Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And the better to bring that to passe, the lord Clif|ford determined to make a charge vpon them that kept the passage of Ferribridge; and so he departed with his light horssemen from the great armie on the saturdaie before Palmesundaie; and earelie yer his enimies were aware, slue the kéepers and wan the bridge. The lord Fitz Walter hearing the noise, sud|denlie rose out of his bed,The lord Fitz Water slaine. and vnarmed with a pollar in his hand, thinking that it had béene but a fraie a|mongst his men, came downe to appease the same; but yer he knew what the matter meant was slaine, and with him the bastard of Salisburie brother to the earle of Warwike, a valiant yoong gentleman, and of great audacitie.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the earle of Warwike was informed here|of, like a man desperat, he mounted on his hacknie, and hasted puffing and blowing to king Edward, saieng;
Sir, I praie God haue mercie of their soules, which in the beginning of your enterprise haue lost their liues. And bicause I sée no succors of the world but in God, I remit the vengeance to him our crea|tor and redéemer.With that he alighted downe, and slue his horse with his sword, saieng; Let him flée that will, for suerlie I will tarrie with him that will tar|rie with me:The earle of Warwike. and kissed the crosse of his sword as it were for a vow to the promise. King Edward, per|ceiuing the courage of his trustie friend the earle of Warwike, made proclamation, that all men which were afraid to fight, should depart: and to all those that tarried the battell, he promised great rewards,A proclama [...]tion. with addition, that anie souldier which voluntarilie would abide, and afterwards either in or before the fight should seeme to flee or turne his backe, then he that could kill him, should haue a great reward and double wages.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 After this proclamation ended, the lord Faucon|bridge, sir Walter Blunt, Robert Horne with the fore-ward, passed the riuer at Castelford, three miles from Ferribridge, intending to haue inuironed the lord Clifford and his companie. But they being ther|of aduertised, departed in great hast toward king Henries armie; yet they met with some that they loo|ked not for, & were so trapt yer they were aware. For the lord Clifford, either for heat or paine, putting off his gorget, suddenlie with an arrow (as some saie) without an head, was striken into the throte,The lord Clifford [...]. and im|mediatlie rendred his spirit; and the earle of West|merlands brother, and all his companie almost were there slaine, at a place called Dintingdale,Dintingdale not far from Towton. This end had the lord Clifford, which slue the earle of Rutland kneeling on his knees,Crueltie paid with sudden mischiefe. whose yoong sonne Thomas Clifford was brought vp with a sheepheard in poore habit, euer in feare to be knowne, till king Henrie the seuenth obteined the crowne, by whom he was restored to his name and possessions.