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Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the seuen and twentith yeare of his reigne, K. Edward held a parlement at Westminster,135 [...] Anno. Reg. [...] after the feast of Easter, in which an ordinance was deuised, Tho. Walsi In the pri [...]|ted books of statutes [...] sho [...]ld ap|peare, that this parle|ment was rather h [...]l|den in the [...] yeare of the kings reig [...] what wages seruants and laborers should be allow|ed, prohibiting them to receiue aboue the rate which they were accustomed to take before the yeare of the great mortalitie. Seruants and laborers were in deed growen to be more subtill than before time they had béene; but by reason of the prices of things were inhanced, it is like they demanded greater wages than they had doone before time: and one cause of the dearth was imputed to the new coine of monie, be|ing of lesse weight in the value thereof, than before it had béene, so that [...]he bishop of Winchester being lord treasuror, who had counselled the king to ordeine those grotes and halfe grotes, was euill spoken of a|mongst the people.Statutes [...] making of clothes. In this parlement there were sta|tutes also made, that clothes should in length and in breadth through the realme, beare the same assise, as was ordeined in the parlement holden at North|ampton. Also, that all weares, milles, and other lets,Weares and milles. should be remooued foorth of riuers, that might be a|ny hinderance of ships, boats, or lighters to passe vp and downe the same. But these good ordinances tooke little or none effect, by reason of bribes that walked abroad, and fréendship of lords and great men, that sought rather their owne commoditie, than the com|mon-wealths.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Shortlie after the feast of Pentecost,Creations [...] noble men. the earle of Derbie and Lancaster was made duke of Lanca|ster, and Rafe lord Stafford was created earle of Stafford. Whereas there had beene a treatie betwixt the lords of Britaine, and the king of England, not onelie for the deliuerance of the lord Charles de Blois,The lord Charles [...] Blois. but also for the matching of his eldest sonne in mariage with one of king Edwards daughters, and so to inioy the dukedome in peace: this matter was so far forwards, that in the yeare last passed, the said lord Charles, leauing two of his sonnes and a daugh|ter in pledge for the paiment of fortie thousand flo|reus, agréed vpon for his ransome; he was permit|ted to returne into Britaine to prouide that monie: and withall, to procure a dispensation, that his eldest sonne might marrie with one of K. Edwards daugh|ters, notwithstanding that otherwise they were with|in the degrees of consanguinitie, prohibiting them to marrie. Herevpon this yeare about Michaelmas, he returned into England with the same dispensati|on: but bicause about the same time the Britains had taken by stealth an Iland with a castell therein, that the Englishmen had kept, & put all those which they EEBO page image 381 [...]ound therein, to the sword, the said lord Charles, o|therwise duke of Britaine, lost the kings fauour, so that he would heare no more of anie such aliance, by waie of marriage, as had beene communed of be|fore: by reason whereof the British lords, that were in great number come ouer with the lord Charles de Blois, were constreined to returne home, without atchiuing anie part of their purpose, leauing the said lord Charles and his children behind them still héere in England.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 On the fourth day of September, the duke of Brunswike and the duke of Lancaster should haue fought a combat in Paris,Debate be|twixt the dukes of Brunswike & Lancaster. about words the duke of Lancaster should speake, in derogation of the duke of Brunswikes honor, for the which the said duke had appealed him in the court of France: but when they were readie to haue tried it, and were on horssebacke with their speares in hand within the lists, at point to haue runne togither, the French king caused them to staie, and taking on him the matter, made them fréends, and agréed them. This yeare the king by ad|uise of his councell remooued the mart or staple of wools from the townes in Flanders, Auesburie. Tho. Walsi. affirmeth that this remoo|uing of the staple of wols was the 28 yeare of K. Edwards reigne. and caused the same to be kept at Westminster, Chichester, Lin|colne, Bristowe, Canturburie and Hull. This was doone in despite of the Flemings, bicause they held not the couenants and agréements which they had made with the king, in the life time of Iaques Arte|ueld, by whose prouision the said mart or staple had béene kept in sundrie townes in Flanders, to their great aduantage and commoditie. Fabian.

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