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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king reioising at this victorie, caused sir Ro|bert Welles, and diuerse other to be put to execution in the same place. The fame went that at this battell were slaine ten thousand men at the least. The earle of Warwike laie at the same time at his castell of Warwike, and meant to haue set forward the next daie toward his armie in Lincolnshire. But when he heard that the same was ouerthrowne, he tooke new counsell, and with all diligence imagined how to compasse Thomas lord Stanleie, which had maried his sister, that he might be one of the conspiracie. Which thing when he could not bring to passe (for the lord Stanleie had answered him,The faithful|nesse of the lord Stanlie. that he would ne|uer make warre against king Edward) he thought no longer to spend time in wast; and mistrusting he was not able to méet with his enimies, he with his sonne in law the duke of Clarence departed to Ex|cester, and there tarieng a few daies,The duke of Clarence and the earle of Warwike take the sea. deter [...]ined to saile into France, to purchase aid of king Lewes.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Now resting vpon this point, he hired ships at Dartmouth: and when the same were readie trim|med and decked, the duke and the earle with their wiues, and a great number of seruants imbarked themselues, and first tooke their course towards Ca|lis, whereof the earle was capteine, thinking there to haue left his wife and daughters, till he had returned out of France. But when they were come before the towne of Calis, they could not be suffered to enter: for the lord Uauclere a Gascoigne,The earle of Warwike kept out of Calis. being the earles deputie in that towne, whether he did it by dissimula|tion, or bearing good will to king Edward (as by the sequele it may be doubted whether he did or no) in+steed of receiuing his master with triumph, he bent and discharged against him diuerse peeces of ordi|nance, sending him word he should not there take land.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This nauie lieng thus before Calis at anchor, the duchesse of Clarence was there deliuered of a faire sonne, which child the earles deputie would scarse suffer to be christened within the towne nor without great intreatie would permit two flagons of wine to be conueied aboord to the ladies lieng in the hauen. The king of England aduertised of the refusall made by monsieur de Uauclere to the earle of Warwike,Monsieur de Uauclere made deputie of Calis. was so much pleased therewith, that incontinentlie he made him chiefe capteine of the towne of Calis by his letters patents, which he sent to him out of hand, and thereof discharged the earle as a traitor and rebell. Thus was the one in respect of his accepted seruice honorablie aduanced; and the o|ther, in regard of his disloialtie shamefullie disgra|ced: whereof as the one tooke occasion of inward de|light; so the other could not be void of grudging conceipts,

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