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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 3 EEBO page image 35The Clergie therfore now of late hauing per|vſed thoſe Bulles, and perceyuing that vnder ſtreight paynes they were commaunded to owe their allegiance vnto the king of Englande, they buſily did their diligence to repreſſe the furie of their Countrey men, and by authoritie aſwell of the Bulles of Pope Adrian, as Pope Alexander, which had beene publikely read in the Counſel at Caſſhell,Curſing. they denounced all thoſe accurſed that maliciouſly ſhoulde withſtande or ſeeke to make fruſtrat the ſame. By ſuch meanes ye land reſting from any great troubleſome rebelliõs for a while, the firſt that began to ſtyrre, was Donalde king of Lymerike, who leaping out, renounced his al|legiance to the king of Englãd, whervpon Rey|mond aſſembling togither an army of .C. and .xx knights wt .CCC. other horſmẽ, & .CCCC. ar|chers on foot, about the Kalends of October mar|ched boldly towards Lymerike,Reymonde marcheth to|ward Limerik. & cõming to the water that runneth round about that towne, paſ|ſeth the ſame, notwithſtanding the aduerſaryes were readie there to keepe him off. One of Rey|monds nephews, a yong ſtripling called Dauid, and ſurnamed Welch, bycauſe he was borne in Wales, though not of the Welch linage, was the firſt that lept into the riuer, & led the way to giue example to others.They paſſe the riuer. The ſecond (ſaue one knight that was drowned) was Meiller, and Reymond the third that entred the water. When the whole army was once got ouer, with ye loſſe only of that one knight that hight Guy, & two other horſmen, they folowed their enimies, and making of them great ſlaughter,Limerike wonne. ceaſſed not til they brake into the citie, and wan the ſame with great riches which [figure appears here on page 35] they [...]ounde within it. Here is to be noted, that Lymerik was taken vpon a Tueſday,Tueſday for| [...]ate to the Conquerors of Ireland. and Wa|terford likewiſe was taken vpon a Tueſday, and alſo Dublyn. Neither came this to paſſe of any purpoſe, but f [...]ll out euen ſo as chaunce gaue it.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 Reymond diſpoſing things in order for the ſure gard of that citie, cauſed vitails from ech ſide to be brought into it, and leauing there .l. knights two hundred horſmen, and .CC. archers, vnder the gouernment of Miles of S. Dauid hys cou|ſin that was appoynted captaine of that citie,Miles of Saint [...]uid. he returned and drew into Leyniſter with the reſi|due of his people in ſafetie, hauing thus obteyned a notable victorie.Heruey enuy| [...] Reymonds [...]. But as enuie is euer a com|panion to well doing, though not to further, but readie ſtill to hinder the ſame, ſo Heruie bearing a continuall ſecrete grudge agaynſt Reymondes glorie, that neyther reſpect of affinitie, nor other reaſonable conſideration coulde cauſe him to forget it, ſticked not to ſende Meſſengers to the King, with ſiniſter informations agaynſt Rey|monde, wrongly interpreting all hys doings, in ſo muche that he put into the kings head, how he went about as one fully determined thervpon, not onely to vſurpe to hymſelfe and his, the Ci|tie of Lymerike, but alſo all Irelande, greatly a|gaynſt the kings honour and his owne promiſed fidelitie.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 The king crediting ſuch reports,Foure Com|miſſioners ſent into Ire|lãd to enquire of Reymondes demeanor. ſent ouer foure commiſſioners into Ireland to examine the mat|ter, & to make a true certificat of the ſtate of that land. The names of thoſe commiſſioners were theſe, Robert Poer, Oſbert de Herloter, Adam de Gernemuth, and William de Bendenges. Two of them he appoynted to returne backe, & to bring Reymonde with them: the other two hee com|maunded to remaine there with the Erle.

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12.8. The oration and speech of Reimond vnto his companie, and of the recouerie of the citie of Limerike. Chap. 8.

The oration and speech of Reimond vnto his companie, and of the recouerie of the citie of Limerike. Chap. 8.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 OYe woorthie men, of nature valiant, and whose prowesse we haue well tried, come ye awaie. The waie heretofore not knowne, and the riuer hitherto though not passable, by our aduentures a foord is now found therein: let vs therefore follow him that is gone be|fore, and helpe him being now in distresse. Let vs not suffer, nor sée so woorthie a gentleman, thus for our common cause and honor oppressed, to perish and be cast awaie before our eies and in our sights for want of our helpe, and by meanes of our sluggish|nesse. It is no time now to vse manie words, nor lei|sure serueth to make manie spéeches. The shortnesse of the time, the present necessitie of this noble gen|tleman, & the state of our owne honors vrgeth expe|dition, & requireth hast. And euen with these words he put spurres to the horsse, and aduentureth the ri|uer: after whome followed the whole companie, eue|rie one striuing who might be formost. And as God would they passed all safe ouer, sauing two souldiors and one gentleman named Guido, who were drow|ned. They were no sooner come to land, but that their enimies all fled and ran awaie, whome they pursued, and in the chase slue a number of them, as also ente|red and tooke the towne. And hauing thus gotten both the citie and the victorie, they recouered their small losse with great spoiles & riches, as also reaped great honor and fame.

Now reader, which of these thrée thinkest thou best valiant, and best woorthie of honor? Him who first ad|uentured the riuer, and taught the way? Or him who séeing the losse of his companion, the perill of the ri|uer, and the multitude of the enimies, did yet (not fearing death nor perill) aduenture himselfe in the midle of his enimies? Or him who hastilie setting all feare apart, did hazard himselfe and all his hoast to saue the friend, and to aduenture vpon the enimie? And this one thing by the waie is to be noted, that on a tuesdaie Limerike was first conquered, on a tues|daie A note con|cerning tues|daie or the daie of Mars. it was againe recouered, on a tuesdaie Wa|terford was taken, on a tuesdaie Wexford was gotten, and on a tuesdaie Dublin was woone. And these things came not thus to passe, as it were by a set match, but euen of a common course of fortune, or by Gods so appointment. And it is not altogither against reason, that martiall affaires should haue good successe vpon Mars his daie.

12.9. The description of Reimond. Chap. 9.

The description of Reimond. Chap. 9.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 EEimond was big bodied and brode set, of stature somwhat more than meane, his haire yellow and curled, his eies big, greie, and round; his nose somewhat high, his countenance well coloured, pleasant, and merie. And although he were somewhat grosse bellied, yet by reason of a certeine liuelinesse which was in him, he couered that fault: and so that which séemed to be a blemish in his bodie, he couered with the vertue of his mind. He had such a speciall care of his men and soldiors, that he would be a spie ouer his watchmen, and in his trauell that waie he watched manie whole nights, ranging and walking abroad in the camps. And in this he was verie happie & fortunate, that he EEBO page image 38 would neuer or verie seldome laie violent hands vpon anie, of whom he had charge or were vnder his gouernement, although he had rashlie or vnaduised|lie ouerthrowne himselfe, & straied out of the waie.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 He was verie wise, modest, and warie, being no|thing delicat in his fare, nor curious of his apparell. He could awaie with all wethers, both hot and cold; and indure anie paines: he was also verie patient, & could verie well rule his affections. He was more desirous to doo good to such as he gouerned, than to be glorious of his gouernement: for he would shew himselfe more like to be a seruant than a master. Fi|nallie and to conclude, he was a verie liberall, wise, gentle, and a circumspect man. And albeit he were a verie valiant capteine, and a noble soldior: yet in all martiall affaires, he passed and excelled in wise|dome & prouidence. A man doubtles in both respects much to be praised and commended: hauing in him whatsoeuer apperteined to a valiant souldior, but ex|celling in all things belonging to a good capteine.

12.10. The description of Meilerius. Chap. 10.

The description of Meilerius. Chap. 10.

Compare 1577 edition: 1 MEilerius was a man of a browne hew and complexion, his eies blacke, his looke grim, and his countenance sowre & sharpe, and of a meane stature; his bodie for the bignesse verie strong, broad brested, & he was small bellied. His armes and other lims mors sine wous than fleshie, a stout and a valiant gentleman he was and emulous. He neuer refused anie aduenture or enterprise which were either to be doone by one alone, or by mo; he would be the first that would enter the field, and the last that would depart from the same. In all seruices he would either haue the garland or die in the place, and so vnpatient he was in all ex|ploits, that he would either haue his purpose, or lie in the dust: and so ambitious and desirous he was to haue honor, that to atteine therevnto, there was no means nor mild thing but that he would suerlie haue the same either in death or in life: for if he could not haue it and liue, he would suerlie haue it by dieng. And verelie both he and Reimond haue béen worthie of too too much praise and commendation, if they had beene lesse ambitious of worldlie honors, and more carefull of Christes church, and deuout in christian religion, whereby the ancient rights thereof might haue beene preserued and kept safe and sound: and also in consideration of their so manie conquests and bloudie victories, and of the spilling of so much innocent blood, and murthering of so manie christian people, they had béene thankefull to God, and liberal|lie contributed some good portion for the furtherance of his church and religion. But what shall I saie? It is not so strange but much more to be lamented, that this vnthankefulnesse euen from our first comming into this land, vntill these presents, this hath béene the generall and common fault of all our men.