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5.23. Cinegiscus and his sonne Richelinus reigne iointlie ouer the Westsaxons, they fight with the Britains; the indeuour of Lau|rence archbishop of Canturburie in setting religi|on at large, and seeking a vniformitie in catholike orders, he and his fellow-bishops write to the cleargie of Bri|taine and Scotland for a reformation, Melitus bishop of London goeth to Rome, the cause why, and what he brought at his returne from pope Boniface. The xxiij. Chapter.

Cinegiscus and his sonne Richelinus reigne iointlie ouer the Westsaxons, they fight with the Britains; the indeuour of Lau|rence archbishop of Canturburie in setting religi|on at large, and seeking a vniformitie in catholike orders, he and his fellow-bishops write to the cleargie of Bri|taine and Scotland for a reformation, Melitus bishop of London goeth to Rome, the cause why, and what he brought at his returne from pope Boniface. The xxiij. Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 _AFter the foresaid Ceowlfe reigned Cinegiscus,Cinegis|cus. or Kin|gils, which was the sonne of Ceola, which was the sonne of Cutha or Cutwin, which was the sonne of Kenricke, which was the sonne of king Cer|ticke.Wil. Malm. saith that O|nichelinus was the bro|ther of Cine|giscus. In the fourth yéere of his reigne, he receiued into fellowship with him in gouernance of the kingdome his sonne Richelinus, or Onichelinus, and so they reigned iointlie togither in great loue and concord (a thing seldome séene or heard of.)Beandune, or Beanton. They fought with the Britains at Bean|dune, where at the first approch of the battels togi|ther, the Britains fled, but too late, for there died of them that were ouertaken 2062.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In this meane time,Beda lib. 2. cap. 4. Laurence archbishop of Can|turburie, who succéeded next after Augustine, admit|ted thereto by him in his life time (as before is said) did his iudeuour to augment and bring to perfection the church of England, the foundation whereof was latelie laid by his predecessor the foresaid Augustine: who studied not onelie for the increase of this new church, which was gathered of the English people, but also he was busie to imploie his pastorlike cure vpon the people that were of the old inhabitants of Britaine, and likewise of the Scots that remained in Ireland. For when he had learned that the Scots there, in semblable wise as the Britains in their countrie, led not their liues in manie points accor|ding to the ecclesiasticall rules, aswell in obseruing the feast of Easter contrarie to the vse of the Ro|mane church, as in other things, he wrote vnto those Scots letters exhortatorie, requiring them most in|stantlie to an vnitie of catholike orders as might be agréeable with the church of Christ, spred and dis|persed through the world. These letters were not written onelie in his owne name, but iointlie togi|ther in the name of the bishops Melitus and Iustus, (as followeth.)

5.23.1. To our deare brethren the bishops and abbats through all Scotland, Laurence, Melitus and Iustus bishops, the ser|uants of the seruants of God wish health.

To our deare brethren the bishops and abbats through all Scotland, Laurence, Melitus and Iustus bishops, the ser|uants of the seruants of God wish health.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _WHereas the apostolike see (accor|ding to hir maner) had sent vs to preach vnto the heathen people in these west parts, as otherwise throgh the world, and that it chanced to vs to enter into this Ile which is called Britaine, before we knew & vnderstood the state of things, we had in great reuerence both the Scots & Britains, which beleeued, bicause (as we tooke the mat|ter) they walked according to the custome of the vniuersall church: but after we had know|ledge of the Britains, we iudged the Scots to be better. But we haue learned by bishop Daga|nus comming into this Ile, and by Columba|nus the abbat comming into France, that the Scots nothing differ in their conuersation from the Britains: for bishop Daganus com|ming vnto vs, would neither eat with vs, no nor yet come within the house where we did eat.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The said Laurence also with his fellow-bishops, did write to the Britains other letters woorthie of his degree, dooing what he could to confirme them in the vnitie of the Romane church: but it profited litle, as appeareth by that which Beda writeth. About the same time Melitus the bishop of London went to Rome, to common with pope Boniface, for necessa|rie causes touching the church of England, and was present at a synod holden by the same pope at that season, for ordinances to be made touching the state of religious men, and sate in the same synod, that with subscribing he might also by his authoritie con|firme that which was there orderlie decréed. This synod was holden the third kalends of March, in the last yéere of the emperour Phocas, which was about the yeere after the birth of our Sauiour 610. Meli|tus at his returne brought with him from the pope, decrees commanded by the said pope to be obserued in the English church, with letters also directed to archbishop Laurence, and to king Ethelbert.

5.24. Cadwan is made king of the Britains in the citie of Chester, he leuieth a power a|gainst Ethelfred king of the Northumbers, co|uenants of peace passe betwixt them vpon condi|tion, the death of Ethelbert king of Kent, where he and his wife were buried, of his lawes; Eadbald succeedeth E|thelbert in the Kentish kingdome, his lewd and vnholie life, he is an enimie to religion; he is plagued with madnesse; He|bert king of the Eastsaxons dieth, his three sonnes refuse to be baptised, they fall to idolatrie and hate the professours of the truth, their irreligious talke and vndutifull behauiour to bi|shop Melitus, he and his fellow Iustus passe ouer into France, the three sonnes of Hebert are slaine of the Westsaxons in bat|tell, the Estsaxons by their idolatrie prouoke archbishop Lau|rence to forsake the land, he is warned in a vision to tarie, whereof he certifieth king Eadbald, who furthering christianitie, sendeth for Melitus and Iustus, the one is restored to his see, the other reiected, Melitus dieth, Iustus is made archbishop of Canturburie, the christian faith increaseth. The xxiiij. Chapter.

Cadwan is made king of the Britains in the citie of Chester, he leuieth a power a|gainst Ethelfred king of the Northumbers, co|uenants of peace passe betwixt them vpon condi|tion, the death of Ethelbert king of Kent, where he and his wife were buried, of his lawes; Eadbald succeedeth E|thelbert in the Kentish kingdome, his lewd and vnholie life, he is an enimie to religion; he is plagued with madnesse; He|bert king of the Eastsaxons dieth, his three sonnes refuse to be baptised, they fall to idolatrie and hate the professours of the truth, their irreligious talke and vndutifull behauiour to bi|shop Melitus, he and his fellow Iustus passe ouer into France, the three sonnes of Hebert are slaine of the Westsaxons in bat|tell, the Estsaxons by their idolatrie prouoke archbishop Lau|rence to forsake the land, he is warned in a vision to tarie, whereof he certifieth king Eadbald, who furthering christianitie, sendeth for Melitus and Iustus, the one is restored to his see, the other reiected, Melitus dieth, Iustus is made archbishop of Canturburie, the christian faith increaseth. The xxiiij. Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 _AFter that the Britains had cõtinued about the space Cadwan king of Bri|taine. almost of 24 yéeres without anie one speciall gouernour, being led by sundrie rulers, e|uer sithens that Careticus was constreined to flée ouer Seuerne, and fought often|times not onelie against the Saxons, but also one of them against another, at length in the yéere of our Lord 613,613 they assembled in the citie of Chester, and there elected Cadwan that before was ruler of Northwales, to haue the souereigne rule & gouerne|ment ouer all their nation, and so the said Cadwan began to reigne as king of Britaine in the said yéere 613. But some authors say, that this was in the yéere 609, in which yéere Careticus the British king departed this life. And then after his deceasse the Britains or Welshmen (whether we shall call EEBO page image 106 them) chose Cadwan to gouerne them in the foresaid yéere 609, which was in the 7 yéere of the emperour Phocas, and the 21 of the second Lotharius king of France, and in the 13 yéere of Kilwoolfe king of the Westsaxons.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 This Cadwan being established king, shortlie af|ter assembled a power of Britains, and went against the foresaid Ethelfred king of Northumberland, who being thereof aduertised, did associate to him the most part of the Saxon princes, and came foorth with his armie to méet Cadwan in the field. Herevpon as they were readie to haue tried the matter by bat|tell, certeine of their friends trauelled so betwixt them for peace, that in the end they brought them to agréement, so that Ethelfred should kéepe in quiet possession those his countries beyond the riuer of Humber, and Cadwan should hold all that which ofGal. Mon. right belonged to the Britains on the south side of the same riuer. This couenant with other touching their agréement was confirmed with oths solemnelie ta|ken, and pledges therewith deliuered, so that after|wards they continued in good and quiet peace, with|out vexing one an other.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 What chanced afterward to Ethelfred, ye haue before heard rehersed, which for that it soundeth more like to a truth than that which followeth in the Bri|tish booke, we omit to make further rehersall, passing forward to other dooings which fell in the meane sea|son, whilest this Cadwan had gouernement of the Britains, reigning as king ouer them the tearme of 22, or (as some say) but 13 yéeres,Iohn Hard. and finallie was slaine by the Northumbers, as before hath béene, and also after shall be shewed.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 In the 8 yéere after that Cadwan began to reigne, Ethelbert king of Kent departed this life, in the 21 yéere after the comming of Augustine with his fellowes to preach the faith of Christ here in this realme: and after that Ethelbert had reigned ouer the prouince of Kent the tearme of 56 yéeres (as Beda saith, but there are that haue noted thrée yéeres lesse) he departed this world, as aboue is signified, in the yeere of our Lord 617,Wil. Malm. Beda. li. 2. cap. 5 on the 24 day of Fe|bruarie, and was buried in the Ile of saint Martine, within the church of the apostles Peter and Paule, without the citie of Canturburie, where his wife quéene Bartha was also buried, and the foresaid archbishop Augustine that first conuerted him to the faith.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Amongst other things, this king Ethelbert with the aduise of his councell ordeined diuers lawes and statutes, according to the which decrées of iudge|ments should passe: those decrées he caused to be written in the English toong, which remained and were in force vnto the daies of Beda, as he decla|reth. And first it was expressed in those lawes, what amends he should make that stole anie thing that be|longed to the church, to the bishop, or to anie ecclesi|asticall person, willing by all means to defend them whose doctrine he had receiued.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 AFter the deceasse of Ethelbert, his sonne Ead|baldEadbald. succéeded in the gouernment of his king|dome of Kent, the which was a great hinderer of the increase of the new church amongst the English|men in those parties: for he did not onelie refuse to be baptised himselfe, but also vsed such kind of forni|cation, as hath not béene heard (as the apostle saith) amongst the Gentiles, for he tooke to wife his mo|ther in law, that had béene wife to his father. By which two euill examples, manie tooke occasion to re|turne to their heathenish religion, the which whilest his father reigned,The princes example occa|sion of euill. either for the prince his pleasure, or for feare to offend him, did professe the christian faith. But Eadbald escaped not woorthie punishment to him sent from the liuing God for his euill deserts, insomuch that he was vexed with a certeine kind of madnesse, and taken with an vncleane spirit.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The foresaid storme or vnquiet troubling of the christian congregation, was afterwards greatlie in|creased also by the death of Sabert or Sebert king of the Eastsaxons, who was conuerted to the faith of Christ, and baptized by Melitus bishop of London (as before is mentioned) & departing this life to go to a better in the blissefull kingdome of heauen, he left behind him thrée sonnes as true successours in the estate of his earthlie kingdome, which sonnes like|wise refused to be baptised. Their names were Ser|red, Seward, & Sigebert, Ran. Cest. Beda li. 2. cap. 5 Serred, Se|ward, and Se|gebert, the sonnes of Sabert. men of an ill mind, & such as in whome no vertue remained, no feare of God, nor anie respect of religion, but speciallie hating the professours of the christian faith. For after their father was dead, they began to fall to their old idola|trie, which in his life time they séemed to haue giuen ouer, insomuch that now they openlie worshipped i|dols, and gaue libertie to their subiects to do the like.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 And when the bishop Melitus, at the solemnizing of masse in the church, distributed the eucharisticall bread vnto the people, they asked him (as it is said) wherfore he did not deliuer of that bright white bread vnto them also, as well as he had béene accustomed to doo to their father Saba (for so they vsed to call him.) Unto whome the bishop made this answer:

If you will be washed in that wholesome fountaine, wherein your father was washed, ye may be parta|kers of that holie bread whereof he was partaker, but if you despise the washpoole of life, ye may by no meanes tast the bread of saluation.
But they of|fended herewith, replied in this wise:
We will not enter into that fountaine, for we know we haue no néed thereof: but yet neuerthelesse we will be refre|shed with that bread.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 After this, when they had beene earnestlie and ma|nie times told, that vnlesse they would be baptised, they might not be partakers of the sacred oblation: at length in great displeasure they told him, that if he would not consent vnto them in so small a mat|ter, there should be no place for him within the bounds of their dominion, and so he was constrai|ned to depart. Wherevpon he being expelled, resor|ted into Kent, there to take aduise with his fellow-bishops, Laurence and Iustus, what was to be doone in this so weightie a matter. Who finallie resolued vpon this point, that it should be better for them to returne into their countrie, where with frée minds they might serue almightie God, rather than to re|maine amongest people that rebelled against the faith, without hope to doo good amongest them. Wherefore Melitus and Iustus did depart first, and went ouer into France, minding there to abide till they might sée what the end would be. But shortlie after, those brethren the kings of Essex, which had expelled their bishop in maner aboue said, suffered woorthilie for their wicked dooings. For going forth to battell against the Westsaxons, they were ouer|throwen and slaine altogither with all their armie,The sonne of king Sebert slaine. by the two kings Kinigils and Quichelme. But neuerthelesse, albeit the authors of the mischiefe were thus taken awaie, yet the people of that coun|trie would not be reduced againe from their di|uelish woorshipping of false gods, being eftsoones fallen thereto in that season by the incouragement and perilous example of their rulers. Wherefore the archbishop Laurence was in mind also to follow his fellowes Melitus and Iustus: but when he minded to set forward, he was warned in a dreame, and cru|ellie scourged (as hath beene reported by the apostle saint Peter, who reprooued him) for that he would so vncharitablie for sake his flocke, & leaue it in danger without a shepherd to kéepe the woolfe from the fold.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 107 The archbishop imboldned by this vision, and also repenting him of his determination, came to king Eadbald, and shewed to him his stripes, and the ma|ner of his dreame. The king being herewith put in great feare, renounced his heathenish worshipping of idols, and was baptised, and as much as in him laie, from thenceforth succoured the congregation of the christians, and aduanced the church to his power. He sent also into France, and called home the bishops Melitus and Iustus, so that Iustus was restored to his sée of Rochester.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 But the Eastsaxons would not receiue Melitus to his sée at London, but continued in their wicked mawmetrie, in obeieng a bishop of their pagan law, whom they had erected for that purpose. Neither was king Eadbald of that authoritie and power in those parties, as his father was before, whereby he might constreine them to receiue their lawfull bi|shop. But suerlie the said king Eadbald with his people, after he was once conuerted againe, gaue himselfe wholie to obeie the lawes of GOD, and a|mongst other déeds of godlie zeale, he builded a church to our ladie at Canturburie,Beda lib. 2. within the mo|nasterie of saint Peter, afterwards called saint Ag|nes. This church was consecrated by Melitus, who after the death of Laurence succéeded in gouernance of the archbishops sée of Canturburie. After Meli|tus, who departed this life in the yeare of our Lord 624, Iustus that before was bishop of Rochester, was made archbishop of Canturburie,Beda. lib. 2. ca. 8. and ordeined one Romanus to the sée of Rochester. About that time, the people of the north parts beyond Humber receiued the faith, by occasion (as after shall appéere.)

5.25. Edwin reigneth ouer the Northum|bers, his great power and reputation, a marriage betweene him and Ethelburga the sister of king Eadbald vpon religious couenants, the traitorous attempts of murtherous Eumerus a|gainst him, his wife Ethelburga is deliuered of a daughter, he assalteth the Westsaxons, and discomfiteth them, Boniface the fift writeth to him to desist from his idolatrie, and to his ladie to persist in true christianitie; the vision of Ed|win when he was a banished man in the court of Redwald king of the Eastangles, whereby he was informed of his great ex|altation and conuersion to christian religion. The xxv. Chapter.

Edwin reigneth ouer the Northum|bers, his great power and reputation, a marriage betweene him and Ethelburga the sister of king Eadbald vpon religious couenants, the traitorous attempts of murtherous Eumerus a|gainst him, his wife Ethelburga is deliuered of a daughter, he assalteth the Westsaxons, and discomfiteth them, Boniface the fift writeth to him to desist from his idolatrie, and to his ladie to persist in true christianitie; the vision of Ed|win when he was a banished man in the court of Redwald king of the Eastangles, whereby he was informed of his great ex|altation and conuersion to christian religion. The xxv. Chapter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 _YE haue heard how Edel|fred the king of Northum|berland was slaine in battell neere to the water of Idel, by Redwald king of the East|angles, in fauour of Edwin whom the said Edelfred had confined out of his domini|on, 24 yéeres before. The foresaid Redwald there|fore hauing obteined that victorie, found meanes to place Edwin in gouernement of that kingdome of the Northumbers, hauing a title thereto as sonne to Alla or Elle, sometime king of Northumberland. This Edwin prooued a right valiant prince, Edwin. Beda. lib. 2, ca. 5. & grew to be of more power than anie other king in the daies of the English nation: not onelie ruling ouer a great part of the countries inhabited with En|glish men, but also with Britains, who inhabited not onelie in Wales, but in part of Chesshire, Lan|cashire, Cumberland, and alongst by the west sea|coast in Galloway, and so foorth euen vnto Dumbri|taine in Scotland: which I haue thought good to note, that it may appeare in what countries Cad|wall [...] bare rule, of whome so often mention is made in this part of the historie. But as concerning Ed|win, his reputation was such, as not onelie the English men, W. Malm. ta|keth Meua|nia to be An|glesey. Britains and Scots, but also the Iles of Orknie, and these of Man, and others the west Iles of ancient time called Meuaniae, had him in reuerence, and feared his mightie power, so as they durst not attempt anie exploit to offend him.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 It chanced that shortlie after, king Redwald had aduanced him to the kingdom of Northumberland, to wit, about 6 yeares, the same Redwald deceassed, which made greatlie for the more augmentation of Edwins power. For the people of the Eastangles, which (whilest Edwin remained amongst them as a banished man) had conceiued a good opinion of him for his approoued valiancie and noble courage, offe|red themselues to be wholie at his commandement.Carpwaldus. But Edwin suffering Carpwald or Erpwald the sonne of Redwald to inioie the bare title and name of the king of that countrie, ruled all things at his owne will and pleasure. Neither was there anie prouince within Britaine that did not obeie him, or was not readie to doo him seruice (the kingdome of Kent onelie excepted) for he suffered the Kentish|men to liue in quiet, because he began to haue a li|king to the sister of king Eadbald, namelie the ladie Ethelburga, otherwise called Tate or Tace.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 He made request therefore by sending ambassa|dours to hir brother,Beda. lib. 2. cap. 9. to haue the said ladie in mar|riage, and at length obteined hir, with condition that she being a christian woman, might not onelie vse the christian religion, but also that all those, whe|ther men or women, priests or ministers, which came with hir, might haue licence to doo the same, with|out trouble or impeachment of anie maner of per|son. Herevpon she being sent vnto him, there was appointed to go with hir (besides manie other) one Pauline, which was consecrated bishop by the arch|bishop Iustus the 21 of Iulie,Matth. West. Beda. lib. 2. cap. 9. in the yeare of our Lord 625,625 who at his comming into Northumber|land thus in companie with Ethelburga, trauel|led earnestlie in his office, both to preserue hir and such christians in the faith of Christ, as were appoin|ted to giue their attendance on hir, least they should chance to fall: and also sought to win some of the Pagans (if it were possible) vnto the same faith, though at the first he little profited in that matter.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 In the yeare following, there came a murtherer vnto the court of king Edwin, as then soiourning in a palace which stood vpon the side of the riuer of Dorwent, being sent from Quichelme king of the Westsaxons, to the intent to murther Edwin, be|cause he had of late sore damnified the countries of the Westsaxons. This murtherer was called Eu|merus, & caried vnder his coate a short double edged woodknife inuenomed of purpose,Other say an axe, as Matth. West. that if the king being but a little hurt therewith, should not die of the wound, yet he should not escape the danger of the poison. This Eumerus on Easter mondaie came to the king,Eumerus. and making foorth to him as it had béene to haue declared some message from his mai|ster, when he had espied his time, drew his wea|pon, and offered to strike the king. But one of the kings seruants named Lilla, perceiuing this, slept betwixt the king and the blow. Howbeit the mur|therer set the stripe forward with such force, that the knife running through the bodie of Lilla wounded also the king a little; and before this murtherer could be beaten downe, he slue another of the kings ser|uants, a knight that attended vpon him, called Fordher.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 The same night Ethelburga was deliuered of a daughter named Eanfled,Eanfled borne for the which when king Edwin gaue thanks vnto his gods, in the presence EEBO page image 108 of bishop Pauline, the bishop did admonish him, ra|ther to giue thanks vnto the true and onelie God, by whose goodnesse it came to passe that the queene was safelie and without danger deliuered. The king giuing good eare vnto the bishops wholesome admo|nition, promised at that present to become a christi|an, if he might reuenge his iniuries receiued at the hands of the Westsaxons. And to assure Pauline that his promise should take place, he gaue vnto him his new borne daughter to be made holie to the Lord, that is to say, baptised. The bishop recei|uing hir, on Whitsundaie next following baptised hir, with twelue other of the kings houshold, she be|ing the first of the English Northumbers that was so washed in the founteine of regeneration.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 In the meane time K. Edwin being recouered of his hurt, assembled an armie, and went against the Westsaxons, with whome incountring in battell, he either slue or brought to his subiection all them that had conspired his death, and so returned as a conquerour into his countrie. But yet he delaied time in performance of his promise to become a chri|stian: howbeit he had left his dooing of sacrifice to idols, euer since he made promise to be baptised. He was a sage prince, and before he would alter his religion, he politikelie thought good to heare mat|ters touching both his old religion, and the christian religion throughlie examined.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 Now whilest he thus hoong in doubt vnto whether part he should incline, there came letters to him from pope Boniface the fift of that name,Beda. lib. 2. cap. 10. exhorting him by sundrie kinds of gentle perswasions, to turne to the worshipping of the true and liuing God, and to renounce the worshipping of mawmets and idols. The pope wrote also to quéene Ethelburga, praieng hir to continue in hir good purpose, and by all meanes possible to doo what might be doone for the conuerting of hir husband vnto the faith of Christ. But the thing that most mooued the king,Beda. lib. 2. cap. 11. was a vi|sionA vision. which sometime he had while he remained as a banished man in the court of Redwald king of the Eastangles, as thus.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 After that king Ethelfred was informed that the foresaid Redwald had receiued Edwin,Beda. cap. 12. he ceased not by his ambassadours to moue Redwald either to deliuer Edwin into his hands, or to make him a|waie. At length by often sending, & promises made of large summes of monie, mixed with threatnings, he obteined a grant of his sute, so that it was deter|mined that Edwin should either be murthered, or else deliuered into his enimies hands. One of Ed|wins friends hauing intelligence hereof, in the night season came to Edwins chamber, and leading him abroad, told him the whole practise, and what was purposed against him, offering to helpe him out of the countrie, if he would so aduenture to es|cape. Edwin being woonderouslie amazed, thanked his friend,The honora|ble considera|tion of Ed|win. but refused to depart the countrie, sith he had no iust cause outwardlie giuen to play such a slipper part, choosing rather to ieopard his life with honour, than to giue men cause to thinke that he had first broken promise with such a prince as Redwald was, to whome he had giuen his faith.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 Herevpon his friend departing from him, left him sitting without the doores: where after he had reuolued manie things in his mind, and thought long vpon this matter, at length he perceiued one to come towards him vnknowne, and in strange ap|parell, séeming to him in euerie point a stranger, at which sight (for that he could not imagine who it should be) Edwin was much afraid: but the man comming to him saluted him, and asked of him what he made there at that time of the night when other were at rest. Edwin on the other part asked what he had to doo therewith, and whether he vsed to lie a|broad in the night, or within house? Who answering said; Thinke not Edwin that I am ignorant of thy heauinesse, of thy watchings, and this thy solitarie sitting here without doores. For I know who thou art, wherefore thou art thus pensiue, and what euils thou fearest to be towards thée at hand. But tell me, what wouldest thou giue him, that could deliuer thée out of this heauinesse, and perswade Redwald that he should neither doo thée hurt, nor deliuer thée to thine enimies? Here with when Edwin said that he would gladlie giue all that in him might lie to such a one in reward? The other said; What wouldst thou giue then, if he should promise in good sooth that (all thine enimies being destroied) thou shouldest be king, and that thou shouldest passe in power all the kings which haue reigned in the English nation be|fore thy time? Edwin being better come to himselfe by such demandes, did not sticke to promise that he would requite his friendship with woorthie thanks.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Then replied he to his words and said; If he that shall prophesie to thée this good hap to come, shall also be able to informe thee in such counsell for thy health and life, as neuer anie of thy forefathers or kinsfolke yet haue heard, wouldest thou obey him, and also consent to receiue his wholesome aduertisement? Wherevnto without further deliberation Edwin promised, that he would in all points follow the in|struction of him that should deliuer him out of so manie and great calamities, and bring him to the rule of a kingdome. Which answere being got, this person that thus talked with him, laid his hand vpon his head, saieng: When this therefore shall chance to thée, be not forgetfull of this time, nor of this communication, and those things that thou now dooest promise, sée thou performe. And therewith he vanished awaie. So that Edwin might well per|ceiue it was no man but a vision that thus had ap|peared vnto him.

[¶This vnaccustomed course it pleased God to vse for the conuersion of the king (to whose example it was no doubt but the people and inferiour sort would generallie be conformed) who otherwise had continued in paganisme and blind ignorance both of Gods truth and true christianitie. And it maie be that there was in him, as in other kings his prede|cessors, a settled perswasion in gentilish error, so that neither by admonition nor preaching (though the same had procéeded from the mouth of one al|lotted to that ministrie) he was to be reuoked from the infidelitie and misbeléefe wherein he was nuzzeled and trained vp. For it is the nature of all men, to be addicted to the obseruation of such rites and customes as haue béene established and left in force by their progenitors, and sooner to stand vnto a desire and earnest purpose of adding some|what to their elders corrupt constitutions, and irreligious course of conuersation, than to be incli|nable to anie article or point tending to innouati|tion: so inflexible is the posteritie to swarue from the traditions of antiquitie, stand the same vpon ne|uer so grosse and palpable absurdities.]

Compare 1577 edition: 1 Edwin still reioising in the foresaid comfortable talke, but thoughtfull in mind what he should be, or from whence he came that had talked in this sort with him; behold his friend returned that first had brought him foorth of his chamber, and declared vn|to him good newes, how the king by perswasion of the quéene had altered his determination, and minded to mainteine his quarell to the vttermost of his power: and so he did in déed. For with all dili|gence he raised an armie, and went against Ethel|frid, vanquished him in battell, and placed Edwin in the kingdome (as before ye haue heard.)

Previous | Next

5.74. Careticus or Caretius K. of Brita [...]n.

Careticus or Caretius K. of Brita [...]n.

[figure appears here on page 143]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 AFter that Malgo or Maglocune was de|parted this lyfe,Careti|cus. one Careticus (or as ſome write hym Caretius) was made Kyng of the Britons and began his Reigne in the yeare of our Lorde .586 whiche was in the thyrde yeare of the Emperoure Mauritius and thirteenth of Chilperike king of Fraunce.586.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Careticus was a noriſher of ciuill reacte and diſcention amongſt his own people the Bri|tons, ſo that he was hated doth of god and man as writers teſtifye.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Saxons vnderſtanding that the Britons were not of one mind; but deuided in partakings, ſo as one was ready to deuore an other, they thought it good time for them to aduaunce theyr conqueſts, and ſeaſed not to par [...]e the Britons by force and continuall warre till they had con|ſtrained them for refuge to withdraw into Wa|les. And as ſome haue written, Galf. Mon. See more of this Gurmun|d [...]s in Ireland. the Saxons meanyng to make a full conqueſt of the lande, ſent ouer into Ireland, requiring one Gurmun|dus a kyng of the A [...]ticanes to come ouer into Britayne to healpe them agaynſte the Bry|taynes.Ranulf. Cest.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 144This Gurmundus appoyntyng his brother Turgeſius to purſue the conqueſt of Irelande, came and arriued here in Britayn, making ſuche cruell warre in ayde of the Saxons agaynſt the Britons, that Careticus was conſtreyned to keepe him within the citie of Ciceſter, or Ciren|ceſter, [figure appears here on page 144] and was there beſieged, and at length by continuall aſſaults and ſkirmiſhes, when he had loſt manie of his men, hee was glad to forſake that citie, and fled into Wales

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gourmonde tooke Cirenceſter or Chicheſter, and deſtroyed it in moſte cruell manner. Some write, that he tooke this citie by a policie of war, in bynding to the feet of Sparrowes whiche his people had caught, certaine clewes of threede or matches, finely wrought and tempred with mat|ter readie to take fire, ſo that the Sparrowes be|ing ſuffered to goe out of hande flewe into the towne to lodge them ſelues within their neſtes whiche they had made in ſtackes of corne, and eues of houſes, ſo that the towne was thereby ſet on fyre, and then the Brytons iſſuing foorth, foughte with their enimies, and were ouercome and diſcomfited.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But whyleſt the battayle continued, Care|ticus ſtale away, and got him into Wales. Af|ter this, the foreſayd Gurmonde deſtroyed thys lande throughout in pitifull wyſe, and then de|liuered it in poſſeſſion to the Saxons, the whiche thankfully receiued it and bicauſe they were de|ſcended of thoſe that firſte came ouer with Hen|gul, they chaunged the name of the lande, and called it Hengiſtlande, accordingly as the ſame Hengiſt had in tymes paſt ordeined: the whiche name after for ſhortneſſe of ſpeeche was ſome|what altered, and ſo laſtly called Englande, and the people Engliſhmen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But rather it may be thought, that ſith a great part of thoſe people whiche came ouer into thys lande out of Germanie with the ſayde Engiſte, and other captaines, were of theſe Engliſh men whiche inhabited Germanie, about the parties of Thoringhen they called this land England, af|ter their name,Mat. VV [...] when they had firſt got habitatiõ within it: and ſo both the iande and people tooke name of them, beeing called Angli long tyme before they entered into this Iſle (as before is ſhewed out of Cornelius Tacitus and others.) But nowe to returne where we lefte.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this Gurmounde the olde Engliſh wry|ters make no mention, nor alſo any aunciente authors of foreyn parties: and yet ſayth the Bri|tiſh booke, that after he had conquered this land, & giuẽ it to the Saxons he paſſed ouer into Frãce, and there deſtroyed muche of that lande, as an enemy to the faith of Chriſte: For whiche conſi|deration, he was the more ready to come to the ayde of the Saxons, who as yet hadde not re|ceyued the Chriſtian fayth, but warred againſt the Brytaynes, as well for ſo deſtroy the faith of Chryſte within this lande, as to eſtablyſhe to them ſelues contynuall habitations in the ſame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 There bee, It should [...] that this [...]|rie of G [...] is h [...] ſome [...]ned [...]a [...]e [...] it may be [...] he vva [...] [...] Dane, Nor|vvegi [...] of Germaine. that omittyng to make mention of Gurmounde, write thus of the expulsing of the Brytaynes oute of this lande at that tyme when wyth their king Careticus they got them into Wales.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 IN the yeare of grace. 586.586. Kareticus a lo|ner of ciuil war ſucceded Malgo an enimie to God and to the Britons, whoſe inconſtan|cie when the Engliſhe and Saxon kinges per|ceiued, with one conſent they roſe againſte him,Mat. VVe [...]. and after many battails chaſed him from citie to citie, till at lengthe encountring wyth him in a pight field, they droue him beyond Seuerne into Wales. Herevpon clerks and prieſtes were dry|uen oute of theyr places with brighte ſwoor [...] EEBO page image 145 bran [...]iſhing in all partes, and fire crackling in Churches, wherewith the ſame were conſumed. The remnante of the Britaynes therefore with|drew into the Weſt partes of the land, that is to witte into Cornewale, and into Wales, out of which countreys they oftentimes brake out, and made reyſes vppon the Saxons, the whyche in manner aforeſayde, go [...]e poſſeſſion of the chiefeſt partes of the lande, leauing to the Britaynes on|ly three prouinces, that is to witte, Cornewale, Southwales, and Northwales, which cou [...]e [...] were not eaſie to be wonne, by reaſon of the thick wooddes enui [...]oned with deepe mariſhes and wa|ters, & full of high craggy rockes, & Mountaines.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Engliſh and Saxon Kings hauing thus remooued the Britaynes, enlarged the boundes of their dominions. There raigned in that ſeaſon within this land beſide the Britaine Kings right Kings of the Engliſhe and Saxon nations, as Ethelbert in Kent, Ciſſa in Suſſex, Crau [...]iue in Weſtſex, Credda or Crida in Mercia, Erken|wine in Eſſex, Titila in Eſfangle, Elle in Dei|ra, and Alfrid in Bernicia. In this ſort the Bri|taynes loſt the poſſeſſion of the more part of theyr auntiente ſeates, and the faithe of Chriſt thereby was greatly decayed: for the Churches were de|ſtroyed, & the Archbiſhops of Caerleon Arwſke, London, and Yorke, withdrewe togither with their Cleargie into the Mountaynes and woods within Wales, taking with them the relikes of Saintes for doubt the ſame ſhoulde be deſtroyed by the enimies, and thẽſelues put to deathe if they ſhould abide in their olde habitations. Many alſo fled into Britaine Armorike with a greate fleete of Shippes, ſo that the whole Church or congre|gation (as yee may call it) of the two prouinces, Loegria and Northumberland, was left deſolate in that ſeaſon, to the great hinderance and decay of the Chriſtian Religion. Careticus was driuẽ into Wales (as before is rehearſed) about the ſe|cond or third yeare of his raigne, and there conti|nued with his Britaines, the which ceaſſed not to endomage the Saxons from time to time as oc|caſiõ ſerued. But heere is to be noted, that ye Bri|tanes being thus remoued into Wales & Corne|wall, were gouerned afterwardes by three kings, or rather Tirants, the which ceaſſed not with ci|uill warre to ſeeke eache others deſtruction, till fi|nally as ſayth the Brittiſh booke, they became all ſubiect vnto Cadwallo, whome Bede nameth Cedwallo.VVil. Mal. In ye mean time, Ciaulinus or Cheu|ling King of the Weſt Saxons, through hys owne miſgouernance and tyrannie whiche to|wardes his latter dayes hee practiſed, did procure not only the Britaines, but alſo his own ſubiects to conſpire his deathe, ſo that ioyning in battell with his aduerſaries at Wodeneſdic in the .3 [...]. yere of his raigne, his army was diſcomfited, and he himſelfe conſtreyned to departe into exile, and ſhortly after ended his life before he coulde fynde meanes to be reſtored.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 [figure appears here on page 145] AFter this Chevling,Celric. his Nephewe Celri|cus or Ceolric that was ſonne vnto Cutw [...] ye ſonne of the foreſayde Cheuling, raigned as Kyng ouer the Weſt Saxons fiue yeares fiue monethes. In like man|ner the ſame yeare dyed Ella or Alla Kyng of Northum [...]erland, after [...] ſucceeded [...] the ſonne of Ida, & raigned but fiue yeares, being a man well ſtept into age before he came to be King. About three yeares after this, the Sax|ons and Britaines fought a battel at Wode [...]| [...]ourne, where the Britaynes beeing [...] in good order, the Saxons ſet vpon them [...] in|deede, but diſordredly, ſo that the victory remay|ned with the Britaynes. The Saxons the [...] valiant they had ſhewed themſelues in battel be|fore that time, ſo much the more ſlowe and vnto|wardly did they ſhewe themſelues nowe in run|ning away to ſaue themſelues, ſo that an huge [...]umber of them were ſlayne. Alſo about ye ſame time dyed Crida King of Mertia vz. 594.594 after whome his ſonne Wi [...]as or Wipha ſucceeded. And after the deceſſe of Ethelrike, one Edelfert or Edelfride ſurnamed the wilde, ſucceeded in go|uernement of the Northumbers. But to returne to our purpoſe. Ethelbert King of Kent not diſ|couraged with the euill chance whiche hapned in the beginning, but rather occaſioned thereby to learne more experience in feates of warre,Beda. VVil. Mal. prooued ſo perfect a maſter therein, that in proceſſe of time hee ſubdued by force of armes all thoſe Engliſhe Saxons whiche lay betwixte the boundes of hys countrey, and the Riuer of Humder. Alſo to haue friendſhip inforraine partes, he procured a Wife for himſelfe of the French nation, named the La|dy Bertha, being King Cheribertes daughter of France, but with condition that he ſhould per|mit hir to continue and vſe the rites and lawes of the Chriſtian faith and Religion, and to haue a Biſhop whoſe name was Luydhard, appoynted to come and remayne with hir here in this lande for hir better inſtructiõ in the lawes of the Lorde ſo that they two with other of the French nation that came ouer with them remaining in ye Court and vſing to ſerue God in prayers and otherwiſe according to the cuſtome of the Chriſtian Reli|gion, began vndoubtedly to giue light to ye kings mind as yet darkned with the Cloude [...] of [...]|niſme, ſo as the bright beames of ye [...] all [...]|neſſe of vnderſtanding remoued the thicke [...] EEBO page image 146 of his vnbeleeſt in proceſſe of time, and prepared his hart to the receyuing of the Goſpell, which af|ter by heauenly prouidẽce was preached to him, by occaſion,Beda. Mat. VVeſt. hath. 596. and in manner as followeth. In the yeare of our Lord. 596. which was about the .14. yeare of the raigne of the Emperour Mauritius, and after the comming of the Engliſh Saxons into this land,47. hath the ſame Author. about an hundred and. 47. yeares almoſt complete, the Biſhop of Rome, Grego|ry ye firſt of that name, and ſurnamed Magnus, ſe [...]e Auguſtinus a Monke, with other learned men into this Iſle to preach the Chriſtian faythe vnto the Engliſh Saxons, whiche nation as yet ha [...] not receyued the Goſpell.

[figure appears here on page 146]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 Beda. VV. Mal.It is recorded by diuers writers, that the firſte occaſion whereby Gregory was moued thus to ſend Auguſtine into this lãd, roſe by this meanes: It chanted whileſt the ſame Gregory was as yet but Archdeacon of the Sea of Rome, certayne yong boyes were brought thither to be ſolde out of Northumberland, according to the cuſtomable vſe of that countrey, in ſo muche that as we haue in our time ſeene (ſaith Wil. Mal.) the people of that prouince haue not yet doubted to ſell away their neere kinſfolke for a ſmall price. Whẽ thoſe children whiche at that time were brought from thence to Rome, had by reaſon of their excellente beauties and comely ſhape of limmes and body, turned the eyes in manner of all the Citizens to the beholding of them, it fortuned that Gregory alſo came amongſt other to beholde them, and when hee conſidered and well viewed their fayre ſkinnes,Vita Gregorij magni. their ſweete viſages, and beautifull buſ|ſhes of their bright and yellow heares, be deman|ded out of what region or land they came, vnto whome aunſwere was made, that they were brought out of Britayne, the inhabitants of whi|che countrey were of the like beautifull aſpect: thẽ he aſked whether the men of that countrey were Chriſtians, or as yet entangled with blinde hea|the [...]i [...]h errors, wherevnto it was aunſwered, that they were not chriſtned, but followed the Reli|gion of the Gentiles, whereat Gregory fet [...]hyng [...] a deepe ſigh, ſayd: oh alas that the author of dark|neſſe doth as yet poſſeſſe n [...] of ſo brightſome coũ|tenances, & that with the grace of ſuche faire ſhi|ning viſages, they beare about minds voyde of in|ward grace. He demanded againe by what name ye people were called, & anſwere was made, yt they wer called Angli, that is to ſay Engliſhmẽ. And worthily (ſaith he) for they haue angels faces, and ſuch as ought to be made fellow heires with An|gels in Heauen. Then aſked he ye name of ye pro|uince frõ whẽce they were brought, & it was tolde him they were of Deira. It is well ſayd hee, they are to be deliuered de ira dei, that is to ſay, from the ire and wrath of God, & called to the mercy of Chriſt our Lord. What name (ſayde he) hath the King of that prouince, wherevnto anſwere was made that he was called Alla, whervpõ alluding to ye name, he ſaid, that Alleluia ought to be ſong in thoſe partes to the praiſe & honor of God ye cre|ator. And herevpõ comming to Benedict the firſt of ye name as then Biſhop of Rome,Pelagius the ſeconde. VVil. M [...]. hee required him yt ſome learned mẽ might be ſent into Eng|lãd to preach ye Goſpel vnto the Engliſhmẽ, offe|ring himſelfe to be one of the number: but though Benedict was cõtented to graunt his requeſt,Pelagius. yet ye Romanes had him in ſuch eſtimatiõ that they would not cõſent yt he ſhould depart ſo farre from ye citie, ſo that by thẽ he was at that time ſtayed of that his godly purpoſe. But whẽ he came to be Biſhop, he thought to performe it, though not by himſelf, yet by other: & ſo Auguſtine & his felowes wer ſent by him about it (as before is ſayd,M. Fox.) By the way as they were paſſing in their iourney, ſuch a ſoddayne feare entred into their harts, that (as ſome write) they returned all. Other write, that Auguſtine was ſent back to Gregory to ſue that they might be releaſs;ed of that voyage ſo dã|gerous and vncertain amongſt ſuch a barbarous people, whoſe language they neyther knewe, nor whoſe rudeneſſe they wer able to reſiſt. Thẽ Gre|gory with pithie perſwaſions confirming and cõ|forting him, ſente him againe with letters vnto the Biſhop of Arles, willing him to help and ayd the ſayde Auſtine and his company in all what ſo euer his neede required. Alſo other letters he di|rected by the foreſaide Auſtine vnto hys fellowes, exhorting them to goe forewarde boldly in the Lordes worke, as by the tenor of the ſayde E|piſtle heere following may appeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gregorius ſeruus ſeruorum Dei Domini nostre Quia melius fueratbona non incipere quà [...]ab ijs quae cepta ſunt cogitatione retrorſum redire. &c. In Engliſh, Gregory the ſeruant of Gods ſer|uauntes, to the ſeruantes of oure Lorde. For as muche as it is better not to take good thyngs in hande, than after they bee begunne, to thynke to reuolte backe from the ſame agayne, therefore EEBO page image 147 now you may not nor cannot (deere children) but with all feruente ſtudie and labour muſt needes goe forwarde in that good buſineſſe, whiche tho|rough the helpe of God you haue well begunne. Neyther let the labour of youre iourney, nor the ſlaunderous tongues of men apall you, but that with all inſtance and feruencie yeẽ proceede and accompliſh the thing which the Lord hath ordey|ned you to take in hãd, knowing that your great trauell ſhall be recompenſed with reward of grea|ter glory hereafter to come. Therefore as we ſend heere Auſtin to you agayne, whome alſo we haue ordeyned to be your gouernoure, ſo do you hum|bly obey him in all things, knowing that it ſhall be profitable for your ſoules what ſoeuer at hys admonitiõ ye ſhall doe. Almighty God with hys grace defende you, and graunt me to ſee in the e|ternall countrey the fruite of your labour, that al|though I cannot labour in the ſame felowſhippe with you togither, the Lorde God keepe you ſafe moſt deere and welbeloued children. Dated the tenth before the Calẽdes of Auguſt, in the raigne of our ſoueraigne Lorde Mauritius moſt vertu|ous Emperour, the fourteenth of his Empire.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus they [...] loued and comforted through the good wordes and wholeſome exhortation of Gregory, ſet forward agayne, and ſpeeding forth their iourney, they firſt arriued at ye [...] Tha|net in Kente in the moneth of Iuly, being in nũ|ber about fortie perſons, of the whiche dyuers were interpreters whom they brought with them out of Fraunce. Theſe they ſente vnto King E|thelbert, ſignifying to him the occaſion of theyr comming, who hearing the meſſengers within a fewe dayes after, went into that Iſle, and there abrode out of any houſe ſate downe, and cauſed Auguſtine and hys fellowes to come before him, for he would not come vnder any roofe with thẽ, ſore doubting to bee bewitched by them, beeyng perſwaded that they were practiſed in nigromã|cie. But they comming to him, not by the power of the Deuill (as they ſayd) but by the myght and power of Almightie God, bearing in ſteede of a banner a Croſſe of ſyluer,The ſeuen|fold Letanies of S. Gregory were not yet deuiſed. and an Image of our Lord & Sauioure paynted in a Table, & thereto ſinging ye Letanies, made interceſſiõ vnto the L. for the euerlaſting preſeruation of themſelues, & of all them for whome and to whome they came.

[figure appears here on page 147]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 And when they being ſet downe by commã|dement of the King, had preached the worde of life to him and to all thoſe that came thither with him, he made them this anſwere, that their words and promiſes were good: but for as much as the ſame were new and vncertayne to him that had bin brought vp in the contrary doctrine, he could not raſhly aſſent to their admonitions, and leaue that beleefe which he and the Engliſh nation had ſo long a time obſerued and kept: but (ſayd he) by|cauſe ye haue trauelled farre to the intent to make vs partakers of thoſe things whiche ye beleeue to bee moſt true and perfecte, wee will thus muche graunt vnto you, that yee ſhall bee receyued into this countrey, and haue herbrough with thyngs ſufficient found vnto you for your mayntenance and ſuſtentation neither will we hinder you, but yt ye may by Preaching aſſociat & ioyne as many of our ſubiectes as ye can vnto your law and be|liefe. They had therefore aſſigned vnto them a place to lodge in within the City of Canterbury, which was ye head citie of al his dominion. It is ſaid yt as they approched ye citie according to their manner, they had a croſſe borne afore them, with an image of our Lorde Ieſus Chriſte, and they followed in ſinging this Letany: Deprecamur te Domine in omni miſericordiae tua, ot auferatur fu|ror tuus & ira tua à ciuitate iſta & de domo San|cta tua, quoniã peccauimus alleluya. That is to ſay VVe beſech the O Lord in al thy mercy that thy EEBO page image 148 fury and wrath may be taken from this citie, and from thy holy [...] wee haue ſynned. Prayſe be to thee oh Lorde. After they were re|ceyued into Canterbury, [...]hey began to followe the trade of lyfe whiche the Apoſtles vſed in the primatiue Churche,Beda. Mat. VVeſt. that is to witte, exerciſing themſelues in continuall prayer, watching, fa|ſting, and in preaching the worde to as many as they coulde, deſpiſing all worldly pleaſures, as not apperteyning to them, receyuing onely (of them whome they taughte) thyngs that ſeemed neceſſary for the ſuſtenance of their life, and liuing in all poyntes according to the doctrine whyche they ſet foorthe, hauing theyr mindes ready to ſuffer in patience all aduerſities what ſo euer, yea and death it ſelfe, for the confirming of that whi|che they nowe preached.The Chriſtian faith receyued of the Eng|liſhmen. Heerevppon, many of the Engliſhe people beleeued and were baptiſed, hauing in greate reuerence the ſimplicitie of the innocente liues of thoſe men, and the ſweeteneſſe of their heauenly doctrine. There was a Churche neere to the Citie on the Eaſt parte thereof dedi|cated in the honor of Saint Martine, and buyly+ded of old time whileſt the Romaynes as [...]|habited Britayne, in the whiche the Quéene [...]|ing (as we haue ſayd) a Chriſtian, vſed to make hir prayers. To this Churche Auſtine and hys fellowes at their firſt comming accuſtomed to re|ſorte, and there to ſing, to pray, to ſay Maſſe, to preach and to baptiſe, till at length the Kyng be|ing conuerted, graunted them licence to preache in euery place, and to buylde and reſtore? Chur|ches where they thought good. After that ye King being perſwaded by their doctrine, good examples giuing, and diuers miracles ſhewed, was once baptiſed, the people in great number begã to giue eare vnto the Preaching of the Goſpell, and re|nouncing their heatheniſh beleefe, became Chri|ſtians, in ſo much that as Gregory remembreth, Lib. 7. cap. [...] ther were baptiſed tenne thouſand perſons in one [figure appears here on page 148] day, being the feaſt of the natiuitie of our Saui|our. . [...]97. [...]ndictione. Policron But ſome write how thys ſhould chance towarde the latter ende of Augu|ſtines dayes, after he was admitted to preach the Goſpell amongſt them that inhabited about Yorke (as ſome write) which affirme, that the ſaid number of tenne thouſande was baptiſed in the Riuer of S [...]ale, whiche as William Harriſon ſayeth, cannot be verified, bycauſe of the indiction and death of Gregory. But to procede: The king reioiced at the conuerſion thus of his people, how|beit, he would not force any man to be baptiſed, but only ſhewed by his behauiour,Beda lib. 1. cap. 26. & 27. that be fauored thoſe that beleeued more than other, as fellowe Citizens with him of the heauenly Kingdome: for he learned of them that had inſtructed hym in the faith,Religion not to [...], but t [...]ughte and preached. that the obedience due to Chriſt oughte not to be inforced, but to come of good wil. More|ouer, he prouided for Auguſtine and his fellowes a conuenient place for their habitation within the Citie of Canterbury, and further gaue them ne|ceſſary reuenewes in poſſeſſion for their maynte|nance. After that the faith of Chriſte was thus receyued of the Engliſhmen,Auguſtine ordeyned Archbiſhop of the Engliſh nation. Auguſtine went in|to Fraunce, and there of the Archbiſhop of At [...]s named Etherius, he was ordeined Archbiſhop of the Engliſhe nation, according to the order pre|ſcribed by Gregorie before ye departure of the ſaide Auguſtine frõ Rome. After his returne into Br [...]+tane, he ſent Laurẽce a Prieſt,Laurence a Prieſt. & Peeter a Monke vnto Rome, to giue knowledge vnto Gregory the Biſhop, howe the Engliſhmen had receyued the faith, and that hee was ordeyned Archbiſhop of the land, according to that he had commaun|ded, if the worke proſpered vnder his hande as it had done. He alſo required to haue Gregories ad|uice touching certain ordinances to be made and obſerued in the new Church of England: where|vpon EEBO page image 150 Gregory in ſending backe the meſſengers wrote aunſwer vnto all his demaundes, and firſt touching the conuerſation of Archbiſhops with ye Cleargie, and in what forte the Churche goodes oughte to be employed, he declareth that the aun|tient cuſtome of the Apoſtolike See was to giue commaundemente vnto Biſhops ordeyned, [...] reuenews [...]e Church [...]e deuided [...]. 4. partes. that the profytes & reuenewes of their benefices ought to be deuided into foure partes, whereof the firſte ſhould be appoynted to the Biſhop and his fami|ly for the maynetenane [...] of hoſpitalitie: the ſecond ſhould be aſſigned to the Cleargie: the thirde to be giuen to the poore: and the fourth to be employed vpon repayring of temples. Alſo as touching the diuerſitie of cuſtomes in Churches. And where in the Churche of Rome one cuſtome in ſaying of Ma [...] or ye Liturgie was obſerued, [...]urgia. and an other cuſtome in France, concerning ſuch Church ſer|uice. [...]urch ſer| [...]e. Gregory aduiſed Auguſtine that if he found anye thing either in the Churche of Rome, ey|ther in the Churche of Fraunce, or in anye o|ther Churche whiche mighte moſt pleaſe the al|mightie God, he ſhould diligently chooſe it foorth, and inſtruct the Church of England (now beyng new) according to that forme whiche hee ſhoulde gather foorth of the ſayd Churches: for the thyngs are not loued for the places ſake, but the places for the things ſake.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 [...]ch as did [...]eale.Alſo for the puniſhing of ſuche as had ſtol|len things out of Churches, ſo neere as mighte bee, the offender ſhoulde bee chaſtiſed in cha|ritie, ſo as he might know his fault, and if it were poſſible, reſtore the thing taken away. Alſo as touching degrees in mariages, Engliſhmẽ might take to their wiues,Marriages. women that touched them in the third and fourth degree without reprehenſion, and if any vnlawfull marriages were founde a|mongſt the Engliſhmẽ, as if the ſonne had mar|ried the fathers wife, or the brother the brothers wife they ought to be warned in any wiſe to ab|ſteyne, and vnderſtand it to be a greeuous ſinne: yet ſhoulde they not for that thing be depriued of the Communiõ of the body & bloud of our Lord, leaſt thoſe things mighte ſeeme to be puniſhed in them wherein they had offended (before their con|uerſion to the Chriſtian fayth) by ignorance:Diſcipline of [...]he Church. for at this ſeaſon ye Church (ſayth he) correcteth ſome things of a feruente earneſtneſſe, ſuffereth ſome things of a gẽtle mildneſſe, and diſſimuleth ſome things of a prudent conſideration, and ſo beareth and diſſimuleth the ſame, that oftentimes the e|uill which ſhe abhorreth by ſuch bearing and diſ|ſimuling, is reſtreyned and reformed. Moreouer, touching the ordeyning of Biſhops, hee woulde they ſhould be ſo placed, that the diſtance of place mighte not bee a lette,Ordeyning of [...]iſhops. but that when a Biſhoppe ſhoulde bee conſecrated, there mighte bee three or foure preſente.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Also touching the Bishoppes of Fraunce, hee willed Augustine in no wise to intermeddle with them, otherwise than by exhortacion and good admonitions to be giuen, but not to presume any thing by authority, sith the Archbishop of Arles had receyued the Palle in tymes past, whose authoritie hee mighte not deminishe, least he should seeme to put his sicle into another mans haruest. But as for the Bishops of Britayne, he committed them vnto him, that the vnlearned might be taught, the weake with wholesome perswasions strengthned, Women with childe. and the frowarde by authoritie reformed. Moreouer, that a woma(n) with childe myghte bee Baptised, and shee that was deliuered after. 33. dayes of a man childe, and after .46. days of a woman childe should be purified, but yet myghte shee enter the Church before if she woulde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 6 The reſidue of Auguſtines demaundes [...] [...]u [...]i|ſ [...]ed in theſe poynts,Matters in queſtion a|bout trifles. v [...] within what ſpa [...] [...] ſhould be Chriſtened after it was borne for doubt to be preuẽted by death alſo, within what [...] a man might company with his wife after ſhe was brought to bedde: whether a woman hauing the floures, mighte enter the Churche or receyue the Communion: alſo whether a man hauing com|panyed with hys Wife, might enter the Churche, or receyue the Communion, before he was wa|ſhed with water. And whether after polution by night in dreames, a man mighte receyue the Cõ|munion: or if he were a Prieſt whether he might ſay Maſſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To theſe queſtions Gregory maketh aun|ſwere at full in the Booke and place before cit [...]d, which for breefeneſſe we paſſe ouer. He ſent al|ſo at that tyme with the meſſengers aforeſayde at their returne into Englande dyuers learned men to help Auguſtine in the harueſt of ye Lorde. The names of the cheefeſt were theſe,Aſsiſtance to Auguſtine. The Pall. Mellitus, Iuſtus, Paulinus, and Rufinianus. He ſente al|ſo the Palle whyche is the ornament of an Arch|biſhop with veſſels and appartell whiche ſhoulde be vſed in Churches by the Archbiſhop and other miniſters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo ſente with the Pall other letters vnto Auguſtine to lette hym vnderſtande what num|ber of Biſhops hee woulde haue hym to ordeyne within this lande. Alſo after that Mellitus, and the other before mentioned perſons were departed from Rome, hee ſent a letter vnto the ſame Mel|litus, beeyng yet on his way towardes Britayne, touching further matter concerning the Chur|ches of England, wherein he confeſſeth that ma|ny thinges are permitted to bee vſed of the peo|ple lately broughte from the errors of gentilitie, in keeping feaſtes on the dedication dayes whi|che haue reſemblaunce with their olde ſuper|ſtitious rytes of the Pagane Religion, for EEBO page image 150 to hard and obſtinate mindes (ſayth he) it is not poſſible to cutte away all things at once,Bearing with them that had newly recey|ued the fayth, whereof ſu|perſtition grewe and increaſed. for hee that coueteth to the higheſt place, goeth vp by ſteppes and not by leapes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Alſo the ſame time, Gregory did ſende letters vnto Auguſtine touching the miracles whych by reporte he vnderſtoode were ſhewed by the ſame. Auguſtine,Miracles. counſelling him in no wiſe to glory in the ſame, but rather in reioycing to feare, and conſider that God gaue him the gifte to worke ſuche ſignes for the welth of them, to whome hee was ſente to preach the Goſpell: he aduiſed hym therefore to beware of vayne glory and preſump|tion, for the Diſciples of the trueth (ſayth he) haue no ioy, but onely that which is common with all men, of whyche there is no end, for not euery one that is elect worketh miracles, but euery of the e|lect haue their names written in heauen.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe letters, with the other whiche Gregory ſent at this time vnto Auguſtine, were dated the tenth day of the Calendes of Iuly, in the yeare of oure Lord .602.602 whiche was the nineteenth yeare of the Emperour Mauritius.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Moreouer, he ſente moſt curteous letters by theſe meſſengers vnto King Ethelberte, [...] whyche hee greatly commendeth him, in that he had receyued the Chriſtian fayth, and exhorteth him to continue in that moſt holy ſtate of life, whereby hee myghte worthyly looke for rewarde at the handes of almighty God. But nowe to the doings of Auguſtine. We fynd,Beda. that after he was eſtabliſhed Archbiſhop, and had his See appoyn|ted to him at Canterbury, he reſtored in that Ci|tie another Church whiche had bin erected there in times paſt by certayne of the Romaynes [...] were Chriſtians, and did dedicate the [...] in honor of Chriſt our Sauioure.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo began the foundation of a Monaſtery without that Citie, ſtãding towarde the Eaſt, in the whiche by his exhortation, King Ethelberte built a Churche euen from the grounde, whiche was dedicated vnto the holy Apoſtles Peeter and Paule, in the whiche the body of the ſayde Augu|ſtine was buried, and likewiſe the bodies of all the Archbiſhops of Canterbury and Kings of Kent [...] of long time after.

[figure appears here on page 150]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Abbey was called Saint Auſtines after his name,One Peeter was the firſt Abbot. one Peeter being the firſt Abbot therof. The Churche there was not conſecrated by Au|guſtine, but by his ſucceſſor Laurẽce after that he was dead.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer, King Ethelbert at the motion of Auguſtine builded a Church in the Citie of Lõ|don (whiche he lately had conquered) and dedica|ted it vnto Saint Paule: but whether he buylded or reſtored this Church of Saint Paule it maye bee doubted, for there bee dyuers opinions of the building thereof.Ran. Ceſtren. Some haue written that it was firſte buylded by King Lud (as before is mentioned.) Other agayne write, that it was builded afterwarde by Sigeberte King of the Eaſt Saxons.Beda. Alſo Kyng Ethelberte buylded the Churche of Saint Andrew in Rocheſter. I [...] is likewiſe remembred by writers, Ran Ceſt. Weſtminſter Church [...]. that the ſame King Ethelberte procured a Citizen of London to buyld a Church of Sainte Peeter without the Citie of London towarde the Weſt in a place then called Thorney, that is to witte, the Iſle of Thornes, & now is called Weſtminſter, though other haue written that it was buylte by Lucius King of Britaine, or rather by Siberte Kyng of the Eaſt Saxons. This Church was eyther newly builte or greatly enlarged by Kyng Ed|warde ſurnamed the Confeſſor, and after that, the thirde Henry King of England did make there a beautifull Monaſterie, and very richly EEBO page image 151 endowed the ſame with greate poſſeſſions and ſumptuous iewels. The place was ouergrowen with vnderwooddes, as thornes and brembles before that the Church was begun to be builded there in this King Ethelbertes dayes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus the fayth of Chriſt being once begunne to bee receyued of the Engliſhmen, tooke won|derfull increaſe within a ſhort time.Ran. Cest. Beda. Sigebertus. an. 19. Mauri|cij imperato|ris.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 In the meane ſeaſon by the help of King E|thelbert, Auguſtine cauſed a counſell to be called at a place in the confynes of the Weſt Saxons, whiche place long after was called Auſtynes Oke,A Synode. Auſtines oke. where he procured the Biſhops or Doctors of the prouinces of the Britaines to come before [figure appears here on page 151] him.Galfrid. lib. 8 cap. 4. Amongſt the Britaynes or Welchmen, Chriſtianite as yet remayned in force, whyche from the Apoſtles time had neuer fayled in that nation. When Auguſtine came into this land, he found in their prouinces ſeuen Biſhops Sees, and an Archbiſhops See, wherin ſate right godly and moſt Religious Prelates, and many Ab|bots, in the which the Lordes flocke kept their righte order: but bycauſe they differed in obſer|uing the Feaſt of Eaſter, and other rites from the vſe of ye Romane Church,Beda lib. 2. cap. 2. Auguſtine thought it neceſſary to moue them to agree with hym in vnitie of the ſame, but after long diſputation and reaſoning of thoſe matters, they could not be en|duced to giue their aſſente in that behalfe. Augu|ſtine to prooue his opinion good, wroughte a mi|racle in reſtoring ſight to one of the Saxon na|tion that was blinde. The Britaynes that were preſente moued with this miracle, confeſ|ſed, that it was the righte waye of Iuſtice and righteouſneſſe which Auguſtine taught, but yet they ſayd that they might not forſake theyr aun|cient cuſtomes withoute conſente and licence of their nation.Another Sinode. Wherevppon, they required ano|ther Sinode to be holden, wherat a greater num|ber of them myght be preſent. This being gran|ted, there came as it is reported ſeuen Biſhops of the Britaynes and a greate number of learned menne,The Mona|ſterie of Bangor. Abbot Dio|noth. ſpecially of the famous Monaſterie of Bangor, whereof in thoſe dayes one Dionoth was Abbot, the whiche as they wente towardes that counſell, came firſt to a certaine wiſe man, whych lyued amongſt them an Ankers life, and aſked his aduice whether they ought to forſake theyr traditions at the Preaching of Auguſtine or not: who made thys aunſwere: If he bee the man of God followe hym: then ſayde they: howe ſhall wee prooue whether hee be ſo or not.The anſwer [...] of a godly man touching Auſtin the Engliſhmens Apoſtle. Then ſayde hee: the Lorde ſayeth take vp my yoke and learne of mee, for I am meeke and humble in harte: if Auguſtine bee humble and meeke in hart, it is to be beleeued that hee alſo beareth the yoke of Chriſte, and offereth it to you to beare, but if hee bee not meeke but proude, it is certayne that hee is not of God, nor hys worde is not to bee regarded: And how ſhall wee perceyue that (ſayde they?) Fynde meanes (ſayde he) that hee maye fyrſte come to the place of the Synode with thoſe of hys ſyde, and if hee ariſe to receyue you at your comming, then knowe that he is the ſeruaunt of God, and obey him. But if hee de|ſpiſe you and ariſe not againſt you, where as you bee more in number, lette him bee deſpi [...]e [...] of you.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They did as he commaunded, and it chanced, that when they came, they found Auguſtine ſit|ting in his chaire: which whẽ they beheld,Three things required by Auſtin of the Britaynes to be obſerued. ſtraight wayes they conceyued an indignation, and [...]o|ting him of pride, laboured to reprooue all hys ſayings. He tolde thẽ that they vſed many things contrary to the cuſtome of the vniuerſal Church, and yet if in three things they woulde obey hym, EEBO page image 152 that is to witte, in keeping the feaſt of Eaſter in due time, and miniſter Baptiſme according to the cuſtome of the Romaine Churche, and preach to the Engliſhmen the word of life with him and his fellowes, then would he be contented to ſuffer all other things paciently which they did, though the ſame were contrary to the manners and cu|ſtomes of the Romayne iuriſdiction. But they flatly denyed to do any of thoſe things, and gaue a playne aunſwere that they woulde not receyue him for their Archbiſhoppe, for they laying theyr heads togither thus thoughte, that if hee refuſed now to ryſe vnto vs, how much the more will he contemne vs if we ſhould become ſubiect to him.Auſtine thret|neth. Vnto whome as it is ſayde Auguſtine in threat|ning wiſe tolde them aforehande, that if they woulde not receyue peace with their breethren, they ſhoulde receyue warre of the enimies, and if they would not preach to the Engliſhmen ye way of life, they ſhould ſuffer puniſhment by death at the handes of them: whiche thing indeede after came to paſſe as in place conueniente ſhall be ex|preſſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 604After this in the yeare of our Lorde .604. the Archbiſhop Auguſtine ordeyned two Biſhops, that is to ſay,Biſhops ordei|ned at London and Rocheſter Mellitus at Londõ, that he might preache the worde of God to the Eaſt Saxons, whiche were deuided from them of Kente by the Riuer of Thames, and Iuſtus in the Citie of Rocheſter within the limittes of Kent.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 AT that time Sabart reigned ouer the Eaſt Saxons, but hee was ſubiect vnto Ethel|bert King of Kent, whoſe Nephewe he was alſo by his ſiſter Ricula that was married vnto king Sledda yt ſucceeded after E [...]chenwine ye firſt K. of ye Eaſt Saxons &, begate on hir this Sabert yt receyued ye faith. After ye Auguſtine had ordeyned Mellitus to be Biſhop of London, as before is ſayd, King Ethelbert builded (as ſome write) the Churche of Sainte Paule within the ſame Ci|tie,The Church of Saint Paule builded where the ſame Mellitus and his ſucceſſors might keepe their See. And alſo for the like pur|poſe he builded the Church of Saint Androw the Apoſtle at Rocheſter, that Iuſtus and his ſuc|ceſſors myghte haue theyr See in that place ac|cording to Auguſtines inſtitution: hee beſtowed great giftes vpon both theſe Churches, endowing them with lands and poſſeſſions very bountiful|ly to the vſe of them that ſhould be attendante in the ſame with the Biſhops.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ran. Ceſtr [...].Finally Auguſtine after hee had gouerned as Archbiſhop the Churche of Canterburie by the ſpace of twelue yeares current, departed this life the ſixe and twentith of May, and was buryed firſt without the Citie neere to the Church of the Apoſtles Peeter and Paule (whereof mention is made before) bicauſe the ſame Church as yet was not finiſhed nor dedicated, but after it was dedi|cated, his body was broughte into the Churche, and reuerently buried in the North Ile there.

[figure appears here on page 152]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ordeyned by his life time Laurence to bee his ſucceſſor in the Sea of Canterbury, of whom yee ſhall heare hereafter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue ye heard in what maner the Eng|liſhmen were firſt brought from the worſhipping of falſe Goddes, and baptiſed in the name of the liuing God by the foreſayde Auguſtine, as wee fynde in Beda and other writers, and nowe wee will returne to other doyngs chancing in the meane tyme amongſt the people of thys Iſle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 AFfter the deceaſſe of Chelricus Kyng of the Weſt Saxons,Mat. VVe [...]. hath. 34. wee finde that Ceovulf or Ceoloulph ſucceeded in gouernmente of that Kingdome, and raigned twelue yeares. Hee be|gan his raigne (as ſhould appeare by ſome wri|ters)607. [...] VVeſt. hath. about the yeare of our Lord .597. and ſpente EEBO page image 153 his time for the more part in warres, not gyuing place to ydleneſſe, but ſeeking eyther to defende or enlarge the confines of his dominion. He was the ſonne of Cutha, which was the ſon of Ken|rike, that was the ſonne of Certike.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 AFter Wybba or Wypha king of Mercia, (who nothing inferiour to his father, did not onely defend his kingdome, but alſo enlarge it by ſubduing the Brytaynes on eche ſide) one Ceor|lus ſucceeded in that kingdome, beeing not hys ſonne but his kinſman.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ceorlus king of Martia. [figure appears here on page 153] THis Ceor|lus began his raigne a|boute the yeare of oure Lorde 594. as Mat. Weſtm. recor|deth.594

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beda. Edelferd.Yee haue heard that E|delferde, whiche otherwiſe is cal+led alſo by writers Edelfride, ſurnamed the wild, gouerned ſtill the Northumbers, whiche Edel|ferde did more domage to the Brytaynes than a|ny one other king of the Engliſh Nation. None of them deſtroyed theyr countreyes more than he did: neyther did any Prince make mo of the Bry|taynes tributaries, or inhabited more of theyr Countreys with Engliſh people than he.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon Edan king of thoſe Scots which inhabited Brytayne, beeing therewith moued to ſee Edelferd proſper thus in his conqueſtes, came agaynſt him with a mightie armie: but ioyning in battaile with Edelferd and his power, at a place called Degſaſtane, or Degſaſtone, or De|glaſton, he loſt the moſte part of his people, and with the reſidue that were left aliue, he eſcaped by flight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was a ſore foughten battaile, wyth much bloudſhed on both parties. For notwith|ſtanding that the victorie remayned with the Northumbers, Theodbaldus the brother of E|delferd was ſlaine, with all that part of the Eng|liſh hoſt, which he gouerned: and it was fought in the yeare of our Lorde .603. in the .xix. 603 Henric. Hũt. Beda. li. 1. cap. 34. yeare of the raigne of the foreſayde Edelferd, and in the ſixt yeare of Co [...]wulf king of the Weſt Saxons, and in the firſt yeare of the Emperour Focas, or ra|ther in the laſt yeare of hys predeceſſour Mau|ritius.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 From that day til [...] the dayes of Beda, not one of the Scottiſh kings durſt preſume to enter into Brytaine againe to giue battaile againſt the Engliſh Nation, as Beda himſelfe wryteth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But the Scottiſh writers make other report of this matter, VVil. Malm [...] See in Scot|land [...]. as in the Hyſtorie of Scotland ye may finde recorded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Brytaynes that dwelt aboute Cheſter, through their ſtoutneſſe prouoked the aforeſayde Ethelferd king of the Northumbers vnto warre: wherevpon the ſame Ethelferd to tame theyr lof|tie ſtomackes, aſſembled an armie, and came for|warde to beſiege the Citie of Cheſter,Cheſter as ye [...] in poſſeſsion of the Bry|tayns. then called of the Brytaynes Carleon ardour deué. The Ci|tizens coueting rather to ſuffer all things than a ſiege, and hauing a truſt in their great multitude of people,Iohn Leyland VVil. Malm. came forth to giue battaile abrode in the fieldes, whom he compaſſing about with ambu|ſhes, got them within his daunger, and eaſily diſ|comfited them.

[figure appears here on page 153]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beda.It chaunced that he had eſpied before the bat|taile ioyned (as Bede hath) where a great number of the Brytiſh Prieſts were got aſide into a place ſomewhat out of daunger, that they might there make their interceſſion to God for the good ſpeede of theyr people, being then readie to giue battaile to the Northumbers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The number of Monkes in the Monaſtery of Bangor.Many of them were of that famous Mona|ſterie of Bangor, in the which it is ſaid, that there was ſuch a number of Monkes, that where they were deuided into ſeuen ſeuerall partes, with their ſeuerall gouernours appoynted to haue rule ouer them, euery of thoſe partes conteyned at the leaſt three hundred perſons, the which liued altogither by the labour of theyr handes. Many therefore of thoſe Monkes hauing kept a ſolemne feaſt for three dayes togither, were come to the armie with other to make prayer, hauing for their defender one Brocmale, or Bro [...]ma [...]l, Earle (or Conſull as ſome call him) of Cheſter,Brocmal [...]. which ſhoulde pre|ſerue them (being giuen to prayer) from the edge of the enimies ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 154King Edelferd hauing (as is ſayde) eſpyed theſe men, aſked what they were, and what their intent was? and beeing informed of the whole circumſtance, and cauſe of their beeing there, hee ſayde. Then if they call to theyr God for his aſ|ſiſtãce againſt vs, ſurely though they beare no ar|mour, yet do they fight againſt vs, being buſied in prayer for our deſtruction. Wherevpon hee com|maunded the firſt onſet to be giuen on them,The Brytaines diſcomfited and ſlaine. and after ſlue downe the reſidue of the Brytiſh armie, not without great loſſe of his owne people.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of thoſe Monkes and Prieſtes which came to pray (as before is mencioned) there died at that battaile about the number of .xij. hundred, ſo that fiftie of them onely eſcaped by flight.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Brocmale, or Broemael at the firſt approche of the enimies, turning his backe with his compa|nie, left them (whom he ſhould haue defended) to be murthered through the enmies ſworde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus was the prophecie of Auguſtine ful|filled, though he was long before departed this life (as Beda hath.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Henric. Hũt.But if this battaile was fought in the ſeuenth yeare of Ciovulf king of Weſtſaxons (as ſome haue written) and that Auguſtin liued .xij. yeares after his entrance into the gouernment of the ſea of Canterburie, (as ſome write) it is euident that he liued foure yeares after this ſlaughter made of the Brytiſhe Prieſtes and Monkes by Ethelferd (as before is recited.) For Ciovulf beganne his raigne (as before is mentioned) about the yeare of our Lorde .596. and in the ſeuenth yeare of hys raigne the battail was fought, at Degſaſta [...]e be|twixt Engliſhmen and Scottes, which chaunced in the yeare of our Lorde .604. as Bede himſelfe recordeth. Hitherto out of our olde writers.

Of which battaile alſo William Hariſon tel|leth another maner of tale, whoſe wordes (though he liue in our time, and his Chronologie bee not yet extant) are not to be omitted: which be theſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Athelbright, or Edilfride, king of the Northũ|bers, and Ethelbert of Kent, hauing Auguſtine in their cõpanie, in the .8. yeare after his arriuall, doe make warre vpon ſuche Brytaynes as refuſe to obſerue the Canons of the late Councell mentio|ned .603. and kill 1200. Monkes of the Monaſte|rie of Bangor, which laboured earneſtly, and in the ſweate of their browes, thereby to get theyr liuings. &c. Thus farre maiſter Hariſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Verily. Galf. Mon wryteth, that Ethelbert king of Kent (after he ſawe the Brytaynes to diſ|daine and denie their ſubiection vnto Auguſtine, by whom he was conuerted to the chriſtian faith) ſtirred vp Ethelfred king of the Northumbers to warre againſt the Brytains. But hereof maiſter Foxe doubteth, and therfore ſayth,Acts and Mo|numents. Pag. 160. that of vncer|taine things hee hath nothing certainly to ſay, much leſſe to iudge.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 But now to the matter where we left. After that King Edelferd had made ſlaughter of the Brytaines (as before is rehearſed) hee entred the Citie of Cheſter, and from thence marched to|wardes Bangor.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Britains in the meane time had aſſẽbled their power vnder three Captains, that is to wit,Blederik [...] of Cornewal, Margadud K. of Southwales, Cadwan king of Northwales Blederike Duke of Cornewall, Margadud king of Southwales, and Cadwane king of North|wales. Theſe ioyning in battaile with Ethel|ferd, ſlue .10066. of his Souldiers, and conſtray|ned him to flee out of the fielde for ſafegarde of [figure appears here on page 154] his life, after hee had receyued many woundes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Gal. Mon.On the part of the Brytaynes the foreſayde Bledrike, which was chiefe captaine of the fielde in that battaile chaunced to be ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus hath Gal. Mon. but the auncient wri|ters of the Engliſh kings (as Bede. Wil. [...]alm. and Henrie Hunt.) make no mention of this laſt battaile and victorie obteyned by the Brytaynes in maner as aboue is expreſſed in Galfrids booke. But contrarily we finde, that Ethelferd hauing ſuch good ſucceſſe in his buſineſſe abroade as hee coulde wiſhe,Edwin the ſonne of king Alla [...] vpon purpoſe to auoyde daunger at home, baniſhed Edwin the ſonne of Alla or Elle a yong Gentleman of great towardneſſe, lately EEBO page image 155 come to the kingdom of the Northumbers by the death of his father. But this Edwine in time of his exile, beeing long toſſed from place to place, and finding no ſtedfaſt friendſhip now in time of his aduerſitie, at length came to Redwalde, that was king at that time of the Eaſt Angles, the thirde from Vffa, as ſucceſſor to Titullus, which Titullus did ſucceede next after the ſayde Vffa,592 the firſt king of Eaſt Angles (as before is men|tioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edelferd.This Redwalde did verie honourably inter|taine Edwine, inſomuch that Edelferd being in|formed thereof, he was highly diſpleaſed, and ſent Ambaſſadors vnto Redwalde, to requyre him either to deliuer Edwine into his handes, or elſe if he refuſed ſo to do, to declare and denounce vnto him open warres.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Redwalde encouraged by his wife (that coun|ſelled him in no wiſe to betray his friende, to whõ he had giuen his fayth, for the menaces of his e|nimie) aſſembled forthwith an armie,617 and vpon the ſodaine comming vpon Ethelferd, ſet vppon him ere he coulde haue time to aſſemble his peo|ple, togither. But yet the ſayd Ethelfred,H. Hunt. though he was entrapped and brought in daunger at vn|wares, he dyed not vnreuenged: for putting him|ſelfe in defence with ſuch power as he coulde then get togyther, he boldely encountred the enimies, and gyuing battaile, ſlue Remerius the ſonne of Redwalde and after was ſlaine himſelfe,Ethelferd ſlain [...] ha|uing raigned ouer the Northumbers about .xxij. yeares.

[figure appears here on page 155]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This battaile was fought neare to the water of Idle.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayde Ethelferd had iſſue by his wyfe Acca the daughter of Alla, and ſiſter to Edwine, two ſonnes, Oſwalde being about two yeares of age, and Oſwyn about foure yeares, the which (their father beeing thus ſlaine) were by helpe of their gouernours, conueyed away into Scotland with all ſpeede that might be made.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hen. Hunt. Math. VVeſt. hath. 34. Ceovulf king of the Weſt Saxons, after hee had raigned the ſpace of .xij. yeares, departed this life, who in his time had mainteyned great warre agaynſt many of his neghbours, the which for briefeneſſe I paſſe ouer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One great battaile he fought agaynſt them of Suſſex, in which the armies on both ſides ſu|ſteyned great domage,The South Saxons ſu|ſtaine the greater loſſe. but the greater loſſe fell to the South Saxons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cicegiſ|cus.AFter the foreſayde Ceovulf raigned Cinegiſ|cus, or Kingils, whiche was the ſonne of Ceola, that was ſonne to Cutha or Cutwyn, the ſonne of Kenricke, which was ſonne to king Certicke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the fourth yeare of his raigne, VVil. Malm. ſayeth that O [...]nichilinus was the brother o [...] Cinegiſcus. he receyued into felowſhip with him in gouernaunce of the kingdome his ſonne Richelinus, or Onichelinus, and ſo they raigned ioyntly togither in great loue and concorde, a thing ſeldome ſeene or heard of.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They fought with the Brytaynes at Bean|dune,Beandune, or Beanton. where at the firſt approch of the battailes togyther, the Brytaynes fled, but to late, for there died of them that were ouertaken .2062.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane time,Beda. li. 2. cap. 4. Laurence Archbiſhop of Canterburie, that ſucceeded next after Auguſtine, admitted thereto by him in his life time (as before is ſayde) did his indeuour to augment and bring to perfection the Church of Englande, the foundation wherof was lately layde by his pre|deceſſor the foreſayde Auguſtine: and ſtudied not onely for the encreaſe of this new Church, which was gathered of the Engliſhe people, but alſo he was buſie to employ his paſtor like cure vpon the people that were of the olde inhabitants of Bry|taine, and likewiſe of the Scottes that remayned in Irelande: For when he had learned that the Scottes there in ſemblable wiſe as the Brytains EEBO page image 156 in theyr Countrey ledde not theyr lyues in ma|ny poyntes according to the Eccleſiaſtical rules, aſwel in obſeruing the feaſt of Eaſter cõtrarie to the vſe of the Romain church, as in other things, he wrote vnto thoſe Scottes letters exhortatorie, requyring them moſte inſtauntly to an vnitie of Catholique orders as myght bee agreeable with the Church of Chriſt, ſpredde and diſperſed through the worlde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Theſe letters were not written onely in his owne name, but ioyntly togyther in the name of the Biſhops Melitus and Iuſtus (as thus.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 To our deare brethren, the Biſhops & Abbots through all Scotland, Laurence, Mellitus & Iu|ſtus, Biſhops, the ſeruants of the ſeruants of God, wiſhe health. Where as the Apoſtolike Sea, (according to hir maner) had ſent vs to preach vn|to the Heathen people in theſe weſt partes, as o|therwiſe through the worlde, and that it chaun|ced vs to enter into this Ile which is called Bry|tayne, before we knewe and vnderſtoode the ſtate of things, wee had in greate reuerence bothe the Scottes and Brytaynes, which beleeued, bycauſe (as we tooke the matter) they walked according to the cuſtome of the vniuerſall Churche: but after we had knowledge of the Brytaynes, we iudged the Scottes to be better, but we haue learned by Byſhop Daganus, comming into this Ile, and by Columbanus the Abbot cõming into France, that the Scottes nothing differ in theyr conuer|ſation from the Brytaynes, for Biſhop Dagan comming vnto vs, would neyther eate with vs, no nor yet within the houſe where wee did eate.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſayde Laurence alſo with his fellow Bi|ſhops, did write to the Brytaines, other letters worthie of his degree, doing what hee coulde to confyrme them in the vnitie of the Romaine Church: but it profited little, as appeareth by that which Beda wryteth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme, Mellitus the Biſhop of London wente to Rome to commune wyth Pope Boniface, for neceſſarie cauſes touching the the Church of Englande, and was preſent at a Sinode holden by the ſame Pope at that ſeaſon, for ordinances to bee made touching the ſtate of religious men, and ſate in the ſame Sinode, that with ſubſcribing, he might alſo with his autho|ritie confirme that whiche was there orderly de|creed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Sinode was holden the third kalends of March, in the laſt yeare of the Emperour Fo|cas, which was about the yeare after the byrth of our ſauiour .610.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Mellitus at his returne, brought with him from the Pope, decrees commaunded by the ſayd Pope to be obſerued in the Engliſh Church, with letters alſo directed to the Archbiſhop Laurence, and to king Ethelbert.

5.75. Cadwan.


Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 156] AFter that the Britains had continued about the ſpace almoſte of .xxiiij. Cadwan king of Bry|tayne. yeares without any one ſpecial gouernor, being led by ſun|drie rulers, euer ſithence that Ca|reticus was con|ſtrayned to flee ouer Seuerne, and ſought often|tymes not onely agaynſt the Saxons, but alſo one of them agaynſte another, at length in the yeare of our Lorde .613.613 they aſſembled in the Citie of Cheſter, and there elected Cadwan that before was ruler of Northwales, to haue the ſo|ueraine rule and gouernment ouer all theyr Na|tion, and ſo the ſayde Cadwan beganne to raigne as king of Brytaynes in the ſayd yeare .613. But Hariſon ſayeth, this was in the yeare .609. in whiche yeare Careticus the Brytiſh king depar|ted this life. And then after his deceaſſe the Bry|taynes or Welchmen (whether wee ſhall call them) choſe Cadwane to gouerne them in the foreſayde yeare .609. whiche was in the ſeuenth yeare of the Emperour Focas, and the .xxj. of the ſeconde Lotharius King of Fraunce, and in the xiij. yeare of Kilwoolfe King of the Weſt Saxons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Cadwan being eſtabliſhed King, ſhort|ly after aſſembled a power of Brytaynes, and went agaynſt the foreſayde Ethelfred King of Northumberlande, who beeing thereof aduerti|ſed, did aſſociate to him the moſt part of the Sax|on Princes, and came forth with his armie to meete Cadwane in the fielde. Herevpon as they were readie to haue tryed the matter by battaile, certayne of theyr friendes trauayled ſo betwixte them for a peace, that in the ende they broughte them to agreement,Galf. M [...]. ſo that Ethelferd ſhould kept in quiet poſſeſſion thoſe his Countreys beyonde the Ryuer of Humber, and Cadwan ſhould hold all that which belonged as yet to the Brytaines on the ſouth ſide the ſame ryuer.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys Couenaunte wyth other touching theyr agreement was confyrmed wyth othes ſolemnlye taken, and pledges therewith dely|uered, ſo that afterwardes they continued in good and quiet peace withoute vexing the one the o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 What chaunced afterwardes to Edelfred, yee haue before hearde rehearſed, the whiche for that it ſoundeth more lyke to a truth than that whiche followeth in the Brytiſhe Booke, wee omitte to make further rehearſall, paſſing EEBO page image 157 forth to other doings which f [...]ll in the [...] ſon, whileſt [...] Cadwane had gouernment of the Brytayn [...]s, raigning as king once them the tearme of .xxij. (or as other haue but .xiij.) yeares, and finally was ſlaine by the Northũ [...]ers, [...]ohn. Hard. as be|fore hath bene, and alſo after ſhall be ſhewed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the .viij. yeare after that Cadwan began to raigne, Ethelbert king of Kent departed this life, in the .xxj. yeare after the comming of Augu|ſtin with his fellowes to preach the fayth of chriſt here in this Realme: and after that Ethelbert had raigned ouer the Prouince of Kent aboute the tearme of .lvj. yeares (as Bede hath) but there are that haue noted three yeares leſſe: he departed this worlde,VVil. Malm. Beda. li. 2. ca. 5 as aboue is ſignified, in the yeare of oure Lorde .617. on the .xxiiij. daye of Februarie, and was buryed in the Ile of Saint Martine, within the Churche of the Apoſtles Peter and Paule, without the Citie of Canterburie, where his wife Queene Bartha was alſo buryed, and the foreſayde Archebiſhop Auguſtine that firſt conuerted him to the fayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongeſt other things this King Ethelbert with the adulce of his Councell ordeyned diuerſe lawes and ſtatutes, according to the whiche, de|crees of Iudgements ſhoulde paſſe: and thoſe decrees hee cauſed to be written in the Engliſhe tongue, which remayned and were in force vn|to the dayes of Bede) as he declareth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And fyrſt it was expreſſed in thoſe lawes, what amendes hee ſhoulde make that ſtale anye thing that belonged to the Churche, to the By|ſhop, or to any eccleſiaſticall perſon, willing by all meanes to defend them whoſe doctrine he had receyued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ead|bald. [figure appears here on page 157] AFter the de+ceaſe of E|thelbert, his ſon Eadbalde ſuc|ceeded in the gouernment of his kingdom of Kent, the which was a greate hinderer of the increaſe of the newe Churche amongeſt the Engliſhe men in thoſe parties: for hee did not onely refuſe to bee baptiſed himſelfe, but alſo vſed ſuche kinde of for|nication,1. Cor. 6. as hath not beene heard (as the Apoſtle ſayth) amongeſt the Gentiles, for he tooke to wife his mother in lawe, that had beene wife to his fa|ther. By which two euill examples, many tooke occaſion to returne to theyr heatheniſh religion, the which whileſt his father raigned,The Princes example occa|ſion of euill. either for the Prince his pleaſure, or for feare to offend him, did profeſſe the Chriſtian fayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Eadbalde eſcaped not worthie puniſh|ment them [...] hys euill de [...] with a certaine [...] an vnclean [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The foreſayde ſtorme or diſquiet troubling of the Chriſtian Congregation was afterwards greatly encreaſed alſo by the [...] Sabert, or Sabert King of the Eaſt Saxons, who depar|ting this life to goe to a better, in the bliſ [...]full kingdome of heauen, left behind him three ſonnes as ſucceſſours in the eſtate of his earthly King|dome, whiche ſonnes likewyſe refuſed to bee baptiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Sabert, or Sebert, was conuerted to the fayth of Chriſt, and baptiſed by Mellitus Byſhop of London (as before is mentioned) vn|to whome ſome aſcribe the firſt foundation of Weſtminſter Church, but other aſcribe it to Lu|cius the firſt Chriſten king of the Brytaynes (as before ye haue heard) though there bee alſo that write that the Church was firſt buylded there by a Citizen of London (as before is alſo touched.) Ran. Ceſtren. Beda. li. 2. ca. 5. Serrerd, Se|ward, and Si|gebert, the ſonnes of Sa|bert.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 157] SAbert left behind him in the kingdome of the Eaſt Saxons three ſonnes, named Se [...]ed, Seward, and Sige|bert, in whome remay|ned no vertue, no feare of God, nor any reſpect of religion, but eſpecial|ly they hated the pro|feſſors of the Chriſtian fayth. For after theyr father was dead, they be|gan to fall to theyr olde Idolatrie, the whiche in his life time they ſeemed to haue giuen ouer. But now they openly worſhipped Idols, and gaue li|bertie to their ſubiects for to do the like.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And when the Biſhop Mellitus at the ſo|lemniſing of Maſſe in the Churche diſtribu|ted the Euchariſticall breade vnto the people, they aſked him (as it is ſayde) wherefore he did not delyue [...] of that bryght white breade vnto them alſo, as well as hee had beene accuſto|med to doe to theyr father Saba, (for ſo they vſed to call hym) vnto whome the Byſhoppe made thys aunſwere: if you wyll bee waſhed in that wholeſome Fountayne wherein youre father was waſhed, ye maye bee partakers of that holye breade whereof hee was partaker, but if you deſpiſe the waſhpoole of lyfe, ye may by no meanes taſte of the breade of ſal|uation.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But they offended herewith, replyed in this wiſe: we will not enter into that Fountayne, for wee knowe wee haue no neede thereof: but yet neuertheleſſe we will be refreſhed with that breade.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 216After this when the [...] and many tymes tolde, that without they woulde be baptiſed, they might not be partakers of the ſacred oblation: At length in a great diſpleaſure they told him, that if he would not conſent vnto them in ſo ſmall a matter, there ſhoulde be no place for him within the boundes of their Dominion. And ſo he was conſtrayned to depart. Wherevpon hee being expulſed, reſorted into Kent, there to take aduice with his fellowe Biſhoppes, Laurence & Iuſtus, what was to be done in this ſo weigh|tie a matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They finally reſolued vpon this poynt, that it ſhoulde be better for them to returne into theyr Countrey, where with free myndes they might ſerue Almightie God, rather than to remayne a|mongeſt people that rebelled agaynſt the fayth, without hope to do good amongſt them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Therefore Mellitus and Iuſtus did firſt de|parte, and went ouer into Fraunce, mynding there to abyde till they might ſee what the ende would be.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But ſhortly after, thoſe brethren the kings of Eſſex, whiche had expulſed their Byſhoppe in maner aboue ſayde, ſuffered worthily for theyr wicked doings: For going forth to battayle a|gaynſt the Weſt Saxons,The ſonnes of king Sebert ſlaine. they were ouerthrown and ſlaine togither with all theyr armie, by the two Kings, Kinigils, and Quichelme. But ne|uertheleſſe, for all that the Authours of the miſ|chiefe were thus taken away, the people of that Countrey woulde not as yet bee reduced againe from theyr diueliſh worſhipping of falſe Goddes, being eftſoones fallen thereto in that ſeaſon by the encouragement and perillous example of theyr Rulers. Wherefore the Archebiſhop Laurence was in minde alſo to haue followed his fellowes Mellitus and Iuſtus: but when he minded to ſet forwarde, he was warned in a dreame, and cru|elly ſcourged (as hath beene reported by the Apo|ſtel ſaint Peter, who reproued him) for that hee would ſo vncharitably forſake his flock, and leaue it in daunger withoute a ſhepherde to keepe the Woolfe from the folde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Archbiſhoppe enboldned by this viſion, and alſo repenting him of his determinatiõ, came to king Eadbald, and ſhewed to him his ſtrypes, and the maner of his dreame.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king being herewith put in great feare, renounced his heatheniſh worſhipping of Idols, and was baptized, and as muche as in him lay, from thence forth ſuccoured the Congregation of the Chriſtians, and aduaunced the Churche to his power.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 He ſent alſo into Fraunce, and called home the Biſhops Mellitus and Iuſtus, ſo that Iu|ſtus was reſtored again to his Sea of Rocheſter. But the Eaſt Saxons woulde not receyue Mel|litus to his Sea at London, but continued its theyr wicked Mawmetrie in obeying a Biſhop of theyr Pagan lawe, whom they had erected for that purpoſe. Neyther was King Eadbalde of that authoritie and power in thoſe parties, as his father was before, whereby he might conſtrayne them to receyue theyr lawfull Byſhop. But ſurely the ſayde King Eadbalde with his people after hee was once conuerted againe, gaue hym|ſelfe wholye to obey the lawes of God, and a|mongeſt other deedes of godly zeale, Beda li. 2 he buylded a Church of our Ladie at Cantorburie, within the Monaſterie of Saint Peter, afterwardes cal|led Saint Agnes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Churche was conſecrated by Mellitus, who after the death of Laurence ſucceeded in go|uernaunce of the Archebiſhoppes Sea of Can|terburie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Mellitus whiche departed this lyfe in the yeare of our Lorde .624. Beda. li. 2. [...] Iuſtus that before was biſhop of Rocheſter, was made Archbiſhop of Canterburie, and ordeyned one Romanus to the Sea of Rocheſter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 About the ſame tyme, the people of the north partes beyond Humber receyued the fayth, by oc|caſion (as after ſhall appeare.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Ye haue heard how Edelfred the king of Nor|thumberlande was ſlaine in battaile, neare to the water of Idle, by Redwald king of the Eaſt An|gles, in fauour of Edwin, whom the ſayd Edel|fred had confined oute of hys Dominion .xxiiij. yeares before.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The foreſayde Redwald therefore hauing ob|teyned that victorie, founde meanes to place Ed|wyne in gouernment of that Kingdome of the Northumbers, hauing a tytle thereto as ſonne to Alla, or Elle, ſometyme King of Northumber|lande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 THis Edwyn proued a ryght valiant prince,Edwyn. and grewe to be of more power than any o|ther King in thoſe dayes of the Engliſh Nation: Beda. li. 2. [...] not onely ruling ouer a great parte of the Coun|treys inhabited with Engliſhe menne, but alſo with Brytaynes, which Brytaynes inhabyted not onelye in Wales, but alſo as yet in parte of Cheſſhire, Lancaſhire, Cumberlande, and a|longeſt by the Weſt Sea coaſt in Galloway, and ſo forth euẽ vnto Dunbrytain in Scotland: which I haue thought good to note, that it may appeare in what Countreys Cadwalle bare rule, of whome ſo often mention is made in this part of the Hyſtorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But as concerning Edwyn: his reputation was ſuch, as not onely the Engliſh men, Bry|taynes and Scottes, but alſo the Iles of Ork|ney, and thoſe of Man,Wil [...] ta|keth [...] to be Angle [...] and other the Weſt Iles of auncient tyme called Meuania, had him in re|uerence, EEBO page image 159 and feared his mightie power, ſo as the [...] durſt not attempt any [...]xp [...]oy [...]e to the [...] of him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It chaunced alſo that ſhortly after king Red|walde had aduaunce [...] him to the Kingdome of Northumberlande, v [...] aboute ſixe yeares, the ſame Redwalde deceaſſed, whiche made greatly for the more augmentation of Edwyns power. For the people of the Eaſt Angles, which whileſt Edwyn remayned amongeſt them as a baniſhed man, had conceyued a good opinion of him, for his approued valiancie and noble courage, of|fered themſelues to bee wholy at his commaun|dement.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Carpwaldus.But Edwyn ſuffering Carpwalde or Erp|walde the ſonne of Redwalde to enioy the bare tytle and name of king of that Countrey, ruled al things at his owne will and pleaſure. Neither was there any Prouince within Brytaine that did not obey him, or was not ready to do him ſer|uice (the kingdome of Kent onely excepted) for he ſuffered the Kentiſhmen to here inquie [...], bycauſe he began to haue a lyking vnto the ſiſter of king Eadbald, the Lady Ethelb [...]ga, otherwiſe named Tar [...], or Tace.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beda lib. 2. cap. 9. He made requeſt therefore by ſending Ambaſ|ſadours to hir brother [...] to haue the ſayde Ladie in mariage: and at length obteyned hir, with con|dition that ſhee being a Chriſtian woman, might not onely vſe the Chriſtian religion, but alſo that all thoſe, whether men or women, prieſtes or mi|niſters, which came with hir, might haue licence to doe the ſame, without trouble or impeachment of any maner of perſon. Herevpon ſhe being ſent vnto him,Mat. VVeſt. Beda lib. 2. cap. 9. there was appoynted to goe with hir, (beſide many other) one Pauline, which was con|ſecrated Biſhop by the Archbiſhop Iuſtus, the xxj. of Iuly, in the yeare of our Lorde .625.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 625At his comming into Northumberlande, thus in companie of Ethelburga, hee trauayled earneſtly in his office, both to preſerue hir and ſuch Chriſtians in the fayth of Chriſt, as were appoynted to giue theyr attendaunce on hir, leaſt they ſhoulde chaunce to fall: and alſo ſought to winne ſome of the Pagans if it were poſſible vn|to the ſame fayth, though at the firſt he little pro|fited in that matter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare following, there came a mur|therer vnto the Court of King Edwyn, as then ſoiourning in a Palace whiche ſtoode vppon the ſyde of the Ryuer of Dorwent, being ſent from Quichelme King of the Weſt Saxons, to the intent to murther Edwyn, bycauſe hee had of late ſore endomaged the Countreys of the weſt Saxons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Other ſay an axe, as Math. VVeſt. This murtherer was called Eumerus, and caried vnder his cote a short double edged Woodknife enuenomed of purpose, that if the King beeing but a little hurt therewith, shoulde not die of the wound, yet he should not escape the daunger of the poyson.Eumerus.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 On Easter Monday this Eumerus came to the King, and making foorth to hym as it had beene to haue declared some message from his Maister, when he had espyed his tyme, he drewe hys weapon, and offered to stryke the King. But one of the Kings seruauntes named Lylla, perceyuing thys, stept betwixt the King and the blowe. But yet the murtherer sette the strype forwarde wyth suche force, that the knife running through the bodie of Lylla, wounded also the King a little: and before this murtherer coule bee beaten downe, he slue another of the Kings seruaunts, a knight that attended vpon him called Fordher.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame night Queene Ethelburga was delyuered of a daughter named Ea [...]ed, for the whiche when King Edwyn gaue thankes vnto his Goddes,Eauſ [...]ed borne. in the preſen [...] of Biſhop Paulyne; [figure appears here on page 159] the Biſhop di [...] admoniſh him, rather to giue thankes vnto the true and onely God, by whoſe goodnes it came to paſſe that ye Queene was faſtly and without daun|ger delyuered. The King gi|uing good eare vnto the By|ſhops whole|ſome admonition, promiſed at that preſente to become a Chriſtian, if hee myghte reuenge hys iniuryes receyued at the handes of the Weſt Saxons, and to aſſure Pauline that his pro|miſe ſhoulde take place, hee gaue vnto him hys newe borne daughter to be made holy to the lord, that is to ſay, baptiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Biſhoppe receyuing hir, on Whitſun|daye nexte following baptyſed hir, with twelue other of the Kings houſeholde, ſhee beeyng the fyrſte of the Engliſhe Northumbers that was ſo waſhed in the Fountayne of Rege|neration.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane tyme King Edwyn being re|couered of his hurt, aſſembled an army, and went agaynſt the Weſt Saxons, with whom recoun|tring in battaile, he eyther f [...]ue or brought [...] ſubiection all them that had conſpyred his death [...] And ſo returned as a conquerour into his cuntry But yet he [...]elayed [...]me for performance of his promiſe to become a chriſtian: howbeit he had left EEBO page image 160 his doing of ſacrifice to Idols, euer ſince he made promiſe to be baptiſed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was a ſage Prince, and before he woulde alter his Religion, he politikely thought good to heare matters touching bothe hys olde Reli|gion, and the Chriſtian Religion throughlye examined.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And whileſt he thus hangeth in doubt to whe|ther pa [...] he ſhoulde encline, there came letters to him from Pope Bonifa [...]e the fift of that name,Beda lib. 2. cap. 10. exhorting him by ſundrie kinds of gentle perſwa|dens, to turne to the worſhipping of the true and liuing God, and to renounce the worſhipping of Mawmets and Idols.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bede. lib. 2. cap. 11. The Pope likewiſe wrote to Queene Ethel|burga, praying hir to cõtinue in hir good purpoſe, and by all meanes poſſible to doe what might bee done for the conuerting of hir huſbande vnto the fayth of Chriſt.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 A viſion.But the thing that moſt moued the king, was a viſion which ſometime he had while hee remai|ned as a baniſhed man in the Court of Redwald king of the Eaſt Angles as thus:

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Bede. cap. 12. After that king Ethelfred was informed howe that the foreſayde Redwalde had receyued Ed|win, he ceaſſed not by his Ambaſſadours to moue Redwalde eyther to deliuer Edwyn into hys handes, or elſe to make him away.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At length by often ſending, and promiſes made of large ſummes of money, mixed with threat|nings, he obteyned a graunt of his ſuyte, ſo that it was determined that Edwyn ſhoulde eyther bee murthered, or elſe deliuered into his enimyes handes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One of Edwynes friendes hauing intelli|gence hereof, in the night ſeaſon came to Ed|wyns Chamber, and taking him forth abroade, tolde him the whole practiſe, and what was pur|poſed agaynſt him, offering to helpe him out of the countrey, if he would ſo aduenture to eſcape.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The honora|ble conſidera|tion of Edwin.Edwyne being wonderouſly amazed, than|ked his friend, but refuſed yet to depart the Coun|trey, ſith hee had no iuſt cauſe outwardly giuen to play ſuche a ſlipper parte, chooſing rather to ieoparde his lyfe wyth honour, than to giue men cauſe to thinke that hee had firſt broken promiſe with ſuch a Prince as Redwalde was, to whom he had giuen his fayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon his friende departing from him, left him ſitting without the doores: where after hee had reuolued many things in his mind, & thought long vpon this matter, at length he perceyued one to come towards him vnknowne, & in ſtrange ap|parell, ſeeming to him in euery poynt a ſtraun|ger, at which ſight for that he could not imagine who he ſhoulde be, Edwyn was much afrayde: but the man comming to him ſaluted him, and aſked of him what he made there that time of the night when other were at reſt. Edwyn on the other part aſked what hee had to doe therewith and whether he vſed to lie abrode in the night, or within houſe: who aunſwering ſayde: Thinke not Edwyn that I am ignorant of thy heaui|neſſe, of thy watching, and this thy ſolitarie ſit|ting here withoute doores. For I knowe who thou art, wherefore thou art thus penſi [...], and what euilles thou feareſt to be towardes thee at hande. But tell me, what wouldeſt thou giue him, that coulde deliuer thee out of this heaui|neſſe, and perſwade Redwalde that hee ſhoulde neyther do thee hurt nor delyuer thee to thine e|nimyes? Herewith when Edwyn ſayde, that he woulde gladly giue all that in him might lye to ſuche a one in rewarde: the other added: what wouldſt thou thẽ giue, if he ſhould promiſe in good ſooth that (all thy enimies beeing deſtroyed) thou ſhouldeſt be king, and that thou ſhouldeſt paſſe in power all the Kings whiche haue raigned in the Engliſh nation before thy time?

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Edwyn then beyng better come to himſelfe by ſuch demaundes, did not ſticke to promiſe that he would requite his friendſhip with worthy thãks.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then replyed he to his wordes and ſayde. I [...] he that ſhall prophecie to thee this good h [...]ppe to come ſhall alſo be able to [...]fourme thee ſuch coũ|ſail for thy health & life as neuer any of thy fore|fathers or kinſfolke yet haue heard, wouldeſt thou obey him, and conſent to receiue his wholſom ad|uertiſement? Whervnto without further delibera|tion Edwin promiſed, that he would in all points folow the inſtruction of him that ſhoulde deliuer him out of ſo many and greate calamities, and bring him to the rule of a kingdome. Which an|ſwere being got, this perſon that thus talked with him, layde his hande vppon his heade, ſaying, when thys therefore ſhall chaunce to thee, bee not forgetfull of this tyme, nor of this com|munication, and thoſe things that thou nowe doeſt promiſe, ſee thou perfourme. And there|wyth [...]e vaniſhed away, ſo that Edwin might well preceyue it was no manne but a viſion that thus had appeared vnto him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And as he ſatte ſtill reioyſing of this com|fortable talke, but yet thoughtfull in his mynde what he ſhoulde be, or from whence he came that had talked in this ſort with him. Beholde hys friende returned that firſt had brought him forth of his Chamber, and declared vnto hym good newes, howe the King by the perſwaſion of the Queene had altered his determination, and min|ded to mainteyne his quarell to the vttermoſt of his power: and ſo hee did in deede: for wyth all diligence hee rayſed an armie, and went agaynſt Edelfride, vanquiſhed him in battaile, and placed Edwyn in the Kingdome (as before yee haue hearde.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 161Herevppon whilest King Edwyn (as before is mentioned) deferred tyme ere he would receyue the Christian fayth. Pauline one daye came vnto him as he sat musing what hee were best to do, and layd his hand vpon his head, asking him if he knew that signe: wherevpon when the king would haue fallen downe at his feete, he lift hym vp, and as it were in familiar wise thus sayd vnto him: Behold, by the assystance of Gods fauor thou has ecaped the handes of thyne enimyes, whom thou stoodest in dread of: Behold through hys bounteous liberalitie, thou haſt attempted the Kingdome which thou diddeſt deſire, remember then that thou delay not time to perfourme the thirde thing that thou diddeſt promiſe, in recey|uing his fayth, and keeping his cõmaundements which deliuering thee from worldly aduerſities, hath thus aduaunced thee to the honor of a king and if from henceforth thou wilt obey his with which by my month hee ſetteth forth & preacheth to thee and other, he will deliuer thee from euer|laſting torments, and make thee partaker wyth him in his celeſtiall kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is to be thought that the viſion which the K. had in times paſt receiued, was in ſpirite reuealed vnto Pauline, wherevpon without delay of time he put him in remembrance of it in maner as a|boue is mentioned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king hauing heard his words, anſwered that he would & ought to receyue the fayth which he taught, but firſt he woulde conferre with hys nobles and if they would agree to do the like, then would they be baptiſed altogither at one time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Pauline ſatiſfied herewith Edwin did as hee had promiſed, calling togither the wiſeſt men of his realme,Elwyn con|ſulteth with his nobles. and of them aſked the queſtion what they thought of this diuinitie, which was prea|ched vnto them by Paulyn, vnto whom his chief Biſhop named Coiũ,The anſwere of an heathen Biſhop. incõtinently made this an|ſwere, that ſurely the religion which they had he|therto followed was nothing worth. For ſayth he, there is none of thy people that hath more re|uerently worſhipped our Gods than I haue done, and yet be there many that haue receyued farre greater benefites at thy handes than I haue done: and therefore if our Godd [...]s were of any power, then would they rather helpe me to high honours and dignitie than others.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Therefore if it may be founde that this newe Religion is better and more auaileable than oure olde, let vs wyth all ſpeede embrace the ſame. Finally, when other of the Kings Counſayle and men of high authoritie gaue theyr conſents, that this doctrine which Pauline taught ought to be receyued, if therein appeared more certaintie of ſaluation than could be found in the other:Pauline licen|ced to preach the Goſpell. at length the king gaue l [...]nde to Pauline openly to preach the Goſpell; and [...] his worſhip|ping of falſe god profeſſeth the chriſtian fayth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And when he [...] of his Biſhop [...] who ſhoulde firſt defay [...] the aulters of their Idols and the [...] with the whiche they were compaſſe [...] about he anſwered, that hee himſelfe would do it. For what is more meete (ſayth he [...]) thã that I, which through fooliſhneſſe [...] wor|ſhipped them, ſhould nowe for example ſake de|ſtroy the ſame, through wiſedome giuen [...] from the true & liuing God? And ſtreight ways throw|ing away the ſuperſtition of vanitie, required ar|mo [...] and [...] of the king with a ſtoned horſe, vpon the which he being mounted, rode [...], to deſtroy the Idols.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This was a ſtraunge [...]ight to the people for it was not lawfull to the Biſhop of their lawe to put on armour, or to ride on any beaſt, except it were a Matt. He hauing therefore a [...]ore gyrde to him, tooke a ſpeare in his hande, and aiding on the kings horſe, went to the place where the I|dols ſtoode. The common people that beheld him had thought he had b [...]ene ſtarke mad, and out of his wittes: but hee without longer deliberation, incontinently vpon his comming to the temple, began to deface the ſame, and in contempt threw his [...] againſt it, and reioyſing greatly in the knowledge of the worſhipping of the true God, commaunded his company to deſtroy and burne downe the ſame temple withall the aulters.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This place where ye Idols were ſomtime wor|ſhipped was not farre from Yorke, towardes the Eaſt part of the riuer of De [...]went, and is called Gotm [...]ndin Gaham, where the foreſayd Biſhop by the inſpiration of God defaced and deſtroyed thoſe aulters which he himſelfe had hallowed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 King Edwyn therefore with all the nobilitie,King Edwyn with his peo|ple receyue the chriſtian fayth. Beda. li. 2. cap. 14. and a great nũber of his people, receyued the faith and were baptized, in the yeare of our Lorde .627. in the tenth yeare of his raigne, and about the .178 yeare after the firſt comming of the Engliſh men into this lande.627 Hee was baptiſed at Yorke on Eaſter day (which fel that yere the day before the Ides of Aprill) in the Church of S. Peter the A|poſtle, which hee had cauſed to bee erected vp of timder vpon the ſodaine for that purpoſe, and af|terwards began the foũdation of the ſame church in ſtone worke of a larger compaſſe, comprehen|ding within it that Oratorie which hee had fyrſt cauſed to be built: but before he coulde finiſh the worke, he was ſlaine (as after ſhall bee ſhewed, leauing it to be performed of his ſucceſſor Oſ|walde. Pauline continued from thenceforth du|ring the kings life, which was ſixe yeares after in preaching the goſpel [...] prouince, co [...]e [...]ing an [...] number of people to me fayth of Chryſt, among [...]ſt [...]h [...] whiche were [...], and [...], the [...] of Edwyn [...] begot t [...]a [...] tyme of hys [...] EEBO page image 162 Quinburga, the daughter of Cearlus King of Meccia. Alſo afterwarde [...] [...] children begot on his ſeconde wife Ethelburga, that is to ſay, a ſon called Edelhimus, and a daughter named Edil|trudis:Ediltrudis. and another ſonne called Buſt [...]ra, of the which the two firſt died in theyr Cradels, and were buryed in the Church at Yorke. To bee briefe: by the kings aſſyſtance and fauour ſhewed vnto Pauline in the worke of the Lorde, greate multitudes of people dayly receyued the fayth, and were baptiſed of Pauline in manye places, but ſpecially in the Ryuer of G [...]euy wythin the Prouince of Bernicia, and alſo in Swale in the Prouince of Deira: For as yet in the begynning thus of the Church in thoſe Countreys, no tem|ples or fountes coulde be buylded or erected in ſo ſhort a time.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of ſuch great zeale was Edwyn (as it is re|ported) towards the ſetting forth of Gods truth,This chaunced in the yeare 632 as hath Math. VVeſt. that hee perſwaded Carpwalde the Sonne of Redwalde King of the Eaſtangles to aban|don the ſuperſtitions worſhypping of Idolles, and to receyue the fayth of Chriſt with all hys whole Prouince.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His father Redwalde was baptiſed in Kent long before this time, but in vaine: for returning home,Redwald king of Eaſtangles baptiſed. through counſayle of his wife and other wicked perſons, he was ſeduced, and being turned from the ſincere puritie of fayth, his laſt doings were worſſe than his fyrſt, ſo that according to the manner of the olde Samaritanes, he woulde ſeeme both to ſerue the true God,Carpwalde woulde ſerue God and the diuell. and his falſe Goddes (which before time he had ſerued) and in one ſelfe Churche, had at one time both the Sa|craments of Chriſt miniſtred at one aulter, and Sacrifice made vnto Diuels at another.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But Carpwalde within a while after he had receyued the fayth, was ſlaine by one of his owne Countrey men that was an Ethnicke, called Richbert, and then after his death, that Prouince for the terme of three yeares was wrapped eft|ſoones in errour,Sibert or Si|gibert. tyll that Sybert, or Sigibert, the brother of Carpwalde, a moſte Chryſtian Prince, and verie well learned, obteyned the rule of that kingdome, who whileſt hee liued a bani|ſhed man in France during his brothers life time, was baptiſed there, and became a Chriſtian: and when he came to be king, hee cauſed all his Pro|uince to be partaker of the ſame fountaine of life wherein he had beene dipped himſelfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vnto his godly purpoſe alſo, a Biſhop of the parties of Burgoigne named Felix was a great furtherer, who comming ouer vnto the Archebi|ſhop of Canterburie Honorius that was ſucceſ|ſour vnto Iuſtus, and declaring vnto him his earneſt deſire, was ſent by the ſame Archbiſhop to preache the worde of life vnto the Eaſtangles, which he did with ſuch good ſucceſſe, that he con|uerted the whole countrey to the fayth of Ieſus Chriſt,A Biſhops [...] Dunwich and places the [...] of his Biſhoprike at Dunwich, [...]ding the courſe of his [...] therein peace, after he had continued in that his Biſhop|lyke office the ſpace of .xvij. yeares.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Moreouer Pauline after that he had conuer|ted the Northumbers,Beda li. 2. cap. [...]. hee preached the worde of [figure appears here on page 162] God vnto them of Lindſey, whiche is a parte of Lincolnſhire:This [...] in the yeare 628. as [...]Mat. VVeſt. and firſt he perſwaded one B [...]ecca the gouernor of the Citie of Lincoln to turne vn|to Chriſt togither with all his familie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In that Citie he alſo buylded a Churche of ſtone worke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus Pauline trauailed in the worke of the lord, the ſame being greatly furthered by the help of Edwin, in whoſe preſence he baptiſed a greate number of people in the riuer of Trent, neare to a towne the which in the olde Engliſh tongue was called T [...]o vuifingaceſter. This Pauline had with him a deacon named Iames, the which ſhewed himſelfe verie diligent in the miniſterie, and pro|fited greatly therein.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now to returne to king Edwin, who was a prince verily of worthy fame, and for the poly|tike ordering of his Countreys and obſeruing of iuſtice, deſerued highly to be commended:VVil. M [...] for in his time all robbers by the high way were ſo ba|niſhed out of his dominions, that a woman with hir new borne childe alone withoute other com|panie might haue trauayled from ſea to ſea, and not haue encountred with any creature that durſt once haue offered hir iniurie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He was alſo verie carefull for the aduaunce|ment of the commoditie and common wealth of his people,Mat. VVeſt. Beda. lib. 2. cap. 16. inſomuch that where there were any ſweete and cleare water Springs, hee cauſed poſtes to bee ſet vppe, and Iron diſhes to be faſt|ned thereto wyth Chaynes, that wayfaryng men might haue the ſame readie at hand to drink wyth: and there was none ſo hardye as to EEBO page image 163 touch the ſame but for that vſe: he vſed whereſo|euer he went within the Cities or elſewhere a|brode, to haue a banner borne before him, in token of Iuſtice to be miniſtred by hys royall autho|ritie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the meane ſeaſon, Pope Honorius the fift, hearing that the Northumbers had receyued the fayth (as before is mencioned) at the preaching of Pauline,Beda. li. 2. cap. 17. ſent vnto the ſayde Pauline the Pall, confirming him Archbiſhop in the Sea of Yorke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He ſent alſo letters of exhortation vnto king Edwin, to kindle him the more with fatherly ad|uice, to continue and proceede in the waye of vnderſtanding, into the which he was entered.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At the ſame time alſo, bycauſe Iuſtus the Archbiſhop of Canterburie was deade, and one Honorius elected to that Sea, Pope Hono|rius ſente vnto the foreſayde Honorius the elect Archbiſhoppe of Canterburie, his Pall, with letters,A decree con|cerning the Archbiſhops of Canterburie and Yorke. wherein was conteyned a decree by him made, that when eyther the Archbiſhoppe of Canterburie or Yorke chaunced to depart thys life, he that ſuruiued ſhould haue authoritie to or|deyne another in place of him that was deceaſſed, that they ſhoulde not neede to wearie themſel|ues with going to Rome, beeing ſo farre diſtant from them. The copie of whiche letter is regy|ſtred in the Eccleſiaſticall Hyſtorie of Beda, bea|ring date the thirde Ides of Iune in the yeare of our Lorde .633.633

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Pope [...]ut letters alſo to the Scot|tiſh,The feaſt of Eaſter. people exhorting them to celebrate the feaſt of Eaſter in ſuch due time as other Churches of the Chriſtian world obſerued:The hereſie o [...] the Pelagian [...] and alſo bycauſe the Hereſie of the Pelagians beganne to renue a|gaine amongeſt them, (as he was enformed) hee admoniſhed them to beware thereof, and by all meanes to auoyde it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But now that the Kingdome of Northum|berland flouriſhed (as before is partly touched) in happie ſtate vnder the proſperous raigne of Ed|wyn, at length after he had gouerned it the ſpace of .xvij. yeares, Cadwalline,Cadwallin, o [...] Cadwallo kin [...] of Brytayne. or Cadwallo King of Brytaynes, who ſucceeded Cadwane, as Gal. Mon. hath, rebelled agaynſt him: for ſo it commeth to paſſe, that nothing can be ſo ſure cõ|fyrmed by mans power, but the ſame by the lyke power may be againe deſtroyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Penda king of Mercia enuying the proſperous proceedings of king Edwin,Penda king [...] Mercia. procured Cadwallo to moue this rebellion againſt Edwin: & ioyning his power with Cadwallo, they inuaded the coũ|trey of Northũberland ioyntly togither. Edwyn hereof aduertiſed, gathered his people, and came to encounter them, ſo that both the armies met at a place called Hatfield, where was fought a right ſore and bloudie battaile.King Edwin ſlaine. Mat. VVeſt But in the end Edwin was ſlain with one of his ſonnes named Oſfrid, [figure appears here on page 163] and his army beaten downe & diſperſed. Alſo there was ſlain on Edwyns part, Godbald K. of Ork|ney. Moreouer there was another of Edwyns ſonnes named Edfride, conſtrayned of neceſſitie to gyue himſelf into the hands of Penda, and was after by him cruelly put to death (contrarie to his promiſed fayth) in king Oſwaldes dayes, that ſucceeded Edwyn.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus did king Edwin end his life in that bat|taile, fought at Hatfield aforeſayde, on the fourth Ides of October, in the yeare of our Lorde .633.Mat. VVe [...] hee beeing then aboute the age of .xlvij. yeares and vpwardes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cadwal and Penda hauing obteyned this vic|torie, vſed it moſt cruel [...]y. For one of the Cap|taynes was a Pagan, and the other wanting all ciuilitie, ſhewed hymſelfe more cruell than any Pagan coulde haue done. So that Pen|da beeing a worſhipper of falſe Goddes with all his people of Mercia, and Cadwallo hauing no EEBO page image 164 reſpect to the chriſtian religion which lately was begonne amongſt the Northumbers,The crueltie [...]f Penda and Cadwallo. made ha|uocke in all places where then came, not ſparing man, woman nor childe: and ſo continued in their furious outrage a long time, in paſſing through the countrey, to the great decay and calamitie of the chriſtian congregations in thoſe parties. And ſtill the Chriſtian Brytaines were leſſe mercifull than Penda his heatheniſh ſouldiers. For euẽ vn|to the dayes of Beda (as he affyrmeth) the Bry|tains made no account of the fayth or religion of the Engliſhmen, nor would communicate with them more than with Pagans, bycauſe they dif|fered in rites from their accuſtomed traditions.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 When the countrey of the Northumbers was brought into this miſerable caſe by the enimies inuaſion,The Archbi| [...]op Pauline [...]eeth into [...]ent. the Archbiſhop Pauline taking wyth him the Queen Ethelburga, whõ he had brought thither, returned nowe againe with hir by water into Kent, where he was honourably receyued of the Archbiſhop Honorius, and king Eadbald. He came thither in the conduct of one Baſſus a vali|ant man of warre, hauing with him Eaufred the daughter, & Vulfrea the ſon of Edwyn and alſo Yffi the ſon of Oſfride Edwins ſonne, whõ their mother after for feare of the kings Edbold & Oſ|wald did ſend into France, where they died.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Church of Rocheſter at that time was deſtitute of a Biſhop, by the death of Romanus, who being ſent to Rome vnto Pope Honorius, was drowned by the waye in the Italian Seas. Wherevppon at the requeſt of the Archeby|ſhoppe Honorius, and King Eadbald, Pau|line tooke vpon hym the charge of that Sea, and helde it till he dyed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]eda lib. 3. cap. 1. [...]rike king [...] Deira.AFter that Edwyn was ſlaine in battaile (as before yee haue hearde) Oſrike the ſonne of his Vncle Elfricke, tooke vpon hym the rule of the Kingdome of Deira, which had receyued the ſacrament of Baptiſme by the preaching and ver|tuous inſtruction of Pauline.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [...]fred king of [...]rnicia.But the other kingdome of Northumber|lande called Bernicia, Eaufride th [...] ſonne of E|delfred or Edelfride, tooke vpon him to gouerne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Eaufride during the time of Edwins raigne, had continued in Scotland, and there be|ing conuerted to the Chriſtian fayth was bapti|ſed. But both theſe Princes after they had ob|teyned poſſeſſion of theyr earthly kingdomes, dyd forget the care of the heauenly kingdome, ſo that they returned to their olde kind of Idolatrie. But the almightie God did not long ſuffer this theyr vnthankfulneſſe without iuſt puniſhment: for firſt in the next Sommer, [...]he two kings [...] Northum|berland ſ [...]ain. when Oſrike had raſhlye beſieged Cadwallo King of the Brytaynes, within a certayne Towne, Cadwallo brake forth vpon hym, and fynding him vnprouided to make reſyſtance, ſlue him with all his armie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And after thys, whileſt Cadwallo not like a Conquerour gouerned the Prouynces of the Northumbers, but lyke a Tyran waſted and deſtroyed them, in ſlaying the people in tragi|call manner, hee alſo ſlue Eaufride, the whiche with twelue menne of warre, came vndiſcretely vnto him to ſue for peace, and thus within leſſe than twelue Monethes ſpace both theſe renegate kings were diſpatched.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 [figure appears here on page 164] THen Oſ|walde the ſonne of Edel|fred, Oſwald beganne his raigne in the yeare .635. Beda lib. 3. cap. 3. and bro|ther to the fore|ſayde Eaufride was created K. of the Nor|thumbers, the ſixt in number from Ida.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Oſ|walde after that his father was ſlaine, liued as a baniſhed perſon a long time within Scotlande, where he was baptiſed, and profeſſed the chriſtiã religion, and paſſed the flower of his youth in good exerciſes, both of minde and bodie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other things, he practiſed the vnder|ſtanding of warlike knowledge, minding ſo to vſe it, as it might ſtande him in ſteade to defende himſelfe from iniurie of the enimies that ſhoulde prouoke him, and not otherwiſe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Hereupon Cadwallo King of the Brytayns made in maner no account of him: for by reaſon that he had atchieued ſuch great victories agaynſt the Engliſhe men, and hauing ſlaine theyr two Kings (as before is expreſſed) he ceaſſed not to proceede in hys tyrannicall doyngs, repu|ting the Engliſhe people for ſlouthfull, and not apt to the warre, boaſting that he was borne to their deſtruction.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus being ſet vp in pryde of courage, he feared no perilles, but boldely withoute conſi|dering at al the ſkilful knowledge which Oſwald had ſufficiently learned in feates of warres, tooke vppon hym to aſſayle the foreſayde Oſwalde, that had broughte an armie agaynſt hym, and was encamped in a playne fielde, neare vnto the Wall whiche the Romaines had buylded in tymes paſt agaynſt the inuaſion of Scottes and Pictes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Cadwallo ſtraight prouoked Oſwald to trie the matter by battaile, but Oſwalde forbare the firſt day, and cauſed a Croſſe to bee erected in the ſame place where he was encamped, in full hope that it ſhould be an enſigne or trophy of his victo|rie, cauſing all ſouldiers to make their prayers to God, that in time of ſuch neceſſitie it might pleaſe him to ſuccour them that worſhipped him.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 165It is ſayde, that the Croſſe being made, and the hole digged wherein it ſhoulde be ſet, he tooke the Croſſe in his owne handes, and putting the foote thereof into that hole, ſo helde it till his ſoul|diers had filled the hole and rammed it vp: And then cauſed al the ſouldiers to kneele downe vpon their knees, and to make interceſſion to the true and liuing God for his aſſiſtãce agaynſt ye proud enimie, with whõ they ſhould [...]ight in a iuſt qua|rel for the preſeruation of their people [...] & countrey.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After this, in the next morning he boldly gi|ueth battaile to his enimies, ſo that a ſore and cruell fight enſued betwixt them. At length Oſwald perceyued that the Brytaynes beganne ſomewhat to faint, and therfore he cauſed his peo|ple to renue their force, and more luſt [...]ly to preaſſe forwarde, ſo that firſt he put that moſt cruell eni|mie to [...]light, and after purſuing the chaſe, ouer|tooke him,Beda. VVil. Malm. and ſlue him with the moſt part of all his huge and mightie armie, at a place called [figure appears here on page 165] Deniſſeborne, but the place where hee cauſed the Croſſe to be erected, height He [...]field.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus Cadwallo the moſt cruell enimie of the Engliſh name ended his life: He was terrible both in nature & countenance, for the which cauſe they ſay the Brytaynes did afterwards ſet vp his Image, that the ſame might bee a terrour to the enimies when they ſhoulde beholde it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But here is to bee remembred by the Bry|tiſh Hiſtorie of Gal. Mon. it ſhoulde appeare that Cadwallo was not ſlaine at all, but raigned victoriouſly for the ſpace of .xlviij. yeares, and then departed this life, as in place afterwards it ſhall appeare. But for that the contrarietie in wryters in ſuch poyntes may ſooner be perceyued than reformed to the ſatiſfying of mennes fan|cies whiche are variable, wee will leaue euery man to his libertie to thinke as ſeemeth him good, noting now and then the diuerſitie of ſuche wry|ters, as occaſion ſerueth.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Penda. 636 [figure appears here on page 165] PEnda the ſon of Wil|ba ſucceeded in the gouernmẽt of the kingdom of Mercia, af|ter Ciarlus, & beganne hys raigne in the yeare of oure Lord .636. He was fiftie yeares of age before he came to bee king, and raigned .xxx. yeares, he was a Prince right hardie and aduenterous, not fearing to ieo|pard his perſon in place of danger; aſſured & readie of remembrance in time of greateſt peril. His body could not be ouercome with any trauaile, nor his mind vanquiſhed with greatneſſe of buſineſſe, but theſe his vertues were matched with notable vy|ces, as firſt with ſuch bitterneſſe of maners as had not beene heard of, crueltie of nature, lack of cur|teſie, great vnſtedfaſtneſſe in performing of word and promiſe, and of vnmeaſurable hatred toward the Chriſtian religion.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Vpon confidence put in theſe his great ver|tues and vices from time that he was made king as though the whole Ile had beene due to him, he thought not good to let any occaſion paſſe that was offered to make warre, as well agaynſt his friendes and confederates, as alſo agaynſt hys owne ſworne enimyes. Part of his doings ye haue heard, and more ſhall appeare hereafter.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of the kings of the Eaſt Saxons and Eaſt Angles, ye haue heard before: of whom in places conuenient yee ſhall finde further mention alſo, and ſo likewiſe of the kings of the South Sax|ons: but bycauſe theyr kingdome continued not paſt fiue ſucceſſions, little remembrance of them is made by wryters.

5.76. Cadwallo or Cadwalline.

Cadwallo or Cadwalline.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 CAdwallo,Cadwal+lo, or Cadwal+line. or Cadwalline, for we finde him ſo alſo named, be+gan his raigne o|uer the Britains in the yere of our Lord .635.635 in the yeare of the raign of the Empero [...]r Heraclius .35. and in the .xiij. yeare of Dagobert king of France.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Of this man ye haue heard partly before tou|ching his dealings and warres agaynſt the Nor|thumbers, EEBO page image 166 and other of the Engliſh Nation: but forſomuch as diuerſe other things are reported of him by the Brytiſh wryters, wee haue thought good in this place to rehearſe the ſame in part, as in Gal. Mon. we finde written, leauing the cre|dite ſtill with the authour, ſith the truth thereof may the more be ſuſpected, bycauſe other Au|thours of good authoritie, as Beda, Henrie Hun|tington, William Malm. and other, ſeeme great|ly to diſagree from him herein. But this is it written.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Edwin was not ſonne to Ethel|fred but to Al|la, or Elle, as in [...]ther places it plainly ap [...] This Cadwallo, and Edwyn the ſonne of Ethelfred, as Galfride ſayth, were brought [...]p in Fraunce, being ſent thither vnto Salomon king of Brytaine, by king Cadwane, when they were verie yong: and that after their returne into thys lande, when they were made kings, Cadwall of the Brytaynes, and Edwyne of the Northum|bers, there continued for the ſpace of two yeares great friendſhip betwixt them, till at length Ed|wyn requyred of Cadwallo that he might weare a Crowne, and celebrate appoynted ſolemnities within his dominion of Northumberlande, as well as Cadwall did in his Countrey. Cadwall taking aduice in this matter, as length by per|ſwaſion of his nephew Brian, denied to gia [...] vnto Edwin his requeſt, wherwith Edwin [...] ſuch diſpleaſure, that he ſent word vnto Cadwall, that he would be crowned without his leaue ordi|cence, ſith he would not willingly gra [...]ie it wh [...]|vnto Cadwal anſwered, that if he ſo did, he [...] [...]ut off his head vnder his dia [...]eme, if he pre [...]ed to weare any within the cõfines of Britain. Here|of diſcord ariſing betwixt theſe two princes, they began to make fierce and cruell warre either of them againſt the other, and at length ioyning in battail with their maine armies,Cadwallo vanquiſhed by Edwyn. Cadwall loſt the field, with many thouſands of his men, and being chaſed, fled into Scotlande, and from thence got ouer into I [...]eland,Cadwallo [...]eeth the lande. and finally paſſed the ſeas into Brytain Armorike, where of his couſin king Sa|lom [...]n he was curteouſly receyued, and at length obteyned of him .x.M. men to go with him [...]acke into his cũtry to aſſiſt him in recouery of his lãd [...] and dominions the which in the mean time were cruelly ſpoiled, waſted, & haried by king Edwin. [figure appears here on page 166] The ſame time, Brian the nephew of Cadwallo whom he had ſent into Britain a little before for to flea a certaine wiſard or ſouthſayer, which K. Edwin had gottẽ out of Spain, named Pelitus, that by diſcloſing the purpoſe of Cadwallo vnto Edwin greatly hindred Cadwalloes enterpriſes, had fortified the Citie of Exeter, meaning to de|fende it till the comming of Cadwallo, whervpon Penda king of Mercia beſieged that Citie with a mightie armie, purpoſing to take it, and Brian within it. Cadwallo then aduertiſed hereof, im|mediately after his arriuall haſted to Exeter, and deuiding his people into foure parts, ſet vpon his enimies, & tooke Penda, and ouerthrew his whole armie. Penda hauing no other ſhift to eſcape, ſub|mitted himſelf wholy vnto Cadwallo, promiſing to become his liegemã, to fight againſt the Sax|ons in his quarell. And this Penda being ſub|dued, Cadwallo called his nobles togither which had bene diſperſed abrode a long ſeaſon, and with all ſpeede went agaynſt Edwyn king of Nor|thumberlande, and ſlue him in battaile at Hat|fielde (as before is mencioned) with his ſonne Oſ|fride, and Godbold, king of the Iles of Orkney, which was come thither to his ayde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this it ſhould appeare, that Fabian hath gathered amiſſe in the account of the raignes of the Brytiſh kings: for it appeareth by Beda and others, that Edwyn was ſlayne in the yeare of our Lorde .634.634

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And where Fabian (as before is ſayd) attry|buteth that acte & diuerſe other vnto Cadwan the EEBO page image 167 father of this Cadwallo: yet both Gal. Mon. and Beda, with the moſt part of all other wryters, ſignifie that it was done by Cadwallo.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Harding aſſigneth but .xiij. yeares vnto the raigne of Cadwan, and declareth that he dyed in the yeare of our Lorde .6 [...]6. in the which yeare as he ſayeth) Cadwallo began his raigne, which his opinion ſeemeth beſt to agree with that which is written by other authors.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 But to returne to the other doings of Cad|wallo, as we finde them recorded in the Brytiſhe Hyſtorie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After hee had got this victorie agaynſte the Northumbers, he cruelly purſued the Saxons, as though he ment ſo farre as in him lay, to deſtroye the whole race of them oute of the landes of all Brytayne and ſending Penda agaynſt King Oſwalde that ſucceeded Edwin, though at the firſt Penda receyued the ouerthrowe at Heauen|fielde, yet afterwardes Cadwallo hymſelfe high|lye diſpleaſed with that chaunce, purſued Oſ|walde, and fought with hym at a place called Bourne,Oſwald ſlaine. where Penda ſlue the ſayd Oſwalde.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After that Oſwalde was ſlayne, his brother Oſunus ſucceeded him in gouernment of the Northumbers, and ſought the fauour of Cad|wallo, now ruling as King ouer all Brytayne, and at length by great gyftes of golde and ſiluer, and vppon his humble ſubmiſſion, hee obteyned peace, tyll at length vpon a ſpyte, Penda King of Mercia obteyned lycence of Cadwallo to make warres agaynſt the ſayde Oſunus,Oſwy. Math. VVeſt. 654 in the which (as it happened) Penda himſelfe was ſlaine.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Then Cadwallo after two yeres graunted that Vlfridus the ſonne of Penda ſhoulde ſucceede in the kingdome of Mertia.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And thus Cadwallo ruled things at his ap|poyntment within this lande, And finally when he had raigned .xlviij. yeares,678 676. ſayth Mat. VVeſt. hee departed thys lyfe the .xxij. of Nouember.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 His bodie being embalmed and dreſſed with ſweet confections, was put into a braſen Image, by maruellous arte melted and caſt, the whiche Image beeing ſet on a braſen Horſe of excellente beautie, the Brytaynes erected aloft vppon the Weſt gate of London called Ludgat, in ſigne of his victorious conqueſtes, and for a terror to the Saxons.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 And moreouer the Church of Saint Martine ſtanding vnderneath the ſame gate, was by the Brytains then builded.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus haue the Brytaynes made mention of theyr valiaunt Prince Cadwallo, but diuerſe men thinke that much of that Hyſtorie is but fa|bles, bycauſe of the diſſonance founde therein ſo manifeſtly varying both from Beda and other autentike wryters (as before I haue ſayde.)

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The true hy|ſtorie of king Oſwalde.But nowe to the truth of the Hyſtorie tou|ching Oſwalde King of the Northumbers,Oſwald mea|neth to bee thankfull to God for his benefites. Beda. li. 3. ca. 3.5.6. Hector. Bo. wee finde after that he had taſted of Gods high fau [...]r extended to hymwardes, in vanquiſhing hys enimyes as one mynding to be thankfull there|fore, was deſirous to reſtore agayne the Chri|ſtian fayth through hys whole Kingdome, [...]ore lamenting the decaye thereof wythin the ſame, and therefore euen in the beginning of his raigne, he ſente vnto Donwalde the Scottiſhe King (with whome hee had beene brought vp in tyme of his baniſhment the ſpace of .xviij. yeares) re|quiring him to haue ſome learned Scottiſh man ſent vnto him, ſkilfull in preaching the worde of lyfe, that with godly Sermons and wholeſome inſtructions, hee might conuerte the people of Northumberland vnto the true and liuing God, promiſing to entertaine him with ſuch prouiſion as apperteyned.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 At his inſtance there was ſent vnto him one Corman, a Clerke ſingularly well learned,Corman. and of great grauitie in behauiour: but for that he wan|ted ſuch facilitie, and plaine vtterance by waye of gentle perſwading, as is requiſite in him that ſhal inſtruct the ſimple, onely ſetting forth in his Ser|mons high myſteries, & matters of ſuch profound knowledge, as vneth the verie learned might per|ceyue the perfect ſenſe and meaning of his talke, his trauaile came to ſmall effect, ſo that after a yeares remayning there, he turned into his coun|trey declaring amongeſt his brethren of the clear|gie, that the people of Northumberlande was a froward, ſtubburn & ſtiffe harted generatiõ, whoſe minds he could not frame by any good meanes of perſwaſion to receiue the chriſtian faith ſo that he iudged it loſt labor to ſpende more time amongſt them being ſo vnthankfull & intractable a people, as no good might be done vpon them.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Amongſt other learned and vertuous prelates of the Scots, there chaunced one to be there pre|ſent at the ſame time called Aydan,Aydan. a man of ſo perfite life, that (as Beda writeth) he taught no o|therwiſe than he liued, hauing no regarde to the cares of this world, but whatſoeuer was giuẽ him by kings or men of welth and riches, that he free|ly beſtowed vpon the poore, exhorting other to do the lyke.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Aydane hearing Cormans words, per|ceiued anon that the fault was not ſo much in the people, as in the teacher, & therefore declared, yt (as he thought) although it were ſo that the people of Northũberland gaue no ſuch attentiue eare vnto the preaching of that reuerend prelate Cormã, as his godly expectation was they ſhould haue done, yet might it be that his vttring of ouer many my|ſtical articles amongſt thẽ, far aboue the capacity of the vnderſtanding of ſimple men, was ye cauſe why they ſo lightly regarded his diuine inſtructi|ons, whereas if he had (according to the counſaile EEBO page image 168 of Saint Paule) at the firſt miniſtred vnto theyr tender vnderſtãdings,Saint Paules [...]ounfaile. only milke without harder nouriſhments, he might happely haue wonne a farre greater number of them vnto the receyuing of the fayth, and ſo haue framed them by lyttle and lyttle to haue diſgeſted ſtronger foode. And therefore hee thought it neceſſarie in diſcharge of theyr duetyes towardes God, and to ſatiſfie the earneſt zeale of King Oſwalde, that ſome one amongeſt them myght bee appoynted to goe againe into Northumberlande, to trie by procee|ding in this maner afore alledged, what profite woulde thereof enſue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The Byſhoppes hearing the opinion of Ay|dane, and therewith knowing Cormans maner of preaching, iudged the matter to bee as Ay|dane had declared, and therevppon not onely allowed his wordes, but alſo willed him to take the iourney vppon him, ſithe they knewe none ſo able, with effect to accompliſh theyr wiſhed de|ſires in that behalfe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Aydan com|meth into [...]ngland to [...]reach the goſpell.Aydane for that he would not ſeeme to refuſe to take that in hande whiche he himſelfe had mo|cioned, was contented to ſatiſfie their requeſt, and ſo ſet forwarde towardes Northumberland, and comming thither, was ioyfully receyued of King Oſwalde, who appoynted him the Ile of Lindeſ|farne wherein to place the Sea of his newe Bi|ſhoprike.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Aydane in one point varied from the vſe of the new begon Church of England,Beda. li. 3. ca. 3: Hector. Bo. that is to witte, touching the time of obſeruing the feaſt of Eaſter, in like maner as all the Biſhoppes of the Scottes and Pictes inhabiting within Brytaine in thoſe dayes did, following therein (as they tooke it) the doctrine of the holy and prayſe wor|thie father Anatholius. But the Scots that in|habited in the South partes of Irelande, alreadie were agreed to obſerue that feaſt, according to the rules of the Church of Rome. But Aydane be|ing thus come into Northumberlande, applyed himſelf ſo earneſtly in prayer and preaching, that the people had him within ſhort whyle in won|derfull eſtimation, chiefely for that hee tempered his preachings with ſuche ſweete and pleaſaunt matter, that all men had a great deſire to heare him, inſomuche that ſometyme hee was glad to preache abrode in Churche yardes, bycauſe the audience was more than coulde haue rowmth in the Church.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 One thing was a great hinderance to him, that he had not the perfite knowledge of the Sax|ons tongue. But Oſwald himſelfe was a great helpe to him in that matter, who beeing of no|thing ſo much deſirous, as to haue the fayth of Chriſt rooted in the heartes of his ſubiects, vſed as an interpreter to report vnto the people in their Saxon tongue, ſuch whole Sermons as Aydan vttered in his mother tongue. Beda. Oſwalde [...] the [...] For Oſwalde [...]|uing bene brought vp (as ye haue heard) in S [...]|lande during the time of his baniſhment, was [...] readie in the Scottiſhe, as he was in the Saxon tongue.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The people then ſeeing the kings earneſt de|ſire in furthering the doctrine ſet forth by Aydan, were the more inclined to heare it: ſo then it was a maruellous matter to note, what numbers of people dayly offred themſelues to be baptiſed,Het. [...] inſo much that within the ſpace of ſeauen dayes (as is left in wryting) he chriſtened .xv. thouſande per|ſons, of the whiche no ſmall parte for ſauing the world, betooke thẽſelues to a ſolitarie kind of [...].

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thus by his earneſt trauail in continual prea|ching and ſetting forth the Goſpell in that coun|try, it came to paſſe in the ende, that the faith was generally receyued of all the people, and ſuch zeale to aduaunce the glorie of the Chriſtian Religion dayly increaſed amongeſt them, that no where could be found greater.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Herevpon were no ſmall number of Churches buyle in all places abrode in thoſe parties by pro|curement of the king,Oſwalde zeale to ad|uaunce reli|gion. (all men liberally cõſenting according to the rate of their ſubſtance) to be con|tributaries towardes the charges.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By this meanes the kingdome of the Nor|thumbers flouriſhed, as well in fame of increaſe in religion, as alſo in ciuill policie and prudent ordi|nances: inſomuch that (as Bede writeth) Oſwald atteyned to ſuche power,Beda. li. 5. [...] that all the nations and prouinces within Brytaine which were deuided into four tongues (that is to ſay) Britains, Picts,Oſwald [...] i [...] eſtimation with his neigh|bours. Scots, and Engliſhmen, were at his cõmaunde|ment. But yet was he not lift vp in any pride or preſumption, but ſhewed himſelfe marueylous curteous and gentle, and very liberal to poore peo|ple, and to ſtraungers.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 It is ſayde that he being ſet at the table vpon an Eaſter day, hauing Biſhop Aydan at diner then with him, his Almoner came in as ye Biſhop was about to ſay grace, and declared to the king that there was a great multitude of poore folks ſet before the gates to looke for the kings almes. The king herewith tooke a ſiluer diſh which was ſet on the table before him with meate & cõmanded the ſame meat ſtreightways to be deſtributed amõgſt the poore, and the diſh broken into ſmall peeces, & deuided amongſt thẽ: for which act he was highly commended of the Biſhop, as he well deſerued.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 By the good pollicie and diligent trauail of this king, the prouinces of Deira and Bernicia, which hitherto had beene at variaunce, were brought to peace and made one.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 ABout the ſame time,Beda. li. 3. ca. 7 Birinus cõ [...]|teth the weſt Sax [...]s to the chriſtian [...]. the Weſt Saxons were conuerted to the Chriſtian fayth, by the preaching of one Birinus a Biſhop, the whiche came into this lande at the exhortation of Pope EEBO page image 169 Honorius, to ſet foorthe the Goſpell vnto [...] people which as yet were not baptiſed. By his di|ligent trauell in the [...]ordes harueſt, [...]inigils [...]ing of weſt Saxon becõeth [...] Chriſtiã. Cynigilſus or Rynigils one of the Kings of that countrey receyued the faithe, and was baptiſed about the fiue and twentith yeare of his raigne. King Oſ|wald that ſhould haue his daughter in marriage, was preſent the ſame time; & [...]rſtoere hee became a ſonne in law, was made a Godfather vnto Ki|nigils (that ſhould be his father in lawe) by recey|uing him at the fontſtone, in that his ſecond birth of regeneration.Polidor. This B [...]inds was an Italian, & now that King Kinigils was become a Chri|ſtian, he appoynted vnto the ſayd Byrinus the ci|tie of Dorceſter ſituate by the Thames, diſtaunt from Oxforde about ſeuen miles,Dorceſter or|deined a Bi|ſhops See. to be the See of his Biſhopricke, where he procured Churches to be buylt, and by his earneſt trauell and ſetting foorth the word of life, [...] the right beleefe.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the yeare folowing, [...] the other King of the Weſt Saxons [...] ſonne to Ki [...]|gils was alſo chriſtned, and dyed the ſame yeare, and ſo then. Cinigilſus or Kinigils raigned a|lone.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In this meane while Penda King of Mer|cia that ſucceeded next after Ciailus,Hen. Hunt. being a mã giuen to ſeeke trouble in one place or other,This chanced in the yeare. 627. as Mat. Weſt. hath. [...]ea| [...]ied warre againſt the Kings of Weſt Saxon, Kinigils and [...], the whiche gathering their power, gaue hym battell a [...] Ciren [...]ter, where both the parties fought [...] out to the v [...]ter|moſt, as though they had forſoo [...]ne to giue p [...]ace [...] to another in ſo much that they continued in fighte and in making of cruell ſlaughter [...] the night parted them in ſunder. And in the mor [...]ing [figure appears here on page 169] when they ſaw that if they ſhould buckle togy|ther againe, the one parte ſhoulde vtterly deſtroy the other, they fell to agreemente in moderating eache others demaundes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 640 Beda. lib. 3. cap. 8. Mat. VVeſt.After this in the yeare of our Lord .640. Ead|bald King of Kent departed this life after hee had raigned .24. yeares, leauing his Kingdome to hys ſonne Earconbert. This Earconbert was the firſte of the Engliſhe Kings, whiche tooke order for the vtter deſtroying of all Idols through out his whole Kingdome.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 He alſo by his royall authoritie,Lent firſt or|deined to be kept in Eng|land. commaunded the faſt of fortie dayes in the Lente ſeaſon to bee kept and obſerued, appoynting worthy and com|petent puniſhmente agaynſte the tranſgreſſors of that commaundemente. Hee hadde by hys wife Segburg,Sexburga. that was daughter vnto Anna King of the Eaſt Angles, a daughter named Eartongatha, the which was profeſſed a Nonne within the Monaſterie of Briege or Ea|la in Fraunce:Almoious. For in theſe dayes, bycauſe there were not many Monaſteries as yet buylded within this land, a great number of Engliſhmen that tooke vppon them the profeſſion of a Religi|ous life, gote them ouer vnto Abbeyes in France, and there profeſſed themſelues Monkes: and ma|ny there were which ſente their daughters ouer to be profeſſed Nonnes within ye Nunneries there, and ſpecially at Brige, Cale, and Andeley: a|mongſt other, there were Sedrike the lawfull daughter, and Edelburgh the baſtard daughter of the ſayd King Anna, the whiche both in proceſſe of time were made Abbeiſſes of the ſaide Mona|ſterie of Brige.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Yee haue hearde already, how Oſwald King of Northumberland bare himſelfe in all poyntes like a moſt worthy Prince, not ceaſing to releeue the neceſſitie of the poore, aduancing the good, and reforming the euill, whereby hee wanne to hym|ſelfe exceeding prayſe and commendation of all good men, and ſtill his fame encreaſed for his ver|tuous doings, namely, for the ardent zeale he had to the aduancing of the Chriſtian fayth. Heere|vpon Penda King of Mercia, enuying the pro|ſperous EEBO page image 170 proceedings of Oſwald, as he that could neuer abyde to heare the good report of other mẽs well doings, began to imagine howe to deſtroy him, and to conquere his Kyngdome that hee might ioyne it to his owne. [...] the [...]. Bed. [...] King [...] ſlayne. At length he inuaded his countrey by open warre, met with him in the field at a place called Maſerfield, & there in ſharp and cruell fight Oſwald was ſlayne on the [...] [figure appears here on page 170] day of Auguſt in the yeare of our Lord .642. and in the .38. yeare of his age,Mat. VVeſt. Math. 644. after he had raigned the tearme of eyght or nine yeares after ſome, whych accompt that yeare vnto his raigne, in the whych his predeceſſors Oſrick and Eaufride raigned, whome they number not amongſt Kings, by|cauſe of their wicked appoſtacie, and renouncing of the faith which before they had profeſſed. Such was the ende of the vertuous Prince King Oſ|wald, beeing cruelly ſlayne by that wicked Ty|rant Penda. Afterwards for the opinion concey|ued of his holyneſſe, the foreſayde Oſwald was canonized a Saynt, and had in greate worſhippe of the people,VVil. Malm. beeing the firſte of the Engliſhe na|tion that approoued his vertue by miracles ſhe|wed after hys departure out of this life. Oſwy King of Nor| [...]humberland.

[figure appears here on page 170]

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Beda. lib. 3. [...]ap. 14. AFter that Kyng Oſwalde was ſlaine, his brother Oſwy being about a .30. yeres of age, tooke vpon him the rule of the Kingdom of Nor|thumberland, gouerning ye ſame wt great trouble for the ſpace of eyght and twentie yeares, be|ing ſore vexed by the foreſayde Penda Kyng of Mercia and his people, whiche as yet were Pa|ganes.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the firſt yeare of his raigne, whiche was in the yeare of our Lorde .644.644 Pauline the Biſhop of Rocheſter whiche had bin alſo Archbiſhoppe o [...] Yorke departed this life, and then one Thama [...] an Engliſhman of the parties of Kente was or deyned Biſhoppe of Rocheſter by Honorius the Archbiſhoppe of Canterbury. Kyng Oſwy had a partner with hym in gouernement of the Nor|thumbers in the firſt beginning of his raigne one Oſwin, which was ſonne to Oſrick, ſo that Oſ|wy gouerned in Bernicia, and Oſwin in Dei [...],Bernicia. and continued in perfect friendſhip for a ſeaſon, till at length, through the counſell of wicked per|ſons, that couered nothing ſo muche as to ſowe diſcorde and variance betwixte Princes, they fell at debate, and ſo beganne to make warres the one agaynſte the other, ſo that finally when they were at poynte to haue tried theyr quarrell in o|pen battayle, Oſwin perceyuing that he had not an army of ſufficiẽt force to encounter with Oſ|wy, he brake vp hys campe at Wilfareſdowne, a tenne mile by Weſt the Towne of Catarac|tone, and after withdrewe hymſelfe onely with one ſeruant named Condhere vnto the houſe of Erle Hunwald, whome he tooke to haue bin hys truſty friende: but contrary to his expectation, the ſayd Hunwalde did betray hym vnto Oſwy, the whyche by his Captayne Edelwine ſlewe the ſayde Oſwin and hys ſeruaunte the foreſayde Conhere, in a place called Ingethling, the thir|teenth Calends of September, in the ninth yeare of his raigne, whyche was after the birth of oure Sauioure .651.651

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 171This Oſwin was a goodly Gentleman of perſon, talle, and beautifull, and very gentle of ſpeeche, ciuill in manners, and very liberall both to high and lowe, ſo that he was beloued ouer al. Suche a one he was, to bee brirfe, as Biſhop Ay|dan geſſed, that hee ſhoulde not long continue in life, for that the Northumbers were not worthy of ſo good & vertuous a gouernor. Such humble|neſſe and obedience hee perceyued to [...] in hym towards the law of the Lord [...], in taking yt which was tolde him for his better inſtruction in good part, that he ſayd, he neuer ſawe before that tyme an humble King.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The ſame Aydan lyued not paſt twelue days after the deathe of the ſayd Oſwin, whome hee ſo much loued, departing this world the laſt day of Auguſt, in the ſeuententh yeare after he was or|deyned Biſhop. His body was buried in the Iſle of Lindeſferne.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After Aydan, one Finan was made Biſhop in his place, a Scottiſhman alſo, and of the Iſle of Hu [...], from whence his predeceſſor the foreſaid Ay|dan dame, being firſt a man of Religion profeſſed in the Monaſterie there (as ſome writers doe report.)