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Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 80Kildare all this while kept in authoritie, not|withſtanding the puſhes giuen againſte him by ſecrete heauers, that enuyed his fortune, and ſought to nouriſh the olde grudge, was at lẽgth by their priuie packing,Kildare ſent for into En|gland. fetched vp to the Court of Englande by commiſſion, and cauſed hym to bee examined vppon dyuers interrogatories touching the affayres of Irelande.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Maurice Fitz Thomas Lord Iuſtice.Hee left in hys roomth Maurice Fitz Tho|mas, of Lackragh Lorde Iuſtice: and ſhortly after came ouer Lorde Lieutenaunt Thomas Howarde Earle of Surrey, who was after Duke of Northfolke,Surrey Lord Lieutenant of Irelande. 1521 Grandfather to the laſt Duke, accompanyed with two hundred yeo|men of the Crowne: before whome, ſhortly af|ter his repaire thither, there was a Parliamente holden at Dublin,A Parliamente holden at Dublin. in whiche, there paſt an acte, that al wilful burning of corne, as wel in reekes in the fields, as in Villages and Townes, ſhuld be high treaſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Item an acte agaynſte lodyng wolles and floxe, vppon payne of forfayture of the double value of the ſame, the one halfe to the Kyng, and the other halfe to him that will ſue there|fore.

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Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 The Next daie following, Piers hauing intelli|gence that his enimie the base Butler would haue trauelled from Donmore to Kilkennie, notwithstan|ding he were accompanied with six horssemen: yet Piers hauing none but his lackie, did forestall him in the waie, and with a couragious charge gored the The bastard Butler slaine. bastard through with his speare. This prosperous calme succéeding the former boisterous storme, the ladie Margaret began to take heart, hir naturall stoutnesse floted, as well by the remembrance of hir noble birth, as by the intelligence of hir honorable match. Kildare all this while kept in authoritie, not|withstanding the pushes giuen against him by se|cret heauers that enuied his fortune, and sought to nourish the old grudge, was at length by their priuie packing fetched vp to the court of England by com|mission, Kildare sent for into Eng|land. and caused him to be examined vpon di|uerse interrogatories touching the affaires of Ire|land.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 5 He left in his roome Maurice Fitzthomas of Lac|kragh Maurice Fitzthomas lord iustice. Su [...]e lord lieutenant of Ireland. 1521 A parlement holden at Dublin. lord iustice: and shortlie after came ouer lord lieutenant Thomas Howard earle of Surreie, who was after duke of Norffolke, grandfather to the last duke, accompanied with two hundred yeomen of the crowne: before whome, shortlie after his repaire thither, there was a parlement holden at Dublin, in which there past an act, that all wilfull burning of corne, as well in réekes in the fields, as also in villa|ges and townes, should be high treason. Item, an act against loding of woolles & flor, vpon paine of for|feiture of the double value of the same, the one halfe to the king, and the other halfe to him that will sue therefore. Item, that anie person seized of lands, rents, or tenements in possession or in vse, vnto the yearelie value of ten markes aboue the charges, in fee simple, fée taile, or for terme of life, copie hold, or ancient demeane, shall passe in euerie atteint. While the lord lieutenant sat at dinner in the castell, of The Moores in rebellion. Dublin, he heard news that the Moors with a maine armie were euen at the entrie of the borders, readie to inuade the English pale. Immediatlie men were Iohn Fitz|simons. leuied by Iohn Fitzsimons then maior of Dublin, and the next morrow ioining them vnto his band, the lieutenant marched towards the frontiers of Leix.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 2 3 4 The Moores vpon the lieutenant his approch, seue|red themselues into sundrie companies, and vnder|standing that the cariage was dragging after the armie, and slenderlie manned, certeine of them char|ged the lieutenant his seruants, and such of the citi|zens as were appointed to gard the cariage. Patrike Fitzsimons, a strong sturdie yoonker, kept the eni|mies such tacke, as he chased part of them awaie, re|scued Patrike Fitzsimons. the cariage, slue two of the rebels, and brought the heads with him to maister maior his tent. The next morning, two of the lieutenant his men, that slunke awaie from Fitzsimons, thinking that the ca|riage had béene lost, aduertised their lord that Fitz|simons fled awaie; and the Moores were so manie in companie, as it had béene but follie for two to bicker with so great a number. The lieutenant possed in a rage to the maior his pauillion, telling him that his man Fitzsimons was a cowardlie traitor in run|ning awaie, when he should haue defended the ca|riage.