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The first estate that receiued hir was the bishop of Utright well accompanied, and the countesse of Shorne bastard daughter to duke Philip of Burgo|gnie, and with hir manie ladies and gentlewomen; and so procéeding in at the gate of the towne, the same towne was presented to hir, she to be soue|reigne ladie thereof: also they gaue to hir twelue marks of gold Troie weight, the which was two hundred pounds of English monie: and so procéeded thorough the towne to hir lodging, euerie housholder EEBO page image 670 standing in the street with a torch in his hand bur|ning. On the morow the old duchesse of Burgognie came to hir, accompanied with manie great estates. On the third of Iulie came the duke of Burgognie to Sluis, with twentie persons secretlie, and was there openlie affianced to the ladie Margaret, by the bishop of Salisburie and the lord Scales, in pre|sence of the lord Dacres, the duchesse of Norffolke, the ladie Scales, and all the knights & esquiers; gentle|women inuironing the chamber.

On the 8 of Iulie (being saturdaie) by the duke of Burgognies appointment, the lady Margaret remo|ued by water to the Dame. And on the sunday in the morning betwixt fiue and six of the clocke, the ma|riage was solemnized betwixt them, by the bishops of Salisburie and of Turneie; there being present the old duches of Burgognie, the lord Scales, the lord Dacres, with the knights, esquiers, ladies & gentle|women that came out of England. The great tri|umphs, feastings, shewes of pageants, with other strange deuises, and iustings, were such as I haue not read the like, and would be ouer long in this place to set downe.

Abr. Fl. ¶Of this aliance with other more mention is hono|rablie made in the Giuen at Richmont on the first of October, An. Dom. 1585. & Anno Reg. 27. declaration of the causes that mo|ued the Quéene of England to giue aid to the defense of the people afflicted & oppressed in the low countries, by the Spaniards, namelie for the maintenance of perpetuall amitie. Which declaration is so set foorth in this booke, as the same in the seuen and twentith yeare of hir maiesties reigne was published: vnto which yeare I remit the reader (for the further search thereof) for that it conteineth much memorable mat|ter, touching the manifest causes of concord to be continued betwéene them of the low countries and vs English.]

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