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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Now were the Dolphin and the duke of Burgog|nie growen to a certeine agréement, by mediation of cardinals sent from the pope, so that the English|men suerlie thought, that they would leauie a power, and come downe to rescue Chierburgh. The duke of Glocester therefore [...] his camps to be stronglie intrenched, and manie defensi [...]le blocke|houses of timber to be raised, like to small turrets, that the same might be a safegard to his people, and EEBO page image 563 to conclude, left nothing vnforeséene nor vndoone, that was auailable for the defense of his armie. The king doubting least some power should be sent downe, to the danger of his brother, and those that were with him at this siege, caused two thousand men to be imbarked in thirtie ships of the west countrie, by order sent vnto certeine lords there.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 The Frenchmen within the towne, perceiuing those succors to approch neere to the towne,Chierburgh yeelded to the Englishmen. thought verelie that there had béene a power of Frenchmen comming to their aid: but when they saw them re|ceiued as fréends into the English campe, their com|fort was soone quailed: and so when the daie appoin|ted came, being the ninetéenth of October, or rather about the later end of Nouember (as the historie of the dukes of Normandie hath) they rendred vp both the towne and castell, according to the couenants. The lord Greie of Codnore was made the kings lieu|tenant there, and after his deceasse, sir Water Hun|gerford. About the same time, or rather before, as Titus Liuius writeth, to wit, the two and twentith of Iune,The castell of Dampfront yeelded. the strong castell of Dampfront was yéelded into the hands of the earle of Warwike, to the kings vse. But the historie writen of the dukes of Norman|die affirmeth, that it was surrendred the two and twentith of September, after the siege had cõtinued about it from Aprill last. The king by honorable re|port of other, W.P. and of his owne speciall knowledge, so rightlie ascerteined of the great valure that (for feats at armes and policie in warre) was alwaies found in the person of that Iohn Bromley esquier (spoken of a little here before) for which his maiestie so sun|drie waies roiallie rewarded him againe; some spe|cialtie yet of the gentlemans merits togither with the souereignes bountie to him among other, seemes here (at mention of this Dampfront, whereof short|lie after he was capteine) verie well to deserue a place: and to that purpose as the king in Iulie went ouer againe, and this Iohn Bromley in Iune the same yeare, with conduct of charge was sent afore, imploieng himselfe still in venturous actiuitie with great annoie to the enimie: his highnesse for good liking of the same, and for hartening and example to other (in Aprill next following) gaue fourtie pounds land to him and his heires males by letters patents in words as followeth, and remaining yet of record in the Tower of London.

14.1. A copie of the said letters patents.

A copie of the said letters patents.

_HEnricus Dei gratia rex Angliae & Franciae & dominus Hiberniae, omni|bus ad quos praesentes litterae perue|nerint salutem. Sciatis quòd de gratia nostra speciali & pro bono seruitio quod dilectus serui [...]ns noster Iohannes Bromley nobis impendit & impendet in futurum: dedimus & concessimus ei hospitium de Molay Bacon, infra comitatum no|strum de Baieux, ac omnes terras, tenementa, red|ditus, haereditates, & possessiones infra ducatum no|strum Normandiae, quae fuerunt Alani de Beau|mont nobis rebellis, vt dicitur. Habendum & te|nendum praefato Iohanni & haeredibus fuis mascu|lis de corpore suo procreatis, hospitium, terras, & tenementa, redditus, haereditates, & possessiones supradictas, vna cum omnimodis franchesijs, pri|uilegijs, iurisdictionibus, wardis maritagijs, rele| [...]ijs, eschetis, forisfacturis feodis militum, aduoca|tionibus ecclesiarum, & aliorum beneficiorum ec|clesiasticorũ quorumcún terris, pratis, pasturis, boscis, warẽnis chaseis, aquis, vijs, stagnis, molẽdi|nis, viuarijs, moris, mariscis, ac alijs cõmoditatibus quibuscún dictis hospitio, terris, tenementis, redditibus, haereditatibus, & possessionibus perti|nentibus siue spectantibus, ad valorem quadragin|ta librarum sterlingorum per annum, tenendis de nobis & haeredibus nostris per homagium, &c: ac reddendo nobis & eisdem haeredibus nostris apud castrum nostrum de Baieux vnam zonam pro lori|ca, ad festum Natuitatis sancti Iohannis Baptistae singulis annis: nec non faciendo alia seruitia, &c. Reseruato, &c. Prouiso semper, &c. Castro seu ci|uitati nostro de Baieux, &c. Quód praedictum hospitium, &c. In cuius rei, &c. Teste me ipso a|pud dictam ciuitatem nostram de Baieux, 18 die Aprilis, anno regni nostri sexto, per ipsum regem.

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