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Compare 1587 edition: 1 Truely Margaret, quoth the Earle of Oſ|ſorie, thou ſhalt haue ſtore of Wine within thys foure and twentie houres, or elſe thou ſhalte feede alone on milke for me.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The nexte daye following, Pierce hauyng intelligence, that hys enimie the bace Butler woulde haue trauayled from Donmore to Kil|kennie, notwithſtanding hee were accompa|nyed with ſyxe horſemenne, yet Pierce hauyng none but hys Lackey, did forſtalle hym in the way, and with a couragious charge,The Baſterde Butler ſlayne [...] gored the Baſterd through with his ſpeare.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Thys proſperous calme ſucceeding the for|mer boyſterous ſtorme, the Lady Margaret began to take hearte, hir naturall ſtouteneſſe floted, as well by the remembraunce of hir noble birth, as by the intelligence of hir honorable match.

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