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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 Sir Walter Bentlie, vpon his comming ouer foorth of Britaine,Sir Walter Bentl [...]e com|mitted to the tower. where he had beene the kings lieu|tenant, was committed to the tower, where he re|mained prisoner for the space of twelue moneths, bi|cause he refused to deliuer vp the castels within his gouernement, vnto sir Iohn Auenell knight, being appointed to receiue the same, to the vse of the lord Charles de Blois, at the same time when the treatie of agreement was in hand, betwixt the king, and the said lord Charles. But after, when it was perceiued what damage might haue insued by deliuerie of those castels, sir Walter was set at libertie vpon suerties yet they were bound for his foorth comming, and that he should not depart the realme: at length, he was receiued againe into the kings fauour. In the sum|mer of this seauen and twentith yeare,A great drought. was so great a drought, that from the latter end of March, fell lit|tle raine, till the latter end of Iulie, by reason where|of, manie inconueniences insued: and one thing is speciallie to be noted, that corne the yeare following waxed scant,A dearth. and the price began this yeare to be greatlie inhanced. Also beeues and muttons waxed déere for the want of grasse, and this chanced both in England and France, so that this was called the déere summer. The lord William duke of Bauiere or Bauarie, and earle of Zeland, brought manie ships into London, fraught with rie, for reléefe of the people, Caxton. Corn brought out of Zeland. who otherwise had, through their present p [...]ching penurie, if not vtterlie perished, yet pitti|fullie pined.1354 Anno Reg. 28.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 In the eight and twentith yeare of king Edwards reigne, Thom. Wals. Auesburie. vpon a treatie that was holden by commissi|oners, appointed by the two kings of England and France, after Easter, they were in maner fullie a|gréed vpon a peace, so that nothing wanted, but put|ting vnto their seales. In the articles whereof it was conteined, that the king of England should inioy all the lands of his dutchie of Aquitaine, without hold|ing the same of anie by homage, or resort, and in con|sideration thereof he should resigne all his claime to the crowne of France.A truce be|twixt Eng|land and France. Héerevpon were ambassa|dors sent from either king, vnto the pope, and a truce taken, to indure till the feast of saint Iohn Baptist in the yeare next following.Ambassado [...] to the pope. Ambassadors for the king of England were these: Henrie duke of Lan|caster, Iohn earle of Arundell, the bishops of Nor|wich and London, and the lord Guie de Brian. For the French king, the archbishop of Rouen lord chan|cellor of France, the duke of Burbon, and others: but when the matter came to be heard before the pope about Christmasse, all went to smoke that had béene talked of: for the Frenchmen denied that the arti|cles were drawne according to the meaning of their commissioners, and the pope also winked at the mat|ter, so that the English ambassadors (when they saw that nothing would be concluded) returned home all of them) the bishop of Norwich excepted who depar|ted this life there) and so their iournie came to none effect.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 This yeare, the tenth of Februarie,1355 Anno Reg. 29. there rose a sore debate betwixt the scholers and townesmen of Ox|enford.Debate be|twixt the scho+lers & townes|men of Oxen|ford. The occasion rose by reason of the falling out of a scholer with one that sold wine: for the scholer perceiuing himselfe euill vsed, powred the wine on the drawers head, knocking the pot about his pate, so as the bloud ranne downe by his eares. Héerevpon began a sore fraie betwixt the scholers and townes|men, which continued for the most part of two daies togither. There were twentie townesmen slaine, be|side those that were hurt: but at length, there came a great number of countrimen foorth of the villa|ges next adioining, to aid the townesmen, entring the towne with a blacke banner, and so fiercelie assai|led the scholers, that they were constreined to flee to their houses and hostels, but their enimies pursuing them, brake vp their doores, entered their chambers, slue diuerse of them, and threw them into priuies, tare their bookes, and bare awaie their goods. The scholers héerewith tooke such displeasure, that they departed the Uniuersitie: those of Merton colledge, and other the like colledges onelie excepted.

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