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The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 3 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 723) C.
- CAdor earle of Cornwall, 93, a 60. Duke of Cornwall killeth Cheldrike, 91, a 10
- Cadwalline. ¶ Sée Cadwallo.
- Cadwallo K. of Bri [...]e rebel|leth against Edwin, 11 [...], b 50. What the British writers re|port of him, 112, a 60. His i|mage of br [...]sse set on a brasen horsse and set vpon & udga [...]e, 113, a 30. Terrible both in na|ture & counce [...]ance, 111, a 20, b 10, 112, a 10. Slaine by Os|wald at Denisburne, 111, b 60
- Cadwallader king of Britons, constreind to for sake the land, 124 a 30
- Cadwan chosen K. of Britaine after 24 yeares space without anie one speciall gouernment, 105, b 60 His acts and déeds, 106, a 10. K. of Northwales, 104, b 10
- Caerbardon now called Bath, 14, b 10
- Caerbran now Beth, when first built, 12 [...] 40
- Caerbrank, 12, [...] 10. ¶ See yorke.
- Caergrant, now Cambridge, 20, b 40, 21, a 10
- Caerguent, 12, b 30. ¶ Sée Win|chester.
- Caerleir now Leicester when first built, 12, b 60
- Caerleon by whom erected and built, 18, b 60, 19, a 10, 40, a 50, 36, a 20. ¶ Sée Chester.
- Caerlud, now London, 23, a 60
- Caermalet, 38, a 50
- Caius Trebonius lieutenant of thrée legions, 29, a 40
- Caius Uolusenus sent ouer in|to Britaine to view the Ile, 24, a 40
- Calaterwood in Scotland, 16, b 20. Néere yorke, 21, a 40
- Calendarwood, 49, a 40
- Calis. ¶ Sée Itius portuss
- Caligula emperour of Rome purposeth to search the vtter|most bounds of Britaine: note, 33, b 10
- Calphurnius Agricola lieute|nant of Britaine, 53, a 60
- Caltrops of iron [...]. & cast among people, 33, b 60
- Camaletum, 38, a 50
- Cambridge by whome builded, 20, b 40. The vniuersitie by whom [...]ounded, 116, a 20. Fa|uoured of king Sigebert and bishop Felix, 21, a 10. Pe|stered with the Danes a whole yeare, 145, a 40. EEBO page image 724 The towne & the vniuersitie when first founded, 19, b 20. Burnt by Danes, 170, a 10. The vniuersitie founded be|fore Oxford 265 yeares, 145, b 60
- Camedolon a citie belonging to the Trinobants, 38, a 60
- Camelgaret a Welsh bishop ta|ken prisoner of the Danes, & redéemed, 151, a 60
- Camelodunum whether Col|chester or no, 38, a 30, 44, b 10 Supposed of Polyd. Virg to be Doncaster or Pontfret, 38, a 60. (Now Coichester) taken by the Romans, 35, a 20. Peo|pled with souldiers by Osto|rius Scapula, 38, a 10
- Cangi inhabitants of Den|bighshire, 37, b 50
- Canons. ¶ Sée Préests.
- Cantaber whether builder of Cambridge or no, 20, b 60
- Cantabrians, 33, a 10
- Canturburie in old time Kaer|kir, by whom first builded, 12, b 30. Of saint Agnes church built there by Eadbald, 107, a 20. The sée of archbishop Au|gustine, 102, a 60. Like to haue béen taken by the Danes but for composition, 169, b 30. Ta|ken of the Danes by treason, 170, a 60. Citizens & the earle of Bullongne togither by the cares, 188, b 10. The archbi|shoprike void, 120, a 10
- Caratake renowmed in Italie & Rome, 39, a 50. His wife & daughter taken prisoners by the Romans, 39, a 30. His couragious words (being ca|ptiue) to Claudius the empe|ror, 39, a 50. His prowesse a|gainst the Romans, 38, b 10
- Carausius a Britaine of low birth killed Bassianus in fight, 54, b 20. Of a bondman made king of Britaine, 56, b 10 Slaine, b 50
- Care [...]cus made K. of Britaine full of dissention, 97, b 60. His acts and déeds, 98
- Car [...]ll by whom builded, 12, a 60, ¶ Sée Caerleill.
- Carpwald slaine by Richbert his countrieman, 110, a 10
- Cartimandua quéene of Bri|gants betraieth Caratake in|to the Romans hands, 39, a 30. At square with hir hus|band Uenutius: note, 40, b 40
- Cassibelane protector of the Bri|tains, 23, b 20. With what kings he was assisted against Cesar, 27, a 30. He sendeth to foure kings of Kent for aid against Cesar, 30, a 10. He ru|led Oxfordshire, Barkeshire, Buckinghamshire, Hamshire Bedfordshire, 28, b 40. Chose cheefe gouernor of the Bri|tish armie, 28, b 40. Uanqui|shed by Cesar, 30, a 40, b 60. His noble acts & stratagems against the Romans, 29, a 60. He opposeth himselfe against Cesar in the behalfe of Bri|taine, 24, b 10. His sharpe stakes pitcht and set on the Thames banke, 31, a 20. His towne taken by Cesar, 31, a 40 The time of his regiment & vanquishment, 31, b 10
- Catagrine. ¶ Sée Catigerne.
- Cataratacus vanquished by the Romans, 34, a 40
- Catigerne the brother of Uorti|mer killeth Horsus, 80, b 10
- Catus Decianus taketh flight, 44, b 20
- Cead bishop of Mercia his sée at Lichféeld, 121, a 40. Ordeined archbishop of Yorke, his dili|gence, 119, b 20. Why remoued from the see of Yorke, 120, a 60
- Ceadwalio king of Westsaxones malicious against Kentish|men, 126, a 20. Driuen out of his countrie, his descent, his exploits, 124, b 20. His vow, 124, b 50. He inuadeth Kent, 124, b 60. His death, 125, a 10. He dieth at Rome, 127 a 20
- Cedda bishop of Eastsaxons his deuout déeds to prefer religi|on, 117, a 60. Had in reuerence of king Ediswald, 117, b 60
- Celric king ouer the Westsax|ons, 99, a 10
- Celtica, 2, a 40
- Celts that came first ouer to in|habit this Iland what they were, 3, b 40. Subiect to the giant Albion, 3, [...] 20
- Celvulfe king of Northumber|land dead, 133, a 10
- Centiuinus. ¶ Sée Cen [...]ine.
- Centwine king of Westsaxons ouercommeth the Britains, 123, b 50. How long he reig|ned, 124, a 60
- Ceoloulph. ¶ Sée Ce owlfe.
- Ceolred king of [...] dieth, 128, a 60
- Ceolvulfe souereigne king ouer the Northumbers, 130, a 30, 129, a 30
- Ceowlfe king of the Westsax|ons, 103, b 20. His acts and déeds in battell, 104, b 60
- Cerdic king of the Westsaxons, 8, 7, a 40, 89, b 30
- Cerdicshore (no [...] Yarmouth in Northfolke) why so called, 87, a 40
- Cesar vanquisheth Britaine and maketh [...]ributarie, 30, a 40. He v [...]nquished not all Brita [...], 3 [...], a 60. He with his Romans at Kingston vp|on Thames [...]r not far off, 29, a 60. He repa [...]th his nauie, 28 b 20. His nauie sore beaten & spoiled in [...]empest, 28, b 10. Uanquished of the Britons, & put to his sh [...]fts, 27, a 10. He incampeth [...]éere Canturbu|rie, 30, b 50. He taketh a new occasion to make war against Britaine, 2 [...]7, b 60. He retireth with sha [...] enough out of Britaine, 27, b 30
- Cesius Nasuca, his legion van|quish the Britans, 41, a 10
- Cewulfe ma [...]e king of Mercia by the Danes, 149, b 30
- Chariots to fight in vsed of the Britons, 26, a 40, 29, b 20
- Charitie of Oswald to the poore: note, 114, a 60. ¶ Sée Hospi|talitie.
- Chastitie. ¶ Sée Uirginitie.
- Chelderike K. of Germanie cõ|meth in aid of Colgrime, 90, b 30. Ouerthrowne, 90, b 50. Slaine by Cador duke of Cornwall, 91, a 10
- Chenwald K. of Westsaxons o|uercome of Penda, 115, b 40. Admitteth bishops & expelleth them again, 115, b 60, 116, a 10 Uanquished, by Uulshere, 119 a 30
- Cheolred K, of Mercia, 127, b 10
- Cheribert ¶ Sée Bertha.
- Chester a colome of Romans: note, 40, a 40. Taken by the Danes, 147, b 50. Builded by Marius, as some thinke, 51, a 50. Conquerd by Egbert, 139, a 10. Defaced by the Danes, 152, a 50. Two churches there built by earle Leofrike, 193, a 60. Supposed to haue béen be|gun to be builded by Ostori|us, 40, a 30. Repared by Leill, & when first so called, 12, a 60
- Cheuling encountereth with Britans & vanquisheth them 97, a 30. K of Westsaxons en|deth his life in exile, 98, b 50 ¶ Sée Kenrike.
- Children 50 of Ebranke, 11, b 60
- Chorea Gigantum, 88, b 20
- Christ Iesus his birth, 32, b 10. Diuerse things that were occupied about him crucified sent to Adelstane for presents 156, a 60
- Christians gréeuouslie afflicted after Edwins death, 111, a 30 Persecuted vnder Dioclesi|an, 61, a 60, 62, a 40. Honored & cherished in Constantines time, 64, b 20. In word but not in déed & how Peda thought of them, 117, a 10
- Church neglected whiles the Danes kept such a stirre in England: note, 153, a 50. In|riched by Cnute and his wife Emma, 182, a 10. Gouerne|ment thereof prescribed by Gregorie, 101, a 40. Articles of reformation for it from pope Adrian: note, 134, b 30
- Church discipline, 101, b 10
- Churches built euerie where in Northũberland when Aidan preached, 114, a 50. Repared by Aurelius Ambrose, 84, b 50. Destroied, 98, a 60, b 20. How bountifull king Ethelwulfe was to them, 141, a 50, 60
- Cicero matched by Fronto, 58, b 20
- Cinegiscus & his sonne Riche|linus reigne iointlie ouer the Westsaxons, 105, a 10
- Cinevulfus. ¶ Sée Kinewulfe.
- Cingetorix king of Kent taken prisoner of Romans, 30, a 40
- Cirencester, now Chicester ta|ken by Gurmundus, 98, a 10
- Gissa sonne to Ella the Saxon, 89, b 10
- Cities, townes & monasteries o|uerthrowne with wind, 135, a 60. Defaced with fire, 133, a 20
- Ciuilis a mainteiner of iustice, 73, a 30
- Claudianus report of Britaine in the decaie of the Romane empire, 74, b 10
- Claudiocestria, now Glocester, 36, a 20
- Claudius the emperor moueth war against Britaine, & why, 33, b 60. He sendeth legions of soldiers into Ireland, 36, b 10. He giueth his daughter Ge|nissa in mariage to Aruira|gus, 36, a 20. He woone Port|chester, 35, b 30, 36, a 10. He set|teth Caratake, his wife & kin|red at libertie, 39, b 30. He in person commeth into Bri|taine, 35, a 20
- Cleanders hatred against Per|honnis, 53, b 60
- Clergie fauour Cnute for their oth sake, 175, b 30, 176, a 10
- Clodius Albinus lieutenant in Britaine, 54, a 40
- Cloten K. of Cornwall, 15, b 10
- Cneus Trebellius lieutenant of Britaine, 51, a 40, 53, a 10
- Cnute the son of Sweine suc|céeds his father in England, 173, a 30. Absolute K. of Eng|land, 178, a 60. He passeth in|to Denmarke to subdue the Uandals & Swedeners that annoied his land, 180, b 20, 40. His diuerse acts politike, and memorable saiengs, 181, a 60, b, all. He refuseth combat prof|fered him by K. Edmund I|ronside, 175, b 60. At Guling|ham in Dorsetshire he is put to flight, 176, a 10. He is mari|ed to the widow of Egelred, 179, a 60. He sendeth awaie his Danish nauie into Den|marke, 179, b 40. His endeuor to establish himselfe in the kingdome, 173, a 60. He would command the sea in his pride, & is taught humilitie, 181, b 10 He renounceth the wearing of a crowne roiall anie more, 40, His children, 60. He taketh vpon him the rule of all Eng|land, 179, a 20. He causeth Ed|riks throte to be cut, 179, b 50. What countries he passed through, 174, b 60. He retur|neth into England, 174, a 60. He and K. Edmund Ironside fight a combat, 177, b 40. His lawes, 182, a 20. He is forced to forsake England, 173, b 20. His death, 191, a 30
- Coelus gouernement in Bri|taine, 62, a 40
- Cogidunus king of Britaine, 32, a 10. Faithfull to the Ro|mans, 40, a 60
- Coifi an hethenish bishops zeale to destroie idolatrie, 109, a 60,
- Coillus king of Britaine de|scribed, 51, b 10
- Colchester builded, 51, b 30. Walled by Helen, 66, a 10. Whereof Eldad was bishop, 84, b 40
- Colman bishop of Northum|bers, 119, a 40
- Combat betwéene Catigerne & Horsus, 80, b 10. Offred by K. Edmund Ironside to Cnute the Dane, 175, b 40. Fought betwéene K. Edmund Iron|side & Cnute, 177, b 40. Pur|posed of Edgar against the king of England & Kenneth king of Scots, 161, b 50
- Comius of Arras ambassadour from the Romans staid of the Britons as prisoner, 25, b 40.
- Commodus the emperor sen|deth Ulpius against the Bri|tains, 53, b 10. He enuieth the renowme of Ulpius, 53, b 30
- Cõpremise. ¶ Sée Arbitrement,
- Conan Meridoc duke of Corn|wall, 65, b 40
- Conspiracie notablie punished, 155, a 60. Rewarded with murther, 4, b 20. Of Kineard against Kinewulfe, 134, a 50. ¶ Sée Treason.
- Constantine brother to Aldroe|nus K. of Britaine vpõ coue|nant, 76, a 50. His three sons, & his death by treason, 76, b 10. A Britaine borne, his regi|ment in this Ile, why surna|med Great, 63, b 50. An as|sured branch of the British race, 66, a 10. Commended, 65, a 10. His decease, 66, a 30
- Constantine consine to Arthus reigneth ouer Britaine, his exploits, 94, a 40. Noted by Gyldas, to be a verie ill man, 94, b 20, 69, b 10. Slaine in battell, 94, a 60
- Constantine the emperour & his sonne slaine, 76, b 20
- Constantius his reigne ouer Britaine, 62, b 20. A simple [...]. end slaine by his gard, 77, a 20
- Constantius the Romane lieu|tenant taketh Coels daugh|ter a Britaine to wife, 62, a 40 His notable talke & behauior on his death bed, 63, a 10
- Contention about succession to the crowne of England, 16 [...], EEBO page image 725 a 60. ¶ Sée Discord.
- Controuersies to be ended by arbitrement, 87, b 60, 88, a 10
- Copa. ¶ Sée Eopa.
- Cordeilla gouerneth Britaine & killeth hir selfe, 13, b 40. Re|gan & Gonorilla, the thrée sole daughters of Leir, 12, b 60
- Cor [...]eus duke of Cornewall, 11, b 10. He wrestleth with Gogmagog, 10, b 40. He kil|leth Imbert, 10, a 10. ¶ Sée Brute.
- Cormans preaching among the Northumbers taking small effect, maketh him depart, 113, b 20
- Cornishmens seruice against the Romans, 27, b 10. Sub|dued by Adelstan, 156, a 30
- Cornewall why giuen to Cori|neus, 10, b 60
- Corona ciuica, à ciuem redimen|do, 37, b 50
- Correction doone vnnaturall by a mother on hir son, 165, a 30
- Couentrie made frée of toll and custome, 193, a 40
- Couetousnes how dangerous. 18, b 10. Of bishop Adelstan, 143, a 60. Of Harold in diui|ding spoiles of the Norwe|gians, 198, a 50. It caused murther, 174, a 40
- Counsell in issue vnhappie, 78, a 20. Tending to safetie, neglec|ted bréedeth danger, 160, b 30. Pestilent of a wicked wife, 133, b 10. Of yoong heads per|nicious, 16, a 40. Good giuen of a woman, 104, b 50. Good neg|lected, & what insued, 125, a 30 For safetie neglected with losse & ieopardie, 151, a 10. Un|aduisedlie taken, hurteth, 78, b 50. Euill what mischéese it worketh, 187, a 60. Euill fal|leth out ill to the counsellor, 187, b 20. Good ill requited, 131 a 50. Euill followed procu|reth hurt, 192, b 10
- Crida first K. of Mercia, 97, b 20
- Crosse borne before them that came to conuert Ethelbert & the English Saxons to the faith, 100, b 20. Erected in full hope to be an ensigne or tro|phe of victorie: note, 111, b 50. Reuerenced by Constantine, 64, b 60
- Crosses of bloudie colour fell frõ heauen on mens garments, signifieng affliction, 135, b 50
- Crossing bringeth sight of the diuels, and crossing driueth them awaie, 157, b 40
- Crowne roiall set on a crucifix & renounced of Cnute, 181, b 40. Of England recouered out of the hands of Dan [...]s, 179, b 30 Of gold what king did first weare, 15, a 30, 16, a 10 Controuersie for that of En|gland, 182, b 10
- Crowne called Corona ciuica, 37, b 50
- Crownes shauen controuersed, 119, a 50
- Crueltie of the Britains too too outragious, 45, a 10. Executed vpon Beatrice K. Edwards daughter, 154, b 10. In go|uernment purchase malice & deth, 151, b 60. In an extreme kind, 179, b 60. Of Cnute a|gainst the English pledges, 173, b 30. Unspeakeable vsed against Alfred by his tormen|tors, 183, b 60. Of the Danes in winning of Canturburie: note, 170, b 10. Of erle Tostie, 194, b 20. For vsing wherof a [...]dge was burned, 135, a 30. Of Penda & Cadwallo, 111, a 30. ¶ Sée Tyrannie.
- Cumberland giuen to the king of Scots to hold in homage, 157, a 30. Wasted by the Danes, 167, b 10
- Cumbra slaine for speking truth & giuing good counsell, 131, a 50
- Cunedag sole ruler of Britaine, 14, a 30
- Cuneglasus inueighed against by Gyldas aleud liuer, 69, a 60
- Cursse of the pope when first thundered out at England: note, 153, a 50. Of the Irish|men when thought to take place, 125, a 20, b 40
- Custome paid out of Britaine to the Romans, 33, a 30
- Custome of Northumberland, to sell their néere kinsfolks for a small price, 99, b 10
- Cutberd bishop of Lindesterne, 25, a 30
- Cutha fighteth with the Bri|tans at Bedford, 97, a 30
- Cuthred K. of Westsaxons, his exploits, 131, a 10