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Back Matter: Section 2 of
The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 4 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 725) D.
- DAlmatia, now Slauonia, 32, b, 50. 33, a, 10.
- Damianus consecrated archbi|shop of Canturburie, 116, b 40 ¶ Sée Fugatius.
- Danes arriue vpon the English coasts, & doo much mischeefe in K. Eg [...]lreds time, 165, a 50. Ouer all England like gras|hoppers, 166, a 60. Wintered at London, 145, a 20. Enuiron K. Edmund in Framingham castell, & pitifullie put him to death, 144, a 60. Cause of their comming into Northumber|land, 144, b 20, That first arri|ued on the English coasts, & when, 135, b 50. How manie shires they wasted, 170, a 20. Norwegians & they encoun|ter, 16, a 60. Sought the de|struction of this land, 140, a 60 b 10. Ioine with the Welsh and are vanquished, 139, a 40. Landed & spoiled the abbie of Lindesferne & did much hurt in Northumberland, 137, a 50 How long the persecution of them lasted, 140, b 20. With a nauie of 35 ships arriue on the English coasts, 139, a 20. En|tring vpon diuerse parts of England are vanquished and slaine, 140, b 50. Come to Rea|ding are put to flight, 144, a 10 Come within 17 miles of Bristow, 145, a 60. Compelled to flée to their ships wt shame & losse enough, 137, a 60. Forced to paie tribut to the king of Britaine, 19, a 40. Slaine by multituds at Tenet, 141, a 40 Loose one of their kings and fiue earles in a discomfiture, 143, b 60. Grow in puissance, 142, b 60. Fauoured of K. Ed|gar, 159, b 50. Truce brekers. 145, a 60, b 60. Their campe viewed by Alured disguised like a minstrell, 146, b 10. Be|siege Notingham, 143, b 30. Soiorne at London, 145, b 60 Went into Northumberland, 145, a 40. Wast all the east part of Kent, 142, b 10. Nine earles & one king of them slaine in Ethelreds time, 142, b 40. Di|uerse méetings & encounters betwéene them & K. Edwards forces, 151, a 20, &c. Remained at Cambridge a whole yeare, 145, a 40. Besiege Rochester, 147, a 60. Build them a castell in the borders of Wales, 148, a 10. With their armies come into yorkeshire, 143, a 10. Di|uerse baptised, 146, b 60. Win|tered in Cirencester, 147, a 50. Constreined to eat horseflesh, 147, b 50. Winter in Lindseie, 150, a 10. Meant to inhabit Northumberland, 150, a 10. Arriue in Essex, 147, b 50. Their armie diuided into thrée parts, 148, a 10. Take preies about Chichester, 147, b 50. Béereued Alured almost of all his kingdome, 148, b 40. Destroie Winchester, 144, b 10 Assembled in Staffordshire, 151, b 40. Had the whole go|uernment of this land frõ the Thames northward, 145, a 60 Crueltie in the winning of Canturburie citie. 170, a 60, b 10. Ouercome at Brentford, 176, a 60. Inuade the West parts of this Iland, 167, a 50. Trucebreakers, 168, b 60, 169 a 10. Wast this land in all parts after Dunstans death, 166, a 40. First entrie of them cõtrouersed among writers, & all their attempts impeach|ed, 164, a 40. Spoile Sand|wich in Edward the thirds time, 88, a 30. Deliuer to king Alured hostages & couenants to depart his dominions, 146, b 50, Egelreds deuise to murther them all in one daie, 168, b 30, Ouercome by sea & otherwise vanquisht, 141, a 20 In great miserie for lacke of vittels, 151, b 10. Rule & per|secution when it ceassed in England, 185, b 60. Kings & earles of their armie slaine, 151, a 40. Tributarie to the Britains, 16, b 40. Utterlie expelled out of England by decrée, 187, a 20
- Danegilt, 166, a 60. Ceased in England, 195, a 20
- Danaus & his fiftie daughters, 5, b 20. The murthering of their husbands how reuenged and their names, 6, a 50
- Daniell bishop of Winchester, 129, a 60
- Daughters vnkind to their fa|ther, 13, a 60
- Dearth in England by means of tempest, 188, a 10
- Dearth and mortalitie in Bri|taine and Ireland, 119, b 10
- Death after dearth, 188, a 10
- Decima a surname of a Romane legion wherein the eagle was painted, 25, a 40
- Deira kingdom when it began, 95, b 10. Now Northumber|land, 99, b 50. Deliuered De ira Dei, 99, b 50
- Demetia now Southwales, 18, b 60, 27, a 30
- Denbighshire spoiled by Osto|rius, 37, b 50
- Deuonshiremen vanquish the Danes, 141, a 20
- Deusdedit archbishop of Can|turburie, 116, b 40
- Didanus the father of Fris|wide, 133, b 60
- Dindimus & Uerianianus bre|thren slain in battell by Con|stans, 69, a 30
- Dionethus duke of Cornewall, 67, a 20
- Dioclesian a tyrant, 52, a 50. He & Maximian emperors, 61, b 60
- Discipline. ¶ Sée Church.
- Discord bringeth decaie, 88, a 40 Of brethren: note, 197, b 30, 194, b 10: note, 150, b 40, 151, a 10. Ciuill openeth a gap to the forren enimies, 142, b 60, 143, a 10. Bringeth miseries ma|nifold, 124, a 40
- Disdain how dangerous, 18, a 10
- Disobedience punished by fier and sword, 158, a 50. Punished with wasting and spoiling, 153, a 30
- Dissention damnifieth the au|thor, 21, a 10. ¶ Sée Discord and Warres ciuill.
- Dissimulation requited with dissimulation, 187, a 50. Of Edrike brought him vnto a shamefull end, 179, b 50, Of earle Goodwin, 183, a 10, 184, a all. Of Hengist notable, 81, b 60. Of Herculeus Maximia|nus, 64, a 20. Of quéen Alfred 163, a 30. Of Uortigerne no|table, 77, a 40. Of Edrike, 169 a 50. ¶ Sée Edrike.
- Diuell waits at the table when Dunstan sat with the king, 157, b 60. He laugheth at Dunstans exile, 159, a 30
- Diuision. ¶ Sée Dissention.
- Di [...]a the first bishop of Mer|cia, 118, b 20
- Doctrine confirmed by miracle, 83, b 10
- Domi [...]ian Nero emperour of Rome, 41, a 50. He enuieth A|gricola his honor, 51, a 20
- Dorcester bishoprike, 114, b 20
- Dragons firie flieng in the aire, 135, b 60
- Dreame of Alured comfortable to him, 146, a 60. Of Bright|wold a moonke of Glastenbu|rie, 185, b 20. Of Dunstane, 165, b 60. Of Edgi [...]a K. Ed|wards conc [...]bin, 153, a 10. Of duke Elstane interpreted by Dunstane, 157, b 50. Of arch|bishop Laurence: note, 106, b 60, 107, a 10. Wherebie Rollo was warned, 146, a 30
- Drunkennes. ¶ Sée Quaffing.
- Druis the son of Sarron, 2, b 50
- Druides where they made their chiefe abode: &c. 2, b 60. Cursse the Romans, 41, b 40
- Duke Alfrike of Mercia, 165, a 60 Androgeus of Troino|uant, 31, a 30. Asclepiodotus of Cornewall his exploits a|gainst the Romans, 56, b 60. King of Britaine, 57, a 10. He is slaine, 2, a 3 [...]. Berthun & Au [...]hun of Sussex, 124, b 40 Blederike of Cornwall, 104, b 10, Chorthmund a murtherer 137, a 10. Conan [...] of Cornwall, 65. Corineus of Cornwall. ¶ Sée Corineus. Dionethus of Cornwall, 67, a 20. Eardulfe taken & woun|ded, 136, b 30. Elsing of Nor|waie, 16, a 50. Gluni of Deme|tia, 36, a 20. Gorolus of Corn|wall, 88, a 20. Heninus of Cornwall, 13, a 20 Horge [...]ius of Cornwall or Deuonshire, 160, a 60. Magianus of Alba|nia, 13, a 20. Octauius of the Gewisses, 65, a 60. Salomon of Cornwall, 66, a 60. Uorti|gerne of the Gewisses and Cornwall, 76, b 30. ¶ Sée Uortigerne. Wade a conspi|rator, 137, a 10
- Duke William prepareth to in|uade England & conquer it, 198, b 20. His proclamation telling the causes of his en|trance into England, 174, b 60. His policie to disorder his enimies, 202, a 10. Ioi|fullie receiueth Harold, 193, b 60, 194, a 10. Sendeth an a [...]bassage to Harold putting him in mind to remember his EEBO page image 726 oth, 196, b 60. Erecteth & buil|deth tortresses for his soldi|ers, 199, a 30. He landed in Sussex, 198, b 90. Was base|lie borne of the bodie of Arlet a burgesses daughter of Fa|lois, 201, b 10. The battell be|twixt him & K. Harold fought 200, a 10. His comming ouer into England, and returne, 190, b 60. Pretended a title to the crowne of England, 196, b 10. His enterprise fauoured of pope Alexander, 199, a 10. Sendeth to K. Harold requi|ring him to take his daugh|ter to wife, as he promised, 197, a 30. Promiseth Harold his daughter in mariage, 194, a 20. His pedegrée 201, a 30
- Dukes rebell against Oswie, 118, b 60
- Dubright bishop of Caerleon, 90, b 20
- Dubritius bishop of Landaffe his diligence in his professi|on, 94, a 20
- Dulcitius an expert capteine in war, 73, a 30. Appointed to put Ualentinus to death, 73, b 10
- Dune a riuer where Doncaster now standeth. 85, b 60
- Dunmailes sonnes eies put out by king Edmund, 157, a 30
- Dunstan, & what is reported of him, 165, b 10. His prophesies, 165, a 20. His sharpe message sent to K. Ethelred, 165, a 60. He is restored & in estimation with Edgar, 159, a 60. Made bishop of Worcester, 160, a 10. In fauour with Edred, 158, b 10 By working miracies he had his will when argumẽts failed, 163, a 10. His hipocrisie, 161, a 10. His vision: note a vaine tale, 157, b 40. He is ba|nished, 159, a 20
- Dunwich a bishoprike, 110, a 40
- Duresme citie besieged by God|frie king Adelstans enimie, 155, a 20
- Durham from Yorkeshire how diuided, 88, a 50. The towne and minster builded, 167, a 10
- Durmo, or rather Gurmo, Angli|cus, why so named, 147, a 40