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Back Matter: Section 1 of
A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 21 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1488) VV.
- VVAuerley. 445.7
- Warning of ſea|uen dayes giuen to Ceadda before hys death. 179.61
- Wade Duke rebelleth a|gainſt King Ardulfe, and is chaſed out of the field 201.61
- Walley battaile fought by King Ardulfe, againſte Duke Wade, and his cõ|federates. 201.64
- Wales harrowed by King Egherre, from Eaſt to weſt. 213.18
- Walc [...] reduced into forme of good order. 277.84
- Walaſco a Frier, ſent frõ the Pope into England. 757.30
- Warlamcheſter, nowe cal|led Sainte Albons. 88. line. 16
- Warlamcheſter deſtroyed. 88.20
- Wall builded the thirde time of turfes, betweene the Britaines & Scots. 100.13
- Wall builded the fourthe tyme of ſtone ouer|thwart the Ilande, be|tweene the Britaynes and Scottes. 100.53
- Wales ſubdued by Kyng William, and the Prin|ces do him homage. 310. line. 8
- Warine Earle of Shrewſ|burie, appointed gouer|nour of the marches of Wales. 359.6
- Walles of the Citie of Lõ|don repaired, and tur|rers builte at the coſtes of the Citie, by the com|maundements of Henry the third. 747.16
- Wales furniſheth Englãd with horſes and Cattel. 748.57
- Wallingford Caſtel beſie|ged. 373.47
- Waltham Caſtel builded. 377.52
- Walter Biſhop of Worce|ter dyeth. 775.41
- Wardens of the cinque portes reconciled to K. Henry the third. 776.18
- Wallingford taken by the Danes. 244.34
- Waſſaile, what it ſignify|eth. 113.81
- Warres left vnto Renulf, as it were by ſucceſſion. 200.96
- Wake Baldwine taken priſoner. 777.29
- Waterfoorde in Irelande made a Biſhoppes Sea. 328.5
- Walkelme made Byſhop of Wincheſter. 305.12
- Walcher Biſhop of Dur|ham ſlayne in a tumult. 311.15. and .311.72
- Walcher Biſhop of Dur|ham, made gouernoure of Northumberlande. 312.44
- Walter Biſhoppe of Win|cheſter dyeth. 723.25
- Warram Caſtell. 368.78
- Walton Caſtell. 369.1
- Walkeline yeeldeth the Caſtell of Douer. 369. line. 16
- Warre betwixt breethren, cannot bee mainteyned without reproch. 344.36
- Warleweſt William hys replye vnto Pope Paſ|call. 342.52
- Warlewaſt ſente to Rome in Ambaſſage to ye Pope. 342.23
- Walter Biſhoppe of Alba, bringeth the Pall to An|ſelme the Archbiſhoppe. 333.5.
- Waterforde Citie in Ire|land, wonne by the En|gliſhmen. 419.10
- Waleton Caſtell made playne with the ground. 445.19
- Walkhem, Biſhop of win|cheſter. 320.94
- Walſtod, Biſhop of Her|ford. 192.16
- Walton. 431.40
- Walwine, looke Gawain.
- Waltheof ſonne to Si|warde, made Earle of Northumberlande. 307. line. 71
- Waltheof ioyneth in con|ſpiracie againſte K Wil|liam, and bewrayeth it. 308.22.
- Walteof beheded at Win|cheſter. 308.54
- Walthã Abbey by whome founded. 288.32
- Walteof marrieth Iudith neece to Kyng William. 308.72
- Walteofes iſſue and ho|nors. 309.1
- Walter Huberte Archbi|ſhop of Canterbury. 523. line. 19
- Waltham Colledge alte|red frõ Prieſts to Cha|nons regular. 447.56
- VValdene Earle, looke VValteof.
- VValdene Caſtel deliue|red to King Stephen. 380.41
- VVallingforde newe Ca|ſtell, ouer againſt the old Caſtell builded. 381.29
- VVaterforde Citie giuen to Robert de Poer. 450. line. 18
- VValthir Biſhop of Dur|ham. 307.112
- VValter Biſhop of Here|ford ſubmitteth hymſelfe to King VVilliam. 291. line. 57
- VValter Archbiſhoppe of Yorke dyeth. 739.48
- VVarrham Caſtell beſie|ged and rendred vp. 378. line. 98
- VVarrham VVilliam, Doctor of the Lawes, ſente Ambaſſador vnto Philip the Archeduke. 1443.18. his Oration vn|to the Archduke, eadem. 30. Biſhoppe of London. 1455.40 is created Arch|biſhoppe of Canterburie. 1458.35. is of the counſell to king Henry the eyght and Lorde Chauncellor. 1464.47 Crownoth Hẽ|ry the eyght and Queene Katherine. 1465.46. is Godfather to Henry the firſte begotten ſonne of Henry the eyght. 1468.48 EEBO page image 1489 his oration in the Par|liament houſe. 1472.44 giueth vp his office of Chancellorſhippe, and why. 1497.33. withdra|weth himſelfe from the Courte, and why. 1499. line. 23
- VVallop Iohn Knighte burneth. 21. Townes and Villages in Nor|mandie. 1494.44
- VVoulſton Iohn, Coun|ſellor to Prince Arthur. 1456.55
- VVatkins Richard Her|rauld of armes attain|ted. 1425.50
- VVatche kept on Sainte Peters cue. 1838.50. and 1839.45. and .1837.35. & 1839.58
- VValter Herbert knight page. 1413. col. 1. line. 55. col. 2. line. 5. page. 1414. col. 1. line. 26. line. 42. line. 55. page. 1415. col. 2. line. 15
- VValter Hungerforde Knighte. page. 1415. col. 2. line. 40. page. 1416. col. 1. line. 22
- VValter Lorde Ferrers of Chartley ſlayn. page. 1422. col. 1. line. 15
- VVelchmen acknowlege to holde their kingdome of the Engliſhmen. 225. line. 27
- VVertermore in Scot|land. 225.68
- VVerlewod. 232.105
- VVebbeley Caſtel. 371.20
- VVeſt Countreys ſub|mitte themſelues to Cnute. 252.20
- VVeſtminſter Towne, and pariſh Church ſpoi|led. 778.115
- VVelchmenne conſpire with the Scots againſte King Adelſtane. 225.18
- VVelchmen ſubdued by King Adelſtane. 225.21
- VVelchmẽs preſumptu|ous fierceneſſe tamed by the Flemings. 347.42
- VVeſtwod or Leſnes Ab|bey founded. 447.8
- VVelche Kings ſubmitte themſelues to King Ed|gar. 231.80
- VVelchmen inuade and waſt the Engliſh Mar|ches. 352.33
- VVelchmen truſt more to the aduautage of pla|ces, than to theyr owne ſtrength. 352.40
- VVelchmen ſlayne and taken by the Engliſh|men in greate numbers. 352.52
- VVerſtan ordeyned By|ſhoppe of Shirebourne. 223.57
- VVeſtminſter Hall foun|ded. 329.9
- VVeſtminſter Hal ſhould haue bin larger. 329.14
- VVellſloweth with bloud at Finchamſteede. 329. line. 40
- VVeſtefoord Citie gyuen to VVilliã Fitz Adeline. 450.17
- VVelchmen waſt Cheſ|ſhire, and are diſtreſſed. 381.41
- VVeſtminſter little Hall conſumed with fyre. 761. line. 15
- VVelchmen rebell, and are inuaded. 397.35
- VVelchmen ſubmit thẽ|ſelues to the King, and are pardoned. 397.74
- VVeſtminſter new church begun to be builded. 617. line. 56
- VVeights and meaſures ordered after one vni|forme order, throughout all England. [...]34.53
- Welchmẽ not to paſſe ar|med ouer Offaes ditch. 288.63
- Welchwomen permitted to ioyne in marriage with Engliſhmen. 288. line. 71
- Welchmen rebell, and do diuers diſpleaſures on the Marches. 401.8
- Welchmenne ſpoyle the marches, and hardly ob|teyne pardon of the K. for their rebellion. 408.5
- Welchmen generally ſe|uerely puniſhed for their Rebellion. 408.27
- Welche rebels ouerthro|wen, and vſed very cru|elty. 328.92
- Welchmen ſo tamed, that they dare not ſhew theyr faces. 329.3
- Welchmen ouerthrowen at Brecknocke by the Engliſhmen. 324.36
- Welchmenne tamed, and broughte to obedience. 324.49
- Welchmenne inuade the Engliſhe marches, and deſtroy the Countreys. 325.90
- Wexford Citie in Irelãd. 421.31
- Welchmenne wrongfully accuſed of Rebellion, detect Earle Godwin of a commotion. 271.39
- Welchmen rebell, and o|uercome the Engliſhe power. 372.58
- Weſton Doctor vnwilling to reſigne the Deanery of Weſtminſter. 1769. 16. is depriued of all his liuings for adulterie, i|bidem, appealeth to Rome, & for that cauſe attempting priuily to depart out of ye Realme is committed to priſon, and deliuered by Qu. Elizabeth, and dyeth, i|bidem.
- VVelche Kings ſubiect to the Kings of Englande. 222.61
- VVelche tong, the incor|rupted ſpeech of the an|tient Britaines. 4.98
- VVelchmen ioyne wyth the Danes againſte the Engliſhmen, and are vã|quiſhed and ſlayne. 204. line. 71
- VVeſtminſter church fini+ſhed. 794.50. b
- VVelchmẽ rebell. 796.5. b diſcomfited. 797.1. b
- VVelchmen flee. 619.28
- VVerefridus, Biſhop of VVorceſter. 218.26
- VVelchmẽ are the verye Britaines indeede. 131. line. 68
- VVentworth Lorde ar|raigned and acquitted. 1801.43
- VVedneſday why ſo cal|led. 113.9
- Wenlock Abbey builded. 277.31
- Welgiſtus, ſonne to Ve|cta. 113.18
- Welchmen guard Iaques Arteueld. 926.27. b
- Weſtminſter Church buil|ded. 150.69
- Weſtminſter Monaſtery erected. 150.76
- Weſt Saxons conuerted to the Chriſtian ſaythe. 168.113
- Wellehare battayle fou|ght in Northumberlãd. 201.73
- Welchmen ſtill readye to moue rebellion againſte the Engliſhmen. 203.14
- Welchmen being vanqui|ſhed, will not ſeeme to be ſubdued. 203.16
- Weſtmaria, nowe called Weſtmerland. 68.2
- Weſtminſter Church roy|ally repayred. 279.34
- Welchmen conſtreyned to agree, to pay their aun|tient tribute. 277.67
- Weſton Doctor prolocu|tor of the Conuocation. 1723.47
- Weſtminſter palaice built 1557.50
- Welchmen diſcomfyted. page. 1320. col. 1. line. 11. ſlayne. col. 2. line. 27
- Werd, the name of ye forth in Scotland. 140.9
- Weſt ſaxe deuided into fyue dioceſſes. 223.45
- Weſt Saxons kingdome deuided into two By|ſhoprickes. 191.5
- Welchman hanged for treaſon. 821.46. a
- Weremouth taken by the Scottes. 307.6
- Weſtminſter Sanctuarye. page. 1365. col. 2. line. 52
- Welchmen rebell 810.14. b empriſoned. 812.13. a
- Welchmen moue warre, and are ſubdued by the Engliſhmen, and theyr Princes brought to cõ|fuſion. 270.44
- Whitby in olde tyme cal|led Streaneſhall. 175.82
- Weſtmer, looke Marius.
- Whitby Abbey builded. 183.30
- Whirlepoles fyſhes takẽ. 1557.47
- Simon Biſhoppe of Whi|terne conſecrated. 852.3. b
- Whitring Richard Abbot of Glaſtenbur [...]e han|ged for the ſupremacie. 1574.35
- White Swanne, Queene Margarets cogniſance page. 1295. col. 1. line. 14
- Whitſand bay. page. 1297. col. 2. line. 45
- Whiterne in olde tyme called Candida Caſa. 192.27
- Whitby Abbey builded. 308.1
- Wharton Thomas knight Lord Warden of the Weſt marches. 1595.40
- William Lorde Barkeley created Earle of Not|tingham page. 1386. col. 2. line. 57
- William Gateſby knight page. 1390. col. 2. line. 5. beheaded pag. 1422. col. 1. line. 19
- William Slaughtar, one of ye murtherers of Ed|ward the fourthes chil|dren page. 1390. col. 2. line. 47
- Williã Barkeley Knight. page. 1402. col. 2. line. 23
- William Brandon knight page. 1402. col. 2. line. 24 ſlayne page. 1421. col. 2. line. 13
- William Stanley knight page. 1411. col. 2. line. 3. page. 1415. col. 2. line. 23. page. 1417. colum. 2. line. 36.
- EEBO page image 1489William Conquerour en|treth into London, not without bloudſhed. 291. line. 68
- William Conquerour re|ceyued into London withoute reſiſtance. 291. line. 73
- Williã Conquerour crow|ned King of Englande. 291. [...]0
- William Conquerour ta|keth an othe to defende holy Church. 291.91
- Fitz Oſberne Williã made Garle of Hereford. 297. line. 4
- William Conqueroure re|turneth into Norman|die, taking with him the chiefeſt of the nobilitie of England. 297.6
- William Duke of Nor|mandye, a baſtarde. 282. line. 98
- William Duke of Nor|mandye, maketh clayme to the Crowne of En|gland. 282.100.
- William Duke of Nor|mandy, requireth by hys Ambaſſadors to haue the Realme of England de|liuered vnto him. 283.28
- William Duke of Nor|mandy, requireth Kyng Harrolde to take hys daughter to wife accor|ding to promiſe. 283.70
- William Duke of Nor|mandye, maketh prepa|ration to inuade En|gland. 285.36
- William Duke of Nor|mandies armye, of what people it conſiſted. 285. line. 61
- William Duke of Nor|mandy arriueth at Pe|neneſſey in Suſſex with an army. 285.65
- William ſucceedeth Wal|cher in the Biſhopricke of Durham. 312.57
- William Conquerour go|eth ouer into Norman|dy with an huge maſſe of money. 314.50
- William Conquerour fal|leth ſicke in Normandy. 314.52
- William Conquerour in|uadeth Fraunce wyth a great army. 314.71
- William Conquerour de|parteth thys lyfe. 315.8
- William, ſonne to Kyng Henry the firſte created D. of Normandy. 353.5
- William a Monke gouer|neth the Sea of Sainte Andrews, & ſpoyleth the Church. 357.67
- William Duke of Nor|mandye drowned by Shipwracke. 357.105
- William Paruus cited. 394.34. and .433.64.
- William Malmeſburie, in what time hee liued. 394.43
- William Rheuell [...]nſts, in what time he liued. 394. line. 47
- Wiſſher [...] Archbiſhoppe of Northumberlande ex|pulſed. 219.23
- Wiſhhere Archbiſhop re|ſtored. 219.26
- Wilingham. 219.40
- William Mulmeſburie cited. 219.71
- Winbourne towne taken. 219.95
- Wightham Towne buyl|ded. 221.1
- William Duke of Nor|mandye, commeth ouer into Englande to viſite his nephewe Kyng Ed|ward. 273.114
- William Byſhop of Lon|don departeth ye Realm. 274.34
- VVilfred made Biſhop of Northumberlande. 177. line. 51
- VVighart ſente to Rome to bee treated Archby|ſhoppe of Caunterbury. 177.109
- VVighart dieth at Rome of the peſtilence. 178.2
- VVilfred reſtored to the Sea of Yorke. 178.69
- VViremouth Abbey buil|ded. 178.104.
- VVire riuer. 178.105
- VVilliam made Byſhop of Rocheſter, in the place of Putta. 182.2
- VVilliam forſaketh ye ſea of Rocheſter, conſtrey|ned through pouertie. 182.4
- VVilfrid Biſhop of Nor|thumberlande baniſhed. 182.10
- VVilfrid after his re|turne from Rome, prea|cheth the Goſpell to the South Saxons. 182.40
- VViat Thomas Knyght Rebelleth. 1724.17. the diſcourſe of hys whole life manye leaues follo|wing, is diſtreſſed in fyghte. 1731.10. commeth in and ſubmitteth hym|ſelfe vnto the Queene, eadem. 30. is arraigned. 1735.35. is executed. 1737. line. 10
- VVilliam Lord Haſtings and Chamberlaine. pa. 1360. col. 2. line. 34. kepte Shores wil. page. 1372 col. 2. li. 51. his ſayings to a Prieſte. page. 1373. col. 2. line. 40. to a Pl [...]|ctuant. col. 1. [...] be|headed. line. 30. his de|ſ|cription. page. 1374. co. 1. line. 35
- William White Sherife of London. 1363.28
- VVilloughby Roberte L. Brooke, lord Steward of ye Kings houſe. 1450. line. 21
- Wia [...] Henry Knightes, one of the kings priuie coun|ſell. 1464.54
- VVilloughby VVilliam Knight, is created Lorde VVilloughby. 1614.25
- VVilliam Malmeſburie cited. 136.36. & .140.37. & 146.23. & .154.76. & .180. line. 81
- VVilfareſdowne. 170.53
- VVim Byſhop commeth into England. 171.69
- VVim expulſed from the Eaſt Saxons, byeth the Byſhopricke of Londõ. 171.78
- Windeſor Caſtell. 326.36
- William Earle of Ewe, becõmeth Kyng VVil|liam Rufus man. 326.39
- VVilliam Duke of Nor|mãdies pedegree, from Rollo fyrſte Duke of Normandye. 288.87
- VVilliam long eſpee, ſonne to Duke Rollo of Normandye, marrieth Sporta, daughter to Hubert Earle of Ken|lis. 288.112
- William Duke of Nor|mandye Conqueroure, baſe ſonne to Roberte the ſixth, beginneth hys raigne ouer Englande. 291.3
- William Malmeſburie cited. 291.38. &. 291.47. & 301.28
- VVhite Monkes fyrſte inſtituted. 333.86
- VVhite Mõkes brought into England. 333.93
- VVightgar and Stuffe arriue at Certiceſtſhore, and ouerthrow the Bri|taines. 130.44
- Witgareſbridge in the Ile of Wight. 131.48
- VVinter cold and ſharpe. 1865
- VVilliam Conqueroure ſweareth to obſerue K. Edwards lawes. 306.61
- VVilliam Byſhoppe of Durham, exiled the lande. 320.37
- William Biſhop of Dur|ham reſtored, dieth. 320.39
- William Malmeſburie dyeth. 136.1 [...].
- William D. of Norman|dies one foote ſtippeth, the other ſticketh faſt as the [...], at his cõming a land with his army in England. 285. [...]9
- William Wittelſey Arch|biſhop of Caunterburye dyeth. 995.17. a
- Willoughby Robert Lord Brooke, generall of the army into Britain. 1434 line. 10
- William ſuccedeth Raufe in the Archbiſhopricke of Caunterbury. 359.38
- Winchcomb. Church buil|ded. 200.105
- Winchcomb Abbey foun|ded. 201.5
- Wilſhire waſted by the Danes. 245.77. & .252.10
- Wincheſter wonne by the Danes. 247.81
- William of Malmeſburie cited. 19.25. & .97.6. & .116. line. 52
- William of Malmeſburie confuted. 19.28
- Windham Iohn Knyghte and beheaded. 1457.40
- Wicklifes doctrine main|teyned. page. 1155. col. 1. line. 43. his bookes con|demned line. 55
- William de la Pole Erle of Suffolke. page. 1269. col. 1. line. 36. col. 2. line. 6.25.40. page. 1271. col. 2. line. 16. Duke of Suf|folke. page. 1273. col. 2. lin. 57. a exclamation againſt him. page. 1277. col. 2. line 6. ſent to the Tower. pa. 1278. col. 2. line. 47. deli|uered. line. 49. baniſhed. page. 1279. col. 1. line. 21. beheaded. line. 28
- Wilfride a virgin, taken out of a Nunrie, and de|floured by King Edgar. 233.11
- Wigmere battell foughte by the Danes againſt the Engliſhmen. 245.35
- Wilſon Doctor in the pre|munire. 1578.21. pardo|ned. 1581.48
- William King of Scottes conſpireth with Henrye the ſonne, againſte Kyng Henrye the ſecond. 426. 108. he entreth Cumber|lãd, and beſiegeth Care|leil. 427.67. & .433.107. in|uadeth Northumberlãd, and burneth and ſpoy|leth the Countrey. 430.28
- William Fitz Oſbert with the long bearde, is EEBO page image 1490 conueted before the B. of Caunterbury. 529.80 hee appeareth, and is diſmiſſed quietly. 529.86. he is newly attached and eſcapeth into ſaint Mary Bowe Churche, keepeth it by force, is forced out by fire. 529. 105. he is wounded with a knife. 529.116. he is a|raigned in the Tower, cõdemned, drawen, and executed. 530.4
- VVilliam Tirell eſquier beheaded page. 1313. col. 1. line. 28
- VVilliam Neuill Lorde Fawconbridge Earle of Kente page. 1313. col 1. line. 40
- VVilliam Tailbois Erle of Kyme page. 1315. col. 1. line. 6. beheaded. li. 12
- VVilliam Lord Herberte Erle of Pẽbroke page. 1315. col. 1. line. 54. page. 1319. col. 2. line. 35. behe|ded pag. 1320. col. 2. li. 35
- VVilford Iames knight valiauntlye defendeth Hadington. 1638.20. is taken priſoner. 1640.3
- VVilliam, ſonne to Kyng Stephan, conſidered of in the agreemente be|tweene his father, and Henrye Fitz Empreſſe. 389.45
- VVilfrid Biſhop of Hex|ham dyeth. 190.105
- VVilfrid the ſecond ſuc|ceedeth Iohn in the Archbiſhoprik of Yorke 190.109
- VVilmote, a noble man of Suſſex baniſhed, ly|eth rouing vppon the coaſtes. 244
- VVilliam Earle of Mor|taigne, wilfully bani|ſheth himſelfe the lande 343.49
- VViſbaſdowne battaile foughte betweene the Saxons one with ano|ther. 142.95
- VVilliam K. of Scottes, marrieth the Lorde Er|mengarde, daughter to Richard Vicoũt Beau|mount. 463.62
- VVilliam Conqueroure hath not ſo much ground as to bury him in, with|out doing iniurie to a|nother. 315.103
- VVilliam Conqueroures iſſue. 315.111
- VVilliam Biſhop of Lon|don, obteyneth the firſte Charter for the Citie of London. 316.25
- VVilliam Conqueroures Sepulchre opened with the length and bignes of his body. 316.61
- VVilliam Rufus, ſecond ſonne to King VVilli|am, looke Rufus VVil|liam.
- VVilnotus empriſoned againe by K. VVilliam Rufus. 317.37
- VVilliã Biſhop of Dur|ham. 318.60
- VVilliam King of Scots commeth into Englãd, and doth homage to Hẽ|ry the ſecond. 408.68. he goeth ouer into Nor|mandye with K. Henrye the ſecond. 408.82
- VVilliam ſucceedeth hys father Patrike in the Earledome of Saliſbu|rie. 411.23
- VVilliam King of Scots taken priſoner. 435.1. is releaſed out of priſon. 439.20. he commeth to a Parliamente to North|hampton. 443.22
- VVilliam Earle of Arun|dell dyeth. 445.6
- VVincheſter beſieged by the Romaines. 51.34
- VVilliam King of Sicile departeth this life. 486. line. 102
- VVilloughby Roberte knight conueyd the Erle of VVarwike frõ She|riffehuton, to the tower of London. 1425.20
- VVilliam Conqueroure being ridde of one vex|ation, is alwayes trou|bled with an other. 307. line. 20
- VVilloughby Roberte created Lorde Brooke. 1426.38
- VVinleſhore battell fou|ghte by the Engliſhmen againſt ye Danes. 207.13
- VVincheſter Citie de|ſtroyed by the Danes. 208.55
- VVinborne Abbey. 211.14
- VVilton battaile foughte by the Danes againſte the Engliſhmen. 212.2
- VVinfrid B. of Mercia 179.94
- VVincheſter Churche builded. 180.70
- VVinfrid depoſed for diſobedience. 181.8
- William Cotton ſlayne. page. 1288. col. 1. line. 13
- Wibbas or Wipha, ſuc|ceedeth his father Cri|da in the Kingdome of Mercia. 145.88
- William Conqueroure inuadeth Scotland with a mighty army. 307.38
- Wimond a Monke, fyrſte Byſhoppe of the Ile of Man, had his eyes put out. 386.6
- VVilliam Archbyſhoppe of Yorke, complayned of to the Pope, and depo|ſed. 382.38
- Wiues to be kept accor|ding to the lawes of ho|ly Church. 420.110
- VVilliam ſonne to King Stephan, departeth this life. 399.44
- VVilliã VVicwan made Archbiſhop of York. 789. 36 .a. dyeth. 794.48. a
- Windſor Caſtell beſieged by the Barons. 603.19. they raiſe theyr Campe ſecretely in the nyghte. 604.46
- VVilliam Duke of Nor|mandie promiſeth hys daughter in marriage to Earle Harold. 278.40
- VVilliam erle of North|folke breaketh his legge with a fall from hys Horſe. 303.3
- VVilliam Duke of Nor|mandyes backe peece of his armour put on be|fore by chance. 286.83
- VVilliam King of Scots commeth to viſit Kyng Henrye the ſeconde of England. 411.99
- VVilliam King of Scots and Dauid his brother, do homage to Henry, ſon to King Henrye the ſe|cond. 412.75
- VVilliam Stãley knight page. 1321. col. 1. line. 55
- Wigmore Caſtell beſie|ged, and wonne by the Barons. 765.37
- VVilliam VVilford toke Shippes on the coaſtes of Britaine. page. 1140. col. 2. line. 34
- VVilliam Sautre brente in Smithfield. page. 1132 col. 2. line. 30
- VVilton Nunrie fortify|ed in ſteed of a Caſtell. 379.69
- VVil. Argentine Knight page. 1119. col. 2. line. 46
- VVilliam Venoure. page 1120. col. 2. line. 17
- VVilliam Erle of Pem|broke perſwadeth the nobilitie againſt Lewes and to take parte wyth Henry the third. 608.60
- VVilliam wyth the long berd maketh an oration to the people. 529.34
- VVilliam Conqueroure leadeth a mighty armye into Wales. 310.7
- William Conqueroure leadeth an army againſt his eldeſt ſonne Roberte in Normandy. 310.34. he is vnhorſed by his ſonne Roberte, and is by hym eftſoones horſed againe 310.45. they are made friends. 310.69
- William long ſcoured the ſeas. pa. 1156. col. 2. lin. 50
- Wiſe ſaying of a worthye Prince, page. 1256. col. 1. line. 46
- Wales deuided frõ the o|ther partes of Britaine by Seuerne. 75.22
- Wall builded or reſtored betwene the Britaines & Scots by Seuerus. 81.3
- Walbroke in London, why ſo called. 82.50
- Wichwood beſide Stony Stratford. page. 1316. col. 1. line. 46
- Whitſandbay. page. 1323. col. 1. line. 30
- Wilton Abbey buylded. 226.116
- Wilfride Biſhop of wor|ceſter. 192.20
- Wiccies prouince, nowe Worceſter. 192.19
- Wincheſter made a Bi|ſhops Sea. 191.8
- Withred departeth thys life. 191.81
- Wiſe mẽ deſerue as much praiſe for their counſell, as ſtoute warrioures for their valiancie. 84.50
- Wilfride reſtored to Nor|thumberland. 186.3
- Withred ſon to Gegherte made K. of Kent. 187.10
- Wil. Conqueroure retur|neth out of Normandye into England. 297.32. hee leadeth an army againſte ye Citie of Exeter. 299.41 he leadeth an army into the Northe againſte the Danes, and Engliſhe ex|iles. 301.2
- Wincigi an army of ſtran|gers, departe out of En|gland. 215.37
- Winchelſey town ſpoyled by the rage of the Sea. 723.53
- Robert Winchelſey made Archbiſhop of Canterbu|rie. 806.13. a. his obſtina|cie againſt the King. 822. 20. b. accuſed to the Pope 841.28. b. dyeth. 852.43. a
- William Conquerour re|penteth hym of his cru|eltie towardes the En|gliſhmen. 315.20
- VVinchcombe Steeple & EEBO page image 1490 Church throwne downe by thunder and lyght|ning. 322.1
- Whitlafe king of Mercia, chaſed out of his eſtate. 203.82.
- Whitlafe reſtored too hys kingdome. 204.2
- Windſore caſtell committed to the keeping of ſtraun|gers. 762.11
- William Conquerour pro|teſteth, that hee came too the rule of Englande by mere conqueſt. 303.26
- William Malmeſb. cyted. 329.42. and .345.70. and 345.80. and .362.89.
- Wibteth Archb. of Rauẽna ſet vp Pope by Henrie the Emperour againſt Vrbane. 330.96
- William ſon to king Ste|phen conſtrayned to ſur|render to K. Henry the ſecond ſuch landes as he held of the demain of the crowne. 397.17
- William of Malmeſb. cited. 118.50. and .125.9. and 129.26. and .134.34.
- Wiptiſh fielde fought be|tweene the Britains and Saxons. 126.25
- Winchelſey won by force, by prince Edward. 776.44
- Winghã Henrie elected B. of Wincheſter. 755.87
- William ſon to K. Henrie the firſt borne. 341.62
- William erle of Mortaigne taken priſoner. 345.26
- William ſonne too Robert duke of Normandie, erle of Flaunders. 346.76
- William conſecrated B. of Wincheſter. 347.10
- Wil. Witleſey made Archb. of Canterburie. 975.34. b
- Wight ſpoyled by Frenche men. 1007.10. a
- Wincheſter caſtell razed by the friends of K. Henrie the thirde. 611.68
- Wicleuiſts rage againſt the Friers Auguſtins. 1059.30. a.
- Wiremouth Abbey buyl|ded. 163.8
- Windſore caſtell repayred. 963.34. b.
- Winchelſey burnt by french men. 965.40. a
- Wicleuiſts write agaynſte the Cleargie. 1086.17. a
- William Wickham Biſhop of Wincheſter made chan|cellour. 1075.38. a
- Wilton woon and rifled by the Danes. 243.59
- Wingfields letters contey|ning the blacke Printers iourney. 952.1. b
- Wicleuiſtes increaſe. 1075.50. a. 1088.44. a.
- Wiſbeche people periſhe by rage of water. 649.34
- Whitſand beſides Canter|burie. 225. [...]8
- Wilton Towne ſet on fire. 379.75.
- Wichport ſpoyled by the Danes 239.39. &. 241.39
- Wilton Nunrie buylded, & richly endowed. 234.10
- Winds. 968. [...]4. b. 1076.3. b
- Wil. Zouch ſlaine. 1288.11
- Winchelſey burnt by the French men. 1021.12. b
- Wicliffes Iohn opinions. 993.30. b. 1023.57. a.
- Williã Parre kni. 1329.14
- Wil. L. Haſtings. 1340.20
- William de Valence Earle of Pẽbroke dieth. 815.35
- Wigmore towne repayred. 222.82.
- William Mandeuile execu|ted for cõſpiracie. 1249.36
- Willoughbie Henry knight ſent into Flãders. 1435.48
- Winter ſharpe. 1153.33
- Wincheſter or Caerguent builded. 19.8
- Wimundham Priory foun|ded. 705
- Wimundham. 445.8
- Winnebert, murtherer of K. Ethelbert. 196.113
- Wigmore Caſtell ſurren|dred to the king. 396.13
- William Malmeſb. cyted. 223.61 and .264.74.
- William Nẽuil Lord Fau|conbridge. 1311.25
- Wil. Marleb cited. 305.69
- Wilnotus releaſed oute of priſon. 315.17
- Wilnoſus ſon to erle God|win. 273.94
- William Cateſby. 1371.57
- Wine good cheape. 1058.40
- William duke of Norman|dies pedegrue, and title to the crowne of Englande. 282.91.
- Wincheſter won by ſurren|der, and ſpoyled by the Barons. 772.49
- Williã Zouch made Arch|biſhop of York. 908.13. a dieth. 943.38. b
- Wickliffes doctrine. 1038.19. b.
- William Neuill L. Fau|conbridge. 1297.12.1307.22.
- Wye riuer. 270.52
- Williã Lucre knight ſlain. 1300.1.
- Wincheſter caſtel beſieged. 377.60.
- Windſore fortreſſe. 391.12
- Williã Trowtbeck knight. pag. 129 [...]. col. 2. lin. 34.
- William Peche. 1298.38
- Wye riuer. 297.29
- Windſore. 278.76
- William Butley ſpeaker of the Parliament. 1271.55
- William Wickham Biſhop of Wincheſter. 1144.3
- William a Parre ſlaine. 1304.5.
- Wil Corum ſlaine. 1288.13
- Wil. Parre knight. 1125.35
- Wil. Hoſey eſquier. 1288.56
- Wil. Malm. cited. 364.72
- Wilkinſon Oſwalde execu|ted. 1864.40
- VVlnardus Biſhoppe of Hereforde. 195.12
- VVorceſter Citie taken, and ſacked by the Ba|rons. 765.54
- VVorceter Citie almoſt wholy conſumed wyth fire. 352.25
- VVorceter citie and caſtel beſieged, and deliuered. 318.73.
- Women deſirous too haue their beautye blaſed. 232.101.
- VVorceter citie taken and cõſumed with fire. 384.19
- VVolſtane keepeth his bi|ſhoprike, by working a myracle. 309.70
- VVolſtans Croſier ſtaffe myraculouſly ſticketh faſt in Sainte Edwardes tombe. 309.75
- VVorceter caſtell beſieged and deliuered. 384.20
- VVoodſtock manor buil|ded. 364.13
- VVorldly pleaſures turne too naught in a moment. 188.62.
- VVorceter Citie and the Countrey burnt, and ſac|ked, for ſleaing K. Har|dicnuts collectors. 267.26
- VVool ſtaple remoued frõ Flaunders intoo Eng|lande. 941.27. a
- VVomen prophecie of the Romaines expulſing out of Britaine. 61.12
- VVorſhipping of Ima|ges refuſed by the Prin|ces and biſhops in Eng|lande. 199. [...]8
- VVolſtane Archbiſhop of Yorke. 227.6
- VVolſtane impriſoned for being of counſaile with his countrymens reuol|ting from K. Edredus. 229.77. and why other|wiſe. 230.7
- VVolſtane ſet at libertie, and pardoned. 230. a
- VVodneſburie battayle ſought betweene the weſt Saxons and Mercians. 187.104.
- VVoduile Edward Lord VVoduile, aydeth the duke of Brytaine with foure. C. men withoute the kings conſent. 14 [...]3. 34. hath almoſt all hys men ſlaine. ead. 56.
- VVoolfes payed to King Edgar for a yearely try|bute. 232
- VVolueſey caſtell won by Lewes. [...]01.3
- VVolſtane Biſhoppe of VVorceſter, ſubmitteth himſelfe to King VVil|liam. 291.56
- VVodens pedegrue deri|ued from Adamſ. 239.29
- VVoden an anciẽt prince of the Saxons. 1 [...]3.5
- VVoden falſly reputed a God. 113. [...]
- VVodens children & their poſteritie. 1 [...]9.100
- VVolſhere king of Mer|cia departeth this lyfe. 181.44
- VVomen with childe how to bee ordred concerning Churchrites. 149.71
- Wolſey Cardinall thought to be author of the kings doubt of the lawfulneſſe of his mariage. 1551.1 is diſpleaſed with the Emperor and why. 1551.7. ſitteth in iudgemẽt vp|pon the kings mariage. 1551.24. offended wyth the Kings liking of the Ladie Anne Bolongne, laboreth to ſtay ſentence 1552.21. is in diſpleaſure with the king, eadem. 43. hath the great ſeale takẽ from him. ead. 20. is con|demned in a Premn [...]ire. ead. 30. is depriued of the Biſhoprike of Dureſme and the Abbey of Saint Albons, & all his goods. ead. 40. is ſent downe in|to his Dioceſſe of York. 1554.20. writeth too the King for his Pall and Miter. 1555.8. is arre|ſted. ead. 24. dieth. ead. 46 is deſcribed. 1556.1
- VVodeneſdic. 145.57
- VVodeneſborne battaile, fought by the Britaines agaynſte the Saxons. 145.77.
- Thomas of VVodſtocke created Earle of Buc|kingham. 1006.8. b
- EEBO page image 1491Woods in VVales cutte downe. 811.53. a
- Thomas of VVoodſtocke created Earle of Buc|kingham. 1050.2. b
- VVooll ſtaple remoued to Calais. 969.12. a
- VVooddes cut downe in Angleſey. 60.1
- Woodfield battaile, fought by the Engliſhmen a|gainſt the Danes. 221.66
- VVolde VVilliam prior of Birlington putte too death. 1570.15
- VVoolſtaple at Sand|wich. 799.4 a
- VVonwaldremere. 201.35
- VVorthie anſwere of Hẽ|rie the thirde to the Po|pes Nuncio. 713.74
- VVonden, people called by the Engliſhmen, by ye name of Danes. 215.16
- VVorſeley William deane of Poules traitor. 1443.42
- Woodhouſe Thomas exe|cuted. 1869.54
- VVorceter Abbey buyl|ded. 277.31
- VVorlde drowned by the great deluge. 1.53
- Wolſhere brother to Pea|da, made king of Mer|cia. 176.47
- VVolfgangus Lazius ci|ted. 105.92
- VVonders. 968.10. d
- VVolſey Thomas, the kings Almoner. 1479.7. taketh the oth of the Ci|tizens of Tourney for the king. 1479.21. con|ſecrated Biſhop of Lin|colne. 1494.36. borne at Ipſwich and deſcribed. ibid. conſecrated Archbi|ſhop of yorke. 1496.50. choſen Cardinall. 1497.19. is made Lord chance|lor. cad. 42. hath his Car+dinals Hat brought too London with great try|umph. ead. 53. calleth too accountes all thoſe that hadde medled with the kings money. 1498.27. executeth iuſtice very ſe|uerely. ead. 34. conceiueth a grudge agaynſt Fran|ces the Frenche king. 1499.1. obteyneth the bi|ſhoprike of Bath. 1504.50. obteyneth a gainfull court of Legate to be e|rected. 1504.30. hurteth all the Cleargie with his ill example of pride. ead. 45. his exceſſiue pride. ea. 52. and .1505.1. hath a thouſande Markes of yearely penſion of the Frenche king. 1505.40. his pompe. 1510.22. hath great authoritie and cre|dite committed vnto him by the Engliſh & French kings. 1510.30. goeth to Calais to parle with the French Ambaſſadours. 1516.55. goeth to Bru|ges the Emperour com|ming a mile oute of the towne to meete him. 1517 27. carieth the great ſeale with him beyonde the ſeas. ead. 3. maketh mea|nes to the Pope. 1518.20. giueth a generall diſ|penſation for eating of white meates one Lent. 1519.40. his pompe and pride. 1520.3. and ead. 22 is made B. of Durham. 1524.11. reſigneth the biſhoprike of Bath. ead. 11. laboureth tooth and nayle to get a great ſub|ſidie graunted. 1524.40. remoueth the conuocatiõ from Poules too weſt|minſter. 1524.32. woulde haue viſited the Friers Obſeruantes, but they withſtood him. 1533.40. erecteth two Colledges. ead. 56. ſuppreſſeth ſmall Monaſteries. 1534.41. deuiſeth ſtraunge Com|miſſions. ead. 41. altereth the ſtate of the Kings houſe. 1526.24. goeth Ambaſſador into France with a thouſand two hũ|dred horſes. 1539.16. de|uiſeth a newe forme of Letanie 1539.22
- women vnwilling to agree 943.53. a.
- wolney foure Miles from warwike. 1321.40
- Wodens iſſue. 282.6
- wreſtling betweene Lon|doners and men of weſt|minſter. 620.60
- wriotheſley Thomas lord wriotheſley, made Lord Chancellour and knight of the Garter. 1610.38. one of the Kings execu|tors. 1611.55. is created Earle of Southamton. .1614.15. depriued of the Chauncellorſhip and au|thoritie in the Counſail. ead. 47.
- writers in the time of Hẽ|rie the fifth. 1218. co. 2.32
- wolles ſtayed. 809.17. b
- wraw Iohn captain of the Suffolke rebels. 1030.40
- wreckes pardoned by king Richard the firſt. 489.77
- wriotheſley Tho. knight, Secretarie created Lord wriotheſley of Trihe|field. 1591.54
- wraw Iohn prieſt execu|ted. 1038.30. b
- writers in the time of Hẽ|rie the fourth. 1163.39
- writers that liued in king Iohns dayes. 607.36
- wolſtane biſhop of worce|ſter dieth. 336.5
- Edmonde of woodſtocke borne. 836.22. a. Earle of Kent. 861.3. b. is con|demned of Treaſon. 892 23. b. beheaded. 893.20. a
- wulhard Earle ouerthro|weth the Danes wyth an armye at Hampton. 206.77.
- wulferth, looke Vimer.