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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The king now determining with all spéed to be|siege Rone, prepared all things necessarie for his purpose. Into this citie the Normans had conueied out of euerie part their monie, iewels, and houshold stuffe, as into the most sure and strongest place of the whole duchie. For since his arriuall, they had not onlie walled that citie, and fortified it with rampiers and strong bulworks, but also furnished it with valiant capteins, and hardie soldiers, to the number of foure thousand, beside such of the citizens as were appoin|ted for the warre, according to their estates, of the which there were at the least fiftéene thousand readie to serue in defense of the citie, as soldiers, and men of warre in all places where they should be assigned. King Henrie, to haue the countrie free, before he would besiege this citie, thought good first to win such townes as laie in his waie, and therefore departing from Caen (where he had kept the feast of saint George) the ninth daie of Iune, Titus Liuius. Louiers be|sieged. he marched streight vnto the towne of Louiers, and laid his siege about the same.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 They within the towne, being well furnished of all things necessarie for the defending of a siege, manfullie resisted the Englishmens inforcements, which spared not to deuise all waies and means how to approch the walles, and to batter the same with their great artil [...]erie, till at length they brought the Frenchmen to that extremitie, that they were con|tented to yéeld the towne on these conditions; that if by the thrée and twentith of Iune there came no suc|cour from the French king to raise the siege, the towne should be deliuered into the kings hands, the soldiers of the garrison should serue vnder the king for a time, and the townesmen should remaine in their dwellings as they did before, as subiects to the king:Louiers yel [...]ded vp. but the gunners that had discharged anie péece against the Englishmen should suffer death. When the daie came, and no aid appeared, the couenants were performed accordinglie. From thence went the king with all spéed vnto Pont de Larch, stand|ing vpon the riuer of Seine, eight miles aboue Rone towards Paris: he came thither about the seauen and twentith of Iune.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 When the Frenchmen which kept the passage there heard of the kings approach, they gathered togither a great number of men of warre, minding to de|fend the passage against him, appointing an other band of men (if they failed) to kéepe the further side of the bridge; and to watch, that neither by boate nor vessell he should come ouer the riuer by anie maner of meanes. At his comming néere to the towne, he perceiued that it was not possible to passe by the bridge without great losse of his people, and therfore he retired almost a mile backeward, where, in a plea|sant and commodious place by the riuer side he pit|ched his campe, and in the night season, what with boates and barges, and what with hogsheads and pipes,The English armie passeth the riuer of Seine. he conueied ouer the broad riuer of Seine a great companie of his soldiers, without anie resi|stance made by his enimies. For they which were on the hither side of Seine, thinking that the English|men had gone to winne some other place, followed them not, but studied how to defend their towne, which was inough for them to doo.

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