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Back Matter: Section 2 of
The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the
historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions
in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name)
his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise. By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c:
haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking,
wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham
Snippet: 2 of 23 (1587, Volume 5, p. 722) B.
- BAd [...] hill, 88, a 40
- Baldred vsurped the king|dome of Kent & departeth into exile, 139, b 30
- Baldud. ¶ Sée Bladud.
- Baldwin earle of Flanders com|meth into England to visit Edw. 3. his brother in law, 188, b 10. Earle of Flanders aideth duke william to conquer En|glend, 198, b 30
- Banket fatall, 79, a 50
- Bap [...]isme of bondmen and bond|women and making them frée, 123, a 60. How gratious being receiued: note, 123, [...] 10. Recei|ued of the British armie & how beneficiall, 83, a 10. At the mini|string thereof godfathers were in vse, 114. b 10. Ministred to ten thousand in the riuer of Suale, 100, b 60. Egelred defi|led the font with his ordure when he was baptised, 165, a 20
- Bardi, their vsage and professi|on, 3. a 50
- Bardus the son of Druis, 3, a 30
- Basreeg, ¶ Sée Halden.
- Bassianus borne of a British woman ruleth Britaine, 54, b 10. He practiseth with physici|ans to poison his father Seue|rus, 55, b 60
- Bastards made kings as Al [...]rice king of Northumberland, 125, b 20. Harold so proclamed and consecrated, 181, b 20. Morin|dus admitted to rule Britain. 20, a 40
- Batatti, now Hollanders, 72, a 30
- Bath called Carbadon, 14, b 10. Besieged by the Saxons and Germans, but ouerthrowne & slaine, 90, b 60, 91, a 10
- Bath ¶ Sée Caerbran.
- Baths hot when first made or re|pared and by whom, 12, b 40
- Battell of Ashdon fought be|twéene K. Edmund Ironsite & Cnute with his Danes, 177, a 10. Of foure houres continu|ance betwéene the English and the Danes, 176, b 40
- Beasts wild deuour rulers of Britaine, 11, b 40, 50
- Beatrice put to death by hir step|sons for poisoning hir hus|band, 154, b 10
- Beautie a snare to intrap: note, 78, b 60. A ba [...]t, & also a deadlie baine, 160, a 60, b 10. Abused to a shamefull end, 191, b 60. It hel|ped not to saue life, 171, a 10
- Beautie of Edg [...]a most excel|lent. 153, a 10. ¶ Sée Ronix.
- Béda dieth, diuerse things noted concerning him, 130, b 10
- Beline and Bren made fréends, 17, a 60. ¶ Sée Brennus.
- Belinus generall of Cassibelans armie valiant, 27, a 40
- Belins gate (now Billingsgate) whervpon the ashes of Belins bodie were kept in a vessell of brasse, 19, a 10
- Bell of S Ellutus: note, 161, a 60
- Bels vsed in battell caused ter|ror: note, 27, b 10
- Bergion brother to Albion kept Ireland & the Orknets, 4, a 60
- Berking, and who built the ab|beie there, 122, a 60
- Bericus expelled out of Britain, his counsell to Claudius. 34, a 10
- Berne iudge burned for crueltie, 135, a 30
- Berne a noble man about yorke, the rauishing of whose wife bred much mischéefe, 144, b 20
- Berne an earle maliciouslie slaine by his cousin, 188, a 20. 60
- Berne K. of Estangles. 129, a 10
- Bernred by murther vsurpeth the kingdome of Mercia, he is slaine, 128, b 10
- Bernulfe of Mercia slaine, 138, b 20. He stomacheth king Eg|bert, 138, a 50
- Bertegils bishop of Eastangles, 116, a 60
- Bertha king Cher [...]erts daugh|ter wife to Ethelbert king of [...]ent, 99, a 50
- Berthfride a valiant Northum|ber capteine, 129, a 20
- Berr [...]ckshire, now Barkeshire, 143, b 40
- Berthun a duke of Sussex slaine 124, b 50
- Bertwald archbishop of Can|turburie, 129, b 60
- Bertwolfe K. of Mercia tribu [...]a|rie to the westsaxons, chased out of his countrie by the Danes, 142, a 20
- Birinus a bishop Italian con|uerteth the westsaxons to the christian faith, 114, b 10
- Bis [...]p a moonke builded two ab|bies, and what artificers he brought into England that were not in it before, 120, b 30
- Bisi. ¶ Sée Bishop.
- Bishop Acca of Hexham, 129, a 40 Adelstan of Shireburne of K. Egberts councell, 140, b 20, A|delwold of winchester, 161, b 20 Adwin of winchester, 187, a 60 Aldhelme bishop of Shire|burne, 129, a 60. Alfin of win|chester, 161, a 40. Alstan a war|riour, 138, b 10. Asserius of Shireburne, 149, a 10. Bisi of the Eastangles, 121, b 60. Bo|nifacius of the Estangles, 121, b 60. Brightelme of Dorche|ster, 161, a 40. Camelgaret ta|ken prisoner of the Danes, & redeemed by K Edward, 151, a 60. Cedda of the Eastsaxons, 117, a 60. Co [...] in armes on horsbacke destroieth idols, 109, b 10. Colman of Northũbers, 119, a 40. Cutbert of Lindes|ferne, 125, a 30. Daniell of win|chester, 129, a 60, Diuma first bishop of Merc [...]a, 118, b 20. Dunstane of worcester and London, 160 a 10. Eadh [...]dus of Lindseie, 122, b 60. Eata of [...]exam, 125, b 50. Edmund of Shireburne slaine in battell. 144, a 10. Eadu [...]s of Lichfield adorned with the pall, 132, a 20. Egwine of worcester, 128, a 60. Elutherius of westsaxons, 129, b 10. Elphegus of win|chester, 166, b 60. 165, b 50. Er|kenwald of the Estsaxons, his sée at London. 122, a 60, Ethel|wold of winchester, 160, a 10. Felix. ¶ Sée Felix. Finan of Northumbers, 119, a 40. Ge [...]|mound of Rochester, 122, b 60. Ieroman is sent to the East|saxons to reduce them to the faith, 121, a 10. Lincolne slaine in the battell at Ashdon, 177, a 20. Oswald of worcester, 160, a 10. Putta of Rochester a good musician, 1 [...]0, b 10. Of Roche|ster & king Egelred at strife, 165, a 60. Sexvulfe of Mer|cies, 122, a 50. Swithune of winchester of king Egberts councell, 140, b 20. Tida of Northumbers, 119, b 10. wald| [...]r of London, 122, a 60. were| [...]dus of worcester, 149, a 10. wilfrid of Northumbers his diligence, 119, b 10. william of London banished, 191, a 20. william the poore bishop of Rochester, 122, b 50
- Bishop not disgraded and yet li|uing a priuat life, 120, a 60. None of westsaxons for the space of seuen yeeres, 153, a 50. A kings son & heire a bishop, 141, b 60. One i [...]ineth his EEBO page image 723 power to Adelstans armie, is slaine by the enimie, 155, b60
- Bishops authoritie exemplified: note, 117, b 20. Went to war & aid the king, 139. a30. Foure of Mercies, 119, a10. Two notable in Ethelwulfs daies: note, 140, b 20. Two elected in place of one, 122, b 60 Prospe|rouslie conduct British host against the Saxons: note, 83, a 10. Of Northumbers h [...] their sée at Lindesferne, 119, a 50, b 10. Two elected & conse|crated for one, 121, b 60. Creat archbishops, 119, b 20. How to be ordered, 101, b 20. Ordeined for auoiding the popes disple|sure, 153, a 60. What maner of men they haue béene, 191, a 60 In Britaine twentie eight, 52, a 30. What prouinces they gouerned in 731 yeares, 129, b 60, 130, a 10. ¶ Sée Synod.
- Bishoprike at Donwich, 110, [...] a 40. At Dorcester, 114, b 20. Two made of one, 129, a 60. Two vnder one bishop, 160, a 10
- Blasing starre of thrée moneths continuance, 122, b 60, What insued: note, 123, a 60, 162, b 10 Séene in England onelie of seuen daies continuance, 197, a 60. The yeare before Ed|ward the thirds death: note, 195, b 40. Two, one appéering in the morning, the other in the euening, and what insued, 129, b 20
- Bladud the ninth ruler of Bri|taine, 12, b 40. Presuming to flie is pasht in péeces with a fall, 12, b 50
- Blackwell hall in old time cal|led the temple of peace. 15, b 30
- Blecca gouernor of the citie of Lincolne, 110, a 50
- Blederike duke of Cornewall, 104, b 10
- Bloud rained, 14, a 60
- Bondslaue in honor, 46, a 30
- Bondm [...]n made trulie free, 123, a 60
- Bonifacius bishop of Eastan|gles, 121, b 60
- Bonifacius B. of Mentz his e|p [...]stle to Ethelbald, 128, b 20
- Bosa archbishop of yorke, 125, b 50
- Boudicia. ¶ Sée Uoadicia.
- Bren maried the duke of Alo|brogs daughter, 17, a 10. Duke of Alobrogs, 17, a 50. He and Beline ioin [...]ng forces take Rome, 17, b 10. He & Be|line their ioint gouernement intollerable, 16, a 30
- Bre [...]cia kingdome when it be|gan, 95, a 50
- Bretamons castell beyond sea built by the Britons, 61, b, 40
- Brethren at strife and banded one against another, 16, a 60. Slaine, 14, b 60, 15, a 10
- Brigants now yorkeshire, dis|daine to be subiect to a wo|mans gouernment, 40, b 60
- Brightnod earle of Essex gaue battell to the Danes, slaine, 166, a 60
- Brighthelme bishop of Dor|chester, 161, a 40
- Brightrike K. of Westsaxons, 135, a 20. His policie to rule quietlie, 135, b 30. Marieth Ethelburga K. Offas daugh|ter, 132, a 50, His deth, 136, a 10
- Brightwold chosen to be arch|bishop of Canturb. 229, b 20, 30
- Brinchild a prince of Henaud, his valiantnesse, 12, a 30
- Britains whether an Iland at the first or no. 1, a 40. Gouer|ned by lieutenants & treasu|rors o [...] Romane emperours, 37 a 60. Diuided from Scot|land by the emperor Adrian: no [...]e, 53, a 50. Gouerned by British rulers, 7, 10. First in|habited by the [...], 3, b 50. Rulers & kings thero: bitter|lie inueied against by Gyldas 94, a 60, 95, a 10, 96, a 60, b 10. The state of it during Arui|ragus reigne, 46, a 50 Afflic|ted by the inuasion of barba|rous nations, 75, a 20. Spoild pitifullie by Gurmudus, 98, a 30. Kings thrée of it slaine in one battell at once, 97, a 30. The state of it vnder Mari|us, 46, b 60. Ruled by women, 11, b 30, 13, b 50. Gouerned by kings of their owne nation, 20, 21, &c. Gouerned by fiue kings at once, 14, a 20. The state of it vnder kings, 15, 16, 17, &c. In France, 67, a 10. So calied by cõmandement of the subduer, 11, a 10. It receiueth faith: note, 37, a 30. Diuerse people inhabited diuerse por|tiõs of it, 23, b 50. Diuided in|to realms, 21, b 40. Unknowne to the Romans but by report, 24, a 20. Whether the kings of it were kings or rulers of the commonwelth or tyrants, &c: 23, b 40. A part of it called Ualentia, 73, b 30, The suc|cession of the kings therof or|derlie in their yeares to Eli|durus, 22, a 10. Of whom first inhabited, 1, a 20. Pentarchie, 15, a 10, Sometimes called Samothea, 2, a 60. The sub|iection of it to the Romans when it was, 31, a 60. A mo|narchie how long after Bruts death, 31, b 40. The state of it touching gouernment when Cesar did conquer it. 31, b 30, 60. The state of it vnder ru|lers, 11, 12, 13, &c. It receiueth the faith, 52, a 20. It tasted the crueltie of Dioclesian, &c. 61, b 60. The state of it vnder British kings, 76, a, 10
- Britains repine to be gouerned by men of base degrée, 53, b 50. Commonlie called Welshmen, 127, a 10. The sauage sort, their vsage & attire: note, 55, a 40. Outragious crueltie ha|uing gotten victorie against the Romans: note, 45, a 10. Their lamentable case after ouerthrow by I. Agricola, 50, b 50. They, the Scots, and Picts in a league, 77, a 20. They of Calendarwood as|sault the Romans vpon ad|uantage, 49, a 40. Their mise|ries manifold: note, 41, b 60, 42 a 10. They go to Rome & com|plaine of Perhennis to Cõ|modus the emperor, 53, b 40. What practises Agricola vsed to traine them to ciuilitie, 48, a 20. Skilfull in swimming, 48, a 10. Admitted as well wo|men as men to publike go|uernment, 42, b 60. Readie to defend their countrie against Cesar, 24, b 40. They refuse to paie tribut to Augustus, 32, b 30. Their maner of fighting in chariots, 26, a 40. Sustei|ned a sore ouerthrow at the hands of Scapula, 39, b 10. Persecuted by the Scots & Picts, 70, a 50. An armie of them newlie christned, 83, a 20 They choose a place of aduan|tag [...] to encounter the Ro|mans, 38, b 30. The ridicu|lous voiage of Caligula at|tempted against them, 33, b 10 Driuen by Romans out of their wood of refuge, 28, a 60. Plaged by the Saxon [...] from time to time at appointment of God for their foule sins, 96, b 30. Made tributarie to the Romans, 30, b 10. At conten|tion among themselues after the death of Lucius, 52, b 60. By consent giue rule of all things in the wars to Cassi|belane, 28, b 40, Pursued by Centwine K. of Westsaxons with fier and sword, 123, b 50. Defended the christian faith euen with the sheding of their bloud, 63, b 10. Their fierce|nesse against the Romans, 25, a 60. Not all vanquished by Cesar, 31, a 60. They send to Cesar about a treatie of peace 25, b 30. Utterlie disabled by Pla [...]tius & his power, 34, b 40. Th [...]ir maner of fighting in war, 29, a 30. Remoued in|to Wales & Cornwall, 98, b 10 40. Receiued into the subiec|tion of the Estangles & Bri|tish kings, 131, b 20. Discom|fited, leaue their countrie a preie to the Saxons, 81, a 50. They l [...]st the more part of their ancient seats, 98, b 20. They laie armor aside, & be|take them to the reading of holie scriptures, 130, a 50. Seruing in war vnder Cõ|stantine fortunat, 65, a 30. Under the conduct of Uoadi|cia giue the Romans a shame|full discõfiture, 44, b 20. They obteine the field against the Saxons, 80, b 10. Their mi|serable state vnder Uorti|gerne, 78, b 10. They rebell a|gainst Alectus & his Romans 56, b 60. Oppressed of Sax|ons, craue aid of two bishops & preualie: note, 83, a 10. Their good zeale to religion in their troubles by Hengist: note, 82, b 30. Ouerthrowne by the Saxons & slain in gret num|b [...]rs, 89, b 10. Their disloialtie to Uter Pendragon, 87, b 60. Their kings séeke to rule in this land, 127, a 20. At va|riance among themselues af|ter the death of Lucius, 54, a 60. For lacke of skill gaue place to the Romans, 58, a 10
- Britannia, why it ought rather to be called Bridania, 123, b 60. ¶ Sée Britaine.
- Brithriks profered seruice hath ill successe, 169, b 10
- Britons expert in art magike, 2, b 10. Why they vsed to paint their faces, 9, b 40. Suing for aid to the Romans against the Scots & Picts, could get none, 71, a 20. Welshmen, 105, b 60. Utterlie subdued by the Romans but not without much slaughter & bloudshed, 28, b 60. In gret miserie spoile one another, 70, b 60. Where the line and gouernment of their kings ended, 126, b 40. ¶ Sée Britains.
- Brocmale earle of Chest [...]r de|fender of the moonks of Ban|gor against the Northum|bers discomfited, 104, a 20
- Broemale. ¶ Sée Brocmale.
- Brudeus king of Picts killeth Egfride, 125, a 30
- Brute, his descent, arriuall in Britaine, killing of his fa|ther, &c. 7, a 10. He & his wife Innogens arri [...]all in Leogi|tia, &c: 8, b 40. He was not the first that inhabited this Ile, 6, b 50. Incountered by the grants of the Ile, 10, b 40 His line ended, 15, a 10. His letter to king Pandrasus, with cer|teine martiall exploits of his, 8, a 10. His th [...]ee sonnes, th [...]ir names, & how vpon his [...]eth|bed he diuideth all Britaine among them, 11, a 10 His ar|riuall in this Ile, 10, b 10. He & Corineus [...]ome companies, 9. b 10. H [...] with his companie landed in A [...]frica, 9, a 50. His death and buriall, 11, a 30
- Brute G [...]éeneshield the six [...] [...] of Britaine, 12, a 30
- Bund [...]cia. ¶ Sée Uoadicia.
- Burge [...]. ¶ Sée Qu [...]ndred.
- Bur [...]hred K. of Mercia mari|eth king Ethelw [...]es daugh|ter, 141, a 30. Aide [...] against the Danes, 143, b 20 Flieth his countrie & dieth, 145, a 30