You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 5 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) E.
- EAſterlings trade into Ireland. 19. build diuers townes. ibid. what they are. ibid.
- Earthquake. 45
- Edward the firſt writeth to the Iriſh Lords. 47
- Edward the ſecond writeth to the Lorde Iuſtice of Ireland. 58
- Engliſhmẽ reuoked forth of Ireland by Edict. 26
- Eſchequer remoued. 64
- EEBO page image 660Euſtace of Ballicutlan. 92.96
- Euſtace Ienet. 99
- Euſtace Rowland knight. 74
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 6 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) F.
- FIeld Iames of Luſke. 93
- Field Thomas of Payneſtowne. 95
- Fernes foũded 12. Ferrando William. 25
- Ferguſe king of Scottes drowned. 8
- Fernis caſtell taken and burnt. 57
- Ferguſius. 3. Fiftenth graunted. 45
- Finean. 1.12. Fingall ſpoyled. 91
- Fitz Girald Thomas, eldeſt ſonne to the erle of Kildare, Lord deputie to his father. 89. his anſwere to ſir Iohn Aleyns taunt 90 the occaſion of his rebellion, and his proce|dings. his ſtratagemes 99. he is executed. 101. his deſcription. ibid.
- Fitz Giralde Marie. 102
- Fitz Girald Elenor. 102
- Fitz Thomas Morice Erle of Kildare, his ſeruice at the ſiege of Calais. 63. his allow|ance being Lord Iuſtice what it was. 64
- Fitz Morice Girald erle of Deſmõd ſlain. 64
- Fitzgiralde Girald reſtored to the Erledome of Kildar. 102. his aduẽtures in his youth in France, Flaunders and Italy. 102.103
- Fitz Giralde Richarde, his prophecye of the Cowes bely. 100
- Fitz Giralde Maurice one of the chiefe con|querors of Irelande his pedegree. 22. hee ſayleth into Ireland with a power. 24. his dealings. ibid. and. 31. his death. 38
- Fitz Giralde Morice his ſonne. 44.45
- Fitz Giralde Morice Earle of Deſmonde drowned. 45
- Fitz Roger William, Prior of the knightes hoſpitallers taken. 45
- Fitz Stephens Raufe trayterouſly murthe|red. 39
- Fitz Stephens Robert, one of the chief con|querors of Irelande his pedegree. 22. paſ|ſeth into Irelãd with a power. 23. his pro|ceedings there. 27. &. 28. his deſcription. 38
- Fitz Aldelme Lord Deputie his deſcription. 37. his dealings. 38
- Finglaſſe chiefe baron. 91
- Fitz Simons Iohn, Mutor of Dublin his good ſeruice in repulſing the Moores 80. his anſwere to the Biſhop of Meth. [...]5. he vittayleth the caſtell of Dublin. 92
- Fitz Simons Patricke, his woorthie ex|ployte. 80.91
- Fitz Simons Tho. recorder of Dublin. 84
- Fitz Giralde Margaret, hir doings and de|ſcription. 79.81
- Fitz Girald of Lexlip. 81
- Fitz Thomas Iohn the firſt Earle of Kil|dare. 55. falleth out with Veſcie Lord Iu|ſtice. &c. 44
- Fitz Thomas Morice Earle of Deſmonde his troubles.
- Fitz Morice Morice. 45
- Fitz Giralde Bartholomow. 92
- Fitz Giralde Iohn knight. 92
- Fitz Girald Olmer. 92
- Fitz Girald Iames, Walter, Oliuer, Iohn, & Richarde, apprehended. 100. executed. 101
- Fitz William Iohn. 65
- Fitz Thomas Morice captaine of the Iriſh at Stoke battaile. 75
- Fitz Giralde Giralde Erle of Kildare Lord Deputie to Edwarde King Richarde the thirde his ſonne. 74. and to Henrie duke of Yorke. 75. a fauorer of Lambart and Par|kyn warbecke. ibid. vanquiſheth the Iriſh at Knoctowe fielde. ibid. his aunſwere to Boice one of his Gentlemen. 78. his aun|ſwere at his examinatiõ before Henrie the ſe|uenth. 78. his death and deſcription. 79.78
- Fitz Girald Giralde his ſonne Earle of Kil|dare, Lorde deputie his victories agaynſt the Tooles and Ocorell. &c. 79. his accuſa|tions, examinations and aunſweres be|fore the Counſaile. his exhor|tation to his ſonne. 89. hee dyeth in the Tower. 101. his wiſh before his death, his attainder. 105
- Flerings Richard Archbiſhop of Dublin. 49
- Forthred caſtell buylded. 40
- Fraxinis Iohn. 64
- Frecell gouernour of Waterford ſlaine. 34
- Fridley king of Denmark inuadeth Irelãd, and winneth Dublin by a policie. 16
- Frotho king of Denmarke hys voyage into Irelande. 17
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 7 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) G.
- GAlas Primate of Ardmagh. 31
- Galloghlaſſes. 98
- Gandius. 3 Garbaneles. 3
- Gathelus a Grecian arriueth with his peo|ple in Irelande. 4
- Gaueſton Peirs ſent into Irelande. 51. his proceedings there. ibid.
- Gegathus. 17
- Geiſchell Caſtell razed. 49
- Genandus. 3
- George duke of Clarence his byrth. 73
- Geffrey Monmouth 7
- Gernon Iames. 93
- Giantes. 2. are vanquiſhed in battaile. 3. they preuaile. ibid. are vtterlye rooted oute of Irelande. ibid.
- Gillemeholmoche. 29
- Giraldus Cambrenſis his firſt cõming into Ireland. 39.40
- Giraldines fauourers of the houſe of Yorke. 74.44
- Glenbury ouerthrow. 45
- Goderius king of Limſter. 2
- Gormaunſton family whence. 64
- Gregorie king of Scottes. [...]
- Griffin. 31
- Gurguntius king of Brytaine. 4.5
- Gurmundus. 14.16
- Gu [...]o K. of Denmark dyeth for ſorow. 18