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Compare 1587 edition: 1 But nowe to the Hyſtorie. In the yeare laſt paſt, to witte, 1182. (or as others haue) in the yeare .1180. dyed Laurence Archbiſhop of Dub|lyn, after whõ ſucceeded Iohn Cumyn an Eng|liſh man, that was brought vp in the Abbey of Eueſham founder of Saint Patrikes in Dub|lyn, which before that time was a pariſh Church, and by him conuerted into a Colledge, with ſuffi|cient reuenues aſſigned for the maintenaunce of parſons, vicars, clearkes and choriſters.

There hath riſen great contention betwixt this and chriſts Church for antiquitie,Contention betwixt Chur|ches for pree|minence of antiquitie. wherin doubt|leſſe (ſayth our Author) Saint Patrike ought to giue place. They are in deed both written cathe|drall Churches, and both reputed the Biſhops Chapiter, in whoſe electiõ they ought to come to|gither in the Church of the Trinitie, commonly called Chriſts Church, which in all recordes hath the preeminẽce of place. The party diſturbing this order of election, forfeyteth to the Archebiſhop of Dublyn .200. lb The foundation of S. Patrikes was greatly aduaunced by king Iohn.

In the yeare .1183.


The death of king Henrie the ſonne.

died king Henrie the ſonne reconciled to his father, but preparing a new war agaynſt his brother Richard Duke of Aquitaine. And ſhortly after died another of king Henries ſonnes named Geffrey Erle of Brytaine.

Ireland giuen to Iohn the ſonne of king Henrie.


And ſo were left Richard, and Iohn that was after Erle of Glouceſter, ſurnamed without land, to whome the father conueyed all his intereſt and Lordeſhip of Irelande, and ſent him thither honourably ac|companied, being then but .xij. yeares olde, & with him in eſpecial truſt Geraldus Cambrenſis a ler|ned man, and a diligent ſearcher of antiquities.

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