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The second table Alphabeticall, being a complet extract of names and matters dispersed in the historie of Britaine and England: wherein the reader is aduisedlie to distinguish of persons and actions in perusing euerie discourse, least by taking one for another (diuerse persons being of one name) his memorie be confounded, and some error or doubt arise.

By this table you may obserue how manie archbishops, bishops, earles, dukes, &c: haue beene in this Iland before the conquest: as also matter of discourse and woorth the marking, wher|soeuer you see this word (Note) which dooth oftentimes come to hand. Gathered by Abraham Fleming.


  • ABbie of saint Augustine at Canturburie built, 102, a 60. Of R [...]pon burnt by K. E|dred, 158, a 50
  • Abbies built by Adelstane, 156, a 40. Founded by Alured, 148, b 50. Building of them thought a full satisfaction for sins, 163, b 20. What their state was in the daies of Iohn of Beuerlie & Beda. 130, b 20
  • Aborigenes, and the opinion cõ|cerning them gainsaid, 4, a 60
  • Aboundance. ¶ Sée Plentie.
  • Acca bishop of Hexham, 129. a 40
  • Achelnotus archbishop of Can|turburie, 182, a 20
  • Ackwold king of Eastangles, 129, a 10
  • Ada the son of Ida king of Bre|nitia, 95, b 30
  • Adeliza the daughter of duke Wil|liam, whome Harold should haue married, 197, a 40
  • Adelme rebelling against his king, and pardoned, dooth good seruice in the field, 131, a 30
  • Adelstan king of England crow|ned & consecrated at Kingston vpon Thames, 154, a 10. Sorie too late for exiling his brother, 155, b 10. He goeth out of his waie to sée where S. Iohn of Beuerlie was buried, 155. a 40 His victories against diuerse kings conspiring against him, 154, b 60, 155, a 10. His victorie against six kings, all slain with diuerse others, 156, a 10. De|scribed, his death, and what presents were sent him, 156, a 40
  • Adelstan bishop of Shireburne cõmended, 143, a 40. Of K. Eg|berts councell, 140, b 20
  • Adelwold king of Sussex recei|ueth the [...] of Wight as a gift vpon condition, 119, a 30. He causeth the Essexmen to yéeld vnto him, 150, b 60. He is slaine, 151, a 20
  • Adelwold K. Edwards brother taketh part with the Danes, 150, b 40
  • Adelwold bishop of Winchester builder of Elie abbie, 161, b 20
  • Adras [...]e worshipped and praied vnto, 44, a 40
  • Adrian abbat of S. Augustines at Canturburie commended, 120, b 10. He that came [...] Theodore, and died, 129, a 60
  • Adrian the emperor passeth into Britaine, 53, a 40 His wall di|uiding Britaine and Scot|land, 53, a 50
  • Adrian the pope sendeth legats into England, 134, b 30
  • Aduancement of a bondman dis|dained, 46, a 30
  • Adulterer mainteined by an ad|ulteresse: note, 40, b 40, 60
  • Adwin bishop of Winchester cõ|mitted to prison, 187, a 60
  • Aegiptus and his fiftie sonnes, 5, b 20
  • Aganippus a prince of France married Ceadeilla, 13, a 40
  • Agathyrsi. ¶ Sée Picts.
  • Agi [...]bert bishop of Paris, 115, b 60, 116, a 10
  • Agneius and Hubba two Da|nish capteins brethren, 144, a 30
  • Aidan bishop, 114, a 60. A Scot commeth into England to preach the gospell, 113, b 40, 60. His coniecture touching Os|win fell out true, 115, b 10. He dieth, 115, b 20
  • Alban a citizen of Werlamcester martyred vnder Dioclesian, 62, a 10
  • Albania now Scotland, 27, a 30 By whom built. 12, a 20
  • Albine his treatise against king Charles his articles, 135, a 60. ¶ Sée Alcwine.
  • Albion now England why so na|med as Bodin saith, 3, b 50. Di|uerse opimons of the name, 4, a 10, 5, a 20
  • Albion the giants comming into this Iland, 4, a 10. The son of Neptune, subdueth the Ce [...]ts 3, b 20, He and Bergion slaine with the most part of their ar|mie, 4, b 50
  • Alchfled daughter of Oswie ma|ried to Peda, 116, b 60
  • Alcluid citie destroied by the Danes, 144, b 20. Whether in Scotland or no, 21, a 40
  • Alcwine a famous clerke an En|glishman. 132, a 60
  • Aldhelme bishop of Shireburne, 129, a 60
  • Aldinius. ¶ Sée Ealdbright.
  • Aldelme archbishop of Canturb. 154, a 10. Bishop of Worcester in fauour with K. Edward the third, 192, a 60, b 10. Archbishop of Yorke, 196, b 20. 152, b 10. Slaine by duke Chorthmond, 137, a 10
  • Aldroenus king of litle Britaine in France, 71, b 20
  • Aldulfe king of Eastangles de|parteth this life, 129, a 10
  • Alectus counted a ringleader of théeues: note, 59, b 20. Killeth Carausius & succéedeth him in rule ouer Britaine, 56, b 50. U|surped the title and dignitie of king of Britaine, 61, b 10
  • Alexander pope the second fauo|red duke Williams conquest of England, 199, a 10
  • Alfer. ¶ Sée Elfer.
  • Alfin bishop of Winchester, 161, a 40
  • Alfred the daughter of Offa king of Mercia maried to Ethel|bert, 136, b 60
  • Alfred the son of Egelred maketh chalenge to the crowne, 181, b 60. Striueth in vaine to kéepe Adelstane from the gouerne|ment, 154, a 10. Taken prisoner, his eies put out, his death, 183, a 10, 184, a 40. Suspected per|sons for his death examined, 185, a 20. ¶ Sée Alured.
  • Alfred the beautifull daughter of duke Horgerius: note, 160, a 60 The wife of king Edgar di|eth, and what offense it caused him to doo, 160, a 60. Hir wic|ked purpose to kill hir sonne, 163, a 30
  • Alfreda the daughter of K. Offa of Mercia maried to Ethel|bert, 133, a 60. Gréeued at the death of hir husband, becom|meth a nun, 133, b 30
  • Alfride king of Northumbers, 129, a 10. A bastard, 125, b 20
  • Alfrike archbishop of Yorke, 185, a 20
  • Alfrike duke of Mercie, banish|ed, 165, a 60. Uiceadmerall of king Egèlreds nauie a traitor to his countrie, 166, b 20
  • Alfwald king of Northumbers his death, 135, a 50. His sonnes miserablie slaine by Ethelbert, 136, b 50
  • Alfwen sister to Elf [...]da, 152, b 40
  • Algar the sonne of earle Leo [...]rike hath Harolds lands giuen him 193, a 60. His intended rauish|ing reuenged, 133, b 60. His eies put out for his fathers treason, 166, b 30
  • Algar made earle of Chester, exi|led, he recouereth it by force, 193, a 60
  • Algar earle of Oxford, 191, b 30 Banished, 192, b 10
  • Aliance aduisedlie to be made, 79, a 40, &c. ¶ Sée Mariage.
  • Allegiance. ¶ Sée Loialtie.
  • Alleluia: note a stratagem, 83, a 30
  • Allered archbishop of Yorke, 188, a 20
  • Almaricus a traitorous deacon, 170, a 60
  • Alricke the son of Herbert slaine in fight, 137, a 10. ¶ Sée Wich|tred.
  • Alstan bishop of Shireburne a warrior, 138, b 10
  • Alswald. ¶ Sée Alfwald.
  • Alswine the brother of king Eg|frid slaine, 123, a 60
  • Altred king of Northumbers, 133, a 20
  • Alured king of Westsaxons and the greatest part of England, 144, b 60, Persecuted by the Danes, 145, a 10. He vanqui|shed them by sea, 145, a 50. By their meanes put to his shifts, 146, a 50. Disguiseth himselfe like a minstrell, 146, b 10. King Ethelwulfes sonne and con|secrated king at Rome, 141, a 30. His prouision for the safe|tie of his land against the Danes, 148, a 20. Learned, and what workes be wrote, 148, b 60. Described and commended, 148, b 10. His court learned 149, a 10. How he diuided the time for his necessarie vses, 149, a 30. His death, 148, a 30. Last will & epitaph, 149, a 40
  • Alwin. ¶ Sée Adwin.
  • Amphibalus instituted S. Al|ban, 62, a 10. Borne in Caer|leon, 19, a 10. Martyred at Redburne, 63, b 10
  • Amphibalus abbeie at Winche|ster, 76, b 10
  • Ambition to rule alone, what mischéefe it inferreth, 16, a 40. It causeth bloudshed, 5, b 20. And slaughter, 11, b 50. Cause of dissention betwéene bre|thren: note, 14, b [...]50. Bewar|ded with shame, 13, b 20
  • Ambition of nephues for monar|chie or sole regiment: note, 14, a 10
  • Ambition in noblemen, 89, b 60
  • Ambition of Bassianus: note, 56, a 60. Of Carausius but a mean man séeking to be a king, 54, b 20. Of Hengist the Sax|on, 78, b 40. Of Leirs two sons in law, 13, a 50. Of Romans, 40, a 60. Of the old emperor Seuerus, 54, b 60, 55, a 10. Of Ueramius discouered at his death, 41, a 60. Of Uortigerne, 77, a 10
  • Ambrie now Salisburie, 82, a 10
  • Andates the goddesse of victorie worshipped of the Britains, 45, a 20
  • Andragatius killeth Gratian by treason, 68, b 10
  • Andredecester a citie in Britaine 86, b 60
  • Androgeus abandoneth Bri|taine bicause the people hated him as a traitor, 32, a 60. Aided Cassibelane against Cesar. 27, a 40. Duke of Troinouant, 31, a 30. ¶ Sée Earle.
  • Angell. ¶ Sée Uision.
  • Anger what mischiefes it procu|reth men vnto, 194, a 10
  • Angles came ouer with the Sax|ons into Britaine, 78, b 60, 79, a 20
  • Angleseie innaded by the Ro|mans and wone, 41, b 10. Yéel|ded to Agricola, 48, a 20
  • Angli, quasi Angeli, 99, b 40. Of authoritie in Germanie, 79, a 20
  • Anglia, why so called, 98, a 40
  • Anna king of Eastangles slaine by Penda, 116, b 10. His daugh|ters professed nuns, 114, b 60
  • Antigonus brother of Pandra|sus taken prisoner, slain, 8, a 50
  • Antoninus Pius emperor sen|deth Lollius Urbicus to kéepe the Britains in order, 53, a 50
  • Apostasie. ¶ Sée Idolatrie, and Sighere.
  • Arbitrement of right graue counsellors to end controuer|sies, 87, b 60, 88, a 10
  • EEBO page image 722 Arbogaster a Goth slaieth Flani|us victor Nobi [...]ssimus, 68, b 50
  • Archbishop Aldelme of Cantur|burie. 154, a 10. Athelred of Cã|turburie, 150, b 30. Athelnotus of Canturburie, 182, a 20, 185, a 10. Alored of yorke, 152, b 10, 196, b 20. Alfrike of yorke, 185, a 20. Allered of yorke, 188, a 20. Augustine the moonke of the English nation, 101, a 30. Bert|wald of Canturburie, 129, b 60 Brightwald of Canturburie, 126, b 20, 30. Bosa of yorke, 125 b 50. Ceadda of yorke, 119, b 20 Dannanus of Cant. 116, b 40. Deusdedit of Cantur. 116, b 40. Eaubald of Canturb. 137, b 40. Edsinus of Canturburie, 186, b 40. Elnothus of Canturbu|rie, 182, b 30. Elphegus of Can|turb. murthered by the Danes, 170, b 10, 40. Egbert of yorke: note, 130, a 60. Guetheline of London ambassador for Bri|tains, 71, b 30. Honorius of Canturburie, 110, a 30. He re|ceiueth his pall, 110, b 10. Iohn of yorke resigneth, 125, b 50. Lambert of Canturb. 135, a 20 Depriued, 132, a 20. Laurence of Canturb. ¶ Sée Laurence, Nothelmus of Canturb. 130, b 50. Odo of Canturb. 136, b 60. Oswald of yorke, 161, b 20. Pleimond of Canturb. 149, a 20. Paule of yorke receiueth his pall, 110, b 10. Robert of Canturburie, 187, b 20, 60. Si|ricius of Canturb 166, a 60. Stigand of Canturburie an intrudor: note, 191, a 40. Tack|wine of Canturburie, 129, b 60. Theodore of Canturburie cre|ated vpon condition, 120, a 20. wilfride the second of Cantur|burie, 129, a 50. wolfhere, 150, a 10. wolstan of yorke, 156, a 50
  • Archbishops authoritie exempli|fied: note, 181, b 30. Thrée in Britaine, 52, a 30. They flée with their clergie into woods & mounteins: note, 98, b 20. The sée of Canturb. monks refuse, 120, a 10. The sée remoued to Lichfield, 132, a 10. Of Can|turburie & yorke with a decrée concerning their election, 110, b 20. The sée restored to Can|turburie, 136, a 40. The sée of Canturburie void, 135, a 20
  • Archigallus king of Britaine giuen to dissention, and depri|ued, 21, a 10
  • Ardulfe made king of Northum|berland and consecrated, 136, b 60. His acts & déeds, 137, a 10
  • Areani, and their charge: note, 73, b 40
  • Arelius Ambrose. ¶ Sée Aure|lius.
  • Arlete duke Robert of Norman|dies paramour, that bare him duke william the conqueror, and of hir pleasantnesse and da|liance, 201, b 20
  • Armorica by whom first peopled, 68, a 40. Giuen to Conan Me|ridoc, & the plot to people it dis|appointed, 67, a 20. The etymon or reason of the name, 69, b 10
  • Armorica in France where it li|eth, 12, a 40
  • Arnuife. ¶ Sée Ardulfe.
  • Arthur begotten out of wedlock, 90, b 10. And of whom begot|ten, 88 a 20. He beginneth to reigne, 90, a 40. Of a mightie making, 92, a 10. And what is left written of him, 93, a 10. He had two wiues, 93, b 10. His exploits, 91, a 10. His twelue battels against the Saxons, 90, a 60. He is wounded and di|eth, his buriall: note, 91, b 50
  • Aruiragus K. of Britaine, 32, a 10 He surueteth this land & repa|reth the ruines of it, 36, b 20, 35 b 60. His valiantnesse, 36, a 10. In what state Britaine was in his reigne, 46, a 50. King of the Iceni, 42, a 60. He putteth the Romans to flight, 35, b 40. He is most villanouslie abused by them, 42, a 60. He is buried at Glocester, 37, a 10
  • Asburga a gentlewoman maried to king Ethelwulfe, 140, a 40
  • Asclepiodotus. ¶ Sée Duke.
  • Ashbert protector or gouernor of yoong king Kenelme bribed, murthereth his lord and mai|ster, 139, b 50
  • Assaracus interteineth Brute, 7, b 40
  • Asserius Meneuensis bishop of Shirborne, 149, a 10
  • Asturians, 33, a 10
  • Athelnotus archbishop of Can|turburie, 185, a 10
  • Athelred archbishop of Cantur|burie, 150, b 30
  • Athelstane king of Kent & duke Ealhere vanquish the Danes by sea, 141, a 20. ¶ Sée Adel|stane.
  • Aualon Ile now Alpes Ile, 92, a 30
  • Augustine ordeined archbishop of the English nation, 101, a 30. His sée at Canturburie, 102, a 60. He receiueth the pall, 101, b 60. Surnamed the English|mens apostle, 102, b 60. He re|quireth thrée things of the Britains to be obserued, 103, a 20. His miracles, his acts and déeds, 102, a 10
  • Augustus the emperor is denied his tribute out of Britaine, his acts and déeds: note, 32, b 30
  • Aulafa K. of Norweie baptised, 166, b 50. Banded with Danes & others maketh against Adel|stane, discõfited, 155, b 30. Cha|sed by king Edmund, he recur|neth into Northumberland, & expelled by the people, 158, a 40. He taketh vpon him the rule of the Northumbers, 156, b 60. Disguised he commeth to view the English campe, 155, b 60. King of the Danes of Nor|thumberland attempteth war against king Edmund, his death, 156, b 60
  • Aulus Atticus a Romane cap|teine slaine, 50, b 30
  • Aulus D [...]deus sent into Bri|taine to supplie the roome of O|storius, 40, b 10
  • Aulus Plautius with his armie arriueth in Britaine, 34, a 10
  • Aurelius Ambrosius & his bro|ther Uter arriue in Britaine with their powers against Uortigerne, 84, a 10. He & Uter Pendragon flée into little Bri|tain, 77, a 40. He with his Bri|tains encounter the Saxons, 88, a 30. He putteth Saxons out of Britaine, 84, b 50. He fal|leth sicke at winchester, 85, a 10. ¶ Sée Uter Pendragon.
  • Aurelius Conanus made king of Britaine, & described, 94, b 60. He killeth Constan [...]ine, 94, a 60. He is noted by Gyldas to be a verie bad man, 95, a 10
  • Authun ¶ Sée Berthun.

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