Compare 1577 edition: 1 These newes he sent by post vnto the duke of Bedford, the which incontinentlie vpon that aduer|tisement set forward in great hast towards his eni|mies. The Frenchmen hearing of his comming, set their people in arraie, and made all one maine bat|tell without fore ward or rere ward; and appointed foure hundred horssemen, Lombards and others to breake the arraie of the Englishmen, either behind,The ordering of their bat|tels. or at the sides, of the which was capteine sir Stephan de Uinoiles, called the Hire. The duke of Bedford likewise made one entier battell, and suffered no man to be on horssebacke, and set the archers (euerie one hauing a sharpe stake) both on the front of the battell, and also on the sides, like wings. And behind were all their horsses tied togither, either by the reins or by the tailes, with the carts and cariages, to the defense whereof were two thousand archers ap|pointed.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Héerewith either part being come almost to the ioining, the duke of Alanson, on the one side, exhorted his people to plaie the men, declaring vnto them, that the conclusion of this battell should either deli|uer them out of vile seruitude, or place them in the vale of bondage. On the other side, the duke of Bed|ford, to incourage his men, willed them to remem|ber how oft they had subdued those their aduersaries in battell (with whome they should now cope) for the most part, euer being the lesse number against the greater. Againe, he declared how necessarie it was to tame the [...]old attempts of the presumptuous Dolphin now in the beginning, least if the fire were suffered further to burne, it must haue néed of the more water to quench it.
Compare 1577 edition: 1 Manie words he vttered, to put them in hope of good successe and victorie. But scarse had he ended his exhortation, when the Englishmen rushed foorth, and boldlie set on their enimies, crieng; Saint George, a Bedford, a Bedford: and the Frenchmen likewise cried Montioy saint Denis.The battell of Uerno [...]e, the 28 of Au|gust, 1424. Then began the battell right fierce on both sides, continuing for the space of three houres in doubtfull balance, fortune shewing hir selfe so equall, that no eie could iudge to whether part she was more fauourable. But at length, after that those foure hundred horssemen, which were ap|pointed, as yée haue hard, to breake the arraie of the Englishmen, had passed thorough on the one side vnto the place where the cariages and horsses stood, and could not passe further, by reason of the fierce shot of the English bowes, they falling to the spoile made a hand, and therewith departed. Those archers then that were appointed to kéepe the cariages, being now at libertie, came forward, and so fiercelie shot at the thickest prease of their enimies fighting on foot, that in the end they were not able longer to indure, but were borne downe by fine force, and so vanquished.