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Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 Herevpon they choſe forth a conuenient num|ber to leaue behinde them in the Citie for the ga [...]d thereof, and with the reſidue marched forth, deui|ded into three troupes, the firſt being [...] Rey|monde accompanied with .xx. knightes. The ſe|conde was gouerned by Myles, who ha [...] wyth him .xxx. knightes: and laſtly in the r [...]rewarde went the Erle himſelfe, and Fitz Geralde, hauing with them .xl. knightes beſide other horſmen, and a fewe Citizens that were ioyned with them in eche of thoſe three wardes ſome: with ſo ſmall a cõpanie they manfully ſet vpon the whole campe of theyr enimies, being fewe leſſe than .xxx. thou|ſand, and [...]o beſtyrred themſelues,A notable vic|torie gotten by a fewe a|gaynſt a great number. that with great ſlaughter they obteyned a glorious victorie, [...]ha|ſing their enimies, and ſleaing them as they o|uertooke them, till the euening came vpon them, and cauſed them to returne into the Citie wyth ſuch vytayles and other ſpoyles as they founde in the enimies campe. Rotherike being in his bane when the fight firſt began, got away as well as he might, and ſo eſcaped.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 EEBO page image 28The Engliſh men hauing thus got the victory and deliuered the citie quite from the ſiege on eche ſide, the next day leauing a competent gariſon within Dublin,Fitz Stephan yeeldeth him|ſelfe to the enimies. they marched forth with theyr victorious enſignes towards Wexford to the ſuc|cor of Fitz Stephan, but before their comming he had yelded himſelf to the enimies: for cauſing him to beleeue by the aſſured report of the Biſhops of Wexford and Kildare, that Dublin was taken, & all the Engliſh men put to the ſworde, they per|ſwaded with him to yeelde before that the armies of Connagh and Leyniſter came, promiſing that if he would commit himſelf vnto their fayth, they would ſee that he ſhoulde be ſafely conueyed ouer into Wales, and ſo eſcape the daunger of al other his enimies. But after he had yeelded himſelf di|uerſe of his people being ſlaine, the reſidue were beaten and maymed, and thruſt into priſon.

Compare 1587 edition: 1 2 After this, the Iriſh hearing that the Engliſhe men were comming as victorers to the reſcue of their friends, they burnt their citie and fled to the Ile that lieth in the mouth of the hauen there cal|led holy Iland, with al their riches, goodes, & cap|tiues. In the meane time the Erle of Pembroke paſſing forth towards Wexford, was encountred at the paſe of Odrone by the army of Lymrike yt was got thither before him to defende the paſſage there againſt him. But ſuch was the force of the Engliſh power (though but a handfull in cõpari|ſon to the number of their aduerſaries, that with ſlaughter of a great number of the Iriſh, they got through into the plaines without any loſſe at all, except of one yong gentleman.Meiller. In this cõflict the accuſtomed prowes of Meiller was ſufficiently apparãt. The Engliſhmẽ then drawing towards Wexford, & bearing what had chaũced vnto Fitz Stephans, they were highly diſpleaſed & troubled in mind, and forthwith turning on the right hand toward Waterford, where they foũd Heruey that was come from the king of Englãd,Heruie retur|neth from the king of Eng|lande. to whom he had bin ſent, and now vpon his returne, brought letters, by the tenor wherof he was authoriſed to perſwade the Erle to returne home into Englãd, who not only ſhewed the letters, but alſo in ſpeech vſed what perſwaſions he might to induce ye Erle to accompliſh the kings pleaſure. The Erle per|ceyuing the kings iealouſie ſtill to continue, & a|gain (how no ſmal part of his army was decayed through ſicknes, & in defẽce of diuerſe good towns which king Roderik had aſſaulted,) he determined to returne into Englande, & to ſeeke to pacifie the kings minde, ſo as he might purchaſe ſome aſſy|ſtance to go through with that he had begon tou|ching the conqueſt of Ireland, and ſo hauing ta|ken order for ye defence of thoſe places which were in his poſſeſſion, he paſſeth the ſea, and came to the king whom he found at Miweham, not farre from Gloceſter redy there with an army to paſſe forward towards Ireland. Here after much talke and reaſoning of matters, by the mediation & in|terceſſion of Heruey,The Earle of Pembroke re|ceyued into the kings fa|uor againe. the Earle was reconciled to the kings fauor, yeelding to the king the chiefeſt parcels of all his winnings, as Dublyn with the Canthredes adioyning, & all the townes & caſtels alongſt by the ſea ſide, and for the reſidue which it pleaſed the king to permit him to inioy, he coue|nanted to acknowledge that he helde the ſame of the king & his heyres for euer. Theſe things thus accorded, the K. toke his iourney directly towards Milford hauen, where he rigged a goodly nauy of ſhippes. About this time the Abbay de caſtro dei was founded. In the meane time Ororike ſur|named Monoculus, that is with the one eie,


Ororike king of Meth com|meth to aſſaile Dublin.

King of Methe, taking occaſion by the abſence of the Erle & alſo of Reymond that remained as yet at Waterforde about the kalendes of September, came to Dublin with a great multitude of men, and finding in the Citie but a few to defende it a|gaynſt [figure appears here on page 28] EEBO page image 29 him with great noyſe and violence aſſay|led the walles and rampyres, in hope to haue en|tred by fine force at the firſt aſſault: but Myles Cogan gouernour of the Citie,Miles Cogan diſcomfiteth the enimies. although he had no great number to make account of about him at that preſent, yet knowing that thoſe few which he had, were men of approued manhoode, ſallyed forth, and ſetting vpon the enimies on the ſodain, made ſuch ſlaughter amongſt thẽ, that the whole number beeing vtterly diſcomfited, he returned backe into the Citie with a glorious victorie. A|mong other of the Iriſh that were ſlaine, a ſonne of king Morice a iolly luſtie yong Gentleman was one.

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