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A Table ſeruing vnto both parts of the Chronicles of England, wherein,
for thy better inſtruction (gentle Reader,) thou ſhalt vn|derſtand, that
the firſt number ſignifyeth the page, and the ſecond number, the line of the
page, which in ſome places thou ſhalt finde diuided into the lynes of
the Columes, and in ſome other, to followe the number of the whole
lynes of the page, ſome pages are by ouerſight eſcaped faultie, which it may
pleaſe thee to correct, and ſo vſe it to thy profite.
Snippet: 20 of 23 (1577, Volume 4, p. 1487) V.
- VAriance and debate betwixt the Studẽts in Oxforde. 755.63
- Valeria, now called Sti|ermacke. 105.7
- Valencunus moueth a re|bellion in Britaine. 105. line. 17
- Valentia, the prouince in Britaine ſo called. 105. line. 55
- Variance beetweene the Schollers of Oxforde and the towneſmen. 766. line. 64
- Valence William, Earle of Pembroke, halfe bro|ther to King Henry the third. 772.23
- Valenrinianus elected Emperoure, admitteth Valens his brother fel|lowe wyth hym in the Empire. 103.62
- Valentinian Emperoure. 121.54
- Valentinian the Emperor ſlayne. 121.62
- Valence William Earle of Pembroke. 749.60. greate variaunce bee|twixte hym and other Earles. 749.67. hee cal|leth the Earle of Ley|ceſter traytor. 749.71
- Variance betwixt the Bi|ſhoppe of Durham, and Earle Patricke, for the newe building of Ber|wike bridge. 547.56
- Valiant courage of a Ro|maine enſigne bearers 36.46
- Valuation of euery mans ſubſtance made. 312.82
- Vannes won by the En|gliſhmen. 918.2. b
- Philip de Valois ye french dyeth. 945.11. b
- Variance beetweene the Duke of Lane, and Erle [...] Arundell. 1084.3. b
- Variance betwixt Henrye the thirde, and his Ba|rons. 64 [...].35
- Vandales chaſed & ſlayne by the Engliſhmen. 260 line. 84.
- Valdoys derogate from the grace of the ſacra|ments. 400.33
- Valdors condemned, and ſlerued to death. 400.87
- Variance beetweene the Goldſmithes and tay|lers within the Citie of London. 780.21
- Valentinianus, brother to Gratianus the Empe|rour. 96.15
- Valentinianus chaſed in|to Slauonie, and put in daunger by Maximus. 97.66
- Valdoys, certaine Dutch|men, come ouer into En|glande with ſtrange opi|nions. 400.3
- Vauconuillers Caſtel be|ſieged, and taken by the Engliſhe. page. 1021. col. 1. line. 58
- Vale Rial Abbey builded. 793.17. b
- Valdoys their opinions, whiche they defended. 400.23
- Vandoſme towne taken by the Engliſhmen. 432. line. 46
- Vane Raufe knyght com|mitted to ye tower. 1709.31. is hanged. 1712.5
- Vdall William Knyght, counſellor to Prince Ar|thur. 1456.53
- Veduriones, a kynde of EEBO page image 1488 Pi [...]s. 104.6
- Verolanium a towne, and where ſituate. 64.22
- Veuxin in Normãdy wa|ſted 385.32
- Vernueill beſieged by the French King, taken, and burnt. 428.15
- Vernueill beſieged by the French King, but not ta|ken, as ſome write. 429. line. 18
- Verianianus and Dindi|mus, two breethren ſlain by Conſtans. 98.51
- Vernon Warren, Baron of Shipbroke. 323.47
- Veer Alberike Earle. 372. line. 69
- Veer Alberike ſlayne in a tumult at London. 377. line. 103
- Vernon towne and Caſtel taken by the frenchmen. 385.51
- Vernon and Newmerche reſtored to the Duke of Normandie. 393.47
- Veſie William, an engliſh Captaine. 434.26
- Vecta, ſonne to Woden. 113.17
- Veſpaſian ſente into Bri|taine with an army. 52.12
- Veſpaſian repulſed from Sandwiche, landeth at Totnes. 52.27
- Veſpaſian, partner wyth Claudius in ye gouerne|ment of Britaine. 52 59
- Venutius ruler of the Fu|gants, marrieth Queene Cartimandua. 58.70
- Vellocatus married Qu. Cartimandua. 58.82
- Venutius becommeth e|nimie to the Romaines. 58.86
- Venutius kepeth his king+dome in deſpite of the Romaines. 58.106
- Verannius Lieutenant of Britaine. 59.57
- Verannius deiected of manifeſt ambition. 59.62
- Vere Iohn, Earle of Ox|forde ſente againſt the counterfete Earle of Warwik. 1430.1. at black heath field. 1447.1. Lord Stewarde of Englande on the arraignemente of Edward Earle of War|wike. 1454.32
- Vernon and Maunt takẽ by the engliſh. page. 1198 col. 2. line. 10
- Verrine Captayn of Bol|logne. 1596.50
- Vectius Volanus, Lieu|tenant of Britain. 66.46
- Veſpaſian Emperoure of Rome. 66.63
- Veſpaſian Emperour dy|eth. 73.44
- Robert Veer Erle of Ox|ford, created Marqueſſe of Deuelin. 1050.4. b
- Vernuel in Perche taken by the Duke of Lanca|ſter. 955 37. b
- Vepount Robert. 595.71
- Robert Veer created D. of Ireland. 1054.20. a
- Verdict, and what it ſigni|fyeth. 304.6
- Vertuous zeale of Alu|red, to bring his people to an honeſt trade of life. 218.8
- Vernon Henrye Knighte. 1450.15
- Vere Henry Conſtable of Giſors. 464.25
- Vffines dominion, or Vf|fines. 126.92
- William Vfford Earle of Suffolk dyeth. 1038.47. a
- Roberte Vfforde created Earle of Suffolke. 900.13. b
- Iohn Vfforde made Arch|biſhop of Caunterburie. 943.53. b. dyed. ibidem.
- Vffa beginner of ye king|dome of Eaſt angles. 126.84
- Vimer Kyng of North|wales, ſubdued by king Adelſtane. 225.22
- Vimer reſtored to hys kingdome, acknowled|geth to holde it of Kyng Adelſtane, and his ſuc|ceſſors. 225.25
- Vigenius and Peredu|rus conſpire againſt E|lidurus. 31.83
- Vigenius and Peredurus raigne ioyntly as Kings in Britaine. 31.100
- Viſion appeareth vnto K. Alured, and his mother. 214.14.
- Viniano Cardinal, Popes Legate in Ireland. 448. line. 24
- Vicount of Melune a French man, lying ſicke at London whereof hee died, diſcouereth to cer|taine Engliſhe Barons the purpoſe of Lewes againſt them. 603.39
- Villages drowned and deſtroyed in Englande by riſing of the Sea. 251. line. 40
- Vikillus, or Wiſketell gouernoure of North|folke. 243.75
- Vikillus leadeth an army againſt the Danes, and is vanquiſhed. 245 35
- Vigferd, Biſhop of Shir|bourne ſlayne. 204.66
- Vilianous and ſhamefull abuſes of the Romains towards Queene Voa|dicia, & others in Bri|taine. 64.77
- Viſion ſeene by Richarde Archbiſhop of Caunter|burie, whereof he dyed. 460.12
- Viſion of King Edward, touching the ſtate of this Realme after his death. 279.100
- Vices of ſundry nations, learned by the Engliſh|men. 232.1
- Viper a Saxon Captaine ſlayne. 126.30
- Sir Iohn de Viẽne Cap|taine of Calais. 938.28. a
- Vites or Iutes come ouer out of Germanie into Britaine. 112.82
- Vidues Robert. 1463.1
- Viſion of Brightwold, cõ|cerning the ſucceſſion of the Crowne of England 267.91
- Vitailes great plenty ſẽt into Fraunce to Henry the third. 704.55
- The Vicar of Thiſtle|worth executed. 1563.39
- Vies builded. 23.51
- Vies Caſtell builded. 371. line. 70
- Vliſſes came into Britain 9.2
- Vlfridus, ſonne to Penda ſucceedeth his father in the Kingdome of Mer|tia. 167.35
- Vlſus and Aulafus, prin|ces of Swedeners, ouer|throwen by King Cnute. 261.16
- Vlfe, Biſhop of Lincolne, departeth the Realme. 274.35
- Vlpius Marcellus ſente Lieutenante into Bri|taine. 76.92
- Vlpius Marcellus his di|ligence, moderation in ſleepe, and temperance in dyet. 76.92
- Vmfreyuille Odonet, an Engliſh Captaine. 434. line. 27
- Vnlearned men preferred 1117.20. a
- Vniuerſitie of Oxforde founded. 217.61
- Vniuerſitie of Cambridge more auntiente than of Oxford. 217.61
- Vnthankefull attemptes required with ſorrowe. 429.40
- Vnlawful marriages for|bidden, and commaun|ded to be broken. 149.34
- Vnnaturalneſſe of Leirs two eldeſt daughters to|wards him. 20.12
- Vniuerſitie Colledge in Oxford founded. 312.58
- Vnwone Biſhop of Ligor. 199.15
- Vniuerſall murreyne of Cartaile through out al England. 361.76
- Vnguſt King of Pictes, and Egberte King of Northumberlande, re|ceyue the Britains ſub|iection. 194.63
- Vniuerſitie of Cambrige founded. 171.106
- Vortiporus, ſonne to Au|relius Conanus, created King of Britaine. 139.57 and .140.65
- Vortiporus vanquiſheth the Saxons in battayle. 141.3
- Vortiporus dieth without iſſue. 141.15
- Voluſenus ſent ouer into Britaine to view it. 35.6
- Vortigernus committeth inceſt wyth hys owne daughter. 122.39
- Vortigernus depoſed, and his heardman made K. 122.52
- Vortigernus and his Ca|ſtell brent with fire from Heauen. 122.65
- Voluſenus returneth out of Britaine with aun|ſwere. 35.63
- Voadicia wife to Praſu|tagus, abuſed and bea|ten by the Romain ſoul|dyers. 60.80
- Voadicia made generall of the Britiſhe armye a|gainſte the Romaines. 61.47
- Voadicias exhortation to hir Souldyers. 61.68
- Voadicias perſonage and attire. 61.54
- Voadicias prayer. 63.33
- Vortigernus a deepe diſ|ſembler. 110.22
- Vortigernus choſen king of Britaine. 110.34
- Vortigernus Earle or Duke of the Geniſſes. 110.48
- Vortigernus, an amorous Knight of faire Ladyes. 112.77
- Vortigernus forſaketh his wife, and marrieth Rowen. 113.91
- Vortigernus depriued of his Kingdome. 114.46
- Vortimer, ſonne to Vor|tigernus, Crowned K. of Britaine. 114.47
- Vortimer giueth the Sa|xons ſundry ouerthrows 115.73
- EEBO page image 1488Vortimer poyſoned. 116. line. 32
- Vortimer reſtoreth ye chri|ſtian Religion, decayed by the Saxons. 117.41
- Vortigernus reſtored to the Kingdome of Bri|taine. 117.47
- Vortigernus taken priſo|ner by Hengiſt. 118.58
- Vortigernus ſet at liber|tie. 118.48
- Vortigernus brent togy|ther wyth hys Caſtell with wild fire. 122.32
- Voadicia dyeth. 65.35
- Vortigerus, looke Vorti|gernus.
- Vortigernus, a man of great authoritie among the Britaines. 109.52
- Vortigernus, why he pro|cured Conſtantius the Monke to bee made K. 109.60
- Vortigernus ruleth ye lãd of Britaine vnder Con|ſtantius at his pleaſure. 109.86
- Vortigernus ſubtile dea|ling to get the peoples fauour. 109.101
- Voice of the people, the voice of God. 331.72
- Vprore in London againſt the Venicians. 1290. col. [...]. line. 10
- Vebane, conſecrated By|ſhop of Glamorgan. 347. line. 14
- Vrſula, daughter to Dio|nothus Duke of Corne|wall. 95.97
- Vrſula taken and ſlayne as ſhe was ſayling into little Britaine. 95.106
- Vrſwike Chriſtopher the Kings Chaplaine, ſente Ambaſſador into Frãce. 1432.2. ſent thither Am|baſſador again. 1433.10. ſente Ambaſſador into Naples. 1440.30. kings Aulmonen iadem, ſente Ambaſſador vnto Max| [...]mulion the King of the Romaines. 439.18
- Vſerers called Caorſini excommunicated. 647. line. 44
- Vſerers come from Rome into England. [...]35.23
- Vſerers the Popes Mer|chants. 725.50
- Vter Pendragon, ſente with a power into Ire|land. 123.30
- Vter Pendragon ſente with an armie againſte [...]al [...]mius. 123.50
- Vter Pendragon and Au|relius Ambroſe, returne into great Britain with an army. 123.19
- Vnſeaſonable weather. 552. [...]3
- Vthred Earle. 241.29. and 252.45
- Vter Pendragon carried ouer into little Britain. 110.19
- Vthred ſubmitteth hym|ſelfe, & deliuereth pled|ges to Cnute. 252.68
- Vthred taken, and put to death. 252.71
- Vripreds landes giuen to Iricius. 252.71
- Vter Pendragon, brother to Aurelius Ambroſe, made King of Britaine. 127.32
- Vter Pendragon, why ſo called. 127.36
- Vter Pendragon faileth in loue with Agwarne, wife to Gorolus, Duke of Cornewall. 128.32
- Vter Pendragon ſlayeth Gorolus D. of Corne|wall. 128.35
- Vter Pendragon marri|eth Igwarne, ſometyme wife to the D. of Corne|wall. 128.38
- Vter Pendragon dyeth of poyſon. 129.18
- Vther, a Daniſhe Earle ſlayne. 22 [...].64
- Vulthere King of Mer|cia, ſelleth the Biſhop|ricke of London. 17 [...].77