Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When this conflict was ended at Ferribridge, the lord Fauconbridge, hauing the fore-ward,The lord Faucon|bridge. bicause the duke of Norffolke was fallen sicke, valiantlie vp|on Palmesundaie in the twilight set foorth his armie and came to Saxton,Saxton. Whethamsted saith, that K. Hẽries powe [...] excéeded in number king Edwards [...] twentie thou|sand men. where he might apparantlie be|hold the host of his aduersaries, which were accomp|ted thréescore thousand men, and thereof aduertised king Edward, whose whole armie amounted to eight and fortie thousand six hundred and thréescore per|sons: which incontinentlie with the earle of War|wike set forward, leauing the rere-ward vnder the gouernance of sir Iohn Wenlocke, sir Iohn Din|ham, and other. And first of all,An heauie proclamatiõ. he made proclamati|on, that no prisoner should be taken. So the same daie about nine of the clocke, which was the nine and twentith daie of March, being Palmesundaie,Palmesun|daie field both the hostes approched in a faire plaine field, betweene Towton and Saxton.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 When ech part perceiued other, they made a great shout; and at the same instant there fell a small sléete or snow, which by violenee of the wind that blew a|gainst them, was driuen into the faces of king Hen|ries armies, so that their sight was somewhat dim|med. The lord Fauconbridge, leading K. Edwards fore-ward, caused euerie archer vnder his stan|dard to shoot one flight (which before he caused them to prouide) and then made them to stand still. The northerne men feeling the shot, but by reason of the sléet, not well viewing the distance betweene them and their enimies, like forward men shot their theafe arrowes as fast as they might: but all to losse, for they came short of the southerne men by thréescore yards.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 So their shot almost spent, the lord Fauconbridge marched forward with his archers, which not onelie shot their whole sheafes, but also gathered the ar|rowes of their enimies, and let a great part flie a|gainst their first owners, and suffered a great sort of them to stand, which sore troubled the legs of the nor|therne men, when the battell ioined. The earle of Northumberland and Andrew Trollop,The earle [...] Northu [...]|berland. chiefe cap|teins of king Henries vawward, séeing their shot not to preuaile, hasted to ioine with their enimies, and the other part slacked not their pase. This battell EEBO page image 665 was sore foughten, for hope of life was set aside on either part, & taking of prisoners proclamed a great offense,The obstinate minds of b [...]th parts. so euerie man determined to vanquish or die in the field.