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Compare 1577 edition: 1 Anno Reg 25. 1351In the fiue and twentith yeare of king Edwards reigne, the Frenchmen hauing laid siege vnto the towne of saint Iohn Dangeli, the lord Dalbrets son, hauing assembled six hundred men of armes, Gas|coigns and Englishmen, meant to worke some feat for reliefe of them within, whervpon, as he was mar|ching through the countrie of Xainctonge neere vnto Xaincts the eighth of Aprill, Froissard. or (as other haue) the first, he was incountered by the lord Guie de Néell, one of the marshals of France, & other French lords, where at length, the Frenchmen were discomfited, manie also slaine, and diuerse taken prisoners, of which number was the said marshall, with his brother the lord William, and sir Arnold de Dandrehen, beside others, to the number of 300 men of armes, but yet the siege remained, till for want of vittels the towne was rendered to the Frenchmen.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same yeare in October, an English archer of the garison of Calis, named Iohn of Dancaster, by licence of the lord deputie of Calis, tooke with him threescore persons men of armes and archers, and in the night that goeth before the feast daie of S. Uin|cent, in the last quarter of the same night, he com|ming to the castell of Guines,The castell of Guines woone. found as well the watch as others fast as [...]pe, wherevpon he passed a water that adioined to the castell, wading vp to the girdle, and so came to the wall, where he & his com|panie rearing vp ladders, mounted by the same so se|cretlie, that slaieng the watch, being not past thrée or foure persons that were on the wals, they entred the castell, and finding the Frenchmen asleepe, slue those that vpon their wakening made any defense, and tooke the residue, whome they suffered to depart: and by this meanes they wan the castell, finding great store of vittels within, and so as they found it, they kept it to the king of Englands vse. The French hi|stories declare, that one Guilliam de Beauconroy that was capteine of this castell, betraied the place to the Englishmen, for a summe of monie, and when the French king required restitution bicause the truce was not yet expired, Polydor. he was shifted off with this for|ged answer, that nothing was excepted by the assu|rance of the truce, concerning things that should be bought and sold. The Frenchman that betraied it, was shortlie after put to execution at Amiens.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this yeare were the first peeces of siluer called grotes and halfe grotes of foure penc [...] & two pence the peece stamped, by the kings appointment,Grotes [...] hal [...]e [...] fi [...]st [...] through the counsell of William de Edington bishop of Winchester lord treasur [...]r. Before that time, there were no other coines, but the noble halfe noble, and quarter noble, with the péeces of siluer called ster|lings. Bicause these new péeces wanted of the weight of the old sterling coine, the prices as well of vittels as of other wares, did dailie rise and ser|uants and workemen waxing more craftie than be|fore time they had beene, demanded great wages, ¶ This yeare, vpon the euen of the Assumption of our lodie, sir Iohn Bentlie knight,1 [...]5 [...] Anno. Reg as then lord warden of Britaine, fought with the lord Guie de Neell, marshall of France (latelie ransomed out of capti|uitie) in the parts of Britaine, néere to a place called Mouron, betwixt Rennes and Pluremell, where the said marshall was slaine,Mouron. togither with the lord of Briquebeke the Chateline of Beauuais, and diuerse other both Britains and Frenchmen.

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