You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 8 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) H.
- HAco a Daniſh Captaine. 17
- Hamertons, Captaynes of the Engliſhe footemen flame. 96
- Harolde the king of Denmarks ſon, and his brother Knought inuade Irelande. 18
- Haſtings Philip. 51
- Haſtulfe with an armye of Norwegians aſ|ſaulteth Dublyn. 26. is taken priſoner, and for hys intemperate talke beheaded. 27
- Hauerings Richard Archb. of Dublin. 49
- Hector Boetius the Scot excuſed. 7
- Henrie the ſeconde obteyneth Pope Adri|ans licence to attempt the cõqueſt of Ire|lande. 21. hee ſayleth into Irelande. 29. Roderick the Monarke and all the Prin|ces of the whole Ilande (they of Vlſter onely excepted) acknowledge him ſupreme Prince of all, and become his liegemen. 30 he feaſteth al the Iriſh princes, and calleth a Sinode of the Cleargie. ibid. he appoyn|teth Captaines for the ſafe keeping of the countrey, and returneth into England. 31
- Herbert Francis Alderman of Dublin, ſent to king Henrie. 92
- Hermion ſlayeth his brother Hiberus. 5
- Heruie de Monte Mauriſeo rewarded by Dermote king of Lemſter. 23. taketh vp|on him to lead the ſouldiours. 33. enuieth Reymonde le Grace and ſtyrreth king Henrie agaynſt him. 35. his deſcription. 37 foundeth the Abbey of Dõbrothy, and be|commeth a Monke. 39
- Hibernia, why ſo called. 5
- Hiberus, the Spaniard his arryuall in Ire|lande. 22
- Holland Robert lord Iuſtice of Cheſter. 50
- Holywood. 64
- Hollande ſent Captaine to maiſter Saliſ|burie. 97
- Hoſtages deliuered to be kept within the ca|ſtel of Dublin by the lords of Ireland for their loyaltie to king Henry the ſecond. 53
- Howard Thomas erle of Surrey, and after duke of Norffolk is appoynted lieutenant. 80. repulſeth the Moores readie to inuade the Engliſhe pale. ibid. his prayſe. ibid. is bound for the Erle of Kildare. 83
- Huſſey Iohn a truſtie and a valiant eſquire, his worthie exploit. 54. his ſucceſſors made Barons of Galirim. ibid.
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 9 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) I.
- IAcke Cade. 73. Iohn a Leekes. 5 [...]
- Iohn ſonne to king Henrie the ſecond, af|ter king of Englande ſent into Irelande 40.41. ſlayeth hir nephew. 42. his voyage into Irelande. 43. or his ſurrender thereof into the Popes handes. 44
- Iohn be in Mare. 47. Iohn of Gueſham. 47
- Iohn de Saint Paule. 46
- Ioi [...]e Rowlande. 51
- Irelande by whome firſt inhabited. [...].3. con|quered by the Grecians, and [...] by them. 3. inuaded and ſpoyled by the S [...]i|thians. 4. how it was named. ibid. conque|red by the Spaniards. 5. ſubiect to Arthur king of Britayn. ibid. deuided by the Spa|niards. ibid. inuaded and conquered by the Norwegians. 14. inuaded by the Danes .16. againe inuaded by the Danes. 17. again inuaded by the Danes. ibid. again by them ibid. againe by them. 18. ſubiect to Henry the ſecond. 29. giuẽ by him to his ſon Iohn after king. 40. giuen to Edwarde ſonne to Henrie the third. 44. inuaded and waſted by the Scottes. 5 [...]
- Iriſh franklings their behauiours. 40
- Iriſhe their outrages in time of Parlia|ments. 70
- Iriſh borne 64. I [...]p waker. 56
- Iuorus an Eaſterling foũder of Dublin. 1 [...]
You are here: 1577 > Volume 3 >
Back Matter: Section 2 of
3: A TABLE EXACTLY DRAVVEN for the Hiſtorie of Irelande.
Snippet: 10 of 20 (1577, Volume 3, p. 660) K.
- KArreck caſtell built by Fitz Stephẽs. 24
- Kemwrike Shereman Maior of Dub|lin, a great benefactor. 63
- Kemun Caſtell burne. 50
- Kemni caſtell razed by the L. lieutenant. 70
- Kormacke Oletham ſonne to the Prince of Deſmonde, committeth his father to pri|ſon. 36
- Keruill gouernour of the Iriſh men ſlain [...] battaile by the Danes. 17
- EEBO page image 661Kettle Alice a Witch. 58
- Kildare Caſtel taken. 47
- Kilkenny the Suburbes walled by Robert Talbot. 70
- Knoc [...]ow field. 75. Knights created 47.52
- Knought ſonne to Gurino king of Denmark ſlaine at the ſiege of Dublin. 18