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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 The Abbey of Roſglas was founded about the [figure appears here on page 39] ſame time. And the Welchman Heruey, one of the ſpeciall conquerors of Irelande, founded the Abbey of Donbrothy. And afterwards about this ſeaſon,


Heruey be|cometh a Monke.

to wit, in the yeare .1179. he renounced the world, & became a Monke in Trinity Abbey at Canterbury. In this meane while, Hugh Lacie had fenced the countreys of Meth & Leyniſter wt diuers caſtelles & fortreſſes which he had built, the better to bridle the Iriſh from their rebellious at|tempts, and with ſuch politike gouernment as he vſed to bring the people in loue with lawes, and to like of reſt and quietneſſe. The ſtate of thoſe EEBO page image 40 Countreyes whereof he had the rule, was in ſhort time brought to a perfite frame of a well ordered Prouince, for he behaued himſelfe ſo courteouſly among them that ſhewed themſelues duetifull, and hampered the other that woulde abyde no order, ſo as he was both greatly loued and fea|red, inſomuche at length ſome ſuſpition grewe, leaſt hee woulde haue vſurped a Kingdome to himſelfe, wherevppon Iohn Lacie the Cone|ſtable of Cheſter,1182 and Rycharde de Peche were ſent ouer into Irelande from king Henrie to take vppon them the gouernment in Hugh Lacyes rowmth, who was commaunded to returne into England to the king.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 They arryued in Irelande aboute the latter ende of Aprill, remayning there all the Sommer following: diuerſe Caſtelles were by them buil|ded with the aduiſe of Hugh Lacie before he de|parted homewardes, as at Fothred, Oualan, at Treſteldermot, at Collacht, and ſundrye o|ther.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Where as Meiller enioyed the Countrey of Kildare giuen to him by Earle Srangbow, they remoued him from thence into the Countrey of Leys, exchaunging with him in the Kings be|halfe to haue the one for the other. And this was done of purpoſe, that he being a warrelyke perſo|nage, ſhoulde poſſeſſe a Countrey wylde and full of enimies, whereby to bring the rebels into ſome conformitie by force, ſith otherwiſe they were not to be tamed.

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