You are here: 1577 > Volume 4 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 22 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1491) Y.
- YIn auncient time had the ſound of v. and i. 9.91.
- Yarde meaſure ordeyned in Englande through all places. 337.56
- Yewan king of Northum|berland. 22.92
- Yll May day. 1511.1
- Yeomen of the Garde inſti|tuted. 1426.40
- Yong Thomas Archbi|ſhop of Yorke dieth. 1839 23.
- Yorkeſwolde ſpoyled by the Scottes. 871.4. a
- Yorke Monaſterie buyl|ded. 307.16
- Yorke citie by whom buil|ded. 18.10
- Yorkeſhyre men rebell a|gainſt the Romains, and are appeaſed. 54.25
- Yorke Citizens put to their fine for ſleaing the Iewes 483.80.
- Yorke william Biſhop of Sariſburie dieth. 742.45
- yorkeſhire and Northum|berlande, waſted by king william. 302.37
- yong men ſet vp in digni|tie, eaſilye forget them|ſelues. 412.56
- yorkeſhire ſubdued to Le|wes. 602.35
- yorke beſieged by the Sax|ons and reſcued. 127.47
- york beſieged by king Ar|thure. 132.47
- yorkeſhire waſted by the Danes. 209.41. and .240.49.
- yorke burnt by the Danes. 209.61.
- yorke conquered by King Reynolde. 223.102
- yong beautifull boyes and wenches, ſolde for money into Denmarke. 275.42
- yorke Caſtell buylded. 299.1.
- yorke great part conſumed with fire, and by what meanes. 300.50
- yorke beſieged, and deliue|red too King william. 301.30.
- ypres william Generall of Queene Mawdes armie agaynſt Mawde Empreſſe. 377.65
- ypres william Earle of Kent, conſtrained to for|ſake the realme. 395.73
- ypres william Earle of Kent his Countrey and progenie. 377.66
- Iſabell Dutches of yorke dieth. 1084.40. b
- yuon Haruey, deliuereth certaine Caſtels into the handes of King Henrie the ſeconde. 411.54
- yureceſter Richard Arch|deacon of Poicters, made Biſhop of wincheſter. 432.55.
- yuri taken by the En|gliſh. 1198.50.
- yuell a towne. 1336.14
You are here: 1577 > Volume 4 >
Back Matter: Section 1 of
A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 23 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1491) Z.
- ZEno Emperor. 122.87
- Zeale of the Northũ|bers in aduauncing the chriſtian faith. 16 [...].76.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 4 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of the firſt part of
the Engliſh Historie before the Conqueſt.
Snippet: 1 of 7 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1491) Faultes and ouerſightes eſcaped in the printing of the firſt part of the Engliſh Historie before the Conqueſt.
FIrſt in the Catalogue of the Au|thours, whom I haue in the collec|tion of the ſame hyſtorie chiefly fol|lowed, I forgot Iohn Brend, who wrote the expedition intoo Scotlande, 1544. Thomas Churchyard, Vlpian, Fulwell, Thomas Knell, Polibius, Nicholaus Perotus, Hadrianus Berlandus, and ſuch other.