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  • BAd [...] hill, 88, a 40
  • Baldred vsurped the king|dome of Kent & departeth into exile, 139, b 30
  • Baldud. ¶ Sée Bladud.
  • Baldwin earle of Flanders com|meth into England to visit Edw. 3. his brother in law, 188, b 10. Earle of Flanders aideth duke william to conquer En|glend, 198, b 30
  • Banket fatall, 79, a 50
  • Bap [...]isme of bondmen and bond|women and making them frée, 123, a 60. How gratious being receiued: note, 123, [...] 10. Recei|ued of the British armie & how beneficiall, 83, a 10. At the mini|string thereof godfathers were in vse, 114. b 10. Ministred to ten thousand in the riuer of Suale, 100, b 60. Egelred defi|led the font with his ordure when he was baptised, 165, a 20
  • Bardi, their vsage and professi|on, 3. a 50
  • Bardus the son of Druis, 3, a 30
  • Basreeg, ¶ Sée Halden.
  • Bassianus borne of a British woman ruleth Britaine, 54, b 10. He practiseth with physici|ans to poison his father Seue|rus, 55, b 60
  • Bastards made kings as Al [...]rice king of Northumberland, 125, b 20. Harold so proclamed and consecrated, 181, b 20. Morin|dus admitted to rule Britain. 20, a 40
  • Batatti, now Hollanders, 72, a 30
  • Bath called Carbadon, 14, b 10. Besieged by the Saxons and Germans, but ouerthrowne & slaine, 90, b 60, 91, a 10
  • Bath ¶ Sée Caerbran.
  • Baths hot when first made or re|pared and by whom, 12, b 40
  • Battell of Ashdon fought be|twéene K. Edmund Ironsite & Cnute with his Danes, 177, a 10. Of foure houres continu|ance betwéene the English and the Danes, 176, b 40
  • Beasts wild deuour rulers of Britaine, 11, b 40, 50
  • Beatrice put to death by hir step|sons for poisoning hir hus|band, 154, b 10
  • Beautie a snare to intrap: note, 78, b 60. A ba [...]t, & also a deadlie baine, 160, a 60, b 10. Abused to a shamefull end, 191, b 60. It hel|ped not to saue life, 171, a 10
  • Beautie of Edg [...]a most excel|lent. 153, a 10. ¶ Sée Ronix.
  • Béda dieth, diuerse things noted concerning him, 130, b 10
  • Beline and Bren made fréends, 17, a 60. ¶ Sée Brennus.
  • Belinus generall of Cassibelans armie valiant, 27, a 40
  • Belins gate (now Billingsgate) whervpon the ashes of Belins bodie were kept in a vessell of brasse, 19, a 10
  • Bell of S Ellutus: note, 161, a 60
  • Bels vsed in battell caused ter|ror: note, 27, b 10
  • Bergion brother to Albion kept Ireland & the Orknets, 4, a 60
  • Berking, and who built the ab|beie there, 122, a 60
  • Bericus expelled out of Britain, his counsell to Claudius. 34, a 10
  • Berne iudge burned for crueltie, 135, a 30
  • Berne a noble man about yorke, the rauishing of whose wife bred much mischéefe, 144, b 20
  • Berne an earle maliciouslie slaine by his cousin, 188, a 20. 60
  • Berne K. of Estangles. 129, a 10
  • Bernred by murther vsurpeth the kingdome of Mercia, he is slaine, 128, b 10
  • Bernulfe of Mercia slaine, 138, b 20. He stomacheth king Eg|bert, 138, a 50
  • Bertegils bishop of Eastangles, 116, a 60
  • Bertha king Cher [...]erts daugh|ter wife to Ethelbert king of [...]ent, 99, a 50
  • Berthfride a valiant Northum|ber capteine, 129, a 20
  • Berr [...]ckshire, now Barkeshire, 143, b 40
  • Berthun a duke of Sussex slaine 124, b 50
  • Bertwald archbishop of Can|turburie, 129, b 60
  • Bertwolfe K. of Mercia tribu [...]a|rie to the westsaxons, chased out of his countrie by the Danes, 142, a 20
  • Birinus a bishop Italian con|uerteth the westsaxons to the christian faith, 114, b 10
  • Bis [...]p a moonke builded two ab|bies, and what artificers he brought into England that were not in it before, 120, b 30
  • Bisi. ¶ Sée Bishop.
  • Bishop Acca of Hexham, 129, a 40 Adelstan of Shireburne of K. Egberts councell, 140, b 20, A|delwold of winchester, 161, b 20 Adwin of winchester, 187, a 60 Aldhelme bishop of Shire|burne, 129, a 60. Alfin of win|chester, 161, a 40. Alstan a war|riour, 138, b 10. Asserius of Shireburne, 149, a 10. Bisi of the Eastangles, 121, b 60. Bo|nifacius of the Estangles, 121, b 60. Brightelme of Dorche|ster, 161, a 40. Camelgaret ta|ken prisoner of the Danes, & redeemed by K Edward, 151, a 60. Cedda of the Eastsaxons, 117, a 60. Co [...] in armes on horsbacke destroieth idols, 109, b 10. Colman of Northũbers, 119, a 40. Cutbert of Lindes|ferne, 125, a 30. Daniell of win|chester, 129, a 60, Diuma first bishop of Merc [...]a, 118, b 20. Dunstane of worcester and London, 160 a 10. Eadh [...]dus of Lindseie, 122, b 60. Eata of [...]exam, 125, b 50. Edmund of Shireburne slaine in battell. 144, a 10. Eadu [...]s of Lichfield adorned with the pall, 132, a 20. Egwine of worcester, 128, a 60. Elutherius of westsaxons, 129, b 10. Elphegus of win|chester, 166, b 60. 165, b 50. Er|kenwald of the Estsaxons, his sée at London. 122, a 60, Ethel|wold of winchester, 160, a 10. Felix. ¶ Sée Felix. Finan of Northumbers, 119, a 40. Ge [...]|mound of Rochester, 122, b 60. Ieroman is sent to the East|saxons to reduce them to the faith, 121, a 10. Lincolne slaine in the battell at Ashdon, 177, a 20. Oswald of worcester, 160, a 10. Putta of Rochester a good musician, 1 [...]0, b 10. Of Roche|ster & king Egelred at strife, 165, a 60. Sexvulfe of Mer|cies, 122, a 50. Swithune of winchester of king Egberts councell, 140, b 20. Tida of Northumbers, 119, b 10. wald| [...]r of London, 122, a 60. were| [...]dus of worcester, 149, a 10. wilfrid of Northumbers his diligence, 119, b 10. william of London banished, 191, a 20. william the poore bishop of Rochester, 122, b 50
  • Bishop not disgraded and yet li|uing a priuat life, 120, a 60. None of westsaxons for the space of seuen yeeres, 153, a 50. A kings son & heire a bishop, 141, b 60. One i [...]ineth his EEBO page image 723 power to Adelstans armie, is slaine by the enimie, 155, b60
  • Bishops authoritie exemplified: note, 117, b 20. Went to war & aid the king, 139. a30. Foure of Mercies, 119, a10. Two notable in Ethelwulfs daies: note, 140, b 20. Two elected in place of one, 122, b 60 Prospe|rouslie conduct British host against the Saxons: note, 83, a 10. Of Northumbers h [...] their sée at Lindesferne, 119, a 50, b 10. Two elected & conse|crated for one, 121, b 60. Creat archbishops, 119, b 20. How to be ordered, 101, b 20. Ordeined for auoiding the popes disple|sure, 153, a 60. What maner of men they haue béene, 191, a 60 In Britaine twentie eight, 52, a 30. What prouinces they gouerned in 731 yeares, 129, b 60, 130, a 10. ¶ Sée Synod.
  • Bishoprike at Donwich, 110, [...] a 40. At Dorcester, 114, b 20. Two made of one, 129, a 60. Two vnder one bishop, 160, a 10
  • Blasing starre of thrée moneths continuance, 122, b 60, What insued: note, 123, a 60, 162, b 10 Séene in England onelie of seuen daies continuance, 197, a 60. The yeare before Ed|ward the thirds death: note, 195, b 40. Two, one appéering in the morning, the other in the euening, and what insued, 129, b 20
  • Bladud the ninth ruler of Bri|taine, 12, b 40. Presuming to flie is pasht in péeces with a fall, 12, b 50
  • Blackwell hall in old time cal|led the temple of peace. 15, b 30
  • Blecca gouernor of the citie of Lincolne, 110, a 50
  • Blederike duke of Cornewall, 104, b 10
  • Bloud rained, 14, a 60
  • Bondslaue in honor, 46, a 30
  • Bondm [...]n made trulie free, 123, a 60
  • Bonifacius bishop of Eastan|gles, 121, b 60
  • Bonifacius B. of Mentz his e|p [...]stle to Ethelbald, 128, b 20
  • Bosa archbishop of yorke, 125, b 50
  • Boudicia. ¶ Sée Uoadicia.
  • Bren maried the duke of Alo|brogs daughter, 17, a 10. Duke of Alobrogs, 17, a 50. He and Beline ioin [...]ng forces take Rome, 17, b 10. He & Be|line their ioint gouernement intollerable, 16, a 30
  • Bre [...]cia kingdome when it be|gan, 95, a 50
  • Bretamons castell beyond sea built by the Britons, 61, b, 40
  • Brethren at strife and banded one against another, 16, a 60. Slaine, 14, b 60, 15, a 10
  • Brigants now yorkeshire, dis|daine to be subiect to a wo|mans gouernment, 40, b 60
  • Brightnod earle of Essex gaue battell to the Danes, slaine, 166, a 60
  • Brighthelme bishop of Dor|chester, 161, a 40
  • Brightrike K. of Westsaxons, 135, a 20. His policie to rule quietlie, 135, b 30. Marieth Ethelburga K. Offas daugh|ter, 132, a 50, His deth, 136, a 10
  • Brightwold chosen to be arch|bishop of Canturb. 229, b 20, 30
  • Brinchild a prince of Henaud, his valiantnesse, 12, a 30
  • Britains whether an Iland at the first or no. 1, a 40. Gouer|ned by lieutenants & treasu|rors o [...] Romane emperours, 37 a 60. Diuided from Scot|land by the emperor Adrian: no [...]e, 53, a 50. Gouerned by British rulers, 7, 10. First in|habited by the [...], 3, b 50. Rulers & kings thero: bitter|lie inueied against by Gyldas 94, a 60, 95, a 10, 96, a 60, b 10. The state of it during Arui|ragus reigne, 46, a 50 Afflic|ted by the inuasion of barba|rous nations, 75, a 20. Spoild pitifullie by Gurmudus, 98, a 30. Kings thrée of it slaine in one battell at once, 97, a 30. The state of it vnder Mari|us, 46, b 60. Ruled by women, 11, b 30, 13, b 50. Gouerned by kings of their owne nation, 20, 21, &c. Gouerned by fiue kings at once, 14, a 20. The state of it vnder kings, 15, 16, 17, &c. In France, 67, a 10. So calied by cõmandement of the subduer, 11, a 10. It receiueth faith: note, 37, a 30. Diuerse people inhabited diuerse por|tiõs of it, 23, b 50. Diuided in|to realms, 21, b 40. Unknowne to the Romans but by report, 24, a 20. Whether the kings of it were kings or rulers of the commonwelth or tyrants, &c: 23, b 40. A part of it called Ualentia, 73, b 30, The suc|cession of the kings therof or|derlie in their yeares to Eli|durus, 22, a 10. Of whom first inhabited, 1, a 20. Pentarchie, 15, a 10, Sometimes called Samothea, 2, a 60. The sub|iection of it to the Romans when it was, 31, a 60. A mo|narchie how long after Bruts death, 31, b 40. The state of it touching gouernment when Cesar did conquer it. 31, b 30, 60. The state of it vnder ru|lers, 11, 12, 13, &c. It receiueth the faith, 52, a 20. It tasted the crueltie of Dioclesian, &c. 61, b 60. The state of it vnder British kings, 76, a, 10
  • Britains repine to be gouerned by men of base degrée, 53, b 50. Commonlie called Welshmen, 127, a 10. The sauage sort, their vsage & attire: note, 55, a 40. Outragious crueltie ha|uing gotten victorie against the Romans: note, 45, a 10. Their lamentable case after ouerthrow by I. Agricola, 50, b 50. They, the Scots, and Picts in a league, 77, a 20. They of Calendarwood as|sault the Romans vpon ad|uantage, 49, a 40. Their mise|ries manifold: note, 41, b 60, 42 a 10. They go to Rome & com|plaine of Perhennis to Cõ|modus the emperor, 53, b 40. What practises Agricola vsed to traine them to ciuilitie, 48, a 20. Skilfull in swimming, 48, a 10. Admitted as well wo|men as men to publike go|uernment, 42, b 60. Readie to defend their countrie against Cesar, 24, b 40. They refuse to paie tribut to Augustus, 32, b 30. Their maner of fighting in chariots, 26, a 40. Sustei|ned a sore ouerthrow at the hands of Scapula, 39, b 10. Persecuted by the Scots & Picts, 70, a 50. An armie of them newlie christned, 83, a 20 They choose a place of aduan|tag [...] to encounter the Ro|mans, 38, b 30. The ridicu|lous voiage of Caligula at|tempted against them, 33, b 10 Driuen by Romans out of their wood of refuge, 28, a 60. Plaged by the Saxon [...] from time to time at appointment of God for their foule sins, 96, b 30. Made tributarie to the Romans, 30, b 10. At conten|tion among themselues after the death of Lucius, 52, b 60. By consent giue rule of all things in the wars to Cassi|belane, 28, b 40, Pursued by Centwine K. of Westsaxons with fier and sword, 123, b 50. Defended the christian faith euen with the sheding of their bloud, 63, b 10. Their fierce|nesse against the Romans, 25, a 60. Not all vanquished by Cesar, 31, a 60. They send to Cesar about a treatie of peace 25, b 30. Utterlie disabled by Pla [...]tius & his power, 34, b 40. Th [...]ir maner of fighting in war, 29, a 30. Remoued in|to Wales & Cornwall, 98, b 10 40. Receiued into the subiec|tion of the Estangles & Bri|tish kings, 131, b 20. Discom|fited, leaue their countrie a preie to the Saxons, 81, a 50. They l [...]st the more part of their ancient seats, 98, b 20. They laie armor aside, & be|take them to the reading of holie scriptures, 130, a 50. Seruing in war vnder Cõ|stantine fortunat, 65, a 30. Under the conduct of Uoadi|cia giue the Romans a shame|full discõfiture, 44, b 20. They obteine the field against the Saxons, 80, b 10. Their mi|serable state vnder Uorti|gerne, 78, b 10. They rebell a|gainst Alectus & his Romans 56, b 60. Oppressed of Sax|ons, craue aid of two bishops & preualie: note, 83, a 10. Their good zeale to religion in their troubles by Hengist: note, 82, b 30. Ouerthrowne by the Saxons & slain in gret num|b [...]rs, 89, b 10. Their disloialtie to Uter Pendragon, 87, b 60. Their kings séeke to rule in this land, 127, a 20. At va|riance among themselues af|ter the death of Lucius, 54, a 60. For lacke of skill gaue place to the Romans, 58, a 10
  • Britannia, why it ought rather to be called Bridania, 123, b 60. ¶ Sée Britaine.
  • Brithriks profered seruice hath ill successe, 169, b 10
  • Britons expert in art magike, 2, b 10. Why they vsed to paint their faces, 9, b 40. Suing for aid to the Romans against the Scots & Picts, could get none, 71, a 20. Welshmen, 105, b 60. Utterlie subdued by the Romans but not without much slaughter & bloudshed, 28, b 60. In gret miserie spoile one another, 70, b 60. Where the line and gouernment of their kings ended, 126, b 40. ¶ Sée Britains.
  • Brocmale earle of Chest [...]r de|fender of the moonks of Ban|gor against the Northum|bers discomfited, 104, a 20
  • Broemale. ¶ Sée Brocmale.
  • Brudeus king of Picts killeth Egfride, 125, a 30
  • Brute, his descent, arriuall in Britaine, killing of his fa|ther, &c. 7, a 10. He & his wife Innogens arri [...]all in Leogi|tia, &c: 8, b 40. He was not the first that inhabited this Ile, 6, b 50. Incountered by the grants of the Ile, 10, b 40 His line ended, 15, a 10. His letter to king Pandrasus, with cer|teine martiall exploits of his, 8, a 10. His th [...]ee sonnes, th [...]ir names, & how vpon his [...]eth|bed he diuideth all Britaine among them, 11, a 10 His ar|riuall in this Ile, 10, b 10. He & Corineus [...]ome companies, 9. b 10. H [...] with his companie landed in A [...]frica, 9, a 50. His death and buriall, 11, a 30
  • Brute G [...]éeneshield the six [...] [...] of Britaine, 12, a 30
  • Bund [...]cia. ¶ Sée Uoadicia.
  • Burge [...]. ¶ Sée Qu [...]ndred.
  • Bur [...]hred K. of Mercia mari|eth king Ethelw [...]es daugh|ter, 141, a 30. Aide [...] against the Danes, 143, b 20 Flieth his countrie & dieth, 145, a 30

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