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Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 2 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) B.
- BAlimore burnt. 49
- Ballioll Edw. king of Scots doth homage. 46
- Balram Lord of Enford his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Banchor. 12
- Barnevale of Beerehauen, his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Barnewell Lorde of Trinieſton, ſurrendereth the ſword to ſir William Skeffington. 97
- Barod Lord of the garde his yearely reuenues in Henrie the fourth his dayes. 68
- Barby Thomas Maior of Dublin. 85
- Barre Philip. 39
- Barre Robert a valiant Gentleman. 23
- Bard de Nelan an Iriſh Richmour. 93
- Bartolenus. 1. Barre Robert. 23
- Bath William of Dollardeſtowne his wordes. 96
- Battail of Ardineigh 57. Battail of Knoctone. 75
- Battaile agaynſt the Giants. 2
- Bedlow Iohn. 65. Bedlow of the Roche. 80
- Bonneuille Iohn. 51. Beterley Walter. 66
- Bignort Alexander Archbiſhoppe of Dublin 56. erecteth an Vniuerſitie. 57
- Birmingham Walter his notable act. 65
- Birmingham Iohn vanquiſheth the Scottes. 57 is made erle of Louth. 57 is made L. iuſtice. 58
- Birmingham Peter. 50
- Birminghams famous captaines. 57
- Biſſet Hugh. 55
- Biſhops how they were elected 20. maryed By|ſhops. 13
- Bithi one of the firſt finders out of Ireland. 1
- Blanchfield a Citizen of Dublin ſlaine. 7 [...]
- Blake Iohn Maior of Dublin. 75
- Boice his wordes to the Erle of Kildare. 7 [...]
- Bothum William, Archbiſhop of Dublin. 47
- Boureate caſtle. 60. Bounaght. 74
- Brennus king of Brytaine called into Ireland. 4
- Brewſe Philip. 31. Bren Obren. 60
- Brendan Abbot. 12
- Brereton William knight, landeth with his ſoul|diours. 90. ſommoneth the caſtell of Maynoth, ſcaleth the walles, and aduaunceth his ſtandar [...] on the higheſt turret. 97. hee is left to defende Dublyn againſt the rebels. 99. ſkirmiſheth with the rebelles. 100
- Brytayne Iohn Erle of Richmonde Lord War|den of Scotlande. 50
- Britons when firſt they entred Ireland. 4
- Bride Saint hir life. 11
- Brought [...]n Thomas knight. 75
- Bruce Edwarde, brother to the king of Scottes inuadeth Irelande, and cauſeth himſelfe to bee crowned king. 52. his actes there. 53.55. ſlaine at the battaile of Ardmagh. 57
- Bruce Robert king of Scottes landeth in Ire|lande, [...]4
- Bruce Robert. 52
- Burgh William. 70 Burgh Thomas. 60.65
- Burghes and Birminghams. 54
- Burgh William. 51.55
- Burgh Rich. erle of Vlſter beſiegeth Athlone. 46. is taken priſoner. 47. inuadeth Scotland. 48
- Burkeyns. 67
- Burnell Iohn of Balgriffin. 9 [...]. executed at Ty|burne. 99
- Butler Iames eldeſt ſonne to the Erle of Oſſory his letter to the Lorde Fitz G [...]ralde. 91. hee is wounded by the rebels, 93
- Butler Iames Earle of Ormonde marcheth to Dublin with a great power. 77. is purſued by the Citizens into Saint Patrickes church. 78 his deſcription. ibid.
- Butler Iames Lorde of Ormonde vanquiſheth Omore and his horrible armie. 71. his famous exploytes. 7 [...]
- Butlers fauourers of the houſe of Lancaſter. 4
- Butler Piers Erle of Oſſorie, marieth Marga|ret ſiſter to the erle of Kildare. 79. ſlayeth Ia|mes a baſtard Butler ibid. is appoynted Lord deputie. 80. accuſeth the erle of Kildare. 83
- Butler Edmonde his exploytes. 52.55
- Butler Thomas. 59
- Butler Walter made Erle of Vlſter. 44.45
- Butler Theobalde. 44
- Butler Iames knight Lord Treaſorer. [...]5
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Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 3 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 659) C.
- CAlfe Henrie. 49
- Caltropes ſtrawe [...] by the Iriſh to annoy the Danes at their landing. 17
- Cannon Thomas. 90
- Carew .63. the Marques Caro his yearely re|uenues. 68
- Cardinals ſent to king Henrie the ſeconde. [...]
- Carauſius. 8
- Caraticus king of Britaine. 14
- Caſhels ſpoyled by the Scottes. 55
- Coteſbach Euſtace Chamberlaine of Scotlãd. 50
- Catholicus Archbiſhop of Thomond. 30
- Catherlaghe. 64
- Cathgur Oconthir king of Connagh. 45
- Cantreb what it is, and by whome inu [...]aded. 3
- Canute ſlaine at the ſiege of Dublin. 18
- Ca [...]nton Dauid knight. 4 [...]
- Caucocke Thomas L. Chancellour of Irelande cõſecrated vi of Imaley kepeth a great feaſt. 49
- EEBO page image 660Celeſtine. 9
- Celſus biſhop of Ardmagh. 12
- Cenanus firſt a man of warre, then a biſhop. 12
- Ceſara nece to Noe, firſt finder out of Ireland. 1
- Charter of Ireland confirmed by Parliament. 67
- Chriſtian biſhop of Liſmore, ſummoneth a pro|uinciall counſaile in Ireland. 20
- Chriſt church ſteeple in Dublin quite burnt. 46
- Citrius Prince of Dublin. 46
- Clare Thomas ſine Obrenroth king of Tholeth|mond. 45. dyeth. 46
- Clare Richard diſcomfiteth Richard earle of Vl|ſter with a great armye 51. ſlayeth. 600. of the Galagheghas. ibid is ſlaine. 56
- Clergie denounceth curſing agaynſt the breakers of their allegiance to the king of England. 35
- Clentars field. 19. Cocherings. 74
- Cogan Miles a valiant knight, captaine of Dub|lin, repulſeth the enimies from the ſiege there|of. 26. his good ſeruice in the ciuill warres a|gaynſt king Henrie the ſeconde. 37. is ioyned in commiſſion with William Fitz Aldelme lieute|nant of Ireland ibid. trayterouſly ſlaine. 39
- Cogan Richard. 39. Cokeſey Hugh. 70
- Colton Iohn Archbiſhop of Ardmagh. 66
- Colmolm caſtel taken. 72.
- Commiſſioners ſent into Irelande to examine the controuerſies betweene the Earles of Kildare and Oſſorie. 81
- Commiſſioners ſent into Irelande by king Hen|rie the ſecond. 35
- Combat. 71
- Comyn Iordayne ſlayeth Maritagh Oconguir king of Offalie. 48
- Combat chalenged by certain French knights. 42
- Commiſſioners ſent into Ireland to examin ſuch as were ſuſpected with the Lord Fitz Giralde his rebellion. 104
- Contention for preheminence of churches. 40.51
- Con Oneale beareth the ſworde before the Lorde deputie. 81
- Conereth a ſauage people of Ireland. 12
- Conthurus. 23
- Conway Iohn knight preſident of Vlſter. 11
- Corbi what it ſignifieth. 67
- Corke the reuenues of the Baronies within the ſame. 68. waſted by Reymond le Grace with the Engliſh armie. 36
- Cormacke Mack Dermote, Mack Rori, ioyneth with the Lorde Iuſtice, and vanquiſheth Odo|nill the Iriſh enimie. 44
- Councell at Grenocke. 45
- Councell of the cleargie holden at Caſhill. 30
- Counteſſe of Vlſter a cruell woman. 61
- Cowes belly. 100
- Cowly Robert Baylife of Dublin, after maiſter of the Rolles in Ireland. 90
- Crauley Thomas Archbiſhop of Dublin a great benefactor, his death and deſcription. 70
- Cragfergus beſieged by the Scottes, and yelded to them. 55
- Cromuder primate of Ardmagh. 85. his deſcrip|tion. 91. his good exhortation to the Lorde Fitz Girald at his reuolting. 92
- Crauly Thomas Archbiſhop of Dublin, choſen Lord Iuſtice. 69
- Crathlinth king of Scottes. 8
- Croftes Hugh. 56
- Cumin Archbiſhoppe of Dublin. 40. buildeth the kings caſtell there 44. he foundeth S. Patricks church. 44
- Curcy Iohn conquereth Vlſter. 38. his fiue bat|tails ibid he rebelleth and is taken. 42. his ſtout anſwere to king Iohn. ibid. his act before king Iohn & the French k. his death & deſcriptiõ. 43
- Curcy Lord of Kelbretton his reuenues. 68
- Cuſacke Iohn. 57. Cuſacke Adam. 45
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Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 4 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) D.
- DArcy Iohn L. Iuſtice inuadeth Scotlãd. 6
- Daris. 11
- Dearth great. 47
- Deceter Richard. 4
- Decer Iohn maior of Dub. a great benefactor. 51
- Delahide Iohn. 93
- Delahide Walter knight, and the lady Genet Eu|ſtace his wife. 99.100
- Delahide Iames principall counſaylor to the lord Fitz Girald in his rebellion. 91.93. flieth into Scotland and there dieth. 101
- Dela a Grecian his fiue ſonnes with a power cõ|quere Ireland. 3
- Dermote king of Cork ſubmitteth himſelf to Hẽ|rie the ſeconde. 2.29
- Derwarth caſtell buylded. 41
- Dermote king of Deſmonde, with a great power is diſcomfited in battail. 33. is expelled out of his countrey by his ſonne, and reſtored by Rey|mond le Grace. 36
- Donate Biſhop of Dublin. 46
- Donald prince of the vpper Oſſorie. 23.26
- Donald prince of Thomõd beſiegeth Limerick. 35 playeth the periured traytour. 3 [...]
- Doubrothy Abbay founded. 39
- Donalde prince of Limericke ſubmitteth himſelfe to Henrie the ſecond. 29. diſcomfiteth the Dub|linians. 33. rebelleth and is ſubdued. 38
- Donate Obren 52. Donegan Odowill. 52
- Dowdall Iohn ſherif of Louth ſlaine. 66
- Downe. 11 Dowiſh Abbay founded. 44
- Dradargh ye marchãts thereof inuade Scotlãd. 67
- Drake Iohn Maior of Dublin his worthie ex|ployte. 66
- Dublin, fired by a policie, and ſo won by the Da|nes. 16. againe won and rifled by the Danes. 17. taken by ſiege againe by the Danes. ibid. againe wonne by the Danes. 18. founded by Iuorus an Eaſterling. 19. ſubdued by the Engliſhe armye vnder the leading of Maurice Fitz Girald. 24. taken by Dermote king of Lemſter by aſſault 26. aſſaulted by the Norwegians, but defended, ibid. beſieged by an huge power of Iriſhmen. 27 aſſaulted by Ororicke king of Meth. 28. defaced by fire. 45. a great part burnt. 4 [...]. indicted by the Popes Legate. 79. beſieged by Thomas Lorde Fitz Girald and his rebels. 94. the Maioraltie and officers of the citie. 60
- Dublinians inuade Scotland and Wales. 67. ſlay and take a great nũber within Obren his coun|trey. 65. ruſhe into Saint Patrikes churche in warlike maner. 78. are diſcomfited by Fitz Gi|rald and his rebels 91. their youth are takẽ pri|ſoners by the rebels. 95. they vanquiſh the Re|belles. 95
- Dubtactus Saint Brides father. 11
- Duffe Adam an heretike burnt. 58
- Dundenolfe. 25
- Dundalke taken and burnt by the Scots. 52
- Dunlouan burnt. 51