glocester, and three hundred men in his companie, tooke land in another place foure miles distant from thence, where his brother king Edward did land. The earle Riuers, and with him two hundred men, landed at a place called Pole, fourtéene miles from the hauen where the king came on land. The residue of his people landed some here some there, in place where for their suerties they thought best. On the morrow, being the fifteenth of March, now that the tempest ceased, and euerie man being got to land, they drew from euerie of their lan|ding places towards the king, who for the first night was lodged in a poore village, two miles from the place where he first set foot on land. [As for his traine, though the season of the yeere was naturallie cold, & therfore required competent refection by warmth, it is to be supposed, that all their lodgings were hard inough, sith the principals prouision was sorie i|nough. But what of that? Better (in cases of ex|tremitie) an hard shift than none at all.]

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