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Yet heere at the noble prince not staieng his boun|tie, but rather regarding euer how iustlie new me|rits doo deserue new dignities, and peraduenture the more mooued somewhat to reare vp the degrée of this esquire, toward the state of his stocke, who a long time before had béene indued with knighthood, and al|so bicause that vnto the duke of Buckingham he was of bloud, which his behauiour alwaies had from staine so farre preserued, as rather brought to it some increase of glorie, did (in the most worthie wise which to that order belongeth) dub him knight of warfare in field, made him also capteine generall of this strong castell of Dampfront,Sir Iohn Bromley made capteine of Dampfrõt. seneshall and great constable of Bosseuile le Rosse, with other offices and titles of worship, as partlie may appeare by a déed, in which this knight taking patterne at his princes benigni|tie had giuen an annuitie of twentie pounds to his kinsman Walter Audeley.

14.1. A copie of that writing sundrie waies so well seruing to the truth of the storie was thought right necessarie heere to be added, thus.

A copie of that writing sundrie waies so well seruing to the truth of the storie was thought right necessarie heere to be added, thus.

_OMnibus ad quos hoc praesens scriptum peruenerit, Iohãnes de Bromley miles, capitaneus generalis de Dampfront, se|nescallus & magnus constabularius de Bosseuile le Rosse & March ibidem, salutem. Scia|tis quòd pro bono & fideli seruitio quod dilectus consanguineus meus Gualterus de Audeley mihi fecerit, tam infra regnum Angliae quàm extra, & praecipuè contra Francos: dedisse & concessisse, & hac praesenti chartamea confirmasse eidem Gualte|ro vnum annualem redditum viginti librarum, exeuntem de manerio meo de Bromley, & omnibus alijs terris & tenementis meis infra regnum An|gliae, vna cum herbagio pro quatuor equis ha|bendo infra boscos meos de Bromley & Willough|bridge, & octo carucatis foeni capiendis infra prat a mea de Shurlebrooke & Foordsmedo annuatim, durante tota vita praedicti Gualteri, infesto sancti Iacobi apostoli. Et si contingat praedictum annua|lem redditum, a retrò fore in aliquo festo, du|rante termino praedicto; tunc bene licebit eidem Gualtero, in manerio meo, & omnibus alijs ter|ris meis praedictis distringere, & districtiones in|de captas penes se retinere, quous de redditu praedicto, vna cum arreragijs (si quae fuerint) plenarie fuerit persolutum & satisfactum. Et vlterius volo, quòd praedictus Gualterus habebit liberumegressum & regressum cum equis suis prae|dictis, & ad asportandum foenum praedictũ, quan|docún voluerit, per omnes semitas & vias, sine EEBO page image 564 aliqua contradictione mei praedicti Iohannis, aut haeredum meorum aliquali. Reddendo inde mihi ip|si Gualtero annuatim in festo sancti Georgij martyris, si tunc fuerim infra regnum Angliae, v|num par calcarium deauratorum, pro omnibus. Et etiam volo & concedo quòd praedictus Gualterus liber sit, durante tota vita sua, ad volandum, ve|nandum, piscandum, & alias commoditates perci|piendum, tam infra manerium meum de Bromley quàm in omnibus alijs manerijs, terris, & tene|mentis meis infra regnum Angliae, sine aliqua contradictione vel impedimento mei praefati Io|hannis de Bromley militis, haeredum, aut assigna|torum meorum aliquali. Et vt fidele testimonium praesentibus habeatur, sigillum meum apposui: hijs testibus, Roberto de Bruyn milite, Iohanne de Holland, Gulihelmo de Brereton, Richardo le Gre|uill, Iohanne de Egerton, Richardo le Beston, Thomale Creu, & alijs. Datum apud Dampfront praedicto, 12 die mensis Augusti, anno regni re|gis Henrici quinti post conquestum sexto.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The old armes of the house of Bromley being quarterlie gules and ore per fesse indented, had in the seale to this déed, an inscutchen charged with a griffin surgiant; his creast, out of a crowne, a demi|lion supporting a standard charged with a lion pas|sant gardant: about the shield was ingrauen, Sigillum Iohannis de Bromley militis. That inscutchen and creast (as like is) giuen him in laudable remembrance for his valiant recouerie of the standard at the sharpe and bloodie skirmish by Corbie.] The earle of War|wike, and the lord Talbot, after the winning of this fortresse, made speed to come vnto the siege of Rone, where they were imploied, as after shall ap|peare. And in like manner, the duke of Glocester, ha|uing once got the possession of Chierburgh, hasted to|wards the same siege: for the better furnishing of which enterprise, he had first caused an armie of fif|téene thousand men to be brought ouer to him, vnder the leading of his vncle the duke of Excester, who imbarking with the same, about the feast of the ho|lie Trinitie, was appointed by the king to besiege the citie of Eureux, as the earle of Angus, otherwise called earle of Kime, was sent to win the castell of Millie Leuesche. These townes being deliuered to the kings vse, the duke ordeined capteine of Eureux sir Gilbert Halsall knight.

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