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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The king causing lists to be prepared in West|smithfield for these champions, and verie faire and costlie galleries for the ladies, was present at this martiall enterprise himselfe. The first daie they ran togither diuerse courses with sharpe speares, and de|parted with equall honor. The next day they turnei|ed on horssebacke. The lord Scales horsse had on his chafron a long sharpe pike of steele, and as the two champions coped togither, the same horsse (whether thorough custome or by chance) thrust his pike into the nosethrils of the bastards horsse; so that for verie paine he mounted so high, that he fell on the one side with his maister, and the lord Scales rode round a|bout him with his sword in his hand, vntill the king commanded the marshall to helpe vp the bastard, which openlie said;

I can not hold me by the clouds, for though my horsse faileth me, suerlie I will not faile my contercompanion.
The king would not suf|fer them to doo anie more that daie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The morow after, the two noblemen came into the field on foot, with two polaxes, and fought vali|antlie: but at the last, the point of the polax of the lord Scales happened to enter into the sight of the bastards helme, and by fine force might haue plucked him on his knees: the king suddenlie cast downe his warder, and then the marshals them seuered. The ba|stard not content with this chance, and trusting on the cunning which he had at the polax, required the king of iustice, that he might performe his enter|prise. The lord Scales refused it not, but the king said, he would aske counsell: and so calling to him the constable, and the marshall, with the officers of armes, after consultation had, and the lawes of armes rehearsed, it was declared for a sentence de|finitiue,The law of armes. by the duke of Clarence, then constable of England, and the duke of Norffolke, then mar|shall; that if he would go forward with his at|tempted challenge, he must by the law of armes be deliuered to his aduersarie, in the same state and like condition as he stood when he was taken from him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The bastard hearing this iudgement, doubted the sequele of the matter; and so relinquished his challenge. Other challenges were doone, and vali|antlie atchiued by the Englishmen, which I passe o|uer.The death of the duke of Burgognie. Shortlie after came sorowfull tidings to the ba|stard, that his father duke Philip was dead, who there|vpon taking his leaue of king Edward, and of his sister the new duchesse of Burgognie, liberallie re|warded with plate and iewels, with all spéed retur|ned to his brother the new duke, who was not a little glad of the contract made for him with the said ladie, as after well appeared. In this same yeare, king Ed|ward, more for the loue of the marques Montacute,George Ne|uill archbi|shop of Yorke. than for anie fauour he bare to the earle of War|wike, promoted George Neuill their brother to the archbishoprike of Yorke.

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