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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Charles duke of Burgognie,1468. Anno Reg. 8. reioising that he had so well sped, for conclusion of marriage with king Edwards sister, was verie desirous to sée hir, of whome he had heard so great praise, & wrote to king Edward, requiring him to send his sister ouer vnto him, according to the couenants passed betwixt them. King Edward being not slacke in this mat|ter, appointed the dukes of Excester and Suffolke, with their wiues, being both sisters to the ladie Mar|garet, to attend hir, till she came to hir husband. And so after that ships, and all other necessarie prouisions were readie, they being accompanied with a great sort of lords and ladies, and others, to the number of fiue hundred horsse,The ladie Margaret sister to king Edward, sent ouer to the duke of Burgognie. in the beginning of Iune depar|ted out of London to Douer, and so sailed to Sluis, and from thense was conueied to Bruges, where the marriage was solemnized betwixt the duke and hir, with great triumphs, & princelie feastings. Tou|ching the pompe had and vsed at the setting forward of this ladie on hir voiage it is a note worth the rea|ding; and therefore necessarilie here interlaced for honours sake.

¶On the eightéenth of Iune, Margaret sister to K. Edward the fourth began hir iornie from the Ward|robe in London, Abr. Fl. ex I. S. pag. 719, 720. in Quart. toward hir marriage with Charles duke of Burgognie: first the offered in the church of saint Paule, and then rode thorough the citie, the earle of Warwike riding before hir, with earles and barons a great number; the duchesse of Norffolke, with other ladies and gentlewomen in great num|ber. And at hir entrie into Cheape, the maior of Lon|don and his brethren the aldermen presented hir with a paire of rich basons, & in them an hundred pounds of gold, and that night she lodged at the abbeie of Stratford, where the king then laie: from thense she tooke hir iournie to Canturburie.

The king riding after to sée hir shipping, on the first of Iulie, she tooke the sea at Margate, and there tooke leaue of the king hir brother, and depar|ted. There returned backe againe with the king, the duke of Clarence, the duke of Glocester, the earles of Warwike, Shrewesburie, and Northum|berland. And there abode with hir in the ship, the lord Scales, the lord Dacres hir chamberlaine, sir Iohn Wooduile, sir Iohn Howard, and manie other fa|mous knights and esquiers. She was shipped in the new Ellen of London, and in hir nauie the Iohn of Newcastell, the Marie of Salisburie, and ma|nie other roiall ships, and on the morrow landed at Sluis in Flanders. Now as soone as hir ship & com|panie of ships were entered into the hauen, there re|ceiued hir sir Simon de Lelein and the water bai|liffe, in diuerse boats and barks apparelled readie for hir landing.

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