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Compare 1577 edition: 1 The duke of Burgognie (vnto whome king Ed|ward had written, that in no wise he should receiue the earle of Warwike, nor anie of his friends with|in his countries) was so well pleased with the doo|ings of monsieur de Uauclere, that he sent to him his seruant Philip de Cumins, and gaue him yéere|lie a thousand crownes in pension, praieng and re|quiring him to continue in truth and fidelitie toward king Edward, as he had shewed and begun. But al|though monsieur de Uauclere sware in the said Phi|lips presence, trulie to take king Edwards part; yet he sent priuilie to the earle of Warwike lieng at Whitsanbaie, that if he landed,The double dealing of monsieur de Uauclere. The lord Du+ras was [...] Gascoigne also. hee should be taken and lost: for all England (as he said) tooke part a|gainst him; the duke of Burgognie, and all the inha|bitants of the towne, with the lord Duras the kings marshall, and all the retinue of the garrison were his enimies.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The earle, hauing this aduertisement from his feigned enimie, with his nauie sailed toward Nor|mandie, and by the waie spoiled and tooke manie ships of the duke of Burgognies subiects, and at the last (with all his nauie and spoiles) he tooke land at Diepe in Normandie,The earle of Warwike la [...]|ded at Diepe. where the gouernor of the countrie friendlie welcomed him, and aduertised king Lewes of his arriuall. The French king, de|sirous of nothing more than to haue occasion to plea|sure the erle of Warwike, of whom the hie renowme caused all men to haue him in admiration, sent vn|to him, requiring both him and his sonne in law the duke of Clarence, to come vnto his castell of Am|bois, where he men soiourned.Ambois. The duke of Bur|gognie, hearing that the duke and earle were thus receiued in France, sent a post with letters vnto king Lewes, partlie by waie of request, and partlie by way of menacing, to dissuade him from aiding of his aduersaries, the said duke and earle.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 But the French king little regarded this sute of the duke of Burgognie, and therefore answered, that he might and would succour his friends, and yet breake no leage with him at all. In the meane time, K. Edward made inquirie for such as were knowne to be aiders of the earle of Warwike within his realme, of whom some he apprehended as guiltie, and some (doubting themselues) fled to sanctuarie, and o|ther trusting to the kings pardon, submitted them|selues, as Iohn marques Montacute,Iohn mar|ques Mon|tacute. whom he cour|teouslie receiued. When quéene Margaret that so|iourned with duke Reiner hir father, heard tell that the earle of Warwike was come to the French court, withall diligence shée came to Ambois to sée him, with hir onelie sonne prince Edward.

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