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Compare 1587 edition: 1 In the Winter following, the Coneſtable of Cheſter and his aſſociate returned into England, and Hugh Lacie was againe appoynted Lorde Lieutenant of Irelande, hauing one of the kings Chaplaynes ioyned with him, named Robert de Shrewreſburie, to be as it were an aſſyſtaunt to him, and a witneſſe of all his dealings. Who vpon his returne nowe into Irelande, fell in hand to buylde more Caſtelles in places where he ſawe it expedient, ſo to reſtrayne the attemptes of vn|ruly perſons, and to defende others from ſuſtey|ning iniurie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 This Hugh Lacie was a man right diligent in his buſineſſe,The deſcripti|tion of Hugh Lacie. and carefull, and as he was an expert warriour, ſo yet was he not verie fortunate in iourneys nowe and then which he made vpon the enimyes. He was of vyſage browne, blacke eyed and hollowe, flat noſed, with his cheeke on the right ſyde diſfigured, by reaſon hee had beene burnt by chaunce in his youth, ſhort necked, his bodie hearie, but ſtrong ſinewed. And to conclude, of ſtature ſmall, and of ſhape deformed.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 After the deceaſſe of his wife, he was noted to be verie diſſolute of lyfe, vſing the companie not of one but of manye Concubines, couetous to heape vppe ryches, and ambicious beyonde meaſure.

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